A Mage who is skilled at dealing AoE damage and imbuing buffs to allies.
Hero Information

Exclusive Weapon (Unlocked at Mythic+)
Running Tide
Cassadee selects a direction and invokes a 3-tile-wide wave, dealing 280% damage to all enemies on the path and knocking them back for 2 tiles.
Unlocks at level 51: Increases damage to 300%.
Unlocks at level 111: Increases damage to 320%
Unlocks at level 171: Increases damage to 330%.
Unlocks at level 231: Increases damage to 340%.
Cassadee creates a water column beneath an enemy, knocking them up dealing 240% damage and stunning them for 1.5s.
Unlocks at level 71: Increases damage to 260%.
Unlocks at level 131: Increases damage to 280%.
Unlocks at level 191: Increases damage to 300%.
Tidal Strength
Cassadee selects the nearest ally when a battle starts (prioritizing the ally behind herself), granting them the blessing of Tidal Strength. She deals extra 60% magic damage to the enemy when the blessed ally hits them with normal attacks. The blessing vanishes after the above effect is triggered 9 times. Cassadee will bless this ally again after 9s, which can't be dispelled.
Unlocks at level 91: The extra damage is increased to 70%.
Unlocks at level 151: Cassadee reselects the nearest ally to grant blessing after the previously blessed ally is defeated. The blessing casting cooldown is reduced to 5s.
Unlocks at level 211: The extra damage is increased to 80%.
Hero Focus
Cassadee increases her Haste by 12 during battle. She gains an extra 2 Haste while the first ally blessed by Tidal Strength in battle is alive.
Unlocks using 10 Tidal Essence: Cassadee increases her Haste by 15 during battle. She gains an extra 4 Haste while the first ally blessed by Tidal Strength in battle is alive.
Unlocks using 20 Tidal Essence: Cassadee increases her Haste by 18 during battle. She gains an extra 6 Haste while the first ally blessed by Tidal Strength in battle is alive.
Tidal Blessing
Running Tide grants all allied heroes on the path a temporary buff, empowering their next 6 normal attacks with the effect of Tidal Strength.
Unlocks after reaching Ex. Weapon +5: Extends the attempt of Tidal Strength effect obtained from the skill to 8 times.
Unlocks after reaching Ex. Weapon +10: When an enemy takes damage from Tidal Strength 6 times, they will be hit by Undercurrent once immediately.
Unlocks after reaching Ex. Weapon +15: The Tidal Strength effect obtained from this skill takes effect 9 times.
Enhance Force
Cassadee reduces the Magic DEF of enemies hit by Running Tide by 20% for 10s.