Devastation Evoker The War Within 11.1 Guide

Patch 11.1 Last Updated: 24th Feb, 2025
Matteo Author Avatar


Hey Guys! My name is Matteo. I’ve been raiding in the top 20 scene since Sanctum of Domination and joined Method during Dragonflight as a multiclass range DPS. I started playing Devastation Evoker in the beta of Dragonflight and played it throughout the whole expansion. Note that this guide was written based on PTR and content is subject to change when the patch launches.


Highly Mobile - Evoker is probably one of, if not the most mobile ranged class in the game. Through the use of our ability Hover, we can cast almost all of our abilities while moving. The only abilities we cannot cast while moving are our 2 empowered abilities, Fire Breath and Eternity Surge.

Unique Mastery - Evokers have an interesting mastery called Giantkiller, meaning we do more damage to enemies based on their current health. The higher the health, the more damage we deal. This makes Evokers exceptionally strong at the start of a fight and excellent at handling new targets, for example high priority adds that need to die fast.

Large Utility Toolkit - Evokers have a variety of abilities to provide assistance to your allies. This can be done through off-healing, debuff removal, and unique positioning abilities such as Rescue to help your allies out of a tough situation. Additionally, we also bring the raid buff Blessing of the Bronze, which reduces the cooldown of major movement abilities for all party and raid members by 15%.


Lower Casting Range - Evoker only has a 25-yard casting range; this puts it in a weird position where we have to almost stand between the ranged camp and melee camp, as most casters have a 40 yard casting range.

What has changed

Evoker Changes

  • Rescue now clears movement impairing effects from you and your target.
  • Sleep Walk now has a 1.7 second cast time (was 1.5 seconds).
  • Disintegrate now displays a more subtle visual when viewed by allies in raids and dungeons.

Hero Talent Changes


  • New Talent: Fulminous Roar – Fire Breath and Dream Breath deal their damage and healing in 20% less time.
  • Traveling Flame renamed to Flame Siphon and has been redesigned – No longer increases Dream Breath or Fire Breath duration and spreads. Instead, reduces the cooldown of Fire Breath or Dream Breath by 6 seconds when you cast Engulf.
  • Engulf cooldown reduced to 27 seconds (was 30 seconds) and is now reduced by Haste.
  • Conduit of Flame Critical Strike chance increased to 15% (was 10%). Now correctly specifies that it increases critical strike chance above 50% health for Preservation.
  • Consume Flame now consumes 2 seconds of Fire Breath and Dream Breath (was 4 seconds). Consume Flame damage is now 900% of the amount consumed (was 375%) and healing is now 300% of the amount consumed (was 150%).
  • Consume Flame damage is now increased by Scorching Embers.
  • Consume Flame will now properly have its radius increased when striking larger enemies.
  • Draconic Instincts chance to trigger from smaller damage events has been significantly increased.
  • Expanded Lungs increases the damage or healing over time of Fire Breath and Dream Breath by 30% (was 25%).
  • Expanded Lungs is now a choice talent against Enkindle.
  • Fixed an issue where Engulf’s damage was being increased by damage over time effects from other Evokers.
  • Fan the Flames has been removed.


  • New Talent: Azure Celerity – Disintegrate ticks 1 additional time, but deals 10% less damage.
  • All spell and ability damage increased by 10%.
  • Fire Breath’s damage over time increased by 15%.
  • Eternity Surge damage increased by 20%.
  • Eternity Surge now targets enemies within a 25 yard radius around the Evoker (was a 12 yard radius around the target).
  • Scintillation triggers Eternity Surge at 40% power (was 50%).
  • Firestorm damage increased by 50% and duration reduced to 6 seconds (was 10 seconds).
  • Scorching Embers damage increase now scales with empower level, up to a maximum of 40%, similar to Molten Embers for Augmentation.
  • Hoarded Power has been removed.

Flameshaper received a lot of fine-tuning and neat buffs over the course of this PTR cycle. Thanks to that it got quite competitive when it comes to pure singletarget. Content that includes any form of cleave is still dominated by Scalecommander because of its efficient cleave profile.

Patch 11.0.7 Changes

  • All damage increased by 4%. Does not apply to PvP combat.
  • Pyre damage increased by 20%.

Devastation was doing okayish in raids but was underperforming in Mythic+. These Changes align us with other specs a bit more. The Buff to Pyre could suggest running a more Pyre focused talent build. Turns out this is neither the case for Raids, nor Mythic+. It still makes all the Pyre focused builds a bit stronger and depending on changes or requirements in terms of damage profiles they could see some play in future.

Patch 11.0.5 Changes

  • Tail Swipe is now learned baseline for Evokers.
  • Permeating Chill is now baseline for Evoker.
  • Unravel damage increased by 25%.
  • Blessing of the Bronze now costs 1% base mana (was 4%).
  • Clobbering Sweep reduces Tail Swipe’s cooldown by 2 minutes (was 45 seconds).
  • Heavy Wingbeats reduces Wing Buffet’s cooldown by 2 minutes (was 45 seconds).
  • Renewing Blaze is no longer affected by healing received modifiers (both positive and negative). Dampening in arena is a special case and will continue to decrease the healing of Renewing Blaze.
  • Heavy Wingbeats and Clobbering Sweep are no longer a choice node, and their position has changed in the class tree.
  • Permeating Chill no longer spams immune messages when attacking enemies who are immune to slows.
  • Hero Talents: Scalecommander - Bombardments now summon a variety of different Dracthyr models.


  • Unravel now benefits from and consumes Iridescence: Blue.

Alongside some talent tree changes the thing that stands out the most are the Buffs to Unravel. A flat damage increase to the base damage is neat, in combination with Iridescence: Blue Unravel provides you with massive shield damage.

The War Within Devastation Evoker Changes

The most important change is of course the Hero Talent Trees. These have their own section in the guide where both options are analyzed and explained in depth.

Another huge change coming with The War Within is Spatial Paradox making it to the Class Tree! This gives Devastation access to a really niche but strong utility spell.