Hey, I am Dana, I’m a multi class healer mostly playing Preservation Evoker, Mistweaver Monk and Priest. I am an analyst for Method and GM of the 2-day (strictly 6 hour) guild Drama on Tarren Mill.The guild has seen a steady incline in ranks, since being created in the first tier of Dragonflight, finishing our last tier around wr300.
As someone who doesn’t have a long standing decade history within the game myself, having to (re)learn how to play is something I have a lot of practice with. I’m very passionate about improving as a player and being competitive as a GM and pushing my guild. If you have any questions about the class, guide, getting (back) into PVE, running a guild, or healing in general, feel free to find me on my socials here:
- Twitter:
- Twitch:
- My Discord:
Holy Priest
Holy Priest brings a lot of sustained healing throughput and can spot heal very well thanks to their Holy Words and Lightweaver. Their DPS is good, with easy-to-maintain spells and Power Infusion. It is slightly behind the other healers when it comes to defensives, but you can make some of this up by respecting mechanics and prepositioning in time. It brings a lot of good raid cd’s in Symbol of Hope and Divine Hymn.
For more information and active theorycrafting, the Priest discord is a really helpful resource and a good platform for information, discussion, and questions:Priest Discord:
What has changed
11.1 Holy Changes
For 11.1 Holy Priest has had some significant changes with Holy Word: Salvation and Circle of Healing both having been removed from the talent tree. Instead, there is more focus on empowering your other Holy Words, Renews, and Apotheosis with new talents like:
- Lasting Words – Holy Word: Serenity applies 12 seconds of Renew to its target and Holy Word: Sanctify applies 4 seconds of Renew to allies it heals.
- Light in the Darkness – Increases the healing done by Holy Word: Serenity and Holy Word: Sanctify by 20%/40%. Increases the radius of Holy Word: Sanctify by 15%/30%.
- Dispersing Light – 6% of healing done with Heal, Flash Heal, and Power Word: Life is replicated to 4 injured allies within 40 yards.
- Divinity – Your healing is increased by 10% while Apotheosis is active. When you activate Apotheosis, your next 3 Heal or Prayer of Healing casts are instant and heal for 25% more.
- Eternal Sanctity – Your Holy Words extend the duration of Apotheosis by 1.5 seconds.
- Holy Celerity – Reduces the cooldown of your Holy Words by 15 seconds.
- Empowered Renew – Renew reduces the cooldown of Sanctify by an additional 6 seconds and heals for 60% more when cast, but has a 12 second cooldown.
And some changes to existing talents like:
- Voice of Harmony has been updated – Power Word: Life now also reduces the cooldown of Holy Word: Serenity. Divine Star and Halo now reduce the cooldown of Holy Word: Sanctify.
- Seraphic Crescendo has been redesigned and moved from PvP talents to the Holy tree – Now reduces the cooldown of Divine Hymn by 60 seconds. Choice node against Gales of Song.
- Gales of Song has been redesigned – While channeling Divine Hymn, place 2 stacks of Prayer of Mending on up to 3 allies within its range every 1 second.Prayerful Litany has been redesigned – Now causes the primary target of Prayer of Healing to be healed for 75% more.
11.0.7 Holy Changes
There are no notable class changes for 11.0.7 besides the addition of the new ring Cyrce's Circlet. This ring is now BiS for everyone. There is a section under gearing to detail what gems we will be using in the new ring.
11.0.5 Holy Changes
Holy priest has had very little changes in patch 10.0.5. Dracthyr is now a playable race for priest which brings better tools for dealing with fights and better CC tools for mythic plus. There has also been a slight buff to Sustained Potency with it now pausing Apotheosis if you are not in combat.