Welcome to the Mistweaver Monk guide written by Tincell, part of Honolulu's raid team. I’ve dabbled in the likes of Discipline Priest and Holy Paladin for years of Cutting Edge progress until Mistweaver took hold of me. As a Mistweaver enjoyer my fellow guildies will never hear the end of how awesome we are for everything between Raiding, Mythic+ and outrunning every other class with our great mobility.
Mistweaver is an incredibly strong specialisation. We excel at targeted spot-healing, but are also incredible at healing a large raid group. We have great healing cooldowns in Yu’lon, Chi’Ji and Revival, making us extremely flexible for any raid composition. This is also a great boon in Mythic+, and we have a variety of tools which make us an asset in any 5-man group.
Mistweaver is, however, quite unique from other healers. In raid, we function closest to Discipline. In M+, we are closest to a hybrid of Holy Paladin and Discipline, although with many key differences. A lot of our healing comes directly from our DPS, although we are able to pump insane amounts of healing into individuals. The fact that we are quite unique makes Mistweaver potentially quite intimidating for new players, although I’d argue it is by far the most fun healer in The War Within!
What has changed
Patch 11.1
- Talent position changed for Sheilun’s Gift.
- New talent Emperor’s Favor added that turns Sheilun’s Gift into a single target heal. This talent shares choice node with Legacy of Wisdom.
- Blackout Kick damage increased by 75%.
- Awakened Jadefire effect on Blackout Kick damage changed from 70% to 20%.
- Invoke Chi-Ji now triggers 3 Gust of Mists per triggering event and only once per cleaving ability. This used to be 1 Gust of Mists per event and all cleaving targets. The amount of gusts triggered by Blackout Kick with Chi-Ji are now the same for 1 to 5 targets.
- Dance of the Wind has been redesigned to reduce physical damage taken until receiving a physical damage attack.
- Jade Bond redesigned. Talent no longer grants cooldown reduction for your celestial and Revival. Instead it adds Enveloping Mist to your Chi Cocoon and increases healing of your Celestials.
- Invoke Celestials for both Chi-Ji and Yu’lon has had its base cooldown changed from 3 minutes to 2 minutes. If talented into Celestial Harmony they are still 1 minute cooldowns.
- Chi Cocoon applied from invoking your celestial scales with your Celestial duration. If talented into Jade Bond you’ll see a 100% increase to Chi Cocoon absorb effect.
- Jade Empowerment redesign and scaling changed. Now deals 2500% spell damage to your main target and 15% damage cleave to another 4 targets.
- Lotus Infusion healing buff increased from 8% to 10%
- Celestial Conduit damage increased.
- Heart of the Jade Serpent triggers from every cast of Sheilun’s Gift. Cooldown reduction is proportional to how many clouds Sheilun’s consume.
- Spinning Crane Kick damage increased by 40%
- August Dynasty internal cooldown has been removed. Used to be 8 seconds.
- Overwhelming Force damage reduced from 15% to 5%
- Mending Proliferation now prefers player targets.
- Gust of Mists healing reduced by 10%
- Rushing Wind Kick effect of increasing Renewing Mist healing buffed from 100% to 150%
- Resplendent Mist effect on Gust of Mists healing has been changed from 75/150% to 60/120%
- Mana Tea refunds 15% less mana