Welcome to the Mistweaver Monk guide written by Tincell, part of Honolulu's raid team going into The War Within. I’ve dabbled in the likes of Discipline Priest and Holy Paladin for years of Cutting Edge progress until Mistweaver took hold of me. As a Mistweaver enjoyer my fellow guildies will never hear the end of how awesome we are for everything between Raiding, Mythic+ and outrunning every other class with our great mobility.
Mistweaver is an incredibly strong specialisation. We excel at targeted spot-healing, but are also incredible at healing a large raid group. We have great healing cooldowns in Yu’lon, Chi’Ji and Revival, making us extremely flexible for any raid composition. This is also a great boon in Mythic+, and we have a variety of tools which make us an asset in any 5-man group.
Mistweaver is, however, quite unique from other healers. In raid, we function closest to Discipline. In M+, we are closest to a hybrid of Holy Paladin and Discipline, although with many key differences. A lot of our healing comes directly from our DPS, although we are able to pump insane amounts of healing into individuals. The fact that we are quite unique makes Mistweaver potentially quite intimidating for new players, although I’d argue it is by far the most fun healer in The War Within!
What has changed
Patch 11.0.7
No class or spec changes for Mistweaver as of now, but the Patch introduced a new ring, Cyrce's Circlet.
Class tuning after 11.0.5 release
- Courage of the White Tiger damage increased by 35%. Small buff when using Conduit of the Celestials hero talents as it will increase both damage and healing from Xuen procs.
- All healing increased by 6%.
- Spinning Crane Kick damage to healing transfer with Awakened Jadefire increased to 110% from previous 90%.
- Rushing Wind Kick damage increased by 150%
- Rushing Wind Kick increases healing over time of Renewing Mist by 100% for 4 seconds. Used to be 50% before class tuning.
- Yu’lon’s Whisper healing increased by 400%. This changes nothing for mistweavers as the healing is too low to have any impact.
- Jade Bond was nerfed lowering Gust of Mists healing increase to 20% from previous 60%. This change was mostly done to rein in the overperforming playstyle of using Chiji on Broodtwister.
Patch 11.0.5 changes
- Jade Empowerment added as new talent. After casting Thunder Focus Tea your next Crackling Jade Lightning deals 800% more damage and chains to 4 additional enemies. This is a great new talent making Crackling Jade Lightning once again part of our rotation for both damage and healing through Ancient Teachings.
- Jadefire Teachings and Rushing Wind Kick added as new talents sharing choice node. Jadefire Teachings acts as a healing increase. While Rushing Wind Kick is a ranged alternative to Rising Sun Kick that can be used on fights where it's hard to keep melee uptime high enough.
- Ancient Teachings moved to baseline passive ability and now also heals with damage from Crackling Jade Lightning. Healing from damage has been lowered on Ancient Teachings. However picking Jadefire Teachings will make the transfer percentage the same as before.
- Ancient Concordance has been removed. Its effects have been added to Awakened Jadefire so the interaction is still there for use.
- Nourishing Chi has been removed and replaced by the new talent Refreshment which gives us Mana Tea stacks when using Life Cocoon. It also has the added effect of applying 2 stacks of Healing Elixir on our Life Cocoon target.
- Dome of Mist moved to baseline passive ability. This is likely not going to be used in PvE situations as it's more aimed at PVP where your Enveloping Mists will be dispelled.
The War Within changes
Mistweaver has received several changes to both talent trees going into The War Within. We won’t cover every change and instead focus on the most important ones below.
- Teachings of the Monastery moved to baseline talents
- Mastery: Gust of Mists received several large buffs increasing its percentage scaling and healing per point of mastery.
- Jade Bond buffed for both Chi-Ji and Yu’lon
- Rising Sun Kick and Jadefire Stomp added to Mastery: Gust of Mists
- Crane Style added as new talent
- Vivify healing increased by 56%
- Zen Pulse no longer deals damage and is reworked to a proc based passive heal on your next Vivify
- Essence Font, Clouded Focus, Dampen Harm, Close to Heart and Generous Pour has been removed
- Mana Tea was buffed to compensate for Clouded Focus being removed
- Fortifying Brew cooldown reduced