Protection Warrior The War Within 11.1 Guide

Patch 11.1 Last Updated: 23rd Feb, 2025
Nate Author Avatar


Hey everyone, I’m Nate, a main tank for Method, and welcome to the Protection Warrior Guide for The War Within! Warrior has been a staple tank within WoW since the dawn of time and I’m here to help you master everything you need to know as we move into season 2!

If you have any questions you can find me on my socials:


  • Durable
  • Strong Offensive Output
  • Solid Crowd Control
  • Very Mobile
  • Spell Reflect
  • Battle Shout


  • Lack of Self Healing
  • Defensive Management is very important
  • Weak against DoT damage / unblockable damage
  • Lack of meaningful group utility

    What has changed

    Patch 11.1 Changes

    Season 2 is here and it contains a decent chunk of changes! We’ve had nerfs and buffs, changes and adjustments, and it all adds up to make Mountain Thane slightly worse and Colossus better as well as large changes to our rage economy as a whole. I’ll list talent changes first and then the numerical changes after!


    • Reinforced Plates is now a 2-point talent that grants 5% Stamina and 5% Armor per point.
    • Overwhelming Rage is now a 1-point talent that increases maximum Rage by 30.
    • One-Handed Specialization is now a 2-point talent that grants 3% damage and 2% leech per point.
    • Thunderous Words increases your Bleed damage by 20% on affected targets (was 30%).
    • Cruel strikes, Wild Strikes, and One-Handed Specialization had their node positions in the tree changed.
    • Endurance Training was removed.
    • Impenetrable Wall no longer increases Rage generated by Shield Slam.
    • Booming Voice causes Demo Shout to generate 20 Rage (was 30).
    • Champion’s Bulwark no longer increases the Rag generated by Shield Charge.
    • Violent Outburst rage generation reduce to 50% (was 100%).
    • Shield Wall cooldown reduced to 3 minutes (was 3.5 minutes).
    • Frothing Berserker now has a chance to refund 50% of the Rage spent on Revenge (was 25%).
    • Strategist chance to reset the cooldown on Shield Slam from Devastator reduced to 25% (was 30%).
    • Barbaric Training no longer increases the Rage cost of Revenge.
    • Punish reduces the damage the target deals to you by 3% (was 4%).
    • Mountain Thane Avatar of the Storm has a change to grant 6 seconds of Avatar (was 4).
    • Brace for Impact stacks up to 3 times (was 5) and grants 10% shield slam damage and shield block value by 5% (was 5% shield slam damage and 3% shield block value).
    • Colossus Practiced Strikes increases Rage generated by Shield slam by 3.


    • Ignore Pain buffed by 30%.
    • All ability damage increased by 5%.
    • Shield Slam damage increased by 20%.
    • Execute damage increased by 10%.