Preservation Evoker The War Within 11.1 Guide

Patch 11.1 Last Updated: 24th Feb, 2025
Dana Author Avatar


Hey, I am Dana, I’m a multi class healer mostly playing Preservation Evoker, Mistweaver Monk and Priest. I am an analyst for Method and GM of the 2-day (strictly 6 hour) guild Drama on Tarren Mill. The guild has seen a steady incline in ranks, since being created in the first tier of Dragonflight, finishing our last tier around wr300.

As someone who doesn’t have a long standing decade history within the game myself, having to (re)learn how to play is something I have a lot of practice with. I’m very passionate about improving as a player and being competitive as a GM and pushing my guild. If you have any questions about the class, guide, getting (back) into PVE, running a guild, or healing in general, feel free to find me on my socials here:

Preservation Evoker has been my favourite healer since its release in Dragonflight. The proactive ramps and the hard hitting mini cd playstyle are something I really enjoy and it feels incredibly unique to play compared to the other healing classes.

For more information and active theory crafting, the Evoker discord is a really helpful resource and a good platform for information, discussion, and questions.

Evoker Discord:

A new expansion of Preservation

In the new expansion we received even more different options for our playstyles with hero talents. Hero Talents refresh Preservation entirely by offering a variety of playstyles to explore. You can choose to go with Chronowarden, a set of Hero talents that enhance “Dragonflight's greatest hits”, or you can go with its currently favoured alternative: Flameshaper. A hero talent that focuses on setting up ramps similar to the style of Discipline Priests.

What has changed

11.1 Preservation Changes

For 11.1, Preservation had a mini rework done to its Flameshaper hero talent tree with some talents getting changed. These changes overall make it smoother to play in raid with more and stronger bursts and some quality of life fixes in regards to targeting. Chronowarden remains unchanged.

11.0.7 Preservation Changes

There are no notable class changes for 11.0.7 besides the addition of the new ring Cyrce's Circlet. This ring is now BiS for everyone. There is a section under gearing to detail what gems we will be using in the new ring.

The War Within Changes

Evokers now start at level 10 (was level 58) and the one-Evoker-per-realm restriction has been lifted with the addition of the pre-patch. Because of this, a ton of spells are available at earlier levels. Besides that, there’s been some changes to the class tree and spec tree.

Some important class tree changes to note

Spatial Paradox has been moved to the Class tree (was Augmentation) and its cooldown has been increased to 3 minutes (from 2 minutes). This is now a choice node.

Landslide now roots for 15 seconds (from 30 seconds).

Oppressing Roar cone radius has been increased to 60 degrees (from 45 degrees).

Overawe now grants 30 seconds of cooldown reduction baseline (from cooldown reduction per enrage dispelled).

Panacea healing reduced by 50% and now also heals the caster when Verdant Embrace is cast. Panacea is now considered a Green spell, and gets affected by Lush Growth.

Some important spec tree changes to note

New Talent: Lifespark — Reversion healing has a chance to grant you instant cast Living Flame and increase its damage and healing by 50%.

New Talent: Titan's Gift — Essence Burst increases the effectiveness of your next Essence ability by 25%.

Emerald Blossom mana cost reduced by 15%.

Flow State can now trigger from Empower spells cast from Stasis.

Threads of Fate can no longer trigger from Empower spells cast from Stasis.

Time of Need now triggers at 30% health (from 20%).

Temporal Compression reduces the cast time of Empower spells by 10% per stack (from 5%).