Holy Paladin The War Within 11.1 Guide

Patch 11.1 Last Updated: 13th Mar, 2025
Joki Author Avatar


Hello I’m Joki and I’ve been playing holy paladin since TBC and I’ve been hardcore raiding since BFA (Crucible of Storms) when I joined Honolulu.

Holy paladin is an ever versatile spec with a wide range of utility spells such as stun, interrupt, immunity, freedom and damage reduction, coupled with a powerful reactive healing kit and an emphasis on spot healing.

While classes are buffed and nerfed over time, and metas shift, holy paladins have always endured and carved out a seemingly permanent group spot in all forms of content. The War Within is no different and the spec is in its best state in years. So if you’re considering picking up holy paladin, now is the perfect time to dive in.



  • Poor mobility
  • Melee Healer
  • Lightsmith mechanics are unappealing to many players

    What has changed

    Patch 11.1 Recent Changes

    With patch 11.1 comes a variety of both buffs and nerfs to Holy Paladin. Most notably Avenging Crusader/Lightsmith builds have taken a big hit, making them no longer the default go-to option. While Avenging Crusader might remain strong in fights where the raid is spread out, Herald of the Sun will be the default choice going forward.