With the top 10 finalised for the Race to World First: Liberation of Undermine, we will conclude our coverage.
This raid and RWF had a lot to be remembered. The very challenging 4th and 5th boss that proved a significant wall for a lot of guilds, the last boss taking less pulls for most than the 4th or 5th boss of the raid, and generally being quite an underwhelming and anticlimactic last boss of the raid on Mythic difficulty.
Liquid claimed World First once again, with both World Firsts under their belt in The War Within, so far. The other World First contenders will come back hungry in the next RWF event, the question is, will they be able to overcome the very high performance team of Liquid?
Join us again next Race to World First, later in the year, when we will continue to provide coverage of the Race to World First, including Text Updates, Leaderboards and Graphs that compare key stats across the top guilds.
Banhammer have defeated Chrome King Gallywix, World 10th!
Mate has defeated Chrome King Gallywix, World 9th!
FatSharkYes has defeated Chrome King Gallywix, World 8th!
Ji Tian Hong (佶天鸿) has defeated Chrome King Gallywix, World 7th!
Synergy have defeated Chrome King Gallywix, World 6th!
Instant Dollars have defeated Chrome King Gallywix, World 5th!
Both 佶天鸿 (Jitianhong) World 7th and Synergy World 6th have defeated Mythic Mug'Zee, Heads of Security!
Instant Dollars have defeated Mug'Zee, World 5th!
火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) have defeated Chrome King Gallywix, World 4th!
火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) have defeated Mug'Zee, World 4th!
FatSharkYes have killed One-Armed Bandit, World 6th!
Instant Dollars have defeated One-Armed Bandit, World 5th!
Method have defeated Chrome King Gallywix, World 3rd!
Method are very close to the kill now, with a new best for Chrome King Gallywix of 0.47% on Pull 102!
After some extra sleep last night, and a later start to the day, Method are back online, and looking to lock-in the Chrome King Gallywix kill for World 3rd.
On their second pull of the day, they wipe at 8.72%.
As the night time in EU draws to a close, the rest of the top 5 fighting for position are as follows!
Method are at 8.6% Chrome King Gallywix 火 锅 英 雄 (Huoguo Heroes) are at 20% Mug'Zee, Heads of Security FatSharkYes are at 20.9% The One-Armed Bandit
There are a few other guilds pushing for that top 5 spot and we shall have to see how that turns out over the next few days!
Method have achieved a big new best and hit 8.64% on there 85 pull.
Method have hit another new best of 27.2% after 77 pulls. They are getting the boss down bit by bit.
Method are still chomping away at a nice big bowl of Chrome King Gallywix. 36.55% on the 70th pull of the boss!
Method are back from dinner and are hoping to improve on there best so far of 42.5%.
They are now in the back half the fight and still have a few hours to get this down before the end of their raid day!
Method are progressing against Chrome King Gallywix trying to get that world 3rd. They have achieved a new best of 56.6% on pull 52.
They will be wanting to get this boss finished today and they have multiple hours left in the raid day to achieve that!
Echo have defeated Chrome King Gallywix, World 2nd, on Pull 48!
Echo are getting incredibly close to a kill on Chrome King Gallywix, hitting yet another new best just 2 pulls after their previous, this time reaching 6.31% boss health on Pull 41.
Echo make yet another big jump forward in boss health, with a new best of 11.9% for Chrome King Gallywix on Pull 39. Their previous best was 34.7%.
This boss isn't going to take much longer for them.
Echo are really starting to crack the fight, with another new best on the pull after their previous best. They just pushed the boss to 34.7% on Pull 34. This boss is melting for them!
Echo isn't holding back, just 2 pulls since their last new best, they get Chrome King Gallywix to 44.3% on Pull 33; their previous best was 50.2%.
Method also just hit a new best of 72.6% on Pull 13.
Echo have made a sizable improvement with a new best attempt for Chrome King Gallywix of 50.2% on Pull 31, their previous best was 62.6%.
Method has a new best for Chrome King Gallywix of 77.6% on pull 6, a pretty significant drop from their previous best of 91.6%.
After a needed tactics talk in preparation for Chrome King Gallywix, Method are starting their first pull on the final boss of the raid!
Echo are continuing to pull the boss, with their current best standing at 62.6% and a total of 26 pulls.
Echo continue to make some steady progress on Chrome King Gallywix, hitting a new best of 62.6% on Pull 23.
Method have defeated Mug'Zee, World 3rd, taking 139 Pulls!
Method just hit a massive new best of 0.17% on pull 138, they were a second or 2 from finishing it.
That was a massive jump and now puts them in the category of any pull is a kill! They are really chasing that 2nd spot!!!
Little round up for the morning -
Method are still progressing on Mug'Zee, Heads of Security and are pushing to that 10% pretty regularly, they have also popped Vantus Runes on him. Hoping to push past that onto Chrome King Gallywix as soon as possible.
On that note Echo are back up and running and will be looking to get that world 2nd confirmed quickly as they line themselves up in front of the Chrome King Gallywix!
Method have tickled the boss to a new percent best of 10.1%. They are only a few pulls in this morning and are starting to make progress!
Method are back up and raiding again, they are going to be wanting to get past Mug'Zee, Heads of Security as early as possible today.
They will still be wanting to work towards World 2nd on Chrome King Gallywix.
Instant Dollars takes World 5th, NA 2nd on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock in 173 pulls
poptart corndorG still working to be the 6th on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock with a best at 15.1%, pull 61

Liquid has claimed World First Chrome King Gallywix on exactly 100 pulls! WOW
Liquid has a new best on Gallywix of 14.3% on 98 pulls. Is there a secret phase or would we potentially see a kill tonight?
Liquid just received a new best of 28.5%, pull 94 on Chrome King Gallywix
popcorndoG now in the running with Instant Dollars with a new best achieved of 36.6%, pull 45 on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock
Instant Dollars still working on getting a new best or kill on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock
Instant Dollars hit a new heartbreaking new best of 0.86% on Sprocketmonger Lobenstock on 145 pulls. Hopefully we see them kill him soon!
Liquid is coming back from dinner break ready to keep on progging Chrome King Gallywix.
Liquid just chucked down Chrome King Gallywix for a new best of 29.1%, pull 83
Instant Dollars is on and working on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock with their best sitting at 1.63%
Liquid with a new best of 35%, pull 71 on Chrome King Gallywix
Echo calling it a night with Chrome King Gallywix with their best at 66.6%
FatSharkYes also ends their night on pull 127 with their best of 6.36% on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock
- Echo has wasted no time moving on to Gallywix for some pulls before they call it for the night.
- Method has gone offline with their best attempt being 10.2% on Mug'Zee after 125 pulls.
- FatSkarYes reached a low on Sprocketmonger of 9.62% recently, with their best being 6.79%
- Synergy has a new low on Sprocketmonger of 12.7%
- Liquid is still pulling Gallywix with their best being 43.7%
- Instant Dollars has come online and is working on Sprocketmonger.
Echo have claimed World 2nd Mug'Zee, Heads of Security after 192 pulls and only having 1 person left alive!
Echo are consistently pushing to sub 5% territory, they just need to find that finishing push to get that extra few percentages of damage to get the kill!
Method are trying to get consistently to the 10% so they can push it below and into that finishing range. Its a hectic fight and there is so much going on that it takes a lot of practice to get this into muscle memory.
火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) have called it for the night and will wake up tomorrow to progress into the portions of the fight where it gets really hectic!
Liquid are struggling at the moment as the servers appear to be unstable and have been pushed back to the login screen mutliple times over the last hour. This will be interfering with the progress they are trying to make!
Over on Mug'Zee, Heads of Security, 火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) has a new best of 43.6% after just 18 pulls!
Echo seem to be making good progression on the boss too, with several recent pulls under 5%. Method's best stays at 10.59% after 102 pulls, but they are getting consistent with getting to P3, so they just need to clean it up a bit to secure the kill.
On Chrome King Gallywix, Liquid has a new best of 58.9% on pull 47!
火 锅 英 雄 (Hotpot hero) are progressing on Mug'Zee, Heads of Security. Currently they are sitting on 10 pulls and are in a best low of 67.17%.
They will be looking to catch up on the others guilds, who are at low percentages on Mug'Zee, Heads of Security!
Liquid have awoken and lined themselves up to Chrome King Gallywix. As such we can see the data from pulls last night, they have had 38 Pulls and the boss is now at 62.1%.
Will this boss die this reset? Will the others catchup and put some pressure on no.1 spot?
We shall find out over the rest of this week, I hope there is as many guilds as possible progressing simultaneously on the last boss!!
Echo have just had an excruciating wipe at 2%, this was a new best and they were very very close to beating the bouncer Mug'Zee, Heads of Security.
It will take 1 perfect pull and it could happen any time soon.
Echo want so desperately to mug this boss off as they achieve a new best of 2.66% on Mug'Zee, Heads of Security after 159 pulls!
火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) have hit the jackpot and defeated The One-Armed Bandit after 168 pulls! They join Echo and Method on Mug'Zee, Heads of Security.
Method has a new best for Mug'Zee of 10.6% P3 on pull 78, their previous best was 15.2% P3, just 2 pulls ago (Pull 76).
With a little more practice on getting past the 4 prisons and then surviving the big damage events that happen just afterwards, that best attempt boss health will drop even further.
Method coming in with another new best on Mug'Zee with 15.25% on pull 76.
Echo achieving another new best on Mug'Zee, with 3.46% on pull 141. Any pull could be the kill, with multiple pulls now hitting that sub 10% range.
Method has a new best for Mug'Zee of 18.9% P3 on pull 69, so far progress on this boss is looking promising. The question now will be how quickly can they get into the much lower, boss kill, range of the fight.
Echo have a great pull on Mug'Zee, slicing their new best to 3.67% P3 on Pull 134.
They are now very close to a kill, and know they have what it takes to take the boss down. In a post-pull discussion, they identified one slightly panicked pop of a mine may have been the reason they started to wipe, otherwise they are confident it could have been the kill. Meaning that truly any pull from Echo could be the kill for them!
Echo have achieved a new best of 8.14% on Pull 128!
In the last hour, you can really see that Echo are on a mission to get Mug'Zee down as soon as possible. Their last 5 pulls have ended under 20% boss health, showing their consistency rising and their chances to kill the boss soon climbing rapidly.
Method has a new best for Mug'Zee of 22.6% P3 on pull 54. It's only a small improvement on their previous best of 22.8% P3 on Pull 51, but they are getting the exposure they need to that next major hurdle in the fight, so every pull they can get to see and practice the 4 prisons is vital.
Method has a new best for Mug'Zee of 23.3% P3 on Pull 48. The next section of this fight is where a lot of time can be needed to really get it down, as seen with Echo and Liquid.
Their previous new best was the pull before, and their last 3 pulls have been under 30%. A great way to jump back into progressing the boss, lets see if they can keep this up today.
Echo are online and will be determined to get Mug'Zee defeated as quickly as possible after Liquid killed it earlier today. They are back on Mug'Zee and start off with a 16% wipe!
The EU guilds are starting to wake up, we have Method are up and forming a group to carry on their push on Mug'Zee, Heads of Security and get to that sub 10% zone to catch the teams ahead.
Echo appear to still be offline, they will be keen to get progressing with only a few percent left to go on their pulls.
Only one team outside of the top 3, 火 锅 英 雄 (hot pot hero), have progressed on to The One-Armed Bandit with Sprocketmonger Lockenstock proving to be a bit of a task to get passed.

Liquid has defeated Mug'Zee, Heads of Security claiming World First after 149 pulls! They move to 7/8 mythic. Only Gallywix Remains.
Max mentioned earlier on stream that if they killed Mug'Zee tonight they would gather some intel and call it an early night. They'll be going dark for the remainder of their night.
A little NA update for you as we get later into the night:
Liquid is still pulling Mug'Zee with their best being the 1.89% from before their dinner break. They've had some close pulls however. It feels like the boss could die on any pull.
Instant Dollars is still working on Sprocketmonger, struggling to get back to their best 11.5% pull.
Liquid taking a much needed dinner break as that bouncer Mug'Zee, is not letting them past their best of 1.89% P3
Instant Dollars just achieved a 11.5% new best at pull 91.
Oh Mug'Zee, Heads of Security looking to getting bounced out really soon by Liquid, new best of 1.89% P3, pull 127
Liquid achieved new best and taking 1st place sitting at 8.15% P3 , pull 124 on Mug'Zee, Heads of Security
Liquid has new best on Mug'Zee with 10.9% pull that brings them nearly equal to Echo's spot in first place!
Both Method and Echo have both chosen to head to bed. Will Liquid take the bouncer down and make it through to the VIP section while EU is sleeping?
Liquid has joined Echo and Method back at Mythic Mug'Zee. Best Pulls: Echo - 10.3% Liquid - 16.7% Method - 25.55%
Method have responded with a new best at 25.5% on Mug'Zee! It looks like Liquid are forming up to head back into the raid for more heroic splits, as the US servers suffer from some Blizzard Authentication issues this afternoon.
Echo has carved another 1.5% out of Mug'Zee, bringing their best pull down to 10%. We might see a kill tonight!
Since our last update post, there have been a few new bests:
- Echo has a new best for Mug'Zee of 11.5% P3 on pull 97
- Method has a new best for Mug'Zee of 32.3% P3 on pull 27
- 火锅英雄 (Huoguo Hero) has a new best for One-Armed Bandit of 51% P1 on Pull 63
Liquid are back in the raid and they mean business, their first 2 pulls, and 3 of the 5 pulls they have done today have all been around 18%. With this performance out of the gate, expect to see a new best from them soon!
Echo have taken the lead, with a new best of 16.1% P3 on Pull 95 of Mug'Zee, Heads of Security!
Their previous best was 20.1% P3, which they first achieved on Pull 78.
They are really focused up right now, with 5 of their 6 latest pulls ending at under 25% boss health.
Method are chipping away at this boss, they now have Mug'Zee, Heads of Security below half way and finished at a percentage of 42.3% on the 13th pull.
With dinner time fast approaching, they are hungry for more!
Method are now 6 pulls into Mug'Zee, Heads of Security and are down to 57%. They are making excellent progress so far before dinner break.
Gathering a lot of data that will allow them to adjust and progress further into the fight. No rolling the dice on this one, just counting cards to make sure they know what's happening!
Method have joined in on the Mug'Zee, Heads of Security progress. 2nd pull in and they have jumped to 84.2%.
This boss is just starting though, there is a long way ahead to get to grips with this fight.
Echo are catching up to Liquid with a new best of 20.1% after 78 pulls on Mug'Zee, Heads of Security!
Method take down The One-Armed Bandit, World 3rd, after 102 pulls.
Echo are nudging closer to Liquid's progress, with a new best for Mug'Zee of 26.2% P3 on Pull 69.
Another new best for Method, another painfully low wipe of 0.51% P2 on pull 96.
火锅英雄 (Huoguo Hero) killed Sprocketmonger Lockenstock after 216 pulls, World 4th!
Method has another very low pull and new best for The One-Armed Bandit of 0.64% P2 on pull 89 (previously 0.68% P2).
Echo have hit a new best of 28.3% on pull 53. It seems they have hit there stride and are now making good progress to catch up on Liquid, with a long time left today to make headway.
Echo seem to have changed tactics shortly after getting their best pull this morning.
They have been learning new ways to do stuff, presumably to make later in the fight easier, as it gets very very hectic the further into the fight they get.
It will take a little while to get used to this new tactic and then they will start making it to that progress percentage again!
Method have hit a new best on The One-Armed Bandit with the boss dropping to 3.4%, it looks like the boss enraged right at the end.
61 pulls in and the boss is looking to fall over soon!
Liquid definitely want to finish their raid day with some serious progress, they now have a new best for Mug'Zee of 16.7% P3 on pull 102 (previously 22.2% P3).
This jump in percentage is being followed up by some strategy talks, and the team sound very confident that they are moving in the right direction.
Very happy with their raid day, and the progress they have made, Liquid is ending the day after that new best and will return tomorrow to keep up the pressure on Echo.
In the fight for World First Mug'Zee, both Echo and Liquid are pushing closer:
- Echo are awake and headed into Mug'Zee bright and early today. Hitting a new best of 31.5% P3 on Pull 38, their 4th pull this morning.
- Liquid have chipped away at the boss health with a new best of 22.2% P3 on Pull 95 (down from 23.1% P3 on pull 85).
Liquid is still chugging along on Mug'Zee having another 23% wipe. Poptart Corndog had a 4.87% wipe on Stix Bunkjunker, with Incarnate wiping at the same percentage. xD got Stix down to 46.6% and Refined also hit a new best of 24.7%
Liquid still has some time tonight to make some good progress and potentially see a kill.
Boss Round Ups:
- Mug'Zee, Heads of Security
- Liquid has been beating this boss a little at a time sitting at pull 71 with a best of 23.8%. A rest in now called for the both of them since it is now dinner break.
- Sprocketmonger Lockenstock There are a few guilds working this boss and they are as follows:
- Instant Dollars- best 38.9% pull 45
- xD- best 65.4%, pull 11
- poptart corndoG- soon to begin....
- Stix Bunkjunker This boss has one more open spot for World 10th and these guilds are knocking all over it
- Honestly- best 2.25%, pull 115
- velocity- best 28.69%, pull 25
- Vulgar- best 46.65%, pull 29 and the list goes on for this boss.
Pull 57 of Mug'Zee, Heads of Security Liquid receives a new best of 27.8% P3
Liquid continue to pull Mug'Zee, Heads of Security, with a total of 47 pulls currently, their best remains at 33.9% P3. Their last 3 pulls however, have been very close to this, with 3 pulls in a row hitting just over 40%.
They are currently taking a short break, but still have plenty of time left in their raiding day today. So expect them to make their way back to the top of the leaderboard before the EU guilds are online again tomorrow.
Method have also called it for the day, returning tomorrow with the goal of getting a quick kill on The One-Armed Bandit.
Method has a new best of 6.45%, any pull could be the kill at this point!
Method have moved forward with The One-Armed Bandit, hitting a new best of 15.7% P2 on pull 43!
Echo achieved a new best for Mug'Zee of 33.3% P3 on Pull 33, a fairly big improvement from their previous best of 40.8%.
After hitting that new best, they have called it for today and headed offline until tomorrow.
Lets take a look at what guilds have achieved in the last hour:
- Echo has a new best for Mug'Zee of 40.8% P1 on pull 28
- Method has a new best for One-Armed Bandit of 35.2% P1 on pull 26 (previously 48.3% P1).
- Ji Tian Hong(佶天鸿) has a new best for Sprocketmonger Lockenstock of 54.2% on pull 41.
- Liquid are still pulling on Mug'Zee, but haven't yet hit a new best. But, the raid day is still early for them, so plenty of time for them to drop that best.
Liquid have had another uncontrollable set-back hindering their ability to progress. It isn't power outages or disconnection issues, this time they are currently unable to enter Mug'Zee's boss room because the door won't open.
Until Blizzard was able to fix that issue, they were taking the time and talking tactics.
Thankfully, after some time waiting, they have just been able to make it towards the boss and through the what seemed to be locked door!
Echo has a new best of 46.4% on Mug'Zee, Heads of Security after 23 pulls! Will we see them overtake Liquid on the leaderboard?
Ji Tian Hong(佶天鸿) are chipping away at Sprocketmonger Lockenstock, and have a new best of 68.8* on pull 23!
Method are also making some good progress on The One-Armed Bandit, getting the boss down to 48.29% after 18 pulls!
Echo are looking to make a mug of this boss, as they get another new best after 21 pulls of 50% on Mug'Zee, Heads of Security!
Echo haven't been back on Mug'Zee for long and they already have a new best attempt, with a new best of 58.5% P1 on Pull 16.
Echo appear to be regrouping and making their way back into the raid for some more Mythic Mug'Zee progress!
Method is chipping through One-Armed Bandit, with a new best of 60% P1 on Pull 10.
Echo are taking a break from Mythic Mug'Zee, and have headed into some Heroic.
Taking a quick look at generally what the Top 5 guilds are up to:
- Echo are on a dinner break for the next 25 minutes.
- Method are entering the Mythic One-Armed Bandit boss room, and will be pulling the boss shortly
- 火锅英雄 (Huoguo Hero) has recently had a new best attempt for Sprocketmonger Lockenstock of 10.9% on Pull 144, and a 16.4% wipe on Pull 145.
- Instant Dollars haven't come online yet today, but when they do, they will be continuing to work on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock, with their current best sitting at 60.5% after 31 pulls.
If Liquid stick to their existing schedule, we should expect to see them coming online within the next couple of hours.
Echo achieved a new best for Mug'Zee, Heads of Security of 60.3% P1 on Pull 10.
Method have taken down Sprocketmonger Lockenstock, World 3rd. After agonising wipes at very low boss health multiple times, they killed the boss on pull 187!
Echo are wasting no time, and have started pulling Mug'Zee, Heads of Security, with a best of 84.6% on their first pull!
Echo have killed The One-Armed Bandit on Pull 61, World 2nd!
They now move towards Mug'Zee, Heads of Security, the penultimate boss of the raid.
Method have just had a heartbreaking wipe at 0.61%. They have been consistently getting to sub 10% with some of those overlaps being spicy.
It will only be a matter of time before the boss goes down!!
Echo had a very very good pull there, the boss was almost dead. They hit 3.7% on the 52nd pull.
They are looking for that perfect pull to hit the jackpot!
Echo have hit a new best on The One-Armed Bandit with a new low of 15.2% after 42 pulls.
They appear to be getting back into their rhythm on this boss after lunch time.
Echo went back to progress on The One-Armed Bandit after 1 M+ key. They then did 2 pulls and appear to be on a bit of a break at the moment.
Echo have progressed back through Sprocketmonger Lockenstock, spending around 50 minutes reclearing the boss.
The team will be eager to move past The One-Armed Bandit as quickly as possible. They had a bit of time on it just before reset, and according to logs they got the boss to 44.6% after just 29 pulls, and will be hoping to put that extra time to good use and catch up to Liquid.
However for now it appears they are going back into M+ to farm some more gear.
Method have just pushed Sprocketmonger Lockenstock to a new best of 5%, they will be hoping to get through this boss as early as possible to enable a good day of progress on The One-Armed Bandit and maybe even Mug'Zee, Heads of Security
Echo have another incredibly close wipe on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock of 0.56%, this is very similar to how their initial progress was on this boss just before they had the pull where they defeated it!
Echo's consistency today is looking really good, they are wanting to waste no time in getting back to The One-Armed Bandit progress, a kill on this boss soon would give them a significant amount of time to work on securing a One-Armed Bandit kill today, and tie up with Liquid once again.
Echo don't look like it will take them long to fully re-clear to The One-Armed Bandit, on their latest pull on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock, they wiped at just 2.5%. Without just a few of the deaths they had towards the end of the pull, they would have made the enrage timer without their full raid alive quite easily.
Echo make light work of Stix Bunkjunker, taking just 2 pulls to defeat the boss in their re-clear.
They are now killing some of the lieutenant trash in hopes of BoE (actually Bind on Pickup) items dropping. After which, they plan to head to Cauldron of Carnage, followed by Sprocketmonger Lockenstock.
Method and Echo are online and back in Mythic. Method is working on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock progress, whilst Echo has re-cleared up to Stix Bunkjunker and will be looking to get this boss down as soon as possible!

Liquid takes the last arm off the The One-Armed Bandit and takes World 1st, NA 1st in 56 pulls
After 54 pulls Liquid gets a new best on The One-Armed Bandit of .18% P2
***The Joining of 4/8 Mythic Club- Downing Stix Bunkjunker ***
火 锅 英 雄 (hot pot hero) with 267 pulls taking World 4th, CN 1st
Instant Dollars takes World 5th, NA 2nd with 133 pulls.
xD with 72 pulls taking World 6th, NA 3rd
Looks as the NA guilds are back to progressing after the disconnection mishap. Liquid is back on The One-Armed Bandit and working getting a new best or a kill. Instant Dollars did get a new best on Stix Bunkjunker of 12.3% after 128 pulls. xD also received a new best on Stix Bunkjunker of 22.2% on pull 61. It is becoming an interesting night so far.
Well an unexpected disconnections all around for NA guilds and paused most from progressing for the time being. Liquid of course is taking this time for their dinner break with The One-Armed Bandit still hanging with a best of 2.01% P2.
Just two pulls later Liquid gets a 2.02% wipe on The One-Armed Bandit!
Liquid pulls out another new best of 9.53% P2 on pull count 27 on The One-Armed Bandit . xD also has pulling new bests 38.3% pull count 44 as well working on Stix Bunkjunker
Liquid just took a major chuck out of their previous best on The One-Armed Bandit for a new best of 32.15% P1 on pull 22.
Liquid push their progress further, with a new best attempt for One-Armed Bandit of 47.4% P1 on Pull 14.
Liquid has a new best attempt for One-Armed Bandit of 58.7% P1 on Pull 6, they are chipping away at its health and will be developing their strategy and WeakAuras as they are pulling the boss.
It's still only half way through their raid day, so you can expect to see them progress even further into this boss before the day is up for them!
Liquid have started pulling The One-Armed Bandit Mythic, with their first pull coming in at 75.9%.
Liquid have defeated Mythic Sprocketmonger Lockenstock, World 2nd!
Echo have opted to head into Mythic+ after their day of Heroic splits.
Method have finished up their splits for today and plan to end their day with some Mythic bosses!
They are in the raid and fighting against the first boss, Vexie and the Geargrinders. Liquid set the benchmark for re-clearing up to Sprocketmonger Lockenstock as 58 minutes; it will be interesting to compare how long it takes Method and Echo to do the same.
Liquid are incredibly close to a kill on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock, with all 5 of their last pulls ending at 13% or less boss health. Any pull now will be the kill, all it comes down to is clean execution at the very chaotic end of the fight, as they definitely have the damage to beat the enrage.
Liquid have a painfully low pull of 0.79% on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock.
With the quality of the last few pulls, this boss is going down very soon for Liquid, so make sure to head into their streams and watch it happen live!
Liquid have had 2 very close pulls almost back-to-back on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock:
- Pull 102, they achieved a new best of 5.42%
- Pull 104, their most recent pull, they achieved 7.55%
They are very close to getting this boss down!
Liquid are back online and heading into Mythic Sprocketmonger Lockenstock, with a resets worth of gear and feeling fresh from just getting online, Liquid are looking to make quick work of this boss and match Echo at 5/8.
After a lengthy break, 火锅英雄 (Huoguo Hero) are back on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock looking to make some progress before their reset. Over in the EU, Echo and Method are still in splits, will we see them go into Mythic tonight?
Even though it's late into the evening, 火锅英雄 (Huoguo Hero) are still making progression on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock, with another new best of 29.7% on pull 64!
Over in Asia, 火锅英雄 (Huoguo Hero) are continuing on with the Sprocketmonger Lockenstock pulls into the night, with a new best of 37.7% after 46 pulls! Mate also has a new best of 47.1% after 82 pulls.
Both Method and Echo continue on with their Heroic splits, and both guilds will be hoping to match Liquid in terms of loot luck with their splits.
Max, the raid leader of Liquid, said that they have had some great luck with Heroic split loot, with a lot of Eye of Kezan trinkets and The Jastor Diamond rings dropping for them.
火锅英雄 (Huoguo Hero) is hungry to catch up to the top 3 guilds, hitting a new best attempt for Sprocketmonger Lockenstock of 47.7% on pull 31. They are making their way through the fight close to the same progression path of Liquid, Echo and Method.
With 3 new bests in the last 40 minutes, and with a fair few hours left in their raiding day (which they may extend into the early morning like in previous RWF raids), I suspect we will see even lower pulls coming from them today!
火锅英雄 (Huoguo Hero) has achieved a new best attempt for Sprocketmonger Lockenstock of 53.6% on pull 29. They have made some steady progress over the past couple of hours, dropping their best from 66.2% (Pull 13) to 53.6% (Pull 29).
While Echo are on lunch, Method continue with the Heroic splits, with helpers.
Asian guild 火锅英雄 (Huoguo Hero) are pulling Sprocketmonger Lockenstock again after it appears they took a dinner break. They will be locking in for that kill today before their reset tomorrow!
Meanwhile, (佶天鸿) Ji Tian Hong appear to be on a break at the moment.
Taking a look at what guilds have been up to in the last hour:
- 火锅英雄 (Huoguo Hero) have a new best attempt for Sprocketmonger Lockenstock of 75% on pull 8.
- Echo and Method are both working through their Heroic splits.
In terms of splits, Echo have decided to currently do splits specifically on Heroic One-Armed Bandit with helpers. Whereas, Method are doing internal splits on Chrome King Gallywix before doing some of the other Heroic bosses with helpers.
火锅英雄 (Huoguo Hero) killed Stix Bunkjunker after 267 pulls, putting them at 4/8 bosses defeated, World 4th, and giving them a good amount of progress time on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock before their weekly reset!
From the Asia region, which has their reset on Thursday (tomorrow), 火锅英雄 (Huoguo Hero) is pushing hard on Stix Bunkjunker with a new best attempt of 1.49% on pull 260. They are definitely close to getting 4/8 bosses defeated in their first week of raiding.
Liquid are heading offline for today, opting to let the players rest up, as this is their usual end time for raiding. They will have a lot of sims and gearing decisions to make across the raiding roster, so this makes a lot more sense than sending a few pulls into Sprocketmonger Lockenstock. They are now fully focused on the last 3 bosses and making decisions based on the ultimate goal of the Race to World First, defeating Chrome King Gallywix!
Liquid have made great time on re-clearing Mythic up to their current progress, they have defeated Stix Bunkjunker Mythic for a second time now. It only took them 3 pulls to do so, which will now be where the bar has been set for the other guilds.
It took them approximately 58 minutes from starting the Vexie and the Geargrinders pull and killing Stix Bunkjunker.
They are now taking a little time to distribute the loot, and send some upgrades, before possibly moving on to Sprocketmonger Lockenstock!
Liquid have, as expected, have taken very little time to get back up to Stix Bunkjunker, with only 1 wipe on Rik Reverb.
Method and Echo have woken up and started their weekly reset with, you guessed it, some Heroic splits and opening their vaults!
Liquid are back in Mythic, how quickly they clear back to Sprocketmonger Lockenstock will be something to watch for.
Still a lot of splits progressing as the NA guilds get ready to step into the late night hours.
It is a slow and quiet night upon the NA Guilds as there is nothing but splits all around going on.
Liquid continues to chug away at splits as they head into the evening of the first reset of the season.
Blizzard have released Hotfix notes that have been applied, dated March 11th. The raid boss specific changes are:
Rik Reverb
- Rik Reverb’s health reduced by 10% in Mythic difficulty.
- Pyrotechnic’s health reduced by 10% in Mythic difficulty.
Stix Bunkjunker
- Stix Bunkjunker health reduced by 10%, and Garbage Dump now inflicts up to 2% of Stix’s health at maximum size on Mythic difficulty.
- Territorial Bombshell health reduced by 10% on Mythic difficulty.
- Scrapmaster health reduced by 10% on Mythic difficulty.
Mug’Zee, Heads of Security
- Base health of enemies reduced by 10%, while increasing health scaling factor on Raid Finder, Normal, and Heroic difficulties.
For full Hotfix notes, you can read the official Blizzard March 11 Hotfix Blue Post.
Liquid have returned to their Heroic splits, and their casters think that it wont be until after their dinner break before they head back into Mythic. How quickly they can get back to Sprocketmonger Lockenstock and defeat him is key to them getting back ahead of Echo.
Method have called it for today, and will return tomorrow bright and early for the weekly reset. Liquid are taking a break from splits for some lunch!
Here is a small mid evening round up.
Echo went offline sometime after they killed Sprocketmonger Lockenstock. Method is still progressing on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock and are still at a best of 9.5%. They are likely to be finishing up in the next hour or so. Liquid are up and going hard on splits, I don't know how many they will be doing, but they will be trying to get back into progression as quick as possible after they came so close to a kill before logging off last night.
Other guilds progressing are:
Stix Bunkjunker
- 火 锅 英 雄 with a best of 5.97% after 237 pulls.
- Instant Dollars on 19.6% with 122 pulls.
- Honestly with 46.1% on 78 pulls.
- Poptart Corndog at 48.1% and 61 pulls
Sprocketmonger Lockenstock
- Banhammer at 37.3% and 63 pulls.
- FatSharkYes 59.5% on 21 pulls.
- Mate 49.4% at 58 pulls.
Meanwhile, elsewhere in EU:
- Banhammer has decided to go to Sprocketmonger Lockenstock first instead of Stix Bunkjunker, and have a new best of 43.3% after 53 pulls!
- FatSharkYes has also switched up bosses and decided to have a couple of pulls on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock after some pulls on Stix Bunkjunker and they have a new best of 80.7% after 5 pulls!
Method are itching to get to see some The One-Armed Bandit pulls before tomorrow's reset, as they get a new best of 9.55%!
Method has a new best of 14.9% after 99 pulls! They are looking for the kill tonight before their reset tomorrow!

Echo have done it, they have given Sprocketmonger Lockenstock both smoking barrels. Congratulations on the world first after 112 pulls!
Method also coming in with a new best of 16.29% after 89 pulls! There is now only 16% between the top 3 guilds, the race is really heating up!
Absolutely heart-breaking wipe from Echo with only 41.5m health remaining on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock, making it a 0.32% wipe!
Echo are so close to the kill, getting a new best of 2.63% on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock!
Echo are now consistantly getting to sub 10% pulls, that phase is particularly hectic, but all it takes is 1 perfect execution to avoid everything that is going on and Sprocketmonger Lockenstock will die.
Echo have rocketed into the lead with a new best of 4.53% on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock!
And just as that last post went out, Method has achieved a new best of 17.88% on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock after 64 pulls! They are looking to rocket ahead in this race!
Meanwhile on Stix Bunkjunker, a number of guilds have recently achieved new bests:
- Ethical has a new best of 66% after 10 pulls
- 静思UUG has a new best of 56.6% after 157 pulls
- Honestly has a new best of 56.9% after 54 pulls
Which guild will join Liquid, Echo and Method on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock first?
Echo are desperate to lock it in with a new best of 6.54% on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock after 77 pulls!
Method just scraped a little more off the boss with a new best of 23.8% on pull 56.
Little by little they are getting there.
Echo are likely to get this down today, they have hit a new best of 9.4% on pull 67.
They are putting heavy pressure on Liquid as this gets towards the end of their raiding week.
Method are onto a new best again this morning, they have hit 25.2% on pull 52.
They are staying right on the heels of Echo and Liquid.
Method are now sub 40% and have pushed the boss down to 37.8% on pull 48!
Echo have had a new best of 12% on pull 62!
This is heating up!
Liquid is still going strong, and achieving a new best for Sprocketmonger Lockenstock with 5.26% on pull 75.
With the late night hours upon the NA guilds most guilds that were working the Mythic bosses has either called it a night or moved to heroics. Liquid though still showing strong progression with 67 pulls and a best at 14.91%, its getting pretty close.
Liquid has come back from dinner and have started progging again. They hit a new best of 16.8% on pull 59, this puts them slightly ahead of Echo for the time being.
xD had a new best recently on Stix of 53.3% on 34 pulls. Refined has joined the Stix party hitting 70.2% on 7 pulls. Poptart Corndog has a best of 51.8%. Instant Dollars has Stix at sub 20 coming in at 19.6%
Liquid is now taking their dinner break. Their best still at 20.1% and into 57 pulls, could be any pull now that will breakdown this boss.
At this time there is 3 guilds making progress on Stix Bunkjunker. Poptart Corndog on 19 pulls and a best just achieved of 59.8%, Instant Dollars pull 104 and best at 39.6%. xD in pull 25 with their best of 61.7%. Anyone of these three or others are getting close to trashing this junker.
A little update on NA side of things
- Liquid hit a new best on Sproketmonger of 25.1% on 48 pulls.
- xD has a new best on Stix Bunkjunker of 69.9%
- Vulgar, Melee Mechanics, and Poptart Corndog are all online and working on Stix Bunkjunker
Early Evening NA Hours Report:
-Liquid just achieve a new best of 39.31% on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock with pull #37
-Instant Dollars are getting themselves setup here soon to progress further onto Stix Bunkjunker
-Looking like all EU guilds in the race has called it a night.
Liquid are back into the raid and have hit a new best on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock of 41.5%. After the set-back of a power outage, they will be determined to make the rest of their raid day really count, so expect to see some big progress from them!
Method are now hitting new bests with a recent new one at 42.9% after 36 pulls!!
So what a night it has been so far!!!
Liquid are in the midst of a power cut that could last a few hours!
Echo have gone to bed as per normal, ready to wake up early in the morning!
Method are continuing for now, although they are likely to be finishing a little earlier than normal to get ready for that early morning on wednesday with the weekly reset!
Echo have another new best with Sprocketmonger Lockenstock down to 17.6% after 49 pulls.
Will they get this boss down tonight and if they do, what will they do with the last day before reset tomorrow?
Liquid have taken a hatchet to Sprocketmonger Lockenstock and have a new best at 46.8% after 16 pulls!
They are not hanging around and will be hoping to put pressure on Echo in first place!
As expected Liquid are getting new bests pretty regularly, they are at 60.2% still slightly behind Method at 56.2% and Echo are sitting pretty nice at 22.4% at the moment.
That nerf has made things very interesting as we approach reset day for NA tomorrow and then the day after for EU!
So it seems that there has been a nerf to the HP of Sprocketmonger Lockenstock.
According to wowhead, it appears there is reports of a 5% nerf to the boss HP from 13.6b to 12.9b
This will likely result in quite a few new best pulls from the guilds progressing on him at the moment.
Method are chipping away at Sprocketmonger Lockenstock. Another new best of 61.7% after 14 pulls.
I wonder how long it will be until they give him Lockenstock and two smoking barrels!
Echo has a new best for Sprocketmonger Lockenstock of 25.5% on Pull 69, their previous best 27.4% on Pull 39.
After only 4 pulls, Method have a new best of 68.32% on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock!
Echo just continuing with the new best after new best getting Sprocketmonger Lockenstock down to 27.4% after 31 pulls!
Echo has locked in and beaten their new best by more than 10% as they get Sprocketmonger Lockenstock down to 31.3% after 30 pulls!
Echo has another new best of 42.2% after 26 pulls!
Method has finally taken the trash out and have defeated Stix Bunkjunker to take World 3rd, EU 2nd and move on to Sprocketmonger Lockenstock!
Echo has knocked 1% off their previous best with a new best of 43.5% on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock after 25 pulls!
Method are very close to taking the trash out with a heart-breaking wipe of 1.08% after 132 pulls. The kill is coming any time now!
Echo has got a new best of 44.5% on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock after 24 pulls!
Method have had a low wipe and new best at 2.41% on Stix Bunkjunker!
As we reach midway in the afternoon 火锅英雄 (Huoguo Hero) are continuing to work on Stix Bunjunker. They are currently on a best of 44.1% after 83 pulls! Meanwhile Korean guild Mate who are 3/8 mythic are working on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock where they have a best of 77.8%!
We have a couple of more kills on Rik Reverb, with Korean guild Mate and EU guild Banhammer both moving on to the 4th boss. Mate have decided to go to Sprocketmonger Lockenstock While it's not clear where Banhammer have opted to go yet.
Echo are taking a break from Lockenstock rockets for the time being as they head into Mythic Plus!
Method has a new best attempt for Stix Bunkjunker of 4.15%. It shouldnt be too much longer before they are finished with his trash, and roll over to join Echo on Lockenstock!
Echo are making good progress on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock today with another new best of 51.7% after 13 Pulls!
Echo are back in the raid and got a new best attempt for Sprocketmonger Lockenstock of 65% on pull 10, immediately following it up with an electrifying new best of 62.3% on pull 11!
Echo have overtaken Liquid with a pull of 66.6% on Lockenstock. They are heading for a lunch just now, and will come back fresh this afternoon to make more progress!
Honestly have joined the fight on Stix Bunkjunker after killing Rik Reverb after 22 pulls!
Fresh from their kill on Stix Bunkjunker Echo have rolled over to Sprocketmonger Lockenstock. Liquid made some progress last night with a best of 68.6%, while Echo have a current best of 70.2%. This fight has so much going on, and will only ramp up each time he empowers his abilities!
Echo have taken down Stix Bunkjunker for world 2nd!
Method are cleaning up their run on Stix Bunjunker with a new best of 12.63%!
Method have just had a new best of 26.56% on their 88th pull!
Echo are really pushing for the kill just now with their last 3 pulls all below 10%. They are fully within kill potential, all it takes is a pull where their damage is maximised!
Echo have had a super low wipe at 1.52% on Stix!
Liquid have started to head offline now, sitting at a current best of 68.6% and 10 total pulls on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock. They will return tomorrow, and we shall hopefully see them progress even further into that fight.
With them killing a 4th boss, Stix Bunkjunker, they will also have 2 available vault slots (for the characters that have been in all 4 kills) on the weekly reset.
Speaking of which, today is their final day before the NA weekly reset (which happens on Tuesdays), so they will want to get as far into this fight as they can, but may also need to finish up any remaining weekly activities (such as final Mythic+, delves or potentially any final splits they have available).
Echo can feel a kill on Stix Bunkjunker, with a painfully close wipe at 2.82% on Pull 65.
Liquid are making some solid progress on Mythic Sprocketmonger Lockenstock, they have had 2 new best pulls close together of 76.7% on Pull 5 and then 68.6% on Pull 7.
火锅英雄 (Huoguo Hero) have also had some steady progress on Mythic Stix Bunkjunker, with a new best of 65.4% on Pull 9.
Echo are very keen to kill Stix Bunkjunker and close the gap with Liquid after their kill 3 hours ago. Echo just hit a new best of 8.84% on Pull 62!
The EU guilds are up, bright and early, and waste no time before heading back to work on Mythic Stix Bunkjunker. Echo have a current best of 17.1% and Method have a best of 37.6%.
Liquid are also back in action, just having had a new pull on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock after hitting a new best of 80.3% a few hours ago. They won't be online too much longer today, so we shall see how much further they can push into the fight before calling it a night.
Late Night Update:
Liquid has done 2 pulls on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock ending with a 80.3% best and now has moved to Heroic Splits.
The War of Stix Bunkjunker:
Instant Dollars are still making their progress with a best of 40.2% and well into 76 pulls. Poptart Corndog has ended their progress for the night with a best at 64.6% and only 11 pulls. Humble still showing their best as 81.3% with 2 pulls not sure if they have ended their night as of yet.

Liquid gets the World 1st, NA 1st on Stix Bunkjunker in 116 pulls.
And like that Humble takes World 10th, NA 4th on Rik Reverb with 33 pulls. Poptart Corndog has began their pulls onto Stix Bunkjunker with a best of 77.5% in 2 pulls. Liquid is at dinner
Poptart Corndog has made the World 9th and NA 3rd kill for Mythic Rik Reverb with only 7 pulls on the boss! Way to go team keeping it in the race with that kill! Will they make their way over to Mythic Stix Bunkerjunker?
- Liquid has gone to dinner with their best attempt being 6.79% on Stix Bunkjunker.
- Humbe has a new best on Rik Reverb of 7.57%
- Instant Dollars hit a new best on Reverb of 50%
As we roll into the evening of Day 5 the NA teams have started coming on.
Liquid is still getting their pulls in on Bunkjunker at 97 pulls and counting. They are still holding the best pull at 6.79%! They will be heading to dinner in the next Hour and half then coming in for more pulls.
Instant Dollars moved up from 5th to 4th on best pulls tonight holding it at 55.3%
Vesper is running more Heroic Gallywix. Hopefully we will see them join in on pulls again tonight but thats still undecided at this time.
Melee Mechanics and The Early Shift are also hitting Heroic Gallywix tonight.
Will we be seeing a Mythic Stix Bunkjunker kill tonight?
Liquid have a new best pull, surviving about 20 seconds into the enrage to drop to 6.79%. Its looking more and more like Stix Bunkjunker won't survive the evening.
Liquid have pushed their best attempt on Mythic Stix Bunkjunker to 9.23% on Pull 76. Down from their previous best of 11.6%, which they achieved yesterday. This is there second pull in the last 4 pulls that they are hitting below 13% boss health!
Liquid have went back into the raid and are looking for the kill on Stix Bunkjunker! They currently have 70 pulls under their belts, with the best remaining at 11.62%.
LAGET has killed Rik Reverb after 24 pulls, making them World 8th, EU 5th!
Over in the EU, Echo and FatSharkYes have gone offline for the night, while Method have opted to do some Mythic+ splits for upgrades to gear.
In the US, Liquid are still in Mythic+ splits and don't show any sign of going back into the raid soon.
Also congratulations to Muisted, who will be joining the guilds on the 4th boss after defeating Rik Reverb after 22 pulls!
Method have achieved a new best on everyone's favourite garbage boss Stix Bunkjunker and get him down to 37.6%!
Theres been plenty action going on today, but where are the guilds at curently?
- Method are continuing to work on Stix Bunkjunker, and their current best is 45.7%
- Echo had a best of 17.1% on Stix Bunkjunker and have gone into Mythic plus now
- Liquid headed straight into Mythic plus today, after hitting their best of 11.6% yesterday
- FatSharkYes had two attempts on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock with a best of 82.1% before switching to Stix Bunjunker with a best of 69.4% there
- 火锅英雄 (Huoguo Hero) also headed to Sprocketmonger Lockenstock, and had two attempts, reaching 83.2%. They have also switched to Stix for a best of 75.3%
Method have shaved a small amount off their previous best as they have a new best attempt for Stix Bunkjunker of 46.7%! It's not a whole lot, but it's still progress!
China have joined the guilds on 3/8 as 火锅英雄 (Huoguo Hero) have taken down Rik Reverb for a world 6th!
Liquid are heading into Mythic Plus as they try to get some extra gear to help overcome the enrage timer on Stix Bunkjunker, but with Echo making good progress on him, will he still be standing when they finish up with M+?
FatSharkYes have taken down Rik Reverb to put them at 3/8 and a World 5th Kill!
Echo have returned from break and hit a new best of 17.1%!
Echo and Method are both on break as Liquid are waking up and coming online soon. Let's see if they can clean up the last 11.6% on Stix Bunkjunker!
There's a new best for Method of 46.98% on Stix Bunkunker!
FatSharkYes has a new best attempt for Rik Reverb of 6.67% on pull 19! It shouldn't be too much longer before he's down for them!
火锅英雄 (Huoguo Hero) have just had a very low wipe on Rik Reverb at 4.8%. The boss will likely go down soon and they will join the precious few (so far) who are on 3/8 progression.
Echo are catching up to Liquid as they have now moved into the sub 20% territory.
After 37 pulls they are at 19.6%. They have multiple hours left before Liquid, who are at 11.6% after 69 nice pulls, are back online.
This has also distanced themselves from Method who are 51.6% after 35 pulls.
火锅英雄 (Huoguo Hero) are on Rik Reverb and are at 25.9% after 4 pulls, as usual the CN guilds like to waste no time in heading in and catching up on Mythic Progression.
They are pushing the other guilds harder and harder each tier. Will this be the year they take one of the top spots?
Echo are pushing this boss and have again recently got a new best of 35.3%. They are now on 28 pulls!
Echo are wasting no time today with another new best of 43.2% on Stix!
Method's second place is short lived as Echo roll in with a new best of 50.2%!
Method have rolled ahead of Echo with a new best of 51.58%!!
Method have had their new best at 55.85%! This is the progress we've bin waiting for!
Echo have had a new best of 54.1%!
We're continuing to see Method and Echo making progress on Stix Bunkjunker. Echo have had their first sub 60% pull at 59.3% while Method are sitting at 64.33%!
Echo are getting best after best on Stix Bunkjunker, with their latest attempt getting the boss to 62.2%! Method are also making good progress, with their best being 69%. With Liquid not starting their progress for another couple of hours, which guild will reign supreme and be the garbage kings?
Method have had their first pull on Stix Bunkjunker, getting him down to 70.62%. Lets see how long it will take for them take this trash out!
Echo are making progress on Stix Bunkjunker with a best of 72.4% after 3 pulls!
Echo have made their way to Stix Bunjunker and had their first pull! Looks like it might have been some more testing for the chaos that is Lockenstock, and we should be seeing progress from them on Stix now!
Looks like Echo have gone back to Sprocketmonger today in a change to most other guilds who have headed to Stix after Rik. We're not sure yet wether they plan on taking him down, or if they are back for some more testing
Method have taken down Rik Reverb to claim EU 2nd and reach 3/8 Mythic!
Method have a new best of 13.29% on Rik Reverb! Its only a matter of time before they turn his sound off for good!
Method are making good progress on Rik Reverb with a best of 33.1% after 5 pulls this morning!! Hopefully he's going down soon and we’ll see who they choose to take on next!
Method are back in the Mythic Raid and setting up at Rik Reverb. Will it just be one boss or will they stay in there and move onto another boss next?
How many pulls will they take on Rik Reverb??
Liquid have now called it for the night. They are going away confident after having hit some good pulls. However the fight is sitting on a knifes edge with a lot going that can cause wipes!
And as i sent that, Liquid decided to go and get a new best 11.6% on pull 62!
They want this kill tonight!
Morning from the EU crew!
An interesting night has been had it seems as Stix Bunkjunker is proving to be more awkward than expected with Liquid on 61 Pulls and a best of 18.1%. It is approaching the end of their raid time though, so there wont be many more pulls left before bed.
Method are awake and getting ready to start their day. It appears to be M+ for breakfast!
Echo are in the same position and it is M+ for the time being also.
- Liquid best is still 18.1% on Stix Bunkjunker.
- Rain has ended for the night with their best attempt on Rik Reverb being 19%. They have ended for the night.
- Blur hit a new best of 39.9% on Rick Reverb. They have also ended for the night.
- Speak also hit a new best on Rick Reverb of 68.7%
- Poptart Corndog has joined the 2/8 mythic club.
- Echo has come online for the day!
New Bests going all around
- Liquid at 18.1%, 38 pulls- Stix Bunkjunker
- Infernum at 57.5%, 18 pulls- Rik Reverb
- Humble at 60.8%, 7 pulls- Rik Reverb
- Rain at 34.2%, 12 pulls- Rik Reverb
Tonight is heating up and looking like we could be seeing a world first of some kind here soon. Instant Dollars has called it for the night.
Stix Bunkjunker Update
Liquid are back from dinner and have now began their pulls. Their best still sitting at 21.58% in 31 pulls
Instant Dollars are still pulling their back to back pulls and achieved a new best at 55.3% with 31 pulls.
Rik Reverb Update:
Rain now 9 pulls in with a best at 54.1%
Infernum has a best of 73.2% and just 3 pulls in
Instant Dollars with their back to back 22 pulls just smacked down Stix Bunkjunker to a new best of 60.1%
Into the mid nightly hours for the NA guilds. At the moment the following guilds are showing progress as follows:
Liquid with their best still at 21.59% in 27 pulls on Stix Bunkjunker are now taken their Dinner Break.
Instant Dollar has now began their back to back pulls on Stix Bunkjunker as well with 17 pulls now and their best sitting at 64.4%
Two (pull #25) pulls more and Liquid attained a new best on Stix Bunkjunker of 21.59%
After another 8 pulls (pull 23) from previous best Liquid achieved with a new best of 39.75% on Stix Bunkjunker.
After an hour of no progress on Stix Bunkjuster and big roster changes, pull 17 saw Liquid shave an additional 10% off their previous best. They are now at 42.5% boss health remaining.
Liquid continues to pull on Stix Bunkjunker, with their current best pull at 53.36% after 10 tries. Will we see 4/8 tonight?
FatSharkYes has entered Mythic, quickly downing Vexie & Cauldron to join several guilds on Rik Reverb. Their best pull so far on Rik is 69.2%
Liquid have refueled, all players have their food buffs IRL and they are standing back in Mythic Liberation of Undermine!
It looks like they are opting to go up against Stix Bunkjunker first, Liquid are currently at 3/8, defeating another boss will push them firmly into 1st position.
Echo have called it a night, and Method won't be online for much longer either. Both teams have seen a little Mythic raiding today, but spent most of the day in Mythic+ Dungeons. Tomorrow will likely be when it kicks up a gear and we see some real Mythic progress from the EU guilds.
Liquid are currently continuing with Mythic+.
Echo have stopped Mythic raiding for today after killing Rik Reverb, doing just one more pull on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock, they then headed back into completing a few more Mythic+ before they call it a day.
Echo wasted no time in defeating Mythic Rik Reverb on Pull 3, putting them at 3/8.
Echo have decided they want to end today with a little more Mythic raiding!
They just wiped on their first pull of Mythic Rik Reverb, putting their best attempt at 36.6%.
Since our last update, RWF guilds have spent the majority of their time in Mythic+, farming specific loot, bolstering their item levels slightly and completing dungeons for their weekly vaults.
Liquid has also recently come online, and are starting off the day with Mythic+ also.
It's unsure if we will see EU guilds entering Mythic Liberation of Undermine again today, as its more likely they will try to finish up all of their M+ and go into Mythic raid tomorrow, fresh and with a full day of progression time ahead of them.
Echo have now returned to Mythic+ until their dinner break; we're unsure if they intend to step back into Mythic once they return, or if they'll continue with M+.
Echo have headed to Sprocketmonger Lockenstock and pulled. However, it looks like at this stage they are just gathering info for weak auras, and don't intend on putting many pulls into the boss until later.
Echo are now 2/8 mythic after beating Cauldron of Carnage on the first attempt.
As expected mini monster movie proved to not be of any issue to them. They are now moving onto Rik Reverb now, this one took a few attempts from Liquid. Will Echo find it easier or not?
Echo have headed in to Mythic
Echo have decided to hit some Mythic+ before heading into the raid. The team had some discussions and decided that they needed some extra pieces before they start their journey into Mythic.
Method are also still on the Mythic+ train, with no signs of them going back to kill Rik Reverb any time soon.
Method are currently on a lunch break, and the casters are having fun with a little bit of WoWDoku. Echo on the other hand, are nearly finished their Chrome King Gallywix splits and will be doing some Mythic+ dungeons before heading into the first couple of bosses of the Mythic raid.
Method have decided to split into groups of 5 and smash out some Mythic+ before lunch. Echo also appear to be taking their lunch break, so we'll need to see what they decide to do when they come back.
Method have taken down Vexie, and Cauldron in back-to-back one shots and will be heading towards Rik Reverb, which once down will put them at 3rd on the leaderboard
Method have entered Mythic
Method have one more pull to do on wee Gallywix. They've been getting some good loot drops in recent runs. Once they've finished with him, we'll find out if they're heading straight into Mythic progression, or if we'll be seeing some M+ this morning, but we should be seeing some progression today either way!
Cauldron of Carnage has been defeated 10 times, this time by Resolve Gaming.
EU are starting to wake up Echo have been in the middle of HC Chrome King Gallywix splits for a while now.
Method are back into splits now as well on ol' Gally. They have 5 to do this morning, then it will hopefully be into Mythic. I am not sure what they are doing after that, whether its M+ or straight in. Whatever happens its going to be Mythic progression today, the only unknown is what time!
Now that Liquid have hit 3 of the bosses, the race may be fully on soon enough, I am looking forward to the day ahead, its going to be a good one!
Liquid made it to 3/8 tonight, they're going to do some M+ before calling it completely for the night. Echo has come online for the day, surely, they hit Mythic later today.
Liquid has defeated Rik Reverb to claim World 2nd and move to 3/8 Mythic!
As previous stated Liquid has stepped into Mythic Raid now and has one shotted both Vexie and the Geargrinders and Cauldron of Carnage and taking World 9th, US 7th. Instant Dollars after 14 pulls on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock and ending with a best of 74.4% has called it a night.
Liquid has stepped foot into Mythic! Instant Dollars has switched gears to focus on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock
About to hit into the late night hours and a handful of guilds are still on knocking out Heroics or Mythic +s, but there are a couple of the following guilds to note:
-Liquid is now on a dinner break and mentioning of doing a little bit of Mythic +s and then head on into Mythic.
-Instant Dollars is showing non-stop of back to back pulls on Mythic Stix Bunkjunker with 15 pulls in and a best of 64.4%.

World 1st, US 1st of Mythic Rik Reverb achieved by Instant Dollars in 26 pulls
Some updates on the NA side of the pond.
- Liquid is still grinding away with splits.
- Winky Face picked up World 8th Cauldron of Carnage.
- Instant Dollars is working on Rik Reverb with their best attempt coming in at 30% on 9 pulls.
As most EU guilds have called it for the night the following has just taken place:
- Synergy has taken World 7th, EU 2nd of Mythic Cauldron of Carnage in 6 pulls.
- Liquid still working on their Heroic Chrome King Gallywix
Not a huge amount has changed since our last update:
- Liquid are going strong with their Heroic splits.
- Method are likely coming to the end of their day, having spent the majority of it doing Heroic Chrome King Gallywix.
- Echo have been offline for around the last hour, and will be back online early tomorrow to blast through Heroic Chrome King Gallywix splits.
Unfortunately, there hasn't been any further progress into the Mythic raid today. However, it is possible that Liquid will be heading in before the end of their raiding day, so EU may wake up to some more World Firsts being taken.
All of the guilds are still slugging it out in Heroic splits, with Method continuing their Chrome King Gallywix splits, and Liquid continuing with the other Heroic boss splits. Echo appear to be on a small break, so we'll need to see what their plan of action is when they return, although it's worth noting that they haven't killed the Goblin King on Heroic thus far.
Liquid are awake and have already started their last Heroic splits before they head into Mythic later today. They'll be hoping the loot gods are on their side before they start their Mythic runs as they will need all the gear they can get before the real race begins!
Echo are focusing on their Heroic Mug’Zee kills just now, hoping they can get past the Heads of Security to their favourite Goblin King
Method have regrouped and heading in to take down Chrome King Gallywix on heroic for the afternoon. Hopefully the loot gods will be in their favour!
We are now seeing EU guilds enter the race, with Айс Стар taking down Cauldron of Carnage, putting them World 6th and EU 1st!
Method appear to have finished all the normal splits and are now onto Heroic splits, it looks like they will be focusing on Mug'Zee, Heads of Security and Chrome King Gallywix. With the latter being more likely.
These are apparently being done in house only - at least for the time being - they look to be at this for a few more hours.
Heroic splits seems to be the order this morning across the board for EU with Echo taking a short break just now. Meanwhile OCE are winding down for the night.
Method are back up and into the splits as expected. Rumours are that they have 2 more rounds of splits to do before going into Chrome King Gallywix splits. I would expect there to be M+ after that as well to flesh out and fill in any missing slots.
Lets do a morning (at least from me in the EU) catchup on things going on around.
Liquid have called it for the night and are doing some M+ as max is doing his usual round up for the day. It appears they are doing splits tomorrow morning again with 6 Heroic Splits, 10 Mug'Zee, Heads of Security splits and 12 Chrome King Gallywix splits planned. They are hoping to be in the Mythic raid after evening dinner time, to allow 5 or so hours on prog before bed time. Its almost time!
Echo appear to be carrying on with splits and that will no doubt be the plan for almost all of today. Will they try and get some mythic prog late today or will it be up fresh and at them tomorrow. We will keep you updated either way. No doubt they still have Mug'Zee, Heads of Security and Chrome King Gallywix splits to do with mostly guild members before they go into Mythic.
Method are not up and about yet, but they are due to be starting within the next 30 mins! They definitely have splits still to do and plans are for some more Heroic and the obligatory Mug'Zee, Heads of Security and Chrome King Gallywix splits. Will they get it done and go into Mythic or will M+ be necessary as well to bulk out some missing pieces of gear?
Once they all starting hitting Mythic Progression we know the race will officially be on.
Hype is rising.......
Defenestrate have taken World 5th on Cauldron of Carnage after 13 Pulls.
They are now out of the raid and into M+ after that kill. Obviously want a bit more gear before they carry on with the raid.
Well that is not all Instant Dollars has taken World 4th, US 4th on Mythic Cauldron of Carnage with 1 pull.
Word 3rd, US 3rd has been achieved right after the World 2nd by xD against Mythic Cauldron of Carnage with 8 pulls.
Consequence has shown the carnage to Mythic Cauldron of Carnage with 7 pulls taking them to World 2nd, US 2nd.
A few NA guilds still working in the Heroics, Heroic Splits, or Mythic +s late into the night. As promised Consequence did begin their pulls (4) onto Mythic Cauldron of Carnage and now has a best of 40.7%.

And we have a World First Mythic Cauldron of Carnage from Bound US with 16 Pullls.
Splits continue for most of the guilds as day 3 continues. Bound has come online and have started on their mythic prog. The Liquid casters mentioned they think mythic progression will be happening this time tomorrow! Will we see things finally start to heat up or will splits go into the weekend?
Another slow night for the Race to World First but as we've all seen Consequence is promising a Mythic Cauldron of Carnage battle of pulls tonight! Hope to see the action start soon! Dmg and Visions is still in keys farming for more gear to continue the race. FatSharks has called it a night after a long busy day of splits and many keys! May the odds be forever in everyone's favor! Good Luck tomorrow to all the Teams participating in the Race!
Method are just finishing their final split for today, with just Heroic Mug'Zee, Heads of Security to go. After that, they will be heading offline for the night, and starting again tomorrow morning.
Its quite likely we will see both Method and Echo hitting some Heroic Chrome King Gallywix tomorrow, we are slowly getting closer to seeing some Mythic progress from the top guilds!
Since our last update, here are a few highlights of what's happened:
- Echo have headed offline, and will back for more splits tomorrow morning!
- Liquid have killed Chrome King Gallywix on Heroic twice, and are currently pulling him a 3rd time.
- Method continue with their Normal and Heroic splits marathon, this set could be the last, unless they squeeze in 1 more before heading offline.
- With CN servers having their reset today, we see what appears to be the World First Heroic Chrome King Gallywix. Defeated by CN guild, 天猫佳佳拍网游 earlier today. They wasted no time!
The EU day shift has been essentially non-stop splits, with only a few short breaks for food and to stretch in-between groups being formed.
When more US guilds come online, we may see a little more progress being made on Mythic Cauldron of Carnage; the last progress on that boss was 12 hours ago now, so it will be nice to see some more pulls on that boss.
We also need to remember that there hasn't been much time spent on Mythic+ as of yet, if previous RWF events are to repeat, they will often happen to finish off on the final day of splits. So be prepared with your keys, as the RWF teams often are in need of higher keys to farm specific dungeon loot and to fill the vault.
Liquid have woken up and are back in the raid for more splits!
With Heroic being more of a challenge than first anticipated, the teams in EU are currently still battling it out in the splits. Echo appear to be doing some Chrome King Gallywix splits on Normal, while Method are clearing up to the last boss in Heroic. Hopefully they can get all the items they want quick so we can see some Mythic action, watch this space!
Heroic splits are still happening with the EU guilds, with some juicy loot to come from Chrome King Gallywix . Hopefully the loot gods will be kind to the raiders and we can see some Mythic raid action sooner rather than later!
Method are back up and straight into splits of Normal into Heroic with as little stopping as possible!
It will be a long day for all the raiders who are prepping for the Mythic raid.
It looks like all the Mythic teams in the raid are going straight for the Cauldron of Carnage as the 2nd boss. I wonder if others will try a different order!
The day has just begun and we will do our best to keep everything up to date as it happens!
With EU waking up, here is a quick recap of the last couple hours:
- Liquid have called it a night, heading offline for today, having completed another big wave of Heroic splits today.
- Instant Dollars are currently in the lead on Heroic Chrome King Gallywix, with a best attempt of 36.67% after 6 Pulls. It looks like they have since gone offline for today, but will likely continue with the final boss on Heroic when they return.
- Bound achieved a new best, and so far the best attempt world wide, of 21.2% on Pull 12 of Cauldron of Carnage Mythic.
- DMG, currently with the lowest attempt on Cauldron of Carnage Mythic of 26.1%, have also called it there for today; a few players seem to be taking to some Mythic+ after their raid.
- Echo have started Day 2 of their Normal and Heroic splits, after opting to keep an earlier start time to their day.
- Method are logging on shortly, to also continue with a barrage of Normal and Heroic splits for the entirety of the day.
Well there is a bit of a disturbance in the silence of splits/ Mythic +s with some of NA guilds as two guilds Vulgar and Bound were pulling back to back pulls on Mythic Cauldron of Carnage. Vulgar ended their night with a 39.4% best in 4 pulls and Bound still going with a 25.9% with 7 pulls.
It is well into the night for NA guilds, still working the normal and heroic splits. The Early Shift did get Mythic Vexie and the Geargrinders down and did 2 pulls onto Cauldron of Carnage with 83.3% best.
Liquid and others around NA continue to grind their way through splits. Will we see some of the guilds take a step into mythic difficulty before the night ends?
As most of the EU bid us a goodnight. NA are beginning their nights of splits. Could this be a quiet night or maybe a surprise in the works for some more Mythic kills. Hang tight and we will have to see.
So as the night draws to a close for EU guilds, Method have called it and are likely to be back around 9am (local time) to get the rest of there splits done.
Liquid appear to be doing Heroic splits only at the moment. They have done a lot of splits so far though, so i wonder how much longer it will be before they start actual progress.
Echo are looking to get an early start tomorrow, possibly around the same time as they started today, which would explain the very early stop from them a few hours ago.
So the 10th guild to kill Vexie and the Geargrinders is Honolulu the meme crew from every race.
They have also moved onto boss ~2 and are sitting at 63.8% to move themselves into the top spot of the leaderboard.
Purke the raid leader for Honolulu will be casting for Method on there couch throughout the week. Stop by and see what a current Mythic raider thinks of the raid and how its likely to stack up to previous raids!
In an interesting turn of events, a random guild appears to have incorrectly, and very likely via some intentional exploiting, killed Chrome King Gallywix on Mythic difficulty. This is their only Mythic boss kill, there was only a handful of players in the fight and their gear was lower than players had in the previous raid, Nerub'ar Palace.
The guild, RAoV Quality Assurance, have appeared on the Hall of Fame, with a reported kill of Mythic Chrome King Gallywix.
It's very likely that Blizzard will already be acting quickly on this, removing their kill from the Hall of Fame, and also likely investigating and making fixes to however the players involved were able to do it.
Echo appear to have called it for this evening, its likely to be an early start again for them tomorrow.
More splits incoming no doubt and, will they progress through to get Heroic Mug'Zee, Heads of Security and Chrome King Gallywix for gear? Or will it still be earlier bosses?
And as expected Liquid are right back into splits, this is the the work part that all the guilds need to do so that they can progress as much as possible on the fun part of Mythic.
Unsure how long the EU guilds will carry on for this evening or even what time they will start again tomorrow, it will be a long day today no matter what happens!
With a kill coming in from NonSense, we're now up to 8 guilds who have defeated Vexie and the Geargrinders on Mythic difficulty.
Interestingly, and as a sign of the increased difficulty of the last 2 Heroic bosses, there are more guilds that have killed Vexie and the Geargrinders on Mythic than guilds that have killed Heroic Mug'Zee, Heads of Security.
There is still yet to be a guild that has killed Heroic Chrome King Gallywix. Keep an eye out for when 1 of the 3 guilds that have killed Heroic Mug'Zee, Heads of Security decide to take on Chrome King Gallywix on Heroic. However, its unlikely that Method will be the guild to do that first, as they will continue with earlier boss splits for the coming days; so keep an eye on Instant Dollars or Synergy.
And the first EU guild to kill a mythic boss is Four Wizard Girls. It seems they put a spell on Vexie and the Geargrinders and move themselves onto the leaderboard with World 7th and EU 1st.
So as it is not well into the afternoon for EU and the US is going to be up and about in the next few hours. Both Echo and Method are still steaming through the splits content.
I would imagine it will be all day splits again for Liquid and the other NA guilds as the day starts for them.
Looking to be friday or saturday before we will see an active push into mythic, even then there will possibly be more splits even after that once they find out how difficult the actual fights are going to be.
Are there any predictions on where the first "wall" is likely to be??
So as we go past lunchtime for the EU guilds, we have a total of 6 guilds on 1/8 Mythic kills.
Melee Mechanics Humble Diva Vulgar Ethical Cope
All pushing onto the leaderboard nice and early. Hopefully they can maintain and push further into the raid!
Splits are going strong with EU progressing through Normal and Heroic nicely.
Method are the only big guild from EU to push to 7/8, Echo stopped at 6/8. It doesnt look like Method will be going that far into Heroic again for a while and seem to be doing the earlier bosses only.
Could be that the later bosses are tuned a little tight at the moment with the gear they have and the time required to beat the boss with helpers isn't optimal. Maybe later in the week we will start to see full clears of Heroic for splits.
What does that mean for Mythic though? Is it going to be tuned properly or will nerfs need to be done early in the race?
Method have pushed into the later bosses on heroic and killed Mug'Zee, Heads of Security making them 7/8 Heroic.
Now, however, it looks like they are going back to doing Normal and earlier Heroic boss splits.
In his end of day wrap-up Max from Liquid has stated he is convinced there is a secret phase on Chrome King Gallywix due to how the fight is structured and the way the fight is being played out for Heroic and normal in comparison to previous bosses that have had a secret phase.....
Is it copium? Well only time will tell, I personally hope we do get a secret phase as its been a while since we got a full blown secret phase rather than a self heal or bit more HP to nuke down.
It looks like Liquid are calling it and are going to bed.
The delayed start is always a pain for the NA guilds pushing for a fast start. But they will be back in a few hours and will be into a rhythm pretty quickly.
So as a small update to the current state of progress for all the guilds, most of them are doing splits in both normal and heroic. This is not a surprise!
However what is a surprise is the fact only 1 boss has been killed on Mythic.
Will wee see anyone push further into the raid on day 1 for eu?
One other NA guild sneaked in and took the World 4th, NA 4th of Vexie and the Geargrinders
As the night wears down for NA guilds of doing multiple splits and Mythic +s, EU guilds are beginning their early morning journeys of the splits and some Mythic +s as well.
Diva comes in hot with World 3rd Vexie and the Geargrinders! NA secures the top 3 spots on the on first boss of the tier.
Method and Echo are both awake and online! Their split journey should start shortly.
When you thought everything was quiet with splits, WHAM another boss kill. Humble takes World 2nd, NA 2nd with 4 Pulls on @Vexie and the Geargrinders.
Will this be the start for some more Mythic action soon..?
Liquid's strategy right now is to have some people split off to do normal clears while others do the first 5 bosses on heroic. Other NA guilds continue to work through their splits as well.
Something worth noting is the volume of splits Liquid are running for Normal. With 5 separate groups, they are really pushing for some next level gearing efficiency by being able to funnel loot to a more targeted set of characters across a shorter space of time.
It will be interesting to see how this impacts their total item level and how quickly they are able to "finish" their splits and enter Mythic.
They are currently fighting Chrome King Gallywix on Normal, and Max (Liquid's Raid Leader) is giving a great breakdown of how the fight works.
The Normal splits are well underway for the top NA guilds, and for those that decided to head into Heroic, there have only been a few to make it to 5/8 Heroic.
The furthest ahead is Instant Dollars, a familiar name in the Race to World First, who are getting close to defeating Mug'Zee, Heads of Security on Heroic and being the first guild to face Chrome King Gallywix on Heroic. Melee Mechanics are close behind, continuing to work on The One-Armed Bandit after they return from their break.

Melee Mechanics are pushing hard already, 3 pulls in and the first boss is dead.
Name is on the board and a world first in the bag, they made the boss look easy.
How far will they go before they need to break for gear acquisition!
Melee Mechanics waste no time, NA servers are up and they have already have 2 pulls on the first Mythic boss of the raid, Vexie and the Geargrinders!
After 1 pull, they hit a best of 77%. Their second pull they reach 43.1%.
Depending on the DPS and Healing checks on the fight, we could see a quick World First kill of this boss!
Today it is the day, servers will go live across the pond within the next few hours! Liberation of Undermine will be active soon!
It will be an interesting raid, thematically it looks AMAZING, so lets hope the boss mechanics live up to the look of the place.
- Do we have any predictions on boss pull numbers?
- Will we go through reset once or twice?
- Will we even hit reset?
- How many days of splits will we see?
Good luck to the all the guilds pushing for Mythic progress this tier! Lets get hyped, tune in to your favourite streamer and support them in anyway you can!!
Liberation of Undermine is releasing March 4th, and with it comes our coverage of the latest Race to World First.
The removal of Heroic week means that from Day 1 of the raid being open, Mythic difficulty is available for guilds and players to enter. Although its unlikely we see any of the bigger guilds entering Mythic in the first few days, as they will be running a large number of Normal and Heroic splits, maybe we get some excitement and some guilds go for a World First defeat of an earlier boss.
We will be providing coverage throughout the Race to World First, keeping you informed on what is happening, how the standings are looking and how close we get to the next World First being achieved. Coverage starts on March 4th, so make sure to check back in then!