Assassination Rogue The War Within 11.1 Guide

Patch 11.1 Last Updated: 25th Feb, 2025
Whispyr Author Avatar


This guide was written by Whispyr and updated for the newest patch in The War Within.

Whispyr is a Shadow in the Rogue class Discord, Ravenholdt, where he spends a lot of his time helping other rogues push to their limits. He also is a contributor to Simulationcraft, and is the leading theorycrafter for Assassination Rogues. In addition, he also writes the Wowhead guide for Assassination Rogue. If you have any questions, feel free to tag Whispyr in Ravenholdt or send him a message directly on Discord. You can find him playing on his rogue on his stream every now and again, so make sure to tune in!

What has changed

Patch 11.1

Assassination Rogue has received no changes going into Season 2.

Patch 11.0.7

There are no changes for 11.0.7 besides the new ring, Cyrce’s Circlet.

Patch 11.0.5

The changes for Assassination going into 11.0.5 are many, but most are not entirely significant. The most significant and gameplay impacting changes can be summed up by the following:

  • For Fatebound, Edge Case has been redesigned to flip a coin the moment Deathmark is cast, rather than on the following finisher. This changes some timings and allows us to automate Cold Blood through a macro.
  • Subterfuge has been changed to extend stealth effects rather than overlap with their duration. This is a massive buff to Subterfuge, as the effect previously was entirely wasted.
  • In addition to the Subterfuge changes, Master Assassin now lasts 6 seconds, normalized with all other stealth effects, such as improved garrote and indiscriminate carnage. In order to compensate, the critical strike chance it grants was nerfed to 20%
  • Twist the Knife has been redesigned to allow Envenom to stack up to 2. This fundamentally changes how the effect works and has a lot of synergies, but it doesn’t impact gameplay notably.
  • Thistle Tea now automatically triggers and uses a charge when dropping under 30 energy in addition to its regular ability. This also does not impact our rotation; we will be macroing it to automate it.
  • Echoing Reprimand has been entirely reworked to Supercharger. Rotationally this is entirely passive, requires no tracking of any kind, and simply empowers your next finishers after shiv.