Hey Guys! My name is Matteo. I’ve been raiding in the top 20 scene since Sanctum of Domination and joined Method during Dragonflight as a multiclass range DPS. I started playing Evoker in the beta of Dragonflight and picked up Augmentation as soon as it was available on PTR. Note that this guide was written based on PTR and content is subject to change when the patch launches.
Augmentation is a DPS spec with a twist! Your main focus is on buffing allies in the most efficient way. Buffing the right allies at the correct moment is the bread and butter of the spec and the damage you deal is highly affected by knowing who's going to blast on that dps meter for the next segment of the fight.
By providing tons of utility with knockbacks, dispels, shields, damage reductions or even rescuing your friends into a good position, augmentation is a great fit for numerous encounters and always has options to excel in raid and mythic + scenarios. No matter what the content requires, you have it to solve the situation!
What has changed
Patch 11.1. Changes
Evoker Changes
- Rescue now clears movement impairing effects from you and your target.
- Sleep Walk now has a 1.7 second cast time (was 1.5 seconds).
- Disintegrate now displays a more subtle visual when viewed by allies in raids and dungeons.
Augmentation Changes
- New Talent: Rockfall – Upheaval reaches maximum empower level 20% faster and has a 60% chance to grant Essence Burst.
- Close as Clutchmates has been re-added – Ebon Might and Breath of Eons are now 10% more effective outside of raid.
- Developers' notes: The following change is intended to reduce the defensive power of Augmentation in dungeons. Augmentation has consistently been overperforming in pushing high keys, so we’re making Ebon Might only apply to damage dealers. At the same time, we’re increasing Ebon Might’s effectiveness so that Augmentation’s damage throughput is increased to make up for the lost utility of buffing tanks and healers.
- Ebon Might no longer applies to tanks and healers.
- Motes of Possibility chance to trigger increased to 25% (was 15%).
- Rumbling Earth deals 30% of Upheavals damage (was 50%).
- Breath of Eons now accumulates 8% of damage taken (was 10%).
- Shifting Sands Versatility effectiveness reduced by 20%.
- While in dungeons and raids, allies can no longer see additional Upheavals from Rumbling Earth.
- Seismic Slam talent has moved to PvP talents.
Augmentation was, shortly before the patch launched, hit by a big nerf on Shifting Sands, Breath of Eons and Close as Clutchmates. These hit the throughput of Augmentation by a lot. Although having a good read on your group's composition and understanding damage profiles of different specs still enables good Augmentation Evokers.
The War Within Augmentation Evoker Changes
The most important change is of course the Hero Talent Trees. These have their own section in the guide where both options are analyzed and explained in depth.
Another big change coming with The War Within is Spatial Paradox moving over to the Class Tree. This benefits Devastation and Preservation since they couldn’t access Spatial Paradox before. For Augmentation this is a minor utility nerf since we now have to decide between Time Spiral and Spatial Paradox.
The change that stands out the most is the one to Molten Embers. This makes the AoE rotation more intuitive and encourages using higher rank Fire Breaths on multiple targets.