Ochre Dreamtalon
Playful dreamtalons often decorate themselves in a myriad of colors that only autumn offers.

How to get the Ochre Dreamtalon Mount
The Reins of the Ochre Dreamtalon is a new cat-raptor hybrid mount added in patch 10.2 and is a reward from completing a quest-chain in the Emerald Dream that should take 23 days. The mount looks very cool and is a brand new model to the game.

/way 48.6, 67.8 Sprout
Make your way to the Emerald Dream and head to the co-ordinates (48.6, 67.8). Here you will find an NPC called Sprout, a flower that is in need of restoration. Interact with the flower and it should give you the first quest.

/way 49.6, 62.8 Professor Ash /way 51.11 65.70 Filling The Bucket
Now that you have the first quest, head to the herbalism trainer Professor Ash, at (49.6, 62.8) as she will now have a new dialog option for you.
To the left of the NPC is a water bucket that you need to pick up.
Take the bucket to (51.11, 65.70) and fill it up with water and then take the bucket back to Sprout, and use the new dialog option about the bucket.
The Sprout will now be a friendly NPC and a progress bar should appear above it. This bar fills by 20% each day, so now you will have to wait 5 days to get the next quest.

/way 51, 31 Fathomless Lurker Lake
Once the bar is full, go to the herbalism trainer again and she should offer you a new quest. This quest requires you to collect fish bones from Fathomless Lurkers at (51, 31). The drop chance on the bones is not 100%, it took me 11 kills to get my 5 bones.
After you have your 5 bones, make your way back to Central Encampment and turn in the quest, the herbalism trainer will now be located at the Sprout. The progress bar should appear above it again. This bar fills by 20% each day, so now you will have to wait 5 days to get the next quest.

/way 49.87 61.65 Innkeeper Saelienne /way 41.15, 75.97 Turtle Eggshell Shards /way 56.46, 55.18 Lasher Plant Matter
The next quest comes from the plant we have been nurturing. It will have you speak to the herbalism trainer and will give you an item that tells you the next 3 items you have to collect, these are:
- 5x Tel’Abim Banana - Bought from the innkeeper Saelienne at the Central Encampment.
- 3x Turtle Eggshell Shards - Can be gathered by interacting with turtle egg objects on the ground, these are commonly found at (41.15, 75.97).
- 5x Lasher Plant Matter - Gathered from lasher mobs at (56.46, 55.18)
Once all three have been obtained, right click on the lasher plant matter to create the fertiliser. This will combine them into another item that takes 3 days to transform into something useful.
After the 3 days are up, you should head to the plant NPC and there should be a new dialog option about using the fertiliser on them. After this, the quest will ask you to entertain the sapling; by choosing a dialog option such as telling a joke you will be able to turn in the quest. This will begin another 5 day growth cycle.

/way 63, 52 Totem Mobs
After 5 days the bar will be full. Go to Professor Ash again, who has returned to their original position in the Central Encampment and pick up the quest.
Head over to (63, 52) where you will have to drop a totem before killing some mobs. Ensure you drop the totem before you kill them as it starts to work when the mobs hit 40% health.
Once completed, return to the sapling and hand in the quest. Another bar will appear which means another 5 days of waiting.
Luckily, this is the final step before obtaining the mount.
Once you have waited out your last progress bar, return to Professor Ash at her usual spot in the Central Encampment and pick up the quest.
Then make your way to the sapling and speak to Professor Ash again next to the plant who should allow you to turn in your quest for the mount!