The time rift mounts were introduced in patch 10.1.5, and are a fairly easy collection of mounts to get. There are a total of 7 mounts to obtain from this event, acquired through completing time rifts either from random drops or can be purchased from the event vendors for 3,000 Paracausal Flakes.
List of Mounts

White War Wolf
Can a wolf's hunger ever be satiated? These lupine brutes seek and devour the enemies of the Horde.

Ravenous Black Gryphon
War corrupted these once-proud creatures. The susurration of their wings now whispers omens of imminent demise.

Gold-Toed Albatross
Soaring from a distant timeway, this never-before-seen avian variant was born in a world of order.

Felstorm Dragon
The Burning Legion defeated dragons in a distant timeway. These foul fel wyrms chose corruption and servitude over destruction.

Sulfur Hound
The Black Empire subjugated these humbled and hateful hounds. Utterly obedient, they still serve the strong.

Perfected Juggernaut
Perfection, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. But eyesight can be surgically enhanced.

Scourgebound Vanquisher
Once bound in service to the Scourge, these undead dragons exist only to spread death, disease, and destruction.