Starblaze and Omnuron Mission Guide
Learn how to complete the Starblaze and Omnuron mission in Warcraft Rumble. Follow our suggested build and strategy for Starblaze and Omnuron, in Moonglade.
Best Builds
Important talents
- Splashing Pumpkins on Plague Farmer enables it to outrange Towers and the aggro range of Starblaze (the bear Druid). It can be a useful damage dealer without the range talent, but then you always need to use it with a tank.
- Corrosive Breath on Chimaera adds significant dps.
- Take both Towers: preferably the left one first, but you may need to fight against a push from another direction at the start.
- Push at Omnuron from the left: turn it to face the left edge of the map with Quilboar while Chimaera and Gryphon Rider deal damage.
- Try to send a Plague Farmer at Starblaze from the right while Omnuron is engaged.
- Attack Starblaze from multiple directions after Omnuron falls.
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Important talents
- Splashing Pumpkins on Plague Farmer enables it to outrange Towers and the aggro range of Starblaze (the bear Druid). It can be a useful damage dealer without the range talent, but then you always need to use it with a tank.
- Corrosive Breath on Chimaera adds significant dps.
- Take both Towers: preferably the left one first, but you may need to fight against a push from another direction at the start.
- Push at Omnuron from the left: turn it to face the left edge of the map with Quilboar while Chimaera and Gryphon Rider deal damage.
- Try to send a Plague Farmer at Starblaze from the right while Omnuron is engaged.
- Attack Starblaze from multiple directions after Omnuron falls.
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Important talents
- Splashing Pumpkins on Plague Farmer enables it to outrange Towers and the aggro range of Starblaze (the bear Druid). It can be a useful damage dealer without the range talent, but then you always need to use it with a tank.
- Corrosive Breath on Chimaera adds significant dps.
- Take both Towers: preferably the left one first, but you may need to fight against a push from another direction at the start.
- Push at Omnuron from the left: turn it to face the left edge of the map with Quilboar while Chimaera and Gryphon Rider deal damage.
- Try to send a Plague Farmer at Starblaze from the right while Omnuron is engaged.
- Attack Starblaze from multiple directions after Omnuron falls.
Watch it in action
Important talents
- Splashing Pumpkins on Plague Farmer enables it to outrange Towers and the aggro range of Starblaze (the bear Druid). It can be a useful damage dealer without the range talent, but then you always need to use it with a tank.
- Corrosive Breath on Chimaera adds significant dps.
- Take both Towers: preferably the left one first, but you may need to fight against a push from another direction at the start.
- Push at Omnuron from the left: turn it to face the left edge of the map with Quilboar while Chimaera and Gryphon Rider deal damage.
- Try to send a Plague Farmer at Starblaze from the right while Omnuron is engaged.
- Attack Starblaze from multiple directions after Omnuron falls.
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Important talents
- Splashing Pumpkins on Plague Farmer enables it to outrange Towers and the aggro range of Starblaze (the bear Druid). It can be a useful damage dealer without the range talent, but then you always need to use it with a tank.
- Corrosive Breath on Chimaera adds significant dps.
- Take both Towers: preferably the left one first, but you may need to fight against a push from another direction at the start.
- Push at Omnuron from the left: turn it to face the left edge of the map with Quilboar while Chimaera and Gryphon Rider deal damage.
- Try to send a Plague Farmer at Starblaze from the right while Omnuron is engaged.
- Attack Starblaze from multiple directions after Omnuron falls.
Watch it in action
Important talents
- Splashing Pumpkins on.Plague Farmer enables it to outrange Towers and the aggro range of Starblaze (the bear Druid). It can be a useful damage dealer without the range talent, but then you always need to use it with a tank.
- Take both Towers: preferably the left one first, but you may need to fight against a push from another direction at the start.
- Push at Omnuron from the left: turn it to face the left edge of the map with Quilboar while Darkspear Troll deals damage.
- Try to send a Plague Farmer at Starblaze from the right while Omnuron is engaged.
- Attack Starblaze from multiple directions after Omnuron falls.
Watch it in action
Important talents
- Splashing Pumpkins on Plague Farmer enables it to outrange Towers and the aggro range of Starblaze (the bear Druid). It can be a useful damage dealer without the range talent, but then you always need to use it with a tank.
- Meatier Elbow on Swole Troll allows it to fight against troops.
- Corrosive Breath on Chimaera adds significant dps.
- Take both Towers: preferably the left one first, but you may need to fight against a push from another direction at the start.
- Push at Omnuron from the left: turn it to face the left edge of the map with Dark Iron Miner or let it focus on the Swole Troll while Chimaera and Pyromancer deal damage.
- Try to send a Plague Farmer at Starblaze from the right while Omnuron is engaged.
- Attack Starblaze from multiple directions after Omnuron falls.
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Important talents
- Explosive Shells is crucial for Anub’arak to add more damage.
- Splashing Pumpkins on Plague Farmer enables it to outrange Towers and the aggro range of Starblaze (the bear Druid). It can be a useful damage dealer without the range talent, but then you always need to use it with a tank.
- Infectious Swipes on Harpies add significant dps.
- Take both Towers: preferably the left one first, but you may need to fight against a push from another direction at the start.
- Push at Omnuron from the left: turn it to face the left edge of the map with Quilboar or Earth Elemental while your Beetles and other minis deal damage.
- Try to send a Plague Farmer at Starblaze from the right while Omnuron is engaged.
- Attack Starblaze from multiple directions after Omnuron falls.
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Boss Strategy
This guide focuses on the Heroic Starblaze and Omnuron encounter in Moonglade, but also works for the normal version.
Minis in Starblaze’s and Omnuron’s army
- Bog Beast - Living Wood
- Darkspear Troll - Serpent Sting
- Harpies - Infectious Swipes
- Huntress - Shadowmeld
- Moonkin - Moonglow
- Stonehoof Tauren - Momentum
Note how the Bog Beast is Armored until 30% Health and Stonehoof Tauren charges twice.
Other minis and map mechanics
Starblaze (Druid of the Claw, the bear) and Omnuron (Druid of the Talon, the bird) transform into a powerful tank and a flying ranged damage dealer at 50% Health. As a Heroic special, Starblaze is already in his bear form.
The Druids heal each other a lot, but only while in Night Elf form, so in Heroic, only Omnuron can heal at the start. Once Omnuron transforms into a bird, there is no more healing coming.
General strategy
Starblaze and Omnuron is a slow, grindy fight. You want to secure all the Towers to also secure access to gold and to keep your base safe. You will still need to fight for the chest in the middle and sometimes against minis sent down the middle lane directly to your base, bypassing the Towers.
At the start of the fight, see where Starblaze and Omnuron send their first attack. You need to repel that attack and then take a Tower. You preferably want the left Tower first, and can try to deploy something on that side to lure the boss to respond, but sometimes there is a push coming from the other direction too quickly and you are forced to defend that first. If you have something that can outrange a Tower, like Plague Farmer with the range talent, you can try to sneak that against the left Tower while the main battle happens elsewhere.
After you have taken both Towers, start attacking Omnuron (the bird boss) via the left lane. You need minis that can hit flying minis after Omnuron transforms, and Omnuron deals quite a lot of Elemental damage, so you preferably want to turn him away from your damage dealers.
Because the two Druids are so close together, try to turn Omnuron to face the edge of the map on the left with an unbound mini, so that your ranged minis hit him in the side, not directly from the front but also not in the back. If you try to place an unbound mini between the Druids, Starblaze will attack it too.
If you have a long-range mini, like Plague Farmer with the range talent or Meat Wagon, try to sneak one up to Starblaze from the right Tower while your main push is fighting on the left. Sometimes, you may even get a free kill on Starblaze from outside his aggro range.
After Omnuron goes down, it is time to start working on Starblaze. Starblaze has a big knockback on his melee attack, so your tanks will be flying all over the place. Try to overwhelm him from multiple directions and deal damage at range while trying to send enough tanks to keep him occupied.
If you survive the very beginning and stabilize, the most common way to fail this boss fight is for it to end in a draw. It can be difficult to muster the damage needed to take the Druids down. If that happens, try to stabilize faster so that you get to start the real push earlier. It’s not just your dps in the last moments of the fight, it is also about when you reach the bosses.