An agile Warrior who can jump between tombstones to deal AoE damage.
Hero Information

Exclusive Weapon (Unlocked at Mythic+)
Funeral Ring
Igor summons a tombstone where he stands when a battle starts. Every time an enemy hero loses 40% of their HP, Igor summons another tombstone on an empty tile closest to this enemy which will disappear after taking 3 normal attacks. Igor will always stand on the tombstone and remain steadfast. Igor deals 150% damage to all enemies when casting his Ultimate.
Unlocks at level 51: Increases damage to 180%.
Unlocks at level 111: Increases damage to 210%.
Unlocks at level 171: Increases damage to 240%.
Unlocks at level 231: Increases damage to 270%.
Ghastly Explosion
All tombstones are activated every 8s or when Igor cast Ultimate. Igor jumps onto an activated tombstone, dealing 140% damage to enemies within 1 tile and deactivating the tombstone. He gains Damage Immunity and can't be targeted during using the skill. When the tombstone Igor jumps onto is activated by his Ultimate, this attack deals 50% additional damage.
Unlocks at level 71: Increases damage to 150%.
Unlocks at level 131: Increases damage to 160%.
Unlocks at level 191: Increases damage to 170%.
Spectre Guard
Igor uses the tombstone he's on to block the fatal blow damage and jumps onto another tombstone when existing multiple tombstones. He gains Damage Immunity during the skill. And Igor heals for 3% of his max HP when using Ghastly Explosion or Spectre Guard. Each time you cast Spectre Guard after casting it 6 times, the HP loss ratio required to summon a tombstone with Funeral Ring increases by 12%.
Unlocks at level 91: Increase HP recovery to 3.5% of Igor's max HP.
Unlocks at level 151: Increase HP recovery to 4% of Igor's max HP.
Unlocks at level 211: Increase HP recovery to 4.5% of Igor's max HP.
Hero Focus
Igor increases his Life Drain by 7 during battle. His Life Drain is increased by an extra 6 until Spectre Guards is triggered for the first time.
Unlocks using 10 Tidal Essence: Igor increases his Life Drain by 10 during battle. His Life Drain is increased by an extra 8 until Spectre Guards is triggered for the first time.
Unlocks using 20 Tidal Essence: Igor increases his Life Drain by 12 during battle. His Life Drain is increased by an extra 10 until Spectre Guards is triggered for the first time.
Horror Strike
Igor extends the range of Ghastly Explosion by 1 tile and reduces the target's' healing received by 50% for 4s when his HP ratio is above 70%.
Unlocks after reaching Ex. Weapon +5: Reduces the targets' healing received for 5s.
Unlocks after reaching Ex. Weapon +10: Gains one use of the enhanced Ghastly Explosion regardless of Igor's HP for each Spectre Guard casting.
Unlocks after reaching Ex. Weapon +15: Reduces the targets' healing received for 6s.
Enhance Force
Igor summons an extra tomb at adjacent positions with the most enemies when the battle begins.