The wait is over! After bringing back some fan favorites for the previous season, Blizzard has once again gone into the Dungeon archives of previous expansions.
Dragonflight Season 3 will feature 2 Legion dungeons, 2 from Battle for Azeroth, 1 from Warlords of Draenor and Throne of the Tides from Cataclysm! The 8 dungeon selection is finished off with the new Mega-dungeon, Dawn of the Infinite, added in Patch 10.1, which has been tuned for Mythic+ and split into Dawn of the Infinite: Galakrond's Fall and Dawn of the Infinite: Murozond’s Rise.
Dragonflight Season 3 Mythic+ Dungeon Rotation:
- Atal’Dazar
- Waycrest Manor
- Black Rook Hold
- Darkheart Thicket
- The Everbloom
- Throne of the Tides
- Dawn of the Infinite: Galakrond's Fall
- Dawn of the Infinite: Murozond’s Rise
To help you find where you need to go to enter these dungeons, we compiled a list of the entrance locations for the Season 3 dungeons below, so you can start your key sooner by knowing exactly where to go and summon the slackers!
Keep in mind that the portals in Valdrakken will be updated to more convenient locations for some of the Season 3 dungeons once the patch is live.
Atal’Dazar Entrance Location
Back from the Battle for Azeroth expansion, Atal’Dazar, the sacred tomb of kings is a magnificent dungeon that brings a lot of snappy perils to adventurers, including the fan favorite Rezan boss encounter.
Remembered for its under 10 minutes completion timers during a MDI Global Finals, it will be very interesting to see how big we can still pull without all the Corruption power that was around during patch 8.3!
The Atal’Dazar dungeon is located in the west of Zuldazar, at the top of a winding pathway. The dungeon entrance portal is at the top of the pathway in a golden archway, with the summoning stone located next to the entrance.

To get there if you are a Horde player, you can get the portal from Orgrimmar to Zuldazar directly, and just fly from there. For Alliance you will need to take the boat from the port of Boralus to the closest foothold that you have unlocked.
Waycrest Manor Entrance Location
The claustrophobic Waycrest Manor is back, the second Battle for Azeroth dungeon in the Mythic+ pool for Season 3. Get ready for your tank being melted by the Soulbound Goliath encounter and the very intense fight against the Heartsbane Triad of witches as we dive deep to defeat the Drustvar rulers of the past, Lady and Lord Waycrest!
The Waycrest Manor dungeon entrance is located in the very north of Drustvar in Kul Tiras.

To get there, all you have to do is get either the boat from Zuldazar’s Port to Drustvar if you are playing Horde, or get the flight path from Boralus to Whitegrove Chapel in Drustvar if you are an Alliance player.
Black Rook Hold Entrance Location
You can find the entrance to Black Rook Hold in the Western part of Val’sharah in the Broken Isles!
This Legion dungeon has an intense encounter with Illysana Ravencrest and the other creatures while you dig deeper into the domains of Lord Kur’talos Ravencrest himself!

The fastest way to Black Rook Hold is to take a portal from your faction’s capital to Azsuna then use your regular flying mount to the dungeon entrance. Druids who have it, can also use their Dreamgrove teleport ability (in the spellbook) from the Legion expansion, run over the bridge and through the portal to the druid class hall and fly down.
Darkheart Thicket Entrance Location
Another Legion expansion addition to the Mythic+ dungeon pool for Season 3, the very thematic Legion dungeon brings us back to the times where the corruption of the Old Gods were trying to attack the Emerald Dream! Get ready to face Xavius and his minions in this iconic dungeon.
The Darkheart Thicket dungeon entrance is located close to Shala’nir in the Val’sharah zone of the Broken Isles. You will find it right beneath the massive World Tree in the red, corrupted part of the zone.

The fastest way to Darkheart Thicket is to take a portal from your faction’s capital to Azsuna then use your regular flying mount to the dungeon entrance. Druids who have it, can also use their Dreamgrove teleport ability (in the spellbook) from the Legion expansion, go through the portal to the druid class hall and fly over to it.
The Everbloom Entrance Location
The Everbloom is a very plant based dungeon from the Warlords of Draenor expansion! As one of the former Challenge Mode dungeons, it will be interesting to see how much the new Mythic+ version of it has changed. Particularly if they make changes to prevent some of the skips throughout the instance, or whether some of the tricks from back in the day will return.
The Everbloom Dungeon is located in the Gorgrond zone of the Warlords of Draenor version of Draenor.

To get to the dungeon, you can take the portal in your faction’s capital to Warspear (Horde) or Stormshield (Alliance). The Warspear portal can be found in the downstairs section of the portal room in Orgrimmar. The portal to Stormshield is on the left side of the portal room in Stormwind.
Throne of the Tides Entrance Location
A surprise addition to the Season 3 Mythic+ pool was the Throne of Tides dungeon from Cataclysm. Diving deep underwater, it features one of my favorite Hearthstone Battlegrounds heroes, Ozumat. It will be interesting to see what adaptations Blizzard makes to this dungeon to make it Mythic+ ready, similar to Vortex Pinnacle in Season 2.
The Throne of the Tides dungeon entrance is located in the middle of Vashj’ir, to the West of the Eastern Kingdoms, in the middle of open sea, and very, very deep! I recommend using a water mount to get there.

You can teleport to Vashj’ir by going to Orgrimmar (Horde) or Stormwind (Alliance), and taking the Vashj’ir portal. The cataclysm portals are located at the top of the Valley of Wisdom in Orgrimmar, and close to the Stormwind Keep for the Alliance.
Dawn of the Infinite Entrance Location
The stunning visuals of the newest Mega-dungeon is now ready for us to finally explore to its fullest in its Mythic+ form!
Both Dawn of the Infinite dungeons (Dawn of the Infinite: Galakrond's Fall and Dawn of the Infinite: Murozond’s Rise) are located at The Temporal Conflux, in the Southeast of Thaldraszus. It was introduced in patch 10.1, and will be split into 2 different instances, Galakrond's Fall and Murozond’s Rise. The segment of the dungeon is based on which key you put in, they don't have different entrances.
Dawn of the Infinite: Galakrond's Fall Bosses
- Chronikar
- Manifested Timeways
- Blight of Galakrond
- Iridikron the Stonescaled
Dawn of the Infinite: Murozond’s Rise Bosses
- Tyr, the Infinite Keeper
- Morchie
- Time-Lost Battlefield
- Chrono-Lord Deios
Currently on the PTR, the infamous “Dodgeball” gauntlet is included in the Murozond’s Rise section of the dungeon. Although it can be dangerous for your time it can still be funny to see your Mage friend getting there first while the rest of the group fails miserably and waits for the portal skip.
These dungeons will be popular because of loot such as Gorehowl and the chance at a random dungeon mount from the rare Reins of the Quantum Courser item!

To get to the dungeon entrance you can quickly dragon-ride your way from Valdrakken to the dungeon entrance.
Now that you have a reminder of where all the Dragonflight Season 3 dungeons are located, we wish you the best of luck with racing those timers, getting that Mythic+ score and earning some epic loot!