Hey everyone, and welcome to the Priory of the Sacred Flame dungeon guide for season 2 of The War Within! In this guide I’ll be going over the abilities of all the trash mobs and bosses throughout the dungeon, as well as how I recommend you handle them. I’ll be focusing on the mythic and M+ versions of the dungeon, but most of this article will apply to both normal and heroic difficulties as well. I’ll also be including my recommended, PUG friendly route via the Mythic Dungeon Tools addon for anyone interested.
Some background on myself, my name is Tactyks and I am an avid M+ player, achieving the 0.1% M+ title in every season it has existed, as well as competing in The Great Push in season 4 of Shadowlands. I also create M+, Raid, and tank guide content on my YouTube and Twitch channels, so be sure to stop by and say hi!
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If you are using the Mythic Dungeon Tools addon, you can import my recommended route using the following link:
Priest/Paladin Buff
In the opening courtyard of the dungeon as well as in the final boss room players will find an orb of light that can be interacted with by Priest or Paladin players in order to buff their party with Blessing of the Sacred Flame for 30minutes. While active this buff causes your attacks and spells to have a chance to proc extra AoE holy damage, which can be a nice boost to your overall output. Note that while this buff is lost on death, the orbs themselves never despawn, so you can have your Priest or Paladin player interact with them again to rebuff any players who lost their blessing.
Video Guide
Captain Dailcry Trash
Arathi Footman
- Use a CC to stop the Defend channel as this buffs nearby allies
Fervent Sharpshooter
- Pot Shot and Shoot target random players, beware if this overlaps with other damage
- Occasionally the mob will disengage and throw down 4 Caltrops, be sure to avoid these
Arathi Knight
- This mob is immune to CC
- Disrupting Shout hits all players, make sure to stop casting just before this goes off
- Impale targets a random player, use a defensive if you have this debuff at the same time as Disrupting Shout
Devout Priest
- Be sure to interrupt every cast of Greater Heal
- Use spare interrupts on the random target Holy Smite
Fanatical Conjuror
- If you have any extra interrupts use them on the random target Fireball
- Move out of the circle created by Flamestrike
War Lynx
- These mobs will Pounce at the furthest player, have someone bait these and use movement or CC abilities to avoid the bleed it applies
- This mob is immune to CC
- Purification channels into a random player, use a defensive if targeted
- At 25% health casts Burst of Light, this AoE hurts players and heal mobs so try and get everything out of it
Also spread throughout this first area of the dungeon are 3 named Lieutenants, who when defeated will call one of the Trusted Guards away from the boss. These Lieutenants always call the same Trusted Guard on death, and only a maximum of 2 Trusted Guards will ever leave the boss to engage players, meaning you can choose which you fight with the boss based on which Lieutenants you kill.
Guard Captain Suleyman
- This mob is immune to CC
- Shield Slam targets the tank, make sure you aren’t knocked into more trash
- Thunderclap hits all players, use a defensive if this overlaps with other damage
- On death this Lieutenant calls Sergeant Shaynemail away from the boss
Sergeant Shaynemail
- This mob is immune to CC
- Lunging Strike targets a random player, spread out to avoid cleaving the Bleed and if possible use movement to dodge the charge while the mob is midair
- Avoid the AoE created by Brutal Smash
Forge Master Damian
- This mob is immune to CC
- Seal of Flame buffs the attacks of this mob, tanks beware of this extra damage and everyone be ready to dodge the fire that this shoots out
- Heat Wave hits all players, use a defensive if this overlaps with other damage and if needed dispel the Magic slow it applies
- On death this Lieutenant calls Elaena Emberlanz away from the boss
Elaena Emberlanz
- This mob is immune to CC
- Divine Judgment targets the tank, be sure to dispel the Magic debuff it applies
- Holy Radiance channels at full energy, use healing or defensive CDs as needed
The last Lieutenant I recommend skipping, which means you’ll end up fighting Taener Duelmal alongside the boss.
High Priest Aemya
- This mob is immune to CC
- Holy Smite targets a random player, use interrupts on this
- Reflective Shield causes players to take 40% of their damage as holy, be careful when this goes out and use defensives as needed
- On death this Lieutenant calls Taener Duelmal away from the boss
Taener Duelmal
- This mob is immune to CC
- Cinderblast targets the tank, make sure this cast is interrupted and use a Magic dispel if missed
- Fireball targets a random player, use spare interrupts on this
- Avoid the circles created during the Ember Storm channel
Captain Dailcry Boss Fight
As mentioned previously, this boss must be fought with at least 1 of his Trusted Guards, who gain Bound by Fate while near him, drastically increasing health but also causing them to share damage. On top of this, the Trusted Guard despawns upon killing the boss, so you never need to outright focus this mob, however you do still gain boss damage by cleaving it.
In terms of which Trusted Guard to fight with the boss, as I mentioned previously for all groups I think Taener Duelmal is the best choice, as the damage done by his Fireballs is relatively low meaning you don’t need a consistent kick rotation until extremely high key levels and you only need to focus on making sure every cast of Cinderblast is interrupted. This means that you’ll want to make sure that you kill both Guard Captain Suleyman and Forge Master Damian, which is taken into account in the route linked in this article.
Moving onto the boss himself, he also has his own important interrupt in Battle Cry which will deal damage and enrage the Trusted Guard if successful, so make sure you also have one player assigned to kick this ability. He will also occasionally use Hurl Spear at a random player, which is just a line attack that needs to be avoided.
Whenever the boss reaches full energy he’ll use Savage Mauling, leaping to a random target and immobilizing them as he channels physical hits. To stop this cast you must break the absorb shield on the boss, so if the boss is approaching full energy start to pool your damage for when this cast happens, and if you’re the target it’s best to use a defensive ability here.
Other than that there’s just the tank hit in Pierce Armor which also applies a nasty bleed, so use defensives and bleed cleanses if you have them to mitigate this damage.
Baron Braunpyke Trash
Zealous Templar
- Templar’s Wrath is a Magic buff applied to the mob, if possible use a purge to remove it
- Tanks be aware of when the mob gains Seal of Light’s Fury, and use defensives as needed especially if it overlaps with the Templar’s Wrath buff
Ardent Paladin
- This mob is immune to CC
- Make sure to move out of the Consecration circles spawned under the mob
- Sacred Toll hits the entire group, be ready to use defensives if this overlaps with other damage
Baron Braunpyke Boss Fight
This encounter has a lot of player target ground effects that go out on multiple players at a time, so because of this my general recommendation is to try and play as a group, baiting these effects into the same area before moving together to safely avoid them
Before getting into those abilities it’s important to mention Vindictive Wrath, which lasts for 20s and is cast when the boss reaches 100 energy. While active this will increase the potency of all other spells cast, so everyone will want to be aware while this buff is running.
To start there’s Hammer of Purity, which drops an AoE under 3 random players that explodes into multiple spinning hammers that spiral outwards. As previously mentioned, you have a lot more safe space if you group this AoEs together, so I recommend pulling the boss to one side of the room, stacking up, then running across the room when this cast goes out. When empowered this ability now targets 5 players, meaning more hammers will be spinning around the room, however if using the recommended strategy this ability is the least impactful when empowered.
Next up is Sacrificial Pyre, which spawns a circle on one of the points of the compass in the centre of the room. After 30s this circle will explode for lethal damage, so to prevent this you’ll need to have players run into the circle, which deals a pulse of raid damage and applies a stack of Sacrificial Flame to the soaker while knocking them back. Usually this requires 3 soaks to remove entirely, however if empowered it will be much larger and require 5 soaks, leading to a lot more group damage. The DoT applied to soakers can also get dangerous very quickly, so use things like immunities to soak without gaining the DoT and rotate who your soakers are. Tanks are usually safe to take 2 stacks here if they also pop a defensive so that can be quite helpful when the ability is empowered. Remember not to soak all the stacks too quickly as each soak releases a hit of party damage!
Burning Light is an important interrupt on the boss, so make sure everyone is watching for this cast. When empowered the cast time on this spell is halved, so you need to be quick to make sure the boss doesn’t heal.
Finally there’s Castigator’s Shield, which is fired at 3 random players, dealing damage and slowing them while also spawning a 12yd AoE under them that explodes after a few seconds. This is handled in the same was as Hammer of Purity, just have your group be relatively stacked and move as a unit away from where these circles spawn. When empowered this attack targets all 5 players, so there’s more group damage happening and a couple more circles to avoid.
Prioress Murrpray Trash
Risen Mage
- Make sure every cast of Fireball Volley is interrupted
- Use spare interrupts on the random target Fireball cast
- Beware that this mob explodes for AoE damage on death with Light Expulsion, so try not to kill too many of these mobs at once
Risen Footman
- These mobs also use Light Expulsion on death, so again just try to kill these mobs in a staggered fashion
Sir Braunpyke
- This mob is immune to CC
- While fighting this mob you take constant damage from Radiant Flame, so healers make sure you have throughput ready and other players be ready to defensive other damage
- Blazing Strike targets the tank, use defensives as needed
Prioress Murrpray Boss Fight
To start out this fight you’ll take on the Prioress on the lower platform until she reaches 50% health. While here try and keep kicks on her Holy Smite cast, as this can deal excessive damage to your tank if left unchecked. There are also a couple things you’ll want to avoid, the first is the Holy Flame circle that spawns under a random player, the second is the Purify beam which the boss calls on to fixate a random player. This beam deals heavy holy damage to anyone who touches it and leaves behind flames, so I recommend tanking the boss on one side of the platform and just having the targeted player kite straight back to conserve space.
There’s also quite a bit of unavoidable group damage going out, mostly through the Inner Fire buff which causes the boss to deal increased holy damage and pulse for AoE damage for 12s. This is especially scary when combined with the Blinding Light cast, which disorients anyone looking at the boss after 4s while also dealing a hit of holy damage to your group. When this cast happens you’ll always want to make sure you turn away from the boss before it ends, and if it ever overlaps with the Inner Fire buff you’ll likely want to pop a group defensives or use a personal as well.
Once the boss reaches 50% health she’ll jump to the upper platform, summon several adds, gain an absorb shield, and start channeling Embrace the Light until that shield is broken and the cast is interrupted. When this happens you’ll want to run to the upper platform as quickly as you can and use damage CDs or Bloodlust to break the shield as quick as possible to stop that heavy pulsing damage.
The adds make this more difficult, as they approach from both sides of the upper platform, meleeing players as well as pulsing for AoE damage thanks to Overwhelming Power. It can be very dangerous to take them on while the boss is channeling, so if you have things like AoE roots, knockbacks, slows, or stuns you can use them on these add groups to make this intermission much safer.
After breaking the shield and interrupting her cast, Murrpray goes back to casting all the same abilities she did at the start of the fight, however now you’re fighting her on the upper platform.