Guardian Druid Interface, Macros and WeakAuras Guide

Patch 11.1 Last Updated: 3rd Mar, 2025
Tactyks Author Avatar


As a Guardian druid, regardless of how your UI looks, there are a few key things you want to make sure you are tracking. First and foremost is Ironfur, including both the duration of stacks and the stacks you currently have. Because these can overlap it can be useful to track each individual application as opposed to generic buff duration, and I’ve included a tracker that does this in the WeakAuras section.

Hand-in-hand with Ironfur, you’ll want to make sure you are tracking your total rage so that you can be aware of how much is needed to cast your spenders or before you hit the cap, which is something you never want to do as discussed in the playstyle section. Outside of this, it can be beneficial to track certain important procs like Galactic Guardian and Tooth and Claw, but the built in on-screen animations for these are quite good and are perfectly fine to use.


Mouseover Growl macro:

#showtooltip Growl
/cast [@mouseover,exists,harm][@target,exists,harm] Growl

Mouseover Moonfire macro:

#showtooltip Moonfire
/cast [@mouseover,exists,harm][@target,exists,harm] Moonfire

Mouseover Rebirth macro:

#showtooltip Rebirth
/cast [@mouseover,help]Rebirth;Rebirth

Mouseover Skull Bash macro:

#showtooltip Skull Bash
/cast [@mouseover,exists,harm][@target,exists,harm] Skull Bash

Mouseover Hibernate macro:

#showtooltip Hibernate
/cast [@mouseover,exists,harm][@target,exists,harm] Hibernate

Mouseover Remove Corruption macro:

#showtooltip Remove Corruption
/cast [@mouseover,help,exists]Remove Corruption

Focus Skull Bash macro:

#showtooltip Skull Bash
/cast [@focus,exists,harm] Skull Bash; Skull Bash
Cancel Blessing of Protection macro:
/cancelaura blessing of protection


Guardian Druid UI:

Basic Ironfur Tracker: