Stat Priorities
Stat Ranking
Herald - Raid:
Intellect > Haste > Mastery > Crit = Versa
Herald M +:
Intellect > Haste > Crit = Versatility > Mastery
Lightsmith Raid
Intellect > Haste > Crit > Mastery = Versa
Lightsmith M+
Intellect > Haste > Crit > Versa > Mastery
Stat Outline
Critical Strike: Chance for each attack and ability to do twice as much damage or healing. Crit gains a lot of value when playing Lightsmith because of Hammer and Anvil heroic talent.
Haste: Increases attack and spell-casting speed. It also reduces the cooldown of main rotation abilities such as Holy Shock and Crusader Strike. The major pitfall of having too much haste is that you’ll spend your mana too fast. Paladins have no way of throttling their mana usage, so if you spend too much too fast you’ll be forced to go afk while it regenerates. This is why it's important to balance how much haste you have and find a sweet spot where you’re playing fast enough for good HPS throughput, but not so fast as to spend all your mana before the encounter is finished.
Mastery: (Mastery: Lightbringer) Increases the healing you do based on how close your target is to you.
Since Mastery does not contribute any damage the value is decreased significantly in Mythic+.
Versatility: Increases damage and healing done and decreases damage taken.
Versatility takes precedence over mastery in M+ as not only will it increase your damage and healing but also provide you with damage reduction.
Races are a minor thing, and all of them are viable. But if you absolutely want to squeeze every ounce of value possible, for Alliance and overall its recommended you go with Dwarf, having an additional defense and the ability to almost ignore certain mechanics is just too powerful compared to any other racial. For Horde it’s recommended you go with Blood Elf.
Zandalari Troll: has 2 good racials for raiding. Embrace of Pa’ku - Your abilities have a chance to grant you a 4% critical strike for 12 seconds. or Embrace of Gonk - Increase movement speed by 5%.
Blood Elf: Gives you Arcane Torrent, which is an extra Holy Power generator on a 2 min cooldown, and Arcane Acuity, which increases your critical strike chance by 1%.
Tauren: Gives you an AoE Stun with War Stomp, primarily sees use in PvP. Brawn buffs your critical strike healing by 2% and synergises with Holy Shock. And it gives you Endurance which provides you with extra Stamina.
Dwarf: Stoneform Removes all harmful Poison, Disease, Curse, Magic, and Bleed effects and reduces all physical damage taken by 10% for 8 sec. this is an additional defensive cooldown and sees a lot of play in High Mythic+.
Human: Will to Survive - Removes all stun effects. And The Human Spirit, where you gain 2% more of all secondary stats from all sources.
Dark Iron Dwarf: Fireblood is like Stoneform from Dwarf, but you get primary stats instead of the physical damage reduction.
Draenei: Gives you Gift of the Naaru, which can be good in some situations.
But you should choose what you like best and what fits the best for the content you play since the impact is minor.
Cloak: Chant of Leeching Fangs
Chest: Crystalline Radiance or Councils Intellect (if you find yourself lacking mana)
Bracers: Chant of Armored Leech
Boots: Defender’s March
Legs: Daybreak Spellthread
Rings: Radiant Haste
Weapon: Authority of Radiant Power (M+) / Authority of Fiery Resolve (Raid)
1x Culminating Blasphemite
1x Masterful Emerald for raiding or Versatile Emerald for M+
1x Quick Ruby
1x Quick Onyx
1x Quick Sapphire
The rest should be Masterful Emerald or Versatile Emerald if focused on M +.
Food: Jesters Board
Flask: Flask of Tempered Swiftness
Potions: Algari Mana Potion / Slumbering Soul Serum
Health Potions: Algari Healing Potion
Weapon Oil: Algarian Mana Oil