Holy Priest Talents Guide

Patch 11.0.7 Last Updated: 6th Jan, 2025
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Talent Builds


This raid build is centered around Lightweaver. This build focuses on empowering your Heal casts with your Flash Heal casts.


This M+ build will still use the single target Lightweaver talent for your spot healing, on top of the powerful Empyreal Blaze & Burning Vehemence to help your DPS.

Oracle will be the Hero Talent set-up used, increasing your damage thanks to Preventive Measures, and granting the new Premonition spell, a great versatile tool (CDR for your Holy Fires, a healing buff, and a single target alternative, granting a strong shield + damage reduction on the target).

Class Talents

A strong addition to the Class Talent tree is the new Phantom Reach talent, increasing the range of your spells by 15%, which is good in a lot of raid encounters where there is a lot of distance between you and your raid members.

Translucent Image will be a mandatory pick, giving you a defensive tool with a very low cooldown, especially when paired with Improved Fade to reduce the cooldown to 20 seconds.

Protective Light will be another mandatory pick, giving you an additional 10% damage reduction without any cooldown, just after you Flash Heal someone. This also works with Binding Heal.

Halo has a lot of synergies with talents within the Archon Hero Talents, and will act as an additional raid CD now. The benefits of the new hero talents are being discussed more in-depth in the Playstyle in raids section.

Spec Talents

The spec tree has a lot of different talents with synergies in different areas of Holy’s kit. There are a lot of synergies around Prayer of Mending with Answered Prayers and Prayers of the Virtuous and the addition of the hero talents.

There is a lot of synergy with your holy words in Light of the Naaru, Apotheosis, and Miracle Worker. Besides that there are also some synergies around Circle of healing with Prayer Circle, Resonant Words and Orison.

The spec talent that has been most relevant so far is Lightweaver. You will play this capstone talent in both raid and Mythic+. It’s seeing a lot of play as it’s very good at helping out with spot healing.

Hero Talents


The Archon Hero Talents, currently best suited for raids, puts a big emphasis on the new role of Halo, acting as a new raid CD. On top of the bonus halos it also grants you additional Surge of Light procs.

This tree is quite straightforward to use, and will add a bit of survivability for your priest, with an additional 5% stamina.


The Oracle set-up is quite strong for Mythic+, even though it is a bit more difficult to use than Archon.

The new Premonition spell will rotate each time you cast it, and will require you to plan a bit your healing set-up. Premonition is explained more in-depth in the “Playstyle in Mythic+” part of this guide.