Are you looking to add a little dragon magic to your Battle Pet collection? Then look no further than Spyragos! To obtain this cute pet, simply head to the Hissing Grotto and seek out Vazallia. When you see her in human form, interact with her and click on "What are you doing here?” She will reply with “Anything I want” and happily offer you the quest to earn Spyragos called A Dragon's Day Off.

/way The Waking Shores 20.17 39.51 Vazallia
Keep in mind that Vazallia has a habit of flying around in her dragon form, so if you don't see her at the Grotto right away, just wait a few minutes for her to land and transform back into her human form. With a little patience, you'll be able to add Spyragos to your World of Warcraft battle pet collection in no time!
A Dragon's Day Off Quest Objectives
Locate the following drinks for Vazallia:
- Flameslinger Rum
- Riptide Brew
- Popfizz Punch
- Happy Trigger Sour
- Slam Bam Swill
- Whirlwind Wine
- Stealthy Elven Port
All Coordinates
Note: Whirlwind Wine & Flameslinger Rum needs some additional steps. Please read our detailed guide below.
/way The Waking Shores 62.96 79.77 Riptide Brew
/way The Waking Shores 39.29 38.33 Popfizz Punch
/way The Waking Shores 46.92 30.71 Slam Bam Swill
/way The Waking Shores 25.70 55.17 Stealthy Elven Port Vendor
/way The Waking Shores 43.07 67.41 Firstmate Kaleson
/way The Waking Shores 43.13 67.36 Kora Fullsails Whirlwind Wine Step 1
/way The Waking Shores 76.53 48.37 Rampaging Wind Whirlwind Wine Step 2
/way The Waking Shores 35.75 47.96 Dealer Vexil Cave Entrance
/way The Waking Shores 34.74 46.73 Dealer Vexil Flameslinger Rum
Riptide Brew

Riptide Brew can be found inside a cave guarded by Lago the Drowned.
Cave Entrance
/way The Waking Shores 63.26 79.93 Cave Entrance
Riptide Brew
/way The Waking Shores 62.96 79.77 Riptide Brew
Popfizz Punch

/way The Waking Shores 39.29 38.33 Popfizz Punch
Popfizz Punch is a bottle on the ship right next to the door.
Slam Bam Swill

/way The Waking Shores 46.92 30.71 Slam Bam Swill
The Slam Bam Swill is located at the top of the tree behind a Pandarian called Ku-Mo.
Stealthy Elven Port

/way The Waking Shores 25.70 55.17 Stealthy Elven Port Vendor
The Stealthy Elven Port can be purchased from Outfitter Tipech at the Obsidian Throne.
Happy Trigger Sour

/way The Waking Shores 43.07 67.41 Firstmate Kaleson
The Happy Trigger Sour can be purchased from Firstmate Kaleson at the Obsidian Bulwark. He is patrolling back and forth, so if you can't find him, you can use "/tar Firstmate Kaleson".
Whirlwind Wine
To get the Whirlwind Wine you need to complete a few steps.
- Step 1: Purchase Kul Tiran Red from an NPC called Kora Fullsails at The Obsidian Bulwark (/way The Waking Shores 43.13 67.36 Kora Fullsails)
- Step 2 (Optional): Take the flight path from The Obsidian Bulwark to the Skytop Observatory
- Step 3: Fly to Restless Wetlands and find the Rampaging Wind mobs (/way The Waking Shores 76.53 48.37 Rampaging Wind)
- Step 4: Throw the Kul Tiran Red that you purchased at one of the Rampaging Wind mobs around the area. Once you throw it, the mob will throw you a Whirlwind Wine directly into your bag. So, make sure you have enough space in your bag.
Flameslinger Rum
Obtaining the Flameslinger Rum requires completing a series of side quests, as it is only sold by Dealer Vexil. Once these quests have been completed, Vexil will become available and you will be able to purchase the Flameslinger Rum.
Unlocking Dealer Vexil

/way The Waking Shores 39.43 48.33 Ingot
In order to access Dealer Vexil, you must first complete a four part questline that can be initiated by speaking with Ingot at the Smoldering Perch. Once you have successfully completed all four parts of this questline, you will have unlocked access to Dealer Vexil and all that the NPC has to offer, including the Flameslinger Rum.
Complete the following quests:
- Punching Up
- A Cultist’s Misgivings
- Under Lock and Key
- The Shadow of His Wings
Talking to Dealer Vexil Pre-requisite

/way The Waking Shores 32.28 52.48 Igys the Believer
To unlock the opportunity to interact with Dealer Vexil, you must first acquire the Worldbreaker Membership. This item can be obtained by turning in a Restored Obsidian Key to Igys the Believer at The Slagmire, located within the Obsidian Citadel. Upon turning in the key, you will receive a Twilight Cache which has a chance to contain the Worldbreaker Membership.
Once you have obtained the membership, use it to gain a temporary title called "The Worldbreaker." This title will allow you to speak with Dealer Vexil. However, be aware that if you die while in possession of the title, it will be removed.
Dealer Vexil Location

Cave Entrance
/way The Waking Shores 35.75 47.96 Cave Entrance
Dealer Vexil
/way The Waking Shores 34.74 46.73 Dealer Vexil
Final Step to get the Spyragos Battle Pet

/way The Waking Shores 20.17 39.51 Vazallia
When you have gathered all the items you need for the quest, head back to Vazallia at the Hissing Grotto to obtain your new Spyragos WoW Battle Pet!
Well done!