Mistweaver Monk Gearing Guide

Patch 11.1 Last Updated: 22nd Feb, 2025
Tincell Author Avatar

Tier Sets

Season 2 Mistweaver Monk Tier Set:

This season's tier set is built around the 2-pc bonus being role specific and 4-pc effect bonus is unique for every spec. In short all healers have the same 2-pc effect and every healer spec has different 4-pc bonuses The actual power scaling of 2pc and 4pc bonuses are different for all healer specs.

  • (2) Set Bonus: Your healing spells have a chance to apply Insurance! to their targets that heals them for (394.45% of Spell power) over 15 sec. Insurance! is consumed if an ally drops below 40% health to heal them for (236.67% of Spell power).
  • (4) Set Bonus: Casting Renewing Mist applies Insurance! for 6 sec. The healing of Insurance! is increased by up to 50% in proportion to the coverage Renewing Mist has on you and up to 10 allies.

Insurance! has two effects related to it. First there’s the ticking healing effect of it and then there’s the second one where it gets instantly consumed for a fixed amount of healing if you drop below 40% health.

The (4) Set Bonus of Insurance! can be applied through Rapid Diffusion when casting Enveloping Mist as it spreads Renewing Mists. This makes it so your Invoke Yu’Lon, the Serpent will have the added effect of spreading several Insurance! buffs throughout the raid naturally. On top of this you’ll also play Chi Harmony as it will increase the overall healing of both Renewing Mist from Rapid Diffusion and the healing from Insurance!

mistweaver monk Best in Slot Gear

The list below is to be used as a rough guideline for what gear you should be using as a Mistweaver Monk, and help you target the right content for each piece of loot. Healer simming is also extremely valuable, and this can be done through QELive.

Overall Best Gear

Slot Item Source
Head Ageless Serpent’s Mane Tier token (The One-Armed Bandit)
Neck Semi-Charmed Amulet Rik Reverb
Shoulders Ageless Serpent’s Shoulderpads Tier token (Rik Reverb)
Cloak Undercircuit Racing Flag Vexie and the Geargrinders
Chest Ageless Serpent’s Inked Coils Tier token (Sprocketmonger Lockenstock)
Wrist Servo-Arm Bindings The MOTHERLODE!!
Gloves Ageless Serpent’s Handguards Tier token (Cauldron of Carnage)
Belt Hitman’s Holster Mug’zee
Legs Ageless Serpent’s Leggings Tier token (Stix Bunkjunker)
Boots Vanquished Usurper’s Footpads Theater of Pain
Ring Bloodoath Signet Theater of Pain
Ring Faded Championship Ring Cauldron of Carnage
Trinket Mister Pick-Me-Up Sprocketmonger Lockenstock
Trinket Signet of the Priory Priory of the Sacred Flame
Main Hand Vagabond’s Bounding Baton Inscription

Best Gear from the Raid

Slot Item Source
Head Ageless Serpent’s Mane Tier token (The One-Armed Bandit)
Neck Semi-Charmed Amulet Rik Reverb
Shoulders Ageless Serpent’s Shoulderpads Tier token (Rik Reverb)
Cloak Undercircuit Racing Flag Vexie and the Geargrinders
Chest Ageless Serpent’s Inked Coils Tier token (Sprocketmonger Lockenstock)
Wrist Killer Queen’s Wristflickers Rik Reverb
Gloves Ageless Serpent’s Handguards Tier token (Cauldron of Carnage)
Belt Hitman’s Holster Mug’zee
Legs Ageless Serpent’s Leggings Tier token (Stix Bunkjunker)
Boots Dragster’s Last Stride Vexie and the Geargrinders
Ring Faded Championship Ring Cauldron of Carnage
Ring Miniature Roulette Wheel (Haste/Crit) The One-Armed Bandit
Trinket Mister Pick-Me-Up Sprocketmonger Lockenstock
Trinket Mug’s Moxie Jug Mug’Zee
Main Hand Big Earner’s Bludgeon Vexie and the Geargrinders
Off Hand Operator’s Fraud Detector The One-Armed Bandit

Best Gear from Mythic+

Slot Item Source
Head Waterworks Filtration Mask Operation: Floodgate
Neck Strapped Rescue-keg Cinderbrew Meadery
Shoulders Fireproof Cinderbee Perch Cinderbrew Meadery
Cloak Cloak of Questionable Intent The MOTHERLODE!!
Chest Vest of Concealed Secrets Theater of Pain
Wrist Servo-Arm Bindings The MOTHERLODE!!
Gloves Shimmering Glimclaws Darkflame Cleft
Belt Brewery Toiler’s Waistband Cinderbrew Meadery
Legs Shadowspawn Leggings Darkflame Cleft
Boots Vanquished Usurper’s Footpads Theater of Pain
Ring Bloodoath Signet Theater of Pain
Ring Wick’s Golden Loop Darkflame Cleft
Trinket Carved Blazikon Wax Darkflame Cleft
Trinket Signet of the Priory Priory of the Sacred Flame
Main Hand Electrifying Cognitive Amplifier Operation: Mechagon
Off Hand Deathwalker’s Promise Theater of Pain


Most trinkets that drop from bosses in Liberation of Undermine are great options. You should try and get your hands on any trinket that can be paired with Signet of Priory as it’s your strongest trinket option.

You can also simulate your best trinkets for healing over at QE Live.


Embellishments are generally weak and because of this you’ll prioritise crafting in the following order. These recommendations might change during the first month of the raid tier due to tuning. Always consult QE Live for what’s your highest valued embellishment based on your character's gear.

  1. Vagabond’s Bounding Baton - pair this with Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension as your 1st embellishment. This is a 2-hand staff so you’ll need 2 sparks.
  2. Writhing Armor Banding - use this as your 2nd embellishment on any crafted armor piece as it doubles the effect of Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension on your Vagabond’s Bounding Baton.
  3. Any piece of crafted gear that can replace a lower item level piece.