In this guide, I will walk you through how to obtain the Troll Raptor mounts, including the Whistle of the Emerald Raptor. These mounts are obtainable from Zjolnir, found in Sen’jin Village, Durotar, after reaching Exalted with the Darkspear Trolls. I will walk you through the easiest way to farm this reputation, using a tabard and repeatable dungeon farm, which should take you a couple of hours to hit Exalted.
If you are interested in following me on my collecting journey in Azeroth, you can find me on Twitch.
Note: These mounts are Horde side only.

Emerald Raptor

Bred from the fiercest stock anywhere and guaranteed not to bite (much).

Turquoise Raptor

Bred from the fiercest stock anywhere and guaranteed not to bite (much).

Violet Raptor

Bred from the fiercest stock anywhere and guaranteed not to bite (much).

Swift Blue Raptor

Longtime allies of the trolls, these jungle hunters form a special bond with their masters. They become steed, guardian, and friend.

Swift Olive Raptor

Longtime allies of the trolls, these jungle hunters form a special bond with their masters. They become mount, guardian, and friend.

Swift Orange Raptor

Longtime allies of the trolls, these jungle hunters form a special bond with their masters. They become mount, guardian, and friend.

How to get the Troll Raptor Mount
Pick up the Darkspear Troll Tabard
Head to Orgrimmar in Kalimdor and pick up your Darkspear Troll Tabard from Champion Uru’zin near the flightmaster. Wearing this will allow you to farm the reputation.

/way Orgrimmar 50.27, 58.36
Head to The Botanica in Outland
After picking up your tabard, head to the Shattrath portal, on the lower floor of the portal room in Orgimmar.

/way Orgrimmar 57.48, 91.59
Then either fly or take the flightpath to Netherstorm and make your way to The Botanica dungeon. You can find it on the higher platform near The Tempest raid.

/way Netherstorm 74.18, 57.86
Make sure the dungeon difficulty is set to normal and that your tabard is equipped.
Clear the entire dungeon, then leave through the portal after the last boss, Warp Splinter. Reset the instance from your character drop down menu by right clicking on your character portrait, head back into the instance, then rinse and repeat!

It should take an hour or two to fully reach Exalted with this technique.
Visit the Mount Vendor
After reaching Exalted, head to Sen’jin Village, south of Orgrimmar, and head to Zjolnir to purchase your Raptor mounts.

/way Durotar 55.10, 75.58
Congratulations on your new Raptor mounts!