Preservation Evoker Interface, Macros and WeakAuras Guide

Patch 11.1 Last Updated: 22nd Mar, 2025
Dana Author Avatar


A good user interface can provide you with a lot of important information mid-fight. The way to set this up depends entirely on the person, but you want to reduce unnecessary information to not get overloaded with information during pulls. Try to keep information relevant to the encounter you are in and to the spec you’re playing.

As a healer, I would recommend:

Raid Frames: I prefer to use addons to customize my raid frames. I’ve used base blizzard raid frames, ElvUI and currently I use Grid2. It has a ton of customization options while also being fairly user friendly and easy to get into.

Bigwigs/DBM: Seeing the boss timers in the encounter is very important to plan your healing. Knowing when the next mechanic is going out and what it’s called, you’ll learn how to prepare for each mechanic. This is important as both healing and your movement and positioning can depend on the mechanic and it will increase your overall awareness.

Nameplates: There’s several different options for nameplate addons, but the most used add-on is Plater. This add-on comes with limitless customisation but also the option to import other people’s profiles and use them for yourself.

Method Raid Tools: This addon allows you to see custom notes and other helpful stuff like everyone’s (healer) cooldowns. If your guild sets up healer notes for cd’s this is a way to import them and make them show on your UI.

Viewports: Something that I’ve personally been recommended is the addition of a viewport (example in the image below). This is a way to essentially squish your screen and see more in a concentrated area while freeing up the area around your character. It has helped me improve my awareness significantly.

An example UI can be something similar to this (the grid profile is available on my twitch):

preservation evoker ui


Mouse-over macro
Make sure you are using one of the variations of mouse overs and you’re not targeting a player each time you’re using an ability on them. This is extremely important as it saves you a lot of time between casting spells and you want to lose as little time as you can while playing.

There is a setting to do this in the base blizzard settings, but you can also opt to go with macros.

For macros: you can use these macros and replace “spell/ability” with each spell or ability you’d like to mouseover:

#showtooltip SPELL/ABILITY
/use [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] SPELL/ABILITY

So as an example we’ve used Emerald Blossom:

#showtooltip Emerald Blossom(Green)
/use [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Emerald Blossom(Green)

Self-cast macro
Verdant embrace is a lot safer to self-cast, to avoid flying through raid mechanics and dying. An example of a macro for that is:

/cast [@player] Verdant Embrace

Rescue macro
Another macro that is purely for safety is a Rescue macro. Rescue can be great to use for repositioning and to give your ally a shield with Twin Guardian. However there are a lot of actions required to use this safely. This macro will rescue your mouse-over target (so if you want it to be a specific player you should edit it to say their name), to your current location:

/cast [@player] Rescue
/target [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Rescue


Weakauras can really help optimize your UI. They allow you to track anything you’d ever want to see like your personal cd’s, generally important buffs, defensives and external cd’s. Weakauras are super customizable and can give you a ton of important information contributing to a clear and good UI.

There are a lot of options for packs and singular aura’s. I recommend getting packs that are specific to your class. Evoker has a lot of abilities worth tracking so I would get something that tracks offensive and defensive cd’s, your healing spells and potentially even on use trinkets, talents and tier set bonuses (if relevant). Tracking this information helps you make more informed decisions mid combat. In specific I’d recommend tracking the spells you’ve put in your Stasis, the timer of your Lifebind and the amount of Echoes you have out on the raid (and potentially the shortest duration if you don’t track this on your frames). For the Flameshaper Hero talents I would also recommend tracking your Dream Breath on your raid frames.

To look for preservation evoker specific Weakauras I recommend checking out the following link:

Weakauras can also help you track the information in relation to specific encounters and can in combination with timers, give you a bit of extra info if required. There are a lot of dungeon and raid specific weakaura sets out there.

Preference is key when it comes to your ui. There are a lot of written and visual guides on how to optimize the space on your screen, but at the end of the day it has to work for you.