Swole Troll Event Guide by Old Guardian

Swole Troll Event Guide by Old Guardian

Written by Old Guardian - 24th January 2025

The Winds of Change: Swole Troll is a two-week solo event that runs from January 22, 2025 until February 5, 2025. During the event, players complete challenges related to the new Swole Troll mini to unlock and upgrade the mini and earn various other rewards.

In this event guide, I will show you the best rewards and optimal path through the reward tree and provide strong army comps for the special event quest.

If you prefer to watch the guide on video instead of reading, it is available here:

The Reward Tree

Full reward tree cost: 169,500 tickets (109,500 tree, rest bonus Arc Energy).

Tickets from Event challenges: 107,700 tickets (62,700 tickets F2P - 45,000 tickets are gated behind a paywall).

Tickets from Daily challenges: 3x500 tickets per day, up to 21,000 tickets.

Tickets from Daily Offers: 500 tickets each.

Available rewards:

  • 5 Swole Troll Stars
  • Swole Troll portrait
  • 1 Modest Tome
  • 2 Major Tomes
  • 1 Mega Tome
  • 500 Coins (750 with Booster)
  • 7100 Arc Energy (+6000 Arc Energy from the bonus rewards)
  • 1 Star Tome
  • 1 Modest Tinker’s Gem
  • 1 Major Tinker’s Gem
  • 1 Mega Tinker’s Gem
  • 1 Troop Choice
  • 1 Leader Choice
  • 6 Big Red Buttons
  • 3 Rare Cores
  • 1 Epic Core

The most important rewards are the Coins (circled in blue) and the Swole Troll stars (circled in green). Note that one of the Troll faces in the tree is a portrait, not a Swole Troll star (portrait circled in purple). You need to get all Swole Troll Stars from the tree to get your Swole Troll to Uncommon.

Full Reward Tree

Optimal Path Through the Reward Tree

Step 1: Get Common Swole Troll (blue line, 5700 tickets)

Step 2: Get Uncommon Swole Troll (green lines, 22,400 tickets)

From here, you can pick up the rest of the Coins (grey lines, 14,900 tickets) or start picking up Arc Energy. The Star Tome and the Epic Core near the bottom are also good targets.

Reward Tree Optimal Path

Daily Offer Bug

The Daily Offer tickets have been bugged for some time and are bugged at the start of this event as well.

Daily offer bug

When you claim a Daily Offer with Coins, you are not immediately awarded the 500 tickets. The tickets are only added to your ticket count when your ticket total is updated: when you either earn more tickets by claiming an event challenge or when you buy a reward from the event reward tree.

Note that there is no animation acknowledging the additional tickets, they just appear.

This bug can be a problem on the last day of the event if you claim a Daily Offer and have no challenges left to claim. In that case, you cannot get your tickets.

How to Get Swole Troll Stars

Swole Troll is not immediately available on the Grid. It will be added to the Grid at the start of Season 12, on February 5, 2025, right after the event ends.

You can get 5 Swole Troll Stars from the reward tree, enough to get it to Uncommon.

On January 29, a Coin offer will be added to the in-game store that includes 10 Swole Troll Stars, enough to get it to Rare together with the Stars from the reward tree.

The Coin offer will cost 2500 Coins, and includes:

  • 10 Swole Troll Stars
  • Major XP Boost
  • Mega Horde Tome
  • 4500 Arc Energy

The nominal value of these items in the in-game store is 2500 Coins, the same as the bundle cost.

The only way to get the Swole Troll beyond Rare before the event ends is to buy bundles with real money. There are four bundles that are offered one after another if you buy the previous one:

  • 10 Stars for $9.99 - Berserker Pain Train (enough to make it Rare)
  • 15 Stars for $14.99 - Pumped Up Power (enough to make it Epic if you also buy the Coin offer)
  • 15 Stars for $19.99 - Maximum Gains (enough to make it Epic without the Coin offer)
  • 20 Stars for $39.99 - Zandalari Elite (enough to make it Legendary without the Coin offer)

The Special Event Quest: Siege the Day

During the Swole Troll event, the middle quest is transformed into a special event quest.

Siege the Day

In this event quest, Towers have five times their usual Health.

Furthermore, the boss will summon a group of Siege minis whenever the owner of a Tower or Meeting Stone changes. Try to avoid a Tower limbo where each side repeatedly destroys it, or a fight over a Meeting Stone, because every change of ownership summons more Siege minis for the boss! It is generally better to avoid Towers and Stones when possible and focus more on the boss.

Flying minis are strong in these Quests, as are minis that steal enemy minis: Banshee, Sylvanas Windrunner, and Orgrim Doomhammer (with Conqueror’s Diplomacy talent).

Orgrim Doomhammer Siege the Day Army

Orgrim Doomhammer Siege the Day Army

Sylvanas Windrunner Siege the Day Army

Sylvanas Windrunner Siege the Day army

Tips for Event Challenges

This time, there are no particularly difficult event challenges.

Destroy 3 Buildings with the Swole Troll in 1 Match can be done in several Heroic fights, depending on your level:

  • Grimungous in Hinterlands is generally the best because Grimungous constantly retakes the Towers, getting them ready for your Swole Troll
  • Gazlowe in Barrens is a lower-level alternative
  • Foe Reaper 4000 in Westfall is the lowest-level encounter with three easily accessible Towers

There is one challenge that requires a specific talent: Stun enemies with Swole Troll’s Charge, which requires the Troll Train talent. This challenge can be completed without owning the talent in PvP (opponent’s progress counts for you as well) and in Raids and Sieges (co-op partner’s progress counts for you as well). Your opponent or partner needs to have the talent, if you do not have it.

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