Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Console Commands & Cheats Revealed

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Console Commands & Cheats Revealed

Written by Noiseless - 5th March 2025

If you are looking for more details about the different Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 cheats, you are in luck. The game allows people to activate different cheats by using unique console commands.

Some of you may not be interested in using them, but even if you have the best items in the game, overcoming some options can still be challenging. That is why we are about to check some of the key Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 commands that will help you when needed.

KCD2 console and cheats

How to Turn On the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Cheats for PC?

Before saying that the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 cheats are not working, you must change a few things to get them running. Whether you complete the KCD2 beginners guide or decide to enable the cheats right away, follow these steps:

  • Start by opening your Steam and then right-click on KCD2.
  • Select “Properties” and go to the “General” tab.
  • Once there, find the “Launch options”, and enter a “-devmode”.
  • After you are done, open Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, and once the game loads, go to the console by pressing the “~” key.

After doing all of this, you will be able to enter some of the options on the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 commands list that you will find in just a bit.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Commands

If you want to make the most of the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 cheats, here are the options that you can use:

  • wh_sys_NoSavePotion = 1 - This will allow you to save the game even if you do not have a Savior Schnapps.
  • wh_cheat_money (add a number) - This will give you money without needing a KCD2 money farm.
  • wh_cheat_addItem (ItemID here) - Among the most popular KCD2 cheats that let you add any item you want. Just ensure you have the proper item ID (more about it in a bit)
  • wh_rpg_getLocation - This will give you the exact coordinates of where you are.
  • wh_rpg_OneShotKill =1 - As its name implies, this is the KCD2 command that lets you kill an opponent with your initial attack. Just keep in mind that enabling the option will allow your opponents to do the same to you.
  • cheat_set_wanted_level=0 - When used, it will remove your current wanted level.
  • wh_horse_StealCurrentHorse - When you steal a horse, you can make it your own by typing this cheat.
  • goto (add the coordinates here) - This will immediately teleport you to a given location.
  • wh_pl_LockPickingDOF = 50 - When used, the lockpick’s durability will increase.
  • wh_pl_LockPickingShakeOverride = 0 - It will stop the lockpick from shaking.
  • player_revealFow - This will remove the Fog of War.
  • wh_horse_lumpgravitymult = 0 - This changes the gravity of your horse.
  • wh_plshowfirecursor 1 - This will let you keep your reticle even when you need to aim with a bow or gun.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Items - The IDs You Need

If you check the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 cheats on Reddit and the list here, you will see that most people like using the option that lets you get an item. Once you get familiar with the KCD2 item quality, you will realize that there are tons of alternatives. Some will be much better than others, so here are a few IDs that we believe are worth it:

  • Executioner’s Sword - 44a65a44-426a-4a3d-9d41-3629a7be0e38
  • Reforged Radzig’s Sword – 62096670-22ca-473c-adc3-bc63a9369550
  • Warhorse Brigandine Sleeves – f2813ad4-32ed-4bdd-920c-2ca7fbec4e7a
  • Smoked Sausage: 29a4f58e-6e00-4f9c-9273-1a76e0eccff0
  • Blacksmith’s Kit: C707733a-c0a7-4f02-b684-9392b0b15b83
  • Warhorse Waffenrock – 660a39ee-f440-4dd4-a412-4b89d1bad7f5
  • Saviour Schnapps: 928463d9-e21a-4f7c-b5d3-8378ed375cd1

Needless to say, we can’t add the IDs of all items in KCD2 because the list will be too long, but you can always find them if needed. Once you decide what your go-to option will be, dealing with enemies like Johnny the Gob, Tomcat, and other opponents will be easier.

Do not forget to check all of our KCD2 guides!

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