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Race to World First: Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope

Mythic Raid Progress Coverage
World Leaderboard Powered By
  • 1 Echo (EU)
  • 2 Liquid (US)
  • 3 Method (EU)
  • 4 Instant Dollars (US)
  • 5 火锅英雄 (TW)
  • 6 FatSharkYes (EU)
  • 7 Mate (KR)
  • 8 skyline (TW)
  • 9 End Myth (TW)
  • 10 Exposed (EU)
Gnarlroot Boss Image


# world
1 blue shoe
2 Honolulu
3 just sit me
4 Instant Dollars
5 Nurfed
Igira the Cruel Boss Image

Igira the Cruel

# world
1 Instant Dollars
2 Conspiracy
3 Honolulu
4 Sabotage
5 Revoke
Volcoross Boss Image


# world
1 Instant Dollars
2 Conspiracy
3 Honolulu
4 Sabotage
5 Revoke
Council of Dreams Boss Image

Council of Dreams

# world
1 Instant Dollars
2 Honolulu
4 Vesper
5 Imperative
Larodar, Keeper of the Flame Boss Image

Larodar, Keeper of the Flame

# world
1 Instant Dollars
2 Liquid
3 Echo
5 xD
Nymue, Weaver of the Cycle Boss Image

Nymue, Weaver of the Cycle

# world
1 Instant Dollars
2 Liquid
3 Conspiracy
5 xD
Smolderon Boss Image


# world
1 Liquid
2 Echo
3 Method
4 Instant Dollars
5 火锅英雄
Tindral Sageswift, Seer of the Flame Boss Image

Tindral Sageswift, Seer of the Flame

# world
1 Liquid
2 Echo
3 Method
4 火锅英雄
5 Instant Dollars
Fyrakk the Blazing Boss Image

Fyrakk the Blazing

# world
1 Echo
2 Liquid
3 Method
4 Instant Dollars
5 火锅英雄
Posted by Paul on Dec 4, 2023 at 09:46 am (GMT)

With Instant Dollars securing World 4th earlier today, lets look again at where the other guilds are at in their Fyrakk progress:

  • 火锅英雄 - 4% with 731 Pulls in total
  • Skyline - 27% with 436 Pulls in total
  • FatSharkYes - 28.5% with 226 Pulls in total
  • Mate - 60.2% with 246 Pulls in total
  • BDG - 61% with 110 Pulls in total
  • 佶天鸿 - 61.7% with 233 Pulls in total
  • End Myth - 62.8% with 152 Pulls in total
  • Banhammer - 62.8% with 144 Pulls in total
  • Honestly - 67% with 97 Pulls in total
  • LAGET - 68.3% with 23 Pulls in total

火锅英雄 and Skyline are actively working on the boss at the time of posting this, so we may see another Fyrakk kill (or two) today!

FatSharkYes are also in the low digits for their best percentage, but with lower pull counts, so they could be in the running for defeating Fyrakk with the least pulls if they do it within the next 68 attempts.

Posted by Paul on Dec 2, 2023 at 13:22 pm (GMT)

Taking a look at Fyrakk currently, here is a summary of where the guilds are at with their best attempts:

  • 火锅英雄 (17.5%)
  • Instant Dollars (18.3%)
  • Skyline (54.1%)
  • End Myth (67.8%)
  • Honestly (68.7%)
  • BDG (73.9%)
  • Banhammer (74.67%)
  • 佶天鸿 (79.8%)
Posted by Paul on Nov 28, 2023 at 15:39 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Today has been another day of progress for guilds working on Fyrakk and Tindral Sageswift.

  • Method have started raiding today (about an hour ago), so far they are 4 pulls into Fyrakk, with the best and latest pull (387) being at 8.4%, building up some much needed Phase 3 experience and getting them much closer to the kill.
  • Skyline are incredibly close to defeating Tindral Sageswift, with their new best of 1.77%.
  • Mate has a new best attempt on Tindral Sageswift of 9.14% on Pull 460
Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 27, 2023 at 22:05 pm (GMT)
minor na

The top 2 spots are already taken, but the top guilds in the world have not finished their business with Fyrakk (or Tindral) yet!

Currently we have only 3 other guilds in the entire world progressing on Mythic Fyrakk, them being Method, with a current best percentage of 15.3% after 382 pulls, Instant Dollars with 41 attempts, and a best percentage of 68.7% and 火锅英雄 with 157 pulls and a best percentage of 64.2%!

This boss is specially tricky to judge by pull count, since only consistent practice on Phase 3 can lead to a kill, as any mistake with seeds in that phase is an instant wipe. ID has a long way to go, since getting used to P2 requires time, with the top 3 guilds all hovering around 130 pulls to reach P3 for the first time, plus almost a 100 to cleanly get out of P1 consistently.

As for the other guilds currently pushing for that top 10 we have:

FatSharkYes progressing Mythic Tindral, with 409 pulls and 8.72% as their best percentage so far.

BDG also dealing with the Seer of the Flame, with 695 and a best percentage of 9.44%.

skyline who have pulled Mythic Tindral 916 times so far, with a best percentage of 14.4%.

Mate the top Korean guild, having pulled Mythic Tindral Sageswift 413 times, with a best percentage of 21%.

And closing out the current top 10, Conspiracy, facing Mythic Tindral as well, who have claimed victory over the EU squad 395 times so far, leaving them with a best percentage of 28%.

Posted by Paul on Nov 27, 2023 at 14:03 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Method continue to lower their best attempt, hitting 15.3% on Pull 329.

Posted by Paul on Nov 27, 2023 at 11:28 am (GMT)
minor eu

Method have been raiding for a couple of hours today, and have hit a new best of 23.1%. Building up the exposure to Phase 3 and correctly handling the seeds amongst the chaos.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 27, 2023 at 06:02 am (GMT)
minor na

9.98% is the new best percentage for BDG! The NA squad have 653 pulls!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 27, 2023 at 04:44 am (GMT)
minor na

BDG is ready to take on Fyrakk! They just a low percentage pull of 11.9% on Mythic Tindral!

They didn't quite match their best percentage, which is currently 10.3% after 640 pulls.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 27, 2023 at 00:40 am (GMT)
minor na

Instant Dollars decided to put in some heat! They just wiped at 4.24% on Mythic Tindral Sageswift! The NA runner up have 387 pulls so far on the Seer of the Flame encounter.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 27, 2023 at 00:38 am (GMT)
minor eu

Method decided not to extend too much today, and called it a night! They will probably reset a little bit of the sleep and return rested to push for the kill on Mythic Fyrakk.

fyrakk the blazing featured
Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 26, 2023 at 23:23 pm (GMT)
worldfirst eu

Congratulations to Echo for defeating Mythic Fyrakk after 344 pulls! That locked them in World 1st for Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 26, 2023 at 22:21 pm (GMT)
minor na

Liquid pushed sub 10% back to back! They just lowered their best percentage to 1.7% and then right after it got another 7% pull very deep into P3!

Lets see if they can keep the consistency and push for another P3 pull, and who knows how far they can go.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 26, 2023 at 21:39 pm (GMT)
minor na

Back to back! 17% wipe for Echo, 16% wipe for Liquid!

The boss is really low to be honest, I don't think they will have problems with the enrage timer, they just need to be comfortable with the seeds, and that can only be practice by doing it. The nerve-wracking thing for us viewers is that, any pull right now can be that one pull where everything went right, to either guild!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 26, 2023 at 21:29 pm (GMT)
minor na

After another exchange of sub 20% pulls between Echo and Liquid we kind of hit a wall in terms of progression!

Phase 3 between the 2nd and 3rd seed has been especially unforgiving, with 4 Corrupted Seeds and 2 normal Seeds out, we have 6 raiders permanently having to dodge absolutely everything in this hectic phase, so no wonder they need to practice that section a little bit more

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 26, 2023 at 21:01 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Another chunk down for Method! The new personal best for the Orange Squad is 24.3% after 280 pulls!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 26, 2023 at 19:08 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Echo is getting some crazy consistency going! Another P3 pull, another wipe at around 13%!

They will take a short break, keep the mental in the right place, and come back to some more seeds!

The EU squad have pulled Mythic Fyrakk 312 times so far, with a best percentage of 1.79%!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 26, 2023 at 18:51 pm (GMT)
minor na

Liquid just wiped at 21%, Echo wiped at 13%!!

They are literally pulling within seconds of each other!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 26, 2023 at 18:42 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Method is coming back to their PCs after getting some food buffs IRL. Lets see if they can push through P2 with no problem to get more pulls of practice into P3 and those first 2 seeds.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 26, 2023 at 18:41 pm (GMT)
minor na

The first and second Seed use into P3 seems to be pretty consistent between Echo and Liquid, with Method very close behind focusing on getting that consistency in the first 2 casts of the Roar.

The volatile nature of this last phase though, makes it that at any point, with a good pull, you can get all the way down 3 or even the 4th cast. At that point, it will come down to individual play and being comfortable on dealing with so many seeds at the same time to reach a personal best % or go straight for the kill.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 26, 2023 at 18:38 pm (GMT)
minor eu

17% wipe for Echo! They are getting mad consistency getting back to P3!

Yesterday they pushed for more than 20 hours, but they had a considerable amount of sleep, so realistically this race is still very much open!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 26, 2023 at 18:14 pm (GMT)
minor na

With this sub 2% pull from Echo I think its safe to assume all the theories about a secret phase, with or without the "portal" in the back of the room, have to be put to rest.

Reaching all the way down 1% is incredibly difficult, since there are so many wipe conditions at that point that its almost a game of chance if one of the seeds will get randomly hit by a line, or a misplaced tornado.

Lets wait now and see if Echo manages to get back to P3 back to back, with that almost kill buff or Liquid or Method will respond that best percentage from them.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 26, 2023 at 18:10 pm (GMT)
minor eu

That was the closest ever! Echo just wiped at 1.8% (!!!!!!!!!) after an amazing P3 execution from them!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 26, 2023 at 17:46 pm (GMT)
minor na

Another P3 pull for Liquid! A little bit higher this time, above 25%, but still some back to back P3 pulls for the NA squad as they try to find that prog rhythm again!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 26, 2023 at 17:24 pm (GMT)

Liquid get the boss down to 12.1% on just their second pull of the day! Meanwhile, over in team Method, they get a new best of 27.54% on pull 264. The race is really heating up now!

Posted by Paul on Nov 26, 2023 at 16:40 pm (GMT)
minor na

Liquid streams are starting up, this means one thing, the head-to-head between Liquid and Echo is about to heat up again! You don't want to miss this!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 26, 2023 at 15:32 pm (GMT)
minor asia

Over in Asia, Skyline are looking to beat Tindral to become the 5th boss to reach Fyrakk after getting a new best of 15.3% after 822 pulls. They are only a few % off of Instant Dollars and will likely keep going until they can catch up!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 26, 2023 at 15:12 pm (GMT)

Echo are looking to end this today as they are now getting pretty consistent back to back low pulls, with their latest taking them to 17%. Not quite the low of 10.46% they hit earlier, but still eager to take the top spot before Liquid are back up and raiding!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 26, 2023 at 14:17 pm (GMT)
minor asia

Huoguo become the 4th guild in to reach Fyrakk after 779 pulls on Tindral!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 26, 2023 at 14:03 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Conspiracy are also itching to see some of the Fyrakk action with consistent back to back new bests, going from 53% to 43.6% in 6 pulls!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 26, 2023 at 12:49 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Echo have got fire in their bellies as they make consistent low pulls upon coming back online, with their latest low pull being 16%.

Meanwhile, in the Method camp they are fighting to clean up P3 and push the boss further with a new best from them of 33.67%!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 26, 2023 at 12:00 pm (GMT)

Echo are awake again after their monster day yesterday, forming a group and ready to take this boss down! Assuming there is no secret Mythic phase, that is...

With Liquid raiding late into their night and getting a new best of 6.57%, they must be hungry for the kill before the US guild wakes up to get straight back into it!

Posted by Paul on Nov 26, 2023 at 11:09 am (GMT)
minor eu

Method have an almost back-to-back new best on Fyrakk Mythic. Dropping their best attempt from 42.2 to 34.1%, notably showing that the team are starting to make it into Phase 3 more consistently. Once getting into Phase 3 becomes even more frequent, some real progress on handling the seeds in that phase can commence! Once that happens, expect to see that best % start to drop further.

Posted by Paul on Nov 26, 2023 at 10:51 am (GMT)
minor eu

It appears that Echo members are starting to awaken, wanting to push past that final few percent on Fyrakk.

Once they are online, it won't be long until they are in the raid, focused on making the time before Liquid are awake again count as much as possible. Any pull could be the kill for Echo, so keep your eyes open for when their streams go live!

Posted by Paul on Nov 26, 2023 at 10:49 am (GMT)
minor eu

Method are building up more experience moving into Phase 3. With a new best of 42.2%, we should hope to see this more often and them getting further into Phase 3 today.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 26, 2023 at 09:13 am (GMT)
minor eu

Method is back pumping at Mythic Fyrakk again! They didn't push themselves yesterday so they have rested minds and fresh bodies to push for more progression!

The Orange Squad is currently with a best percentage of 46.8% after 212 pulls!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 26, 2023 at 07:34 am (GMT)
minor na

Another sub 20% pull for Liquid! They are pushing really hard, using Bloodlust and combat potions right as they use the first seed, and the boss is dropping incredibly fast from the 48-ish percent he is going to P3 to closer to 20%.

They still have to live 2 more casts of Apocalypse Roar with the seeds, but they are getting to this second cast better and better on each pull.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 26, 2023 at 07:03 am (GMT)
minor na

Liquid is struggling a bit to get back into rhythm after the dinner break, they had another sub 20% on P3, but that was the closest they have been in the last 20 minutes or so.

They are still to beat their 6.5% pull, and they have pulled this boss 360 times so far.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 26, 2023 at 04:53 am (GMT)
minor na

Another P3 pull for Liquid! They are ready to close this out tonight, but they have to get more consistent pulls into P3 so all seed carriers can get practice to dodge everything with them.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 26, 2023 at 03:26 am (GMT)
minor na

Instant Dollars what a performance! They just reached a new personal best on Mythic Tindral Sageswift of 13.4% after 344 attempts!

They are the second closest guild to that World 4th kill, behind only 火锅英雄 that wiped at this boss at 2.8% and pulled Tindral 703 times so far!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 26, 2023 at 03:21 am (GMT)
minor eu

After a heroic effort, Echo is finally going to sleep! They raided for more than 17 hours today, all of them fighting Fyrakk.

They have pulled this boss 274 times, and reached a personal best of 9.56%.

Let's see what they will do tomorrow, since they will either wake up way later than usual, or have very few hours of sleep.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 26, 2023 at 02:54 am (GMT)
minor eu

Echo raiders are machines! They are still up, after a little more than 17 hours raiding, they are still at Amirdrassil, pulling Mythic Fyrakk!

They haven't reached P3 in a while, but such a commitment only means that they know they can kill this boss tonight. Keep in mind that its currently 7pm for Liquid in the West Coast of the US.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 25, 2023 at 23:19 pm (GMT)
minor na

What a head-to-head! Liquid and Echo are pushing literally at the same time right now! Echo has for sure a massive lead, since they have pulled the boss to P3 a couple of times and pushed to sub 20% while Liquid did managed to get to P3 a few times, but haven't matched their own personal best from yesterday!

Its for sure a crazy situation since its almost 1am for Echo, and if they failed to kill it tonight, they will be in quite a disadvantage for tomorrow in terms of sleep, while Liquid still have the entire day to push that last 25% pretty much.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 25, 2023 at 22:03 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Method is calling it a night after quite a day for them! They improved a lot in their P1 execution, making more and more consistent pulls into P2.

The Orange Squad did 212 attempts so far at Mythic Fyrakk's mayhem of an encounter and have reached a best percentage of 46.8%!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 25, 2023 at 21:04 pm (GMT)
minor eu

What a performance from Echo! They managed to get a few Phase 3 pulls in quick succession! They are still to beat their 19% best pull, but after Blizzard nerfed the boss HP by 4% they will for sure get past that.

Its around 10pm for them, I wonder for how much longer they will push since Liquid is also very close to that sub 20% mark, or will they call it earlier and wake up earlier tomorrow.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 25, 2023 at 18:42 pm (GMT)
minor na

Liquid is back at Amidrassil's last challenge! After going dark early last night, the NA squad turned back on Competition Mode, so we could see their progress and are now full streaming again!

Lets see what they have been cooking as soon as they reach Phase 3 again!

They have 287 pulls so far, getting back to P3 only 2 times since that 27% pull and none today so far, so they are probably warming up and getting back into the fight's rhythm

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 25, 2023 at 18:35 pm (GMT)
minor na

The number of wipes to the second wave of Colossi (is that the plural of Colossus?) has been crazy so far! Yesterday, after the HP nerfs on those mobs, Liquid managed to get through and see the 3rd Phase, but even with a whopping 12% less health, those adds are claiming pull after pull.

Each one have more than 80 Million HP, so that sums up to almost 400 Million HP that the raiders have to deplete in order to phase the boss safely! If you were wondering why Fyrakk is phasing to P3 with such high HP pool, its because of those adds, and the fact you have to focus them down really quickly before either of them reach 100 energy and wipe the raid instantly.

Echo still going strong today, probably pushing a few extra hours in the schedule, having pulled the boss 221 times and reached a best percentage of 19.2%, meanwhile Liquid is almost at 300 pulls, having a personal best of 27.7% after 287 attempts and Method is close behind them, having reached a personal best of 58% after 193 pulls so far!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 25, 2023 at 18:00 pm (GMT)
minor na

Liquid just turned on Competition Mode on Warcraft Logs again, so we can finally see their progress after they went dark yesterday!

The personal best for the NA squad is now 27.7% after 286 pulls!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 25, 2023 at 17:29 pm (GMT)
minor eu

What a performance from FatSharkYes! They just lowered their best percentage again!

The new mark to beat for them is 42.2% after 265 pulls on Mythic Tindral Sageswift.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 25, 2023 at 17:25 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Right after another P3 pull (although short lived by a bomb going off before the first Apocalypse Roar cast) Echo will take a 30 minute break before pushing for more Phase 3 pulls!

They have 216 pulls so far, with a best percentage of 19.2%!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 25, 2023 at 17:08 pm (GMT)
minor eu

The Fyrakk action is intense today! Especially after a sub 20% pull from Echo. But lets not forget that we have pretty much the rest of the current top 20 still on Mythic Tindral and his deadly seeds.

FatSharkYes just got a little closer to that World 4th kill, lowering their best percentage to 50.4% after 257 pulls!

Fun fact, there is still to be another European guild that breaks the sub 50% mark! The only guilds that managed to do it so far were skyline from Asia and Instant Dollars and BDG from the North American region.

Posted by Paul on Nov 25, 2023 at 15:20 pm (GMT)

Guilds continue to pull Fyrakk, but without any new bests recently, but building muscle memory within the fight.

火锅英雄 and Skyline have both made leaps forward, getting much closer to defeating Tindral Sageswift. 火锅英雄 have a new best of 6.3%, with multiple low attempts in quick succession, and Skyline has a very recent best of 27.5%. These two guilds are once again racing each other to be the first to see Fyrakk.

Liquid will be online relatively soon, and then the head-to-head between Liquid and Echo will commence!

Posted by Paul on Nov 25, 2023 at 11:19 am (GMT)
minor eu

Method hits a new best of 58.5% on Fyrakk, gaining the required experience in P2 to get further into the fight.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 25, 2023 at 07:25 am (GMT)
minor eu

Echo is waking up! They most definitely did some pulls offstream yesterday, and came back to Amirdrassil to face Mythic Fyrakk again with a mark to beat of 53.7% after 162 pulls as their personal best.

Liquid went dark with a best percentage of 36.4% so lets see if Echo manages to match that.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 25, 2023 at 06:23 am (GMT)
minor na

Sadly after Liquid went dark, we had little development on our end for NA! Imperative just called it a night after resuming progression on the fearsome Mythic Tindral encounter, having reached 75.1% as their personal best, after 122 attempts.

Instant Dollars decided to run a few more split runs for Heroic gear as well as character maintenance for their alts before returning to Amirdrassil to face the Seer of the Flame. They have pulled Tindral 299 times so far, with an amazing 28.5% as their best percentage.

BDG also called it a little bit earlier today, having pulled Mythic Tindral 437 pulls, having reached a best percentage of 36.4%!

Meanwhile Liquid went offline after reaching 36.4% on the final encounter of Amidrassil, Mythic Fyrakk after pulling it 259 times so far!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 25, 2023 at 02:36 am (GMT)
minor na

Instant Dollars is pushing hard tonight! They closed the gap a little bit more to skyline. The NA squad now has a best percentage of 40.8% after 258 pulls!

The Asian front runner have 38.7% after 599 pulls.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 25, 2023 at 01:41 am (GMT)
minor na

Liquid is going hard at this Fyrakk encounter, but they have reached Phase 3 only once after their first sub 50% pull.

The overlaps of crazy damage taken plus the healers being tasked to topping up the adds is really making that Phase 2 hard to get consistent at.

The best percentage to beat right now is 44.2% after 244 pulls from the NA front runner.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 25, 2023 at 01:37 am (GMT)
minor na

Instant Dollars is chipping away at Mythic Tindral! The NA squad just lowered their best percentage to 43.7% after 248 attempts!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 24, 2023 at 22:31 pm (GMT)
minor na

Echo just went to sleep and Liquid pushed through the massive wall they were stuck yesterday and finally gave us a proper look at Phase 3 Fyrakk!

They have a lot to discuss, since the new P3 mechanic called Corrupted Seeds will for sure give them a headache. If you haven't seen this fight yet, during the last phase of the encounter on all difficulties you have a few seeds in the ground that you have to pickup since its the only way to survive the Apocalypse Roar that he will cast at least 4 times in this phase. The hard part is, very much like Mythic Halondrus' bombs back in Sepulcher, if you get hit by any mechanic while holding one of the seeds you pretty much wipe the raid but even if you survive, you have 1 fewer cast of Apocalypse Roar to kill the boss, since you don't have the massive absorb shield from the Seed on-use effect anymore.

The Mythic only version of these seeds is that, after you use one to survive Apocalypse Roar the seed drops a massive puddle, similar to the Phase 1 puddles, so you have to have proper raid positioning so you don't just drop them in the middle of the arena. On top of the zone denial element, each seed (which are 4 on Mythic) after used, transforms into 2 Corrupted Seeds, that also cannot get hit by any mechanic otherwise its a wipe, but don't have any other beneficial effect like the normal ones.

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 24, 2023 at 20:50 pm (GMT)

Method come in with a new best on Fyrakk of 60.97%! They are now not far behind Liquid with their best of 57.5%, will we see them catch up before they go to bed?

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 24, 2023 at 19:59 pm (GMT)

Echo giving us a sneaky peek of P3 before an unfortunate wipe, but they still get a new best of 53.7%!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 24, 2023 at 19:20 pm (GMT)

Liquid already getting a new best of 57.5%, catching up slowly to Echos best of 56.9%. Will be interesting the see how to day progresses for them, or if Echo can perfect their P2 strategy to overtake them before they log off for the night.

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 24, 2023 at 19:07 pm (GMT)

With news coming in of a 12% nerf on the Colossus adds on P2 of Fyrakk, Method are just about to finish their dinner break and start pulling again. With them getting more and more pulls into the P2 stage, we'll see what they can do with the hotfix now live.

Echo and Liquid have already started pulling Fyrakk, so I have a sneaky suspicion we'll see some new best pulls from them soon as well.

Posted by Paul on Nov 24, 2023 at 17:29 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Echo have also just hit a new best of 56.9%, nudging forward to seeing the next phase!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 24, 2023 at 17:14 pm (GMT)

Method have made their first break of the shield in the intermission, making it into Phase 2. With a new best of 63% on pull number 80!

Posted by Paul on Nov 24, 2023 at 15:24 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Echo have made more progress on Fyrakk! With more pulls and experience being built in Phase 2, they hit a new best of 58.4% on Pull 124.

Posted by Paul on Nov 24, 2023 at 11:51 am (GMT)

There has been some slight movement forward for most guilds.

Echo are cleaning up their progress in Phase 2 of Fyrakk and Method are working on getting through the first intermission, which they are now very consistently reaching.

Skyline, 火锅英雄, Honestly and End Myth continue to achieve new best attempts on Tindral Sageswift. With 火锅英雄 pulling into the lead, with a slightly lower best attempt of 40.72% compared to Skyline's 40.82%. Until NA guilds (BDG and Instant Dolllars) return to raiding, its looking like a battle between 火锅英雄 and Skyline for who can get Tindral down first!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 24, 2023 at 08:52 am (GMT)
minor eu

Method is also back in the Fyrakk's boss room! They have been pushing for consistency on Phase 1, so they can reach Phase 2 more times in a row and start to get used to that phases crazy damage and healing requirements!

The Orange Squad is currently with 20 pulls, but already rocking a 68.5% personal best!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 24, 2023 at 08:48 am (GMT)
minor eu

Echo woke up ready to put in some heat in this Amirdrassil race! They just have done a stint of good pulls on Phase 1, and that pushed their personal best to 62.5% after 88 pulls!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 24, 2023 at 07:47 am (GMT)
minor eu

Just as the action started to fade from the NA side, Echo woke up and are already pulling Mythic Fyrakk again!

The EU front runners have 62.7% as their best percentage, and 82 pulls so far!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 24, 2023 at 07:02 am (GMT)
minor na

Instant Dollars called a night as well! They have reached an impressive 45.9% after 243 attempts at the merciless Mythic Tindral Sageswift!

They are now the closest guild to that World 4th kill, around 4% lower than the second place skyline, and around 10% lower than BDG in the domestic competition for US 2nd for the 8/9 Mythic.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 24, 2023 at 07:00 am (GMT)
minor na

After reaching a very good pull matching their best percentage, Liquid decided to call it a night and get ready for the Mythic blast tomorrow!

They have pulled Mythic Fyrakk 200 times so far, and reached 58.7%, which is around the middle of the 2nd Phase.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 24, 2023 at 04:55 am (GMT)
minor na

What a crazy hard encounter is Mythic Tindral! While Liquid is progressing Phase 2 on Fyrakk we have currently 11 guilds progressing on different stages of the encounter. Here is the guilds closer to that World 4th:

skyline is leading the pack, with 460 pulls so far, and a best percentage of 49.1%. Instant Dollars is very close behind, and progressing right now, with a best percentage of 50.2% after 223 pulls. BDG have 310 pulls (and counting, as they are progressing right now) and with a best percentage of 55%. FatSharkYes (EU) have 175 pulls and a best percentage of 63%.

A massive congratulations for every other guild currently progressing on this boss, or just starting, since this fight is for sure an achievement by its own.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 24, 2023 at 03:04 am (GMT)
minor na

Instant Dollars is back inside Amirdrassil, and just lowered their best percentage on Mythic Tindral to 53.9% after 195 pulls!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 24, 2023 at 00:51 am (GMT)
minor na

Lets use this moment of practice for Liquid as they focus on getting consistent pulls on Phase 2, to take a look at raid compositions so far for Mythic Fyrakk!

Liquid have tested a few different setups, usually either around the melee comp setup like changing from double Assassination Rogues to 1 Assassination and 1 Subtlety, and now have settle for 2 Subtlety. They also tried a Frost Death Knight, an Arms Warrior (instead of the Fury) and also tried only 1 Havoc DH, but ended up settling for the double Havoc DH and double Enhancement they have been running on other fights.

For the Ranged composition, they tried 3 Beast Mastery Hunters but quickly came back to the default setup of 2 Augmentation Evokers and 2 Beast Mastery Hunters, together with the mandatory buff on the Mage as an Arcane, and the Demonology Warlock.

Echo tried similar things to Liquid, but went as far as running 3 Rogues, being 2 Assassination Rogues and 1 Subtlety Rogue. The major difference really was swapping out the Protection Paladin for a Vengeance Demon Hunter, to help in crowd controlling the adds during P2, but so far, have decided to go back to the Prot Paladin, but I'm curious if they will bring back the Vengeance tomorrow.

Method was the only one to already started dropping one of the Fury Warriors back in Mythic Tindral's prog and haven't come back at all. The 3 Rogues are quite flexible, but currently they are running 2 Subtlety Rogues and 1 Assassination Rogue, presumably for the massive AoE burst Sub can do on the P2 adds, and compensating the single target with the powerful Assassination single target DPS.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 24, 2023 at 00:37 am (GMT)
minor na

Its crazy to thing that the closest guild right now to that World 4th Mythic Tindral kill have 460 pulls, and 49.1% as their best percentage. skyline, the guild in question, is raiding crazy hours as well, and we have to remember that, due to the overlaps of seeds + roots from the boss, these percentages don't really tell the whole story, because as soon as they clear one overlap, they will shave off easily 3 to 4% of the boss HP before the next overlap.

BDG is not that far behind though, having 272 pulls, and a best percentage of 56.3% on the second to last boss on Amirdrassil.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 23, 2023 at 23:56 pm (GMT)
minor na

BDG is back at Mythic Tindral at full power! The NA squad just lowered their best percentage to 56.3% barely reaching Phase 3!

They have 257 pulls so far on this fearsome encounter, but that World 4th is closer than ever!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 23, 2023 at 22:31 pm (GMT)
minor eu

After a long day yesterday, and waking up a little bit later today to recover the sleep, Echo decided to call it a day!

They pulled out an impressive performance matching the P1 progression from Liquid, but they need to play the long game and recover their sleep schedule.

They managed to pull the boss 82 times so far, and they even tested swapping the Protection Paladin for a Vengeance Demon Hunter / Blood Death Knight setup to help group up the Screaming Soul adds, but then came back for the Blood Death Knight / Protection Paladin setup for the last hour or so.

I wonder if they will farm more gear for that Vengeance DH and then come back to it tomorrow, since the change dropped their average item level from 480.3 to 478.9, which indicates that they weren't considering that change during Heroic splits, since Havoc was so dominant as a melee DPS option.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 23, 2023 at 21:44 pm (GMT)
minor na

Liquid came back to Amirdrassil with a very nice piece of tech! They are going to use the old Personal Space Amplifier Belt Enchant from Battle for Azeroth Engineering to have more options on how to manage the Screaming Souls adds during the second phase!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 23, 2023 at 21:20 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Method just reached their first intermission! Although they just got to this boss, they are already flying through the first phase and will now work on consistently get there so they can break the shield and start Phase 2 prog!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 23, 2023 at 18:47 pm (GMT)
minor na

An interesting optimization that Liquid just showed consisted of using the Augmentation Evoker's (or any Evoker) Rescue ability to bring the Mythic only healer add closer to the other 5 healer adds during p2 so they can be more efficiently healed by the Holy Paladin.

The Augmentation was also buffing with both Prescience and Ebon Might the Holy Paladin and the Mistweaver Monk, so those adds were topped up super fast.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 23, 2023 at 18:27 pm (GMT)
minor na

Liquid just answered the great pulls from Echo and got into the first intermission cleanly! They survived the big shield in the intermission and started p2 with everyone alive.

They have pulled this boss 109 times so far, and have a best percentage of 62.7%.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 23, 2023 at 18:12 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Honolulu just joined all the other 9 guilds currently progressing Mythic Tindral Sageswift! Congratulations to them for defeating Mythic Smolderon after 110 pulls!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 23, 2023 at 17:49 pm (GMT)

Liquid have matched Echos best on Fyrakk coming in with a new best of 62.7%.

Meanwhile on Tindral progress, Method are looking to get this boss down before dinner, with a new best for them of 7.21%

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 23, 2023 at 16:58 pm (GMT)

Method push sub 10% on Tindral for the first time, coming in with a new best of 9.65% on pull 357.

Skyline are also making progress with a new best of 49.7% on pull 439.

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 23, 2023 at 15:40 pm (GMT)

Method fly in with a new best attempt of 13.71% on T Swift after 352 pulls. Interestingly, at the same amount of pulls, Echo had a best of 5.26%, although did not manage to replicate a sub 10 pull until 30 pulls later, at pull 369, and Liquid had a best of 27.76%.

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 23, 2023 at 14:26 pm (GMT)

Method are still trying to move on from Tindral with a new best for them of 19.89%. Hopefully they can down this boss today and get to see some Fyrakk action.

Echo, on the other hand, have made progress on Fyrakk with a new best for them of 62.7%, surpassing Liquid on the leaderboard. With today being Thanksgiving, we'll need to see how much progress we get out of Liquid today, or if it will be business as usual.

Posted by Paul on Nov 23, 2023 at 11:01 am (GMT)
minor eu

Method are making steady progress on Tindral Sageswift, hitting a new best of 28.7% (P3) on Pull 319.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 23, 2023 at 09:34 am (GMT)
minor eu

Echo is back at Amirdrassil! They woke up an hour later than usual, since they extended quite a bit yesterday to get the Tindral kill, and they are now back at Fyrakk, progressing Phase 1!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 23, 2023 at 09:19 am (GMT)
minor eu

Method started the day on fire! The new best percentage for the Orange Squad is now 32.4%! They have pulled this boss 308 times

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 23, 2023 at 08:13 am (GMT)
minor na

The NA day came to a close much earlier! With most day raiding guilds having already stopped in the past hour or so, and the night raiding guilds also finishing off their nights, the only big development we had tonight was the average item level bump the top guilds were able to acquire after the reset with reclears and more Heroic splits.

Instant Dollars is currently with 478.1 average item level in their comp for the Mythic Tindral prog.

BDG, fighting the same boss, is currently with 478.3 average item level.

xD have cleared the Smolderon hell yesterday, and are now starting progression on Tindral with an average item level of 477.4

Imperative is very close to the Smolderon kill, averaging 476.9 item level across their raid.

For comparison, Liquid is currently with 479.6 as per their last pull on Fyrakk earlier today, Echo was at 479.6 on their World 2nd kill on Tindral and the Orange Squad is rocking 479.4 item level on their last attempts at the Seer of the Flame World 3rd kill.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 23, 2023 at 06:29 am (GMT)
minor na

Instant Dollars decided to call it a day! They have pulled Mythic Tindral 184 times so far, and reached a best percentage of 61.6%.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 23, 2023 at 05:50 am (GMT)
minor na

Instant Dollars brought an interesting change to their comp tonight!

They kept the overall structure that everybody is following with 2 Havoc Demon Hunters and 2 Rogues, but they swapped around one of the Augmentation Evokers for another Beast Mastery Hunters, and dropped one of the Enhancement Shamans for another Rogue.

The current Rogue setup they are running now is 2 Assassination Rogues and 1 Subtlety Rogue.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 23, 2023 at 02:54 am (GMT)
minor na

Imperative is pumping in the Smolderon encounter! The NA squad is currently in a streak of sub 20% pulls, that quickly turned into a sub 5% streak!

The current best is 2.83% after 172 attempts at this boss crazy boss.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 23, 2023 at 01:09 am (GMT)
minor na

Liquid decided to not come back to Fyrakk while streaming! They have farmed a few Mythic+ runs and will presumably keep progressing on the encounter offstream.

They have done 56 pulls so far, having barely survived the first intermission and now have a little bit more information on what Phase 2 will require, having reached 63.1% on the boss.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 22, 2023 at 23:37 pm (GMT)
minor na

Liquid decided to run a few more Mythic+ keys tonight, presumably while they plan what to do on Phase 2. They will probably run keys up until dinner break and then come back for more Mythic Fyrakk action!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 22, 2023 at 22:03 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Method have called it a day! Some raiders will run a few Mythic+ keys for some extra loot, and will go to sleep soon.

They started super early today, and have been raiding for at least 12 hours including Heroic splits and the Mythic reclear, so they are playing safe, getting their energy back to defeat Mythic Tindral Sageswift and go on to face Fyrakk!

The Orange Squad have pulled this boss 302 times, and have a best percentage of 44.3%, wiping right at the start of P3.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 22, 2023 at 20:25 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Meanwhile, Echo has been on a good streak of pulls reaching the last overlap of Phase 2! The problem with this *Mythic Tindral encounter is that you have very little room for error on every seed spawn or overlap! The entire progression for all guilds in this encounter so far have been full of innumerous pulls on the same boss HP % while they get used to doing a specific overlap, and after they clear it, the boss drops massively.

The EU front runner have 374 pulls, and a best percentage of 5.26% on this fearsome encounter.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 22, 2023 at 20:19 pm (GMT)
minor na

Liquid is chipping away percentage on that Phase 1! The new best for the NA squad is now 69.7% after 37 pulls on the Mythic Fyrakk!

They have reached the first intermission a few times already, mostly with players down, and haven't been able to break the massive shield so far.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 22, 2023 at 19:29 pm (GMT)
minor na

The Mythic twist for the Fyrakk zone denial is that, there is 3 soaks that will target random players, after you soak them, they will also leave the puddle in the ground, so you need to proper positioning in order to not hit the roots.

Liquid came up with a very cool strategy to align the last soaks in the middle of the roots in a straight line, so they can have the extra seconds required to phase the boss, as you can see in the clip below.

Its unlikely that once they get used to the damage intake, and movement requirements for Phase 1 they still need that extra space, since they can optimize a lot of damage in p1 still, but having the last resort strategy is important so they can reach the intermission more consistently, even if something went wrong in that pull.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 22, 2023 at 19:22 pm (GMT)
minor na

Liquid was trying out quite a few different strategies for positioning the zone denial from Fyrakk.

This fight has a DPS check to reach the 70% mark, since the boss constantly marks random players with circles that will deny more and more of the room, as you can see in the clip below.

The importance of proper positioning this zone denial also comes from the roots mechanic in the very back, since you cannot hit any of the 4 little roots back there with these circles, nor the orbs that they throw around, resulting in an instant wipe if you fail that.

Posted by Paul on Nov 22, 2023 at 17:18 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Method continue to have a tactical discussion break, and Echo is taking their dinner break before continuing to pull Tindral Sageswift.

Posted by Paul on Nov 22, 2023 at 15:52 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Method have re-cleared up to Smolderon and are taking a short break before pulls commence.

Posted by Paul on Nov 22, 2023 at 15:01 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Having re-cleared back to Tindral Sageswift, Echo have done some Mythic+ and some more Fyrakk splits. They are now re-grouping for Mythic, and look ready to take this boss down!

Posted by Paul on Nov 22, 2023 at 14:05 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Method have entered Mythic, starting the re-clear back to Tindral Sageswift, Seer of the Flame!

Posted by Paul on Nov 22, 2023 at 13:39 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Echo have just had an incredibly low wipe on Smolderon (under 1%) Mythic. They waste no time and go straight into another pull! Getting this boss down quickly and returning to Tindral Sageswift is where they can close the gap with Liquid.

Posted by Paul on Nov 22, 2023 at 12:54 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Echo have just re-cleared Mythic Nymue, moving on to Smolderon once again.

Method continue with Heroic Fyrakk splits.

Posted by Paul on Nov 22, 2023 at 11:11 am (GMT)
minor eu

Echo are back in Mythic, taking down the first 2 bosses and taking a food break before swiftly getting back to Tindral Sageswift, Seer of the Flame!

Posted by Paul on Nov 22, 2023 at 10:15 am (GMT)
minor eu

Echo have made it through some of their Heroic Fyrakk splits, suggesting they are close to returning to Mythic!

Posted by Paul on Nov 22, 2023 at 09:18 am (GMT)
minor eu

The Heroic splits continue for Echo and Method, with an end in sight, both guild should be back in the Mythic raid within the next few hours.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 22, 2023 at 07:10 am (GMT)
minor eu

Echo and Method are still running Heroic splits! I wonder how many more runs they will do, since the main characters have already been defined, so just a few upgrades are available from the difficulty this week. In the other hand, they are already getting some characters ready for Fyrakk, since they know they may change the comp, and they need the best characters possible.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 22, 2023 at 06:29 am (GMT)
minor na

Liquid will for sure pull Mythic Fyrakk before going to bed, but they said they will close out streams (they already did by the time you read this) and test WeakAuras and feel the boss tonight.

This will for sure get them a massive advantage since we saw that those last 30% of Tindral are not at all free, even with way more gear from the reset Great Vault and reclear, so Echo and Method will have some serious catch up to do today.

Tomorrow we will see the final showdown for the Race to World First for Amidrassil, the Dreams Hope, as finally we get to see Mythic Fyrakk and his amazing encounter!

tindral sageswift seer of the flame featured
Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 22, 2023 at 06:18 am (GMT)
worldfirst na

Congratulations to Liquid for defeating Mythic Tindral Sageswift! This boss was one of the hardest bosses of the expansion, and it took the NA squad 435 pulls to defeat it! That locked them the World 1st kill!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 22, 2023 at 05:47 am (GMT)
minor eu

Speaking of Echo, they are doing a few Heroic splits, and should probably do some Heroic Fyrakk kills before getting back for the Mythic reclear.

Meanwhile, Method is going down the same route, running a few Heroic splits for more specific pieces, and will probably run some Fyrakk kills so they can reclear Mythic and get back to Tindral prog!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 22, 2023 at 05:44 am (GMT)
minor na

Echo and Method are probably surprised to wake up to a still alive Mythic Tindral. But Liquid had a streak of good, sub 5% pulls, and just now had a 8.71% wipe after 429 pulls, they just have to keep consistently getting to Phase 3 to practice the overlaps and damage intake in that phase, the next clean Phase 3 they have they will probably not even see the enrage timer.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 22, 2023 at 04:36 am (GMT)
minor na

Liquid is getting some crazy levels of consistency getting to P3! They just lowered their best percentage to 4.45% in the Mythic Tindral encounter!

They have pulled this boss a whopping 421 times!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 22, 2023 at 01:20 am (GMT)
minor na

After less than 10 pulls Liquid already got Mythic Tindral down to 25% again! They currently have 395 pulls, almost 40 pulls more than the infamous Mythic Halondrus back in the Sepulcher of the First Ones raid, from Shadowlands.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 22, 2023 at 00:52 am (GMT)
minor na

As Liquid is back pushing Mythic Tindral's encounter again, we finally can see that the new average raid item level is now 479.2!

For reference, previously they were 474 item level when they reached 24% as their best pull. But we can only really understand if that was a good loot rng tomorrow, after Echo and Method reclears as well.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 22, 2023 at 00:42 am (GMT)
minor na

Liquid is back at Mythic Tindral! They discussed some Phase 3 strategies for a while in front of the boss, but now finally we are back to some Mythic action!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 22, 2023 at 00:15 am (GMT)
minor na

Here is a surprise, I thought Liquid was going to send the upgrades for the week only after Tindral, but they decided to do it now, and have been discussing what upgrades are worth spending those precious Aspect's Crests on.

We are still waiting to see how the final version of their composition will look like in terms of average item level across the raid.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 21, 2023 at 23:55 pm (GMT)
minor na

Indeed Smolderon is a very hard fight, even to Liquid with some characters being as high as 477 item level.

They are getting ready to resume progression, as they sort out some of the loot from this run and get ready to push that 24% best percentage on Mythic Tindral.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 21, 2023 at 23:31 pm (GMT)
minor na

Liquid just had their first wipe in the Mythic reclear. It just goes to show how crazy hard is Mythic Smolderon! They wiped at 2%, but they had a DPS down for at least 2 minutes, and plenty more died in the last minute of the fight, so they are on track to just kill it on a cleaner pull.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 21, 2023 at 22:26 pm (GMT)
minor na

Liquid is almost back at Mythic Smolderon, they just have to quickly kill Nymue again.

This kill is actually one of the most important for them, since the staff from this boss is a best in slot for most casters because of the higher item level from being a Very Rare item, so this staff alone can make them consider bring one more Mage or Warlock for Mythic Tindral's progression.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 21, 2023 at 20:41 pm (GMT)
minor na

Not much have happened in the past few hours. The NA reset have made most guilds go for Heroic splits again and later today we should probably see the Mythic reclear from Liquid, Instant Dollars and BDG.

That will give them a boost in terms of survivability and damage, so it will be interesting to see how much more gear they can get on those characters. Liquid was fighting Mythic Tindral with an average raid item level of 474.1 while ID was raiding with an average of 473 item level on their characters.

Posted by Paul on Nov 21, 2023 at 18:07 pm (GMT)

Echo are heading offline before a 5am start tomorrow for the EU reset!

Meanwhile, Liquid are in Heroic splits once again before heading into Mythic later today.

Method are on Dinner break and are doing some Mythic+ and getting food before finishing up the last bits today ahead of an early start tomorrow morning for EU reset.

Posted by Paul on Nov 21, 2023 at 17:21 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Method are using this time to also run a Mythic split to gear up a Feral Druid to improve the composition of the team for Tindral Sageswift.

Posted by Paul on Nov 21, 2023 at 17:13 pm (GMT)

Guilds have been hard at work on Tindral Sageswift today, with progress being made across the guilds. As it stands, we have the following:

  1. Liquid at 24% (P3) with 388 Pulls
  2. Echo at 26.9% (P3) with 328 Pulls
  3. Method at 50% (P3) with 289 Pulls
  4. Instant Dollars at 63.2% (P2) with 154 Pulls
  5. Skyline at 63.3% (P2) with 328 Pulls
  6. 火锅英雄 at 63.7% (P2) with 241 Pulls
  7. BDG at 77.8% (I1) with 93 Pulls

Liquid are online and preparing for a full day of reset activities, starting off with Mythic+.

Echo and Method have stepped out of the raid for either dinner breaks or to get some Mythic+ completed.

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 21, 2023 at 14:41 pm (GMT)

Banhammer are swinging that hammer on Smolderon to try and get to Tindral with the rest of the guilds there as they get a new best attempt of 11.3%. Skyline have already surpassed the 200 pull mark on Tindral as their new best is 64.5%! Echo and Method have not had a new best in a while, but Conspiracy coming in blasting with a new best on Tindral of 85.1%!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 21, 2023 at 13:53 pm (GMT)
minor asia

Over on the Korean guilds, Mate have killed Smolderon and have swiftly moved to join the other guilds in some Tindral pulls!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 21, 2023 at 13:39 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Chipping away at Tindral, Echo are hungry to beat Liquids best of 24% before the US guild wakes up with their reset with another new best of 33.8%!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 21, 2023 at 12:48 pm (GMT)

Echo coming in with a new best of 37.8% on Tindral. Seems the healer swap out has not affected them too much!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 21, 2023 at 11:57 am (GMT)
minor eu

And Conspiracy get the kill on Smolderon after 145 pulls! They become the 10th guild to kill him and move on to the powerhouse that is Tindral Sageswift, Seer of the Flame!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 21, 2023 at 11:56 am (GMT)

Conspiracy are getting consistent low pulls on Smolderon with several sub 20% pulls in the last 30 mins, their best so far is 0.77%.

Over in Asia, the Korean guild Mate is also looking to kill Smoldy, with a best of 1.44%.

Echo are currently on a lunch break, but look to be forming a group to get back into Tindral progress. Method have yet to have a lunch break, will we see a new best for them before that?

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 21, 2023 at 10:32 am (GMT)
minor eu

Coming back from a small break, Echo are getting consistent low pulls, but not as close to their 38.6% than they'd probably like.

Method are looking to edge closer to the guilds in the lead, with a new low best so far today of 55.56%!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 21, 2023 at 06:27 am (GMT)
minor na

The day is coming to an end earlier today for NA!

Both Instant Dollars, who is currently progressing on Mythic Tindral with a personal best of 63.2% after 154 pulls, and xD, who is progressing Mythic Smolderon with a heartbreaking wipe at 1.44% after 88 attempts, have called it a day after a few good tries.

They are probably getting ready for the long week ahead, with all the reset chores and Mythic reclear ahead of them. The same goes for Liquid.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 21, 2023 at 05:35 am (GMT)
minor na

Liquid's decision to run the double Assassination Rogue actually showed its strength as they consistently approach the sub 30% pulls!

Assassination currently have access to one of the best Execute-like effects in the game, so as soon as they break the shield and use the 2 minute cooldown Deathmark, they melt the boss HP, being one of the factors for them to have jumped from 27% to 24% as their best percentage. It will be interesting to see if other guilds adapt to this strategy tomorrow.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 21, 2023 at 03:10 am (GMT)
minor na

Instant Dollars is ready to match Method's prog tonight! They just lowered their best percentage to 67.5% after 112 pulls on Mythic Tindral!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 21, 2023 at 01:18 am (GMT)
minor na

Speaking of raid compositions, although Echo, Method and Instant Dollars are probably trying out Subtlety Rogues for progression / learning the phases, this double Assassination Rogues comp for Liquid will pay dividends when they consistently reach sub 30% pulls.

Usually we think of Execute range for Warriors (its literally their ability), but currently Assassination Rogues have arguably one of the strongest Execute effects in the game, so keep an eye out for how much HP they can burn on the first usage of 2 minute cooldowns in that phase.

Liquid currently have 349 pulls so far, and have reached as far as 30.4% on the boss HP bar.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 20, 2023 at 23:17 pm (GMT)
minor na

An interesting development after yesterday pulls in terms of compositions were the Rogues changing specs!

Liquid kept the original setup of triple Beast Mastery Hunter and 2 Assassination Rogues, which is pretty interesting since Assassination can provide so much single target damage in their current iteration. Meanwhile, with FatSharkYes providing us with a little bit more data, most other guilds are changing their Rogues to play Subtlety! I wonder if they are swapping because of specific timings or just the raw value of having their damage profile, with huge bursts of AoE damage when they need on the adds, as well as a crazy funnel value, being able to generate a lot of extra combo points by hitting the adds with Shuriken Storm and single targeting the boss with Eviscerate.

Method took this approach to the extreme, having swapped one of the Enhancements (that were one of the flexible spots from what we have seen yesterday) for another Rogue, and are now running 2 Subtlety Rogues and 1 Assassination. The Orange Squad also tried a couple of pulls with a Survival Hunter instead of the Beast Mastery, and I wonder if they liked the results, since Survival can dish out a significant amount of damage on the adds while cleaving off the boss with the Wildfire Bombs, so they also have a lot of value for this fight's damage profile requirements.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 20, 2023 at 22:17 pm (GMT)
minor na

BDG had a long pre raid discussion, probably ironing out details before pulling Mythic Tindral!

The NA squad is just starting their progression on this fearsome encounter.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 20, 2023 at 21:57 pm (GMT)
minor eu

The EU raid day is coming to an end! Both Echo and Method have called it a day early, playing safe for the reset in a couple of days, and keeping a healthy sleep schedule.

Echo went to sleep with 241 pulls so far on Mythic Tindral with a best percentage of 38.6%, while the Orange Squad is sitting at 188 pulls, and a best percentage of 57.6%!

Keep in mind that the percentage itself is kind of irrelevant, since the important part is that both EU guilds are progressing the 2nd phase of the encounter. For a more accurate comparison, Method took 180 attempts to see the start of P3, while Echo took 163 attempts and Liquid took 203 pulls to reach the second shield mark.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 20, 2023 at 21:10 pm (GMT)
minor eu

What a show of consistency by both Method and Liquid! Both squads are getting some very impressive consistent pulls going for them, getting multiple back to back pulls into the first seed spawn in Phase 2.

The Orange Squad just lowered their best percentage to 57.6%, reaching Phase 3 after 246 pulls so far!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 20, 2023 at 19:55 pm (GMT)

BDG join the guilds on the second to last boss as they down Smolderon after 226 pulls!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 20, 2023 at 19:12 pm (GMT)

As Echo appear to be doing Heroic Tindral splits, Liquid come in with a new best of 35.4%, overtaking Echo to once again be in the lead!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 20, 2023 at 19:08 pm (GMT)

FatSharkYes and BDG are also looking to see Tindral today as they get a new bests of 1.24% and 2.28 respectively!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 20, 2023 at 18:52 pm (GMT)

It seems guilds really want this boss down, as the new bests continue to roll in - Skyline has a new best of 72.5%, and Liquid have a new best of 44%!

On Smolderon, we have LAGET and Honolulu fighting to see who can get to Tindral first, with LAGET getting a best of 65.4% and Honolulu getting a best of 41%.

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 20, 2023 at 17:16 pm (GMT)

Skyline continue their progression on Tindral Sageswift as they get yet another new best of 76.6%!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 20, 2023 at 16:27 pm (GMT)

The new bests keep pouring in on T Swifty as Skyline get a new best of 77.5% and Method get a new best of 61.5%!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 20, 2023 at 15:47 pm (GMT)

Echo has leapfrogged into the lead with a new best of 38.6% on Tindral Sageswift!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 20, 2023 at 15:25 pm (GMT)

With Liquid waking up and about to start their day shortly, let's check in with where the other guilds are.

Echo has continued to push Tindral Sageswift to 47.7%, closing the gap on Liquids 44.4%. Method has also had a new best of 63.2%, also looking to push more to tighten the space between the top 3.

Over in Asia, Skyline are making swift progress on the boss, with a new best of 81%. Hot on their heels are Huoguo with a best of 81.4%.

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 20, 2023 at 14:15 pm (GMT)

Echo are making improvements with every pull, coming in with yet another new best of 49.3% on pull number 208! They may be flying into the lead soon!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 20, 2023 at 13:41 pm (GMT)

And just as the last update went out we have both Method and Echo on new bests with Method getting to 65.9% on pull 98 and Echo getting to 53.8% on pull 204! Both guilds are certainly hungry to play catch up before Liquid come back!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 20, 2023 at 13:35 pm (GMT)

With Echo and Method both having had lunch, we're back on Mythic T Swift pulls. Echo have achieved a new best of 54.37% after their 199th pull (currently at pull 204), while Method have a new best of 67.81% after their 81st pull (currently on pull 95). Will we see them shake it off to get the boss down today? Or have Liquid got something up their sleeves when they rejoin the race later after the nerfs last night?

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 20, 2023 at 10:19 am (GMT)
minor eu

And on an impressive show of consistency, Method managed to dip a little bit further into the fight! The new best for the Orange Squad is 68.8% after 61 attempts at the Mythic Tindral Sageswift encounter.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 20, 2023 at 10:11 am (GMT)
minor asia

I cannot believe it was this close! skyline just wiped at 0.16% (0.16!!!!! That is less than 3 Million HP left) on Mythic Smolderon!

The Asia frontrunner is currently clocking 229 pulls on this encounter.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 20, 2023 at 10:06 am (GMT)
minor eu

For the Orange Squad its the same matter its been the whole progression. Consistent first Phase, so you can learn and progress the second one.

This boss is extremely tight both in terms of positioning and healing/damage, so being consistent between pulls helps you get used to the very high damage spikes, and with that progress further into the encounter.

Method managed to see Phase 2 for the first time last pull, and they just got back there, on back-to-back pulls, which is very impressive based on what we have seen so far!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 20, 2023 at 10:02 am (GMT)
minor eu

And the top EU guilds are pumping!

Method just lowered their best percentage to 71.9% after 60 pulls, while Echo just dropped Mythic Tindral's HP bar all the way down 55.8% after 179 attempts!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 20, 2023 at 09:33 am (GMT)
minor eu

And it looks like that consistency will be the name of the game for this crazy tight Phase 1!

Even though Echo managed to get some better pulls so far, the majority of the time both Method and Echo are focusing on getting consistent movement and boss positioning as well as getting used to the crazy high damage spikes of the first phase.

As soon as you get a good P1, you get the chance to try and progress a little bit on the second phase, as the shields didn't seem to hold any challenge for any guild so far, with some having cleared the mini DPS race with as few as 16 players alive.

The progression on Phase 2 is also brutal, since the first overlap of the P2 only mechanic on the seeds spawning and the normal Entangling Roots cast from the boss is already one of the most challenging parts of the encounter, usually ending the guild's pull with less than 30 seconds on phase 2.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 20, 2023 at 08:22 am (GMT)
minor eu

And what an interesting change again! This is probably the fourth (maybe fifth) iteration of compositions we saw so far on this Mythic Tindral prog!

Method decided to go a similar route to the one Echo, Liquid and ID took, with a double Havoc DH, double Rogue and Double BM Hunter. The twist they brought was they dropped one of the Enhancement Shamans for another Demonology Warlock. It will be interesting to see how the damage allocation between boss damage and add damage will be as soon as we see a couple of pulls by this comp.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 20, 2023 at 07:33 am (GMT)
minor eu

And the Orange Squad is coming back up as well!

Liquid went to sleep early today, and now we have the domestic competition going on full speed!

Echo has pulled this boss for a considerable more time, since Method decided to farm some Mythic+ yesterday to get a few more upgrades before locking in progression mode!

The Orange Squad is currently with 39 pulls, and a best percentage of 81.3%, while Echo is currently with 154 pulls, and a best percentage of 60.3%.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 20, 2023 at 06:41 am (GMT)
minor na

BDG also decided to play safe for the long game, and called it a day after an amazing sub 5% pull!

They are sitting at a best percentage of 1.04% after 217 pulls on Mythic Smolderon!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 20, 2023 at 06:08 am (GMT)
minor eu

And the Echo is getting up and ready to get back to Mythic Tindral's madness!

Liquid should still be around for at least two more hours so we can maybe see a little bit of a back and forth between them.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 20, 2023 at 06:00 am (GMT)
minor na

After reaching a amazing 69.7% in the Mythic Tindral Sageswift encounter, Instant Dollars decided to call it for the night.

They managed to do 85 pulls so far in this very hard encounter, having almost matched Echo's best percentage, but the EU squad have done 141 pulls so far. Keep in mind that Phase 2 of this encounter is an absolute nightmare! A very high healing check, a very hard movement requirement and of course, you still have to DPS down both the roots and the boss itself, so the current plateau for progression is the 60% mark.

Only Liquid so far managed to reach that deep into the fight, going all the way down 44% after 273 attempts.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 20, 2023 at 05:02 am (GMT)
minor na

And as we wait for both Instant Dollars and Liquid to get more consistent into clearing Phase 1, lets take a look again at their raid compositions!

The overall setup seems to be pretty standard, with both Healers and Tanks being the exact same. Between the DPS composition, the locked in positions seems to be the 2 Beast Mastery Hunters and both Havoc Demon Hunters. Here comes the interesting part, Instant Dollars decided to go to a very funnel efficient composition, choosing to run a Balance Druid (instead of the Feral), 1 Assassination Rogue and 1 Subtlety Rogue as well as a Fury Warrior, Demonology Warlock and an Augmentation Evoker. The big surprise actually comes in the last spots, with them dropping the double Enhancement Shaman setup (like Echo's) and instead bringing a Frost Death Knight, as well as a second Arcane Mage.

If you happen to watch any of their streams, you'll see how much damage the Arcane Mages are doing, and believe me, they are pumping both the adds (roots from the boss) and single target damage on the boss. I wonder if Method or Echo will adapt to any of those changes to test out how this Frost DK, double Arcane does in terms of survivability to the group, an extra Mass Barrier and a Anti-Magic Zone, and the raw damage output they bring.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 20, 2023 at 02:42 am (GMT)
minor na

BDG got another very good pull!

They have reached sub 20% again, 17.4% this time around, after 179 pulls. Their best is still 4.87%, but they are consistently getting to sub 20% in their last 20 pulls

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 20, 2023 at 02:28 am (GMT)
minor na

Liquid is struggling to get back to a consistent form, having failed to reach their best percentage again in the last 30 pulls or more.

They have done 242 pulls so far, and they are pushing to get back to Phase 2 more consistently so they can practice Phase 3.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 20, 2023 at 01:49 am (GMT)
minor na

And we got to that point where each pull is a little bit of progression while Liquid struggles to get some consistency going on Mythic Tindral.

xD is also pushing for the Mythic Smolderon kill, the same goes for BDG!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 20, 2023 at 00:33 am (GMT)
minor na

Instant Dollars just started their Mythic Tindral progression! They will probably spent the majority of this first wipes to get used to the overall damage intake and movement requirements of this fight, and then we may see a big improvement in best percentage as they reach Phase 2 with more players alive

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 19, 2023 at 23:38 pm (GMT)
minor na

In case you are confused watching Liquid, they are having lag issues, this time on their end, so they are trying out different addons and weakauras to narrow down the problem and fix it as soon as possible

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 19, 2023 at 22:40 pm (GMT)
minor na

In other news from NA, both BDG and Imperative are back at Mythic Smolderon!

The BDG squad is currently at 9.85% as their best percentage, after 149 pulls while Imperative is just starting prog, but already getting a massive 68.4% after only 2 pulls!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 19, 2023 at 21:06 pm (GMT)
minor eu

And in an interesting move Echo decided to call it for the day!

After getting a massive 60% pull right after the nerfs got hotfixed on live servers, the EU squad decided to play safe for the long game and keep a healthy sleep schedule ahead of a what it seems to be a pretty intense ending for the Amirdrassil RWF, with the race drawing closer and closer to the reset day.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 19, 2023 at 19:56 pm (GMT)
minor na

And Liquid just pushed its personal best down again! The new mark to beat is 63.4% after 190 pulls.

Mythic Tindral is already taking, in hours of active raid combat, twice as long as Mythic Smolderon, who for the NA frontrunner squad, took a little bit more than 3 hours.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 19, 2023 at 19:43 pm (GMT)
minor na

And as progression on Mythic Tindral continues, its interesting to notice that although both Liquid, Method and Echo have tried a couple of different setups, its safe to assume by now that the most flexible spot is the Enhancement Shamans.

For a recap, the current DPS composition for all 3 frontrunners is 2 Havoc Demon Hunters, 2 Augmentation Evokers, 2 Rogues, 2 BM Hunters and then a Mage, a Warlock, a Warrior and a Druid (with Method running a Balance, and the other 2 running a Feral). The last two spots are taken by 2 Enhancement Shamans on the first iteration of the compositions, but so far we have seen a Beast Mastery Hunter, a Retribution Paladin and a Demonology Warlock all swapped in in favor of one of the Enhancement. The latest iteration for Echo though, caught my attention, as they swapped out of the Enhancements completely (and by doing that, dropped the powerful Windfury buff) and are now running 2 Feral Druids and 2 Demonology Warlocks!

The amount of AoE and cleave potential for this composition is massive, further emphasizing the damage requirement to break those roots, let's see what else they bring to the table, if this is just a composition for more efficient Phase 2 progression or is this actually the comp that can defeat this encounter!

Posted by Paul on Nov 19, 2023 at 18:04 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Method have had a few pulls on Tindral Sageswift, but now they are taking a break from the raid and completing some Mythic+ keys.

Posted by Paul on Nov 19, 2023 at 18:01 pm (GMT)

BDG have had a great pull on Smolderon, lowering their best attempt to 9.85%.

After Honolulu defeated Larodar around an hour ago, they are already having some great pulls on Nymue, with a new best of 24.2%.

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 19, 2023 at 16:38 pm (GMT)

Smolderon is Smolder-gone as Method come in with the Mythic kill after 95 pulls!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 19, 2023 at 16:29 pm (GMT)

Echo have now snuck past Liquid on progression on Tindral Sageswift, Seer of the Flame with a new best of 66.4% on P2 after 99 pulls! Liquid are awake and are shortly starting their day, so time will tell whether Echo can hold on to the lead!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 19, 2023 at 15:32 pm (GMT)

With guilds making progress on both Mythic Smolderon and Tindral Sageswift, let's have a look at where they currently are.

On Tindral, Liquid has a best of 67.05% in P3 after pull 148 (total pulls so far is 166) Echo has a best of 69.74% in P2 after pull 80 (total pulls so far is 86)

On Smolderon, we have several guilds in the top 10 fighting for the 3rd kill; Method - 1.5%, Instant Dollars - 3.23%, Skyline - 8.66%, BDG - 12.1%, FatSharkYes - 40.1%, Conspiracy - 34%, Banhammer - 58.08%, Honestly - 62.4%, xD - 84%

The race is really heating up now!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 19, 2023 at 14:07 pm (GMT)

Skyline are out for the kill as they have a new best of 8.66% after 152 pulls!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 19, 2023 at 13:39 pm (GMT)

Coming in hot after a lunch break, Method come in with another new best on Mythic Smolderon of 1.5% after 66 pulls!

Meanwhile, Conspiracy are climbing back up the ladder with a new best for them on Mythic Smolderon of 52.7% on pull 14!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 19, 2023 at 12:37 pm (GMT)

So close! Method coming in after the last new best with a new new best of 1.88%! This boss will be Smoldergone any pull now!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 19, 2023 at 12:25 pm (GMT)

Method get a new best on Mythic Smolderon of 4.45% after 61 pulls. With their consistent low pulls, they are on fire and we'll surely see the kill soon!

Posted by Paul on Nov 19, 2023 at 11:31 am (GMT)
minor eu

Method are also getting closer to defeating Smolderon, with a new best of 12.2% (previously 13.7%).

Posted by Paul on Nov 19, 2023 at 11:25 am (GMT)
minor eu

Echo have been getting some great experience on Tindral Sageswift, Seer of the Flame, with 42 pulls total, they just achieved a new best of 72.4%!

Posted by Paul on Nov 19, 2023 at 10:40 am (GMT)
minor eu

Method achieve a new best of 13.7%, making some solid progress today.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 19, 2023 at 09:45 am (GMT)
minor eu

Pretty interesting adaptation from Echo going on! They brought 2 Enhancement Shamans in the first few pulls, but a few pulls ago they decided to swap one of them for a Retribution Paladin. The amount of burst damage the Retribution can bring to those adds is massive, and it will for sure speed their progression since they have a very reliable source of AoE damage for all sets of vines.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 19, 2023 at 09:37 am (GMT)
minor eu

Echo is absolutely flying! They just reached Phase 2 for the first time! It still a very long way to go to reach the end of Phase 1 with everybody alive.

They currently have 20 attempts at this crazy Mythic Tindral encounter.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 19, 2023 at 09:11 am (GMT)
minor asia

skyline just reached a new personal best on Mythic Smolderon! Their are now sitting at 9.36% after 116 pulls!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 19, 2023 at 08:58 am (GMT)
minor eu

And while Echo is getting a taste of how brutal this first phase in the Mythic Tindral encounter can be, Method started pushing to get that World 3rd Mythic Smolderon kill!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 19, 2023 at 08:45 am (GMT)
minor eu

And Echo started progression versus Mythic Tindral Sageswift!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 19, 2023 at 08:31 am (GMT)
minor na

An interesting difference in composition is coming up between what seems to be Echo DPS comp (at least for this first few pulls) and Liquid's.

They are both running 2 Havoc Demon Hunters, 2 Augmentation Evokers, 2 Rogues (alternating between Subtlety and Assassination) a Mage, a Warlock and a Druid alternating between Feral and Balance.

The major difference comes in the last few spots, with the NA guild running 3 Beast Mastery Hunters and 1 Enhancement Shaman, versus 2 BM Hunters and 2 Enhancements. The Ancestral Guidance spell for Shamans can be massive to help heal the crazy amount of damage out of the shields after the first intermission, and all the Hunters are running the very niche Sentinel Owl, with the Sentinel's Protection passive, to also help with that passive healing during the shields.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 19, 2023 at 08:03 am (GMT)
minor na

After a crazy push of 166 pulls, and a best percentage of 67% on Phase 3 of Mythic Tindral Sageswift, Liquid decided to call it a day and go get some rest, to come back fresh for tomorrow.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 19, 2023 at 07:55 am (GMT)
minor eu

Another great pull for Echo! They managed to get all the way down 9% on the boss HP bar.

If they keep the momentum they may reach Tindral in the next few hours!

The EU squad have pulled Mythic Smolderon 51 times so far.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 19, 2023 at 07:09 am (GMT)
minor na

And the fearsome battle between BDG and Instant Dollars come to an end for now.

Both guilds pushed hard for the World 2nd on Mythic Smolderon, with ID managing to get all the way down 3.23% and BDG to 12.1% after 95 and 107 pulls respectively.

They called it for today, leaving the door open for Echo and Method to wake up tomorrow and grab that kill and start progressing on Tindral.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 19, 2023 at 06:46 am (GMT)
minor na

We finally saw Mythic Tindral's last phase!

Liquid just lowered their best percentage to 67% after 148 pulls! We have to wait and see if we get more information around the phase as they consistently get to P3

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 19, 2023 at 04:48 am (GMT)
minor na

Congratulations to Imperative for defeating Mythic Nymue, after 22 pulls!

The traditional squad in the RWF is already speeding through the instance, and getting ready to face Mythic Larodar!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 19, 2023 at 02:24 am (GMT)
minor na

BDG is fighting back! The new best percentage for the other NA frontrunner is 24.7%, after 61 attempts at the Mythic Smolderon encounter.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 19, 2023 at 02:09 am (GMT)
minor na

That was a close call! The Instant Dollars squad is ready to pull out that World 2nd for Mythic Smolderon!

The best percentage for them is 15.7% now, after 48 pulls!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 19, 2023 at 01:54 am (GMT)
minor na

What an interesting end of the fight! By the looks of it, both Instant Dollars and BDG are struggling to be consistent into reaching low percentage pulls, which just goes to show how this fight can be brutal as the pull progresses.

An interesting difference between ID and BDG compositions is, currently Instant Dollars decided to run 2 Havoc Demon Hunters and 2 Augmentation Evokers, while BDG is running 3 Augmentation Evokers, dropping one of the Havoc DHs for it.

You may think that is because of the extra damage the Aug Evokers can bring, but that actually also boosts the survivability of the group by quite a margin! Both the extra Obsidian Scales with Aspect's Favor and by having one more Zephyr basically puts 15 players with boosted health and AoE damage reduction instead of 10, since each of those abilities can only target 5 players at a time.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 19, 2023 at 01:19 am (GMT)
minor na

And after a quick dinner break, we kind of have a nice few hours to watch Liquid try to break down Phase 2 on Mythic Tindral!

Instant Dollars and BDG are battling for that World 2nd, being really close in best percentages for Mythic Smolderon

The next few hours will draw a very good picture of how fast the EU guilds will be able to kill Smolderon and catch up to Liquid's progress.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 18, 2023 at 23:54 pm (GMT)
minor eu

And after a very impressive push, Method decided to call it a day, and will get some sleep to get back tomorrow and send this boss back to the Firelands.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 18, 2023 at 23:46 pm (GMT)
minor eu

What a stint so far for Method! The raiders are still pushing for progression on Mythic Smolderon even though its almost 1 am.

The Orange Squad is currently at 25.5% as their best percentage after 34 pulls.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 18, 2023 at 23:33 pm (GMT)
minor na

And after around 77 pulls, Liquid finally managed to break the shield and see the first few seconds of P2!

The learning curve for P1 sadly do not transfer exactly to P2, since there is a different set of mechanics, the most dangerous of them is the little seeds you have to step on to break. It's again a combination of a lot of movement and a lot of healing, but in a very different way from what they just solved in P1.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 18, 2023 at 23:12 pm (GMT)
minor na

And by the looks of it, we may have a little NA dispute.

BDG is progressing Mythic Smolderon for at least an hour by now, but Instant Dollars is grouping up, and will get ready to blast and may steal that World 2nd, since they have the entire raid night to match their 60% personal best. They have pulled the boss 22 times so far.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 18, 2023 at 23:09 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Meanwhile, in the EU side, Echo called an early night due to internet issues after reaching a very low 4.6% on Mythic Smolderon after 45 attempts.

Method on the other hand, is currently pushing for more progress on this crazy damage check fight, and are sitting at 25% after 32 attempts.

Keep in mind that Smolderon is deceiving, since once any guild figures out P1, they can repeat the strategy for the entire fight, and drops those best percentages really fast!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 18, 2023 at 23:07 pm (GMT)
minor na

Quite a crazy start of this fight! Mythic Tindral is already proving to be crazy complex in this first phase, having multiple different overlaps.

The movement requirements are actually pressing the Discipline Priests Achilles' heel! The new healing ability, introduced in Patch 10.2, called Ultimate Penitance requires the Priest to be in the air channeling the spell, and with so many swirlies and beams moving around, Liquid is trying to solve this very complicated puzzle of where to be, and what to use each time the boss casts his abilities while trying to heal the insane raid wide damage going off.

The NA squad is currently still sitting at 79% as their best percentage after 65 pulls! This percentage is the exact phasing to P2, where you have to actually Dragonride during the encounter to get back to the boss and start the second phase.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 18, 2023 at 22:44 pm (GMT)
minor na

And we have another guild coming back for that World 2nd Smolderon kill!

BDG just lowered their best percentage to 38.7% after 40 pulls!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 18, 2023 at 21:56 pm (GMT)
minor na

And Liquid is back at Mythic Tindral!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 18, 2023 at 21:37 pm (GMT)
minor eu

After 16 pulls, Method managed to get all the way down 27.7%! As I've mentioned, the fight is very repetitive, so after you nail down P1 you can repeat the strategy throughout the fight all the way to the end.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 18, 2023 at 21:20 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Meanwhile Method has been chipping away at Mythic Smolderon! They had back-to-back-to-back best percentage pulls, slowly finding that perfect balance of damage and survivability for P1!

Keep in mind that this boss is a "patchwork" style boss, meaning that the mechanics individually are pretty simple, but the numbers are very high, and the DPS check is also very tight.

What that means for them is, successfully executing P1 on this fight you can just repeat the exact pattern until the enrage timer hits! So most of their time progressing will be at P1, but after they nail it down, we will see some massive percentage drops.

The Orange squad is currently sitting at 43.7% after 13 attempts as their personal best.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 18, 2023 at 21:17 pm (GMT)
minor na

And Liquid is off to a quick lunch break!

I wonder if they will go straight back to Tindral after they are done getting those IRL food buffs

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 18, 2023 at 20:30 pm (GMT)
minor na

Liquid found a weird problem with Mythic Tindral. They are experiencing lag spikes during the fight, so they decided to go farm some more Mythic+ while they try to find the root of the issue together with Blizzard.

They should be back at progression in the next hour or so.

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 18, 2023 at 20:26 pm (GMT)

Method have come back to the raid strong on Mythic Smolderon; the first pull got the boss to 91.88% and the second to 57.36!

Posted by Paul on Nov 18, 2023 at 19:09 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Echo leads the charge on Smolderon, getting very close to a kill, having 2 pulls under 10%. Their kill could be any pull now.

Posted by Paul on Nov 18, 2023 at 18:06 pm (GMT)
minor na

Liquid are back in the raid, and have set back-to-back new bests (pull 8 and 9), with their lowest attempt now at 81.9% P2 on Tindral Sageswift, Seer of the Flame.

Posted by Paul on Nov 18, 2023 at 17:22 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Method have defeated Larodar, Keeper of the Flame in 5 pulls, World 10th, EU 4th!

They prepare for the next boss, deciding what the best route is from here, perhaps some experience on Smolderon followed by Mythic+ to end the day strong.

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 18, 2023 at 17:04 pm (GMT)
minor asia

Chao Jie have recently killed Mythic Larodar, Keeper of the Flame and are now facing off against Smolderon!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 18, 2023 at 16:58 pm (GMT)
minor eu

FatSharkYes have said no to Mythic Nymue, Weaver of the Cycle and taken the boss down in 10 pulls!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 18, 2023 at 16:18 pm (GMT)
minor eu

With a new best of 9.83% after pull 18, Echo are ready to get Mythic Smolderon down!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 18, 2023 at 15:59 pm (GMT)

Echo are ready to extinguish Mythic Smolderon with a new best of 13.6% after 16 pulls!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 18, 2023 at 15:55 pm (GMT)
minor eu

And at the same time, FatSharkYes have defeated Mythic Larodar, Keeper of the Flame after 9 pulls!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 18, 2023 at 15:53 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Method are cycling through the bosses as they take down Mythic Nymue after 3 pulls putting them at 5/9!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 18, 2023 at 15:43 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Over at the FatSharkYes camp, they are flaming Mythic Larodar, trimming the boss down by nearly 20% to get a new best of 4.07% on pull number 7. The previous best try was 23.1%.

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 18, 2023 at 15:40 pm (GMT)
minor eu

And just one pull later, Echo have another new best on Mythic Smolderon taking the boss down to 20.6%! Will we see the kill today?

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 18, 2023 at 15:26 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Echo coming in hot with a new best on Mythic Smolderon of 30% on pull number 12!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 18, 2023 at 14:53 pm (GMT)

Echo have finished their Mythic+ keys and headed back into Mythic, with their first pull of the afternoon on Smolderon giving them a new best of 42.4%. Will he be Smolder-gone today?

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 18, 2023 at 13:51 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Method are back from their lunch, and Mythic Volcoross has been Volco-crossed out on their first try, putting them at 4/9 bosses defeated! They move on to Nymue next.

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 18, 2023 at 13:32 pm (GMT)
minor eu

With Method on a lunch break, let's see what some of the other guilds are doing. Echo and Conspiracy are running some extra Mythic+ keys, likely to prime their vaults in case the race goes to the next reset, although it may be that they need specific items from dungeons. Over on the Taiwanese servers, Skyline have recently had a new best on Mythic Smolderon of 61.9% after 21 pulls.

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 18, 2023 at 12:55 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Method are crushing the bosses Dreams as they take down Mythic Council in 4 pulls. The folks in orange are coming for the leaderboard!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 18, 2023 at 12:27 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Speedy takedown of the second boss as Method kill Mythic Igira the Cruel on the first try! How many bosses will we see today?

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 18, 2023 at 12:21 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Method are in the race! Gnarlroot proves to not be so gnarly as he gets taken down in Mythic on the first try!

Posted by Warcraftthor on Nov 18, 2023 at 11:55 am (GMT)
minor eu

Method are currently in the instance on Mythic!! All the big 3 have entered the race!

Posted by Paul on Nov 18, 2023 at 10:45 am (GMT)
minor eu

Echo have paused Smolderon progress after 4 pulls and are running Mythic+.

Posted by Paul on Nov 18, 2023 at 09:47 am (GMT)
minor eu

Echo's first pull is in, with 4 pulls being the lowest taken (by Liquid) to defeat this boss, already achieving a best attempt of under 9%.

Posted by Paul on Nov 18, 2023 at 09:04 am (GMT)
minor eu

Echo are forming their Mythic raid group and start to clear trash to the Council of Dreams, meanwhile Method are on their third Fyrakk split, moving closer to Mythic.

Posted by Paul on Nov 18, 2023 at 08:30 am (GMT)
minor eu

The EU is starting to see movement again.

Method are working through Fyrakk splits ahead of going into Mythic later today, whilst Echo is just warming up, with a few streams coming online (muted, and suggesting testing something before the raiding continues).

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 18, 2023 at 08:00 am (GMT)
minor na

Liquid will be pulling Tindral Sageswift, Seer of the Flame a few times off stream before heading to bed.

smolderon featured
Posted by Brewseph on Nov 18, 2023 at 07:48 am (GMT)
worldfirst na

Liquid pulled an Anduin 2.0 with Scott and Yipz alive! They got World First Smolderon after 56 pulls!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 18, 2023 at 07:20 am (GMT)
minor na

Liquid seems to have lost a little bit of momentum on this fight. They had very great pulls, even reaching sub 2%, but now they have been having random wipes during p1 and p2 for the last half an hour or so.

They started raiding more than 12 hours ago, so there is for sure an element of exhaustion playing a part. If Echo and Method wake up and they haven't been able to defeat it yet, both EU squads will for sure close the gap.

Echo is currently 4/9 Mythic while Method farmed 2 hours of Mythic+ more than the other 2 guilds, and should catch up pretty quickly judging by how the other guilds cleared the start of this instance.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 18, 2023 at 06:36 am (GMT)
minor na

That was a heartbreaking wipe! xD just wiped at 0.84% after 18 pulls on Mythic Larodar

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 18, 2023 at 06:28 am (GMT)
minor na

Meanwhile, BDG got another sub 2% wipe at Mythic Larodar and xD wiped again at 6% on the same Mythic encounter. They still got time today to defeat this boss and move to Smolderon together with Instant Dollars and Liquid.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 18, 2023 at 06:27 am (GMT)
minor na

That was so close!! Liquid just wiped at 1.88% on Mythic Smolderon after 44 pulls.

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 18, 2023 at 06:12 am (GMT)
minor na

Liquid coming in with an epic attempt on Smolderon with a 2.4% pull as their new best! There's a good chance we see kill tonight.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 18, 2023 at 05:46 am (GMT)
minor na

Oh that was so close!! BDG had a heartbreaking wipe at 0.04% HP remaining on Mythic Larodar's health bar!

They got this tonight!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 18, 2023 at 05:04 am (GMT)
minor na

Meanwhile xD pushed their best percentage for Mythic Larodar to 18.3% after 6 pulls!

They are progressing super fast on this boss, and may reach Smolderon tonight!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 18, 2023 at 05:02 am (GMT)
minor na

As Liquid was pushing the crazy sub 10% pull, Instant Dollars is also back at the boss, having lowered their best percentage to 63.3%!

With all the information they were able to get from Liquid, maybe there is a chance the World 1st for this boss is contested? We will have to wait and see!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 18, 2023 at 04:32 am (GMT)
minor na

What a heartbreaking wipe! BDG just lowered their best percentage on Mythic Larodar to 3.6% after 12 pulls!

This encounter has a very interesting healer mechanic, and with the recent healer nerfs, it will be interesting to see how much mana the healers will end in this fight or if this has been the problem towards the end.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 18, 2023 at 04:05 am (GMT)
minor na

Its very cool to see that Liquid is using the new Ping System implemented in the last patch to help coordinate the Mythic only Bomb mechanic in the Smolderon fight.

I wonder if in the future we will see more use of this system in the high end scene!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 18, 2023 at 04:00 am (GMT)
minor na

That was so close! The new best percentage on Mythic Smolderon for Liquid is now 17.5% after 20 pulls!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 18, 2023 at 03:34 am (GMT)
minor na

The end of the Mythic Nymue fight is proving to be very challenging!

Another sub 20% wipe for xD, now their personal best is 18.7% after 26 pulls.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 18, 2023 at 03:25 am (GMT)
minor na

BDG just had an amazing pull! Their new personal best is now 14% on the crazy Mythic Larodar encounter, after only 6 pulls.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 18, 2023 at 03:19 am (GMT)
minor na

What a pull for xD!

Their new personal best is 21.3% after 24 pulls on Mythic Nymue

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 18, 2023 at 03:09 am (GMT)
minor na

BDG is pushing hard to get to Smolderon!

Their new best percentage for Mythic Larodar is 42.5% after 4 pulls!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 18, 2023 at 02:56 am (GMT)
minor na

Liquid is pushing really hard!

Their new personal best is 26.9% on the Mythic Smolderon encounter! They currently have 17 attempts at this boss.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 18, 2023 at 02:32 am (GMT)
minor na

And Liquid is back at Mythic Smolderon!

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 18, 2023 at 02:02 am (GMT)
minor na

After their dinner break, Liquid will be returning to Smolderon prog.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 18, 2023 at 01:46 am (GMT)
minor na

And the battle for the World 4th Mythic Nymue continues between xD and BDG!

xD is currently with 23.3% after 8 attempts, and BDG personal best is 25.1% after 19 pulls!

That just goes to show how insane the end of this fight can be, and how high is the healing requirement.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 17, 2023 at 23:41 pm (GMT)
minor na

And with this kill we expect Echo to call it a day! Some raiders will probably still be around for some late night Mythic+ runs, or just to craft some gear.

But that pretty much concludes the day for EU, and for us watching that means waiting for the hotfix on Smolderon so we can see more progression, while the other NA guilds are also pushing to get to 6/9 Mythic!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 17, 2023 at 23:23 pm (GMT)
minor na

BDG is even closer! Their best percentage is now 27.3% after 5 attempts on Mythic Nymue!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 17, 2023 at 23:20 pm (GMT)
minor eu

And Method is also calling a day! They are getting ready for a long day tomorrow, since they confirmed they are waking up earlier than normal to go straight to Mythic.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 17, 2023 at 23:11 pm (GMT)
minor na

BDG is also back on Mythic!

They just lowered their best percentage to 51% on Mythic Nymue! The NA squad is currently 4/9 Mythic, being 2 bosses behind Instant Dollars and Liquid.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 17, 2023 at 23:00 pm (GMT)
minor na

Apparently there is a bug with Mythic Smolderon's orbs.

Liquid, who reported the bug, is doing Mythic+ while they wait for a hotfix.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 17, 2023 at 22:53 pm (GMT)
minor eu

FatSharkYes is also getting closer and closer to defeating the Keeper of the Flame!

The best percentage for the other EU squad is now 44.5% after 4 pulls on Mythic Larodar

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 17, 2023 at 22:50 pm (GMT)
minor na

And it looks like Liquid is taking a little break!

The Raiders are going to run some Mythic+ runs while they discuss more strategies.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 17, 2023 at 22:35 pm (GMT)
minor na

And Liquid is ready to well, drown the Firelord!

The new best percentage for the NA frontrunner is 29.4% after 14 epic battles of water versus fire against Mythic Smolderon!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 17, 2023 at 22:33 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Echo is getting super close! Mythic Larodar just saw his HP bar get downed to 14.3%!

A new best percentage for the EU squad after 4 pulls.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 17, 2023 at 22:16 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Echo just pushed a little bit further! 18.9% is the new personal best for the EU squad on Mythic Larodar, Keeper of the Flame after 6 attempts

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 17, 2023 at 21:51 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Mythic Larodar is giving Echo a run for their money!

The EU squad just wiped at 54% after 3 attempts on this healer focused encounter.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 17, 2023 at 21:41 pm (GMT)
minor eu

And it looks like Mythic Larodar will hold a little bit longer! Echo just wiped at 67% after their first attempt.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 17, 2023 at 21:39 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Another top runner from previous races is also pushing for Mythic tonight! FatSharkYes is currently 3/9 Mythic and progressing Mythic Council of Dreams with a best percentage of 27.4% after their first attempt!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 17, 2023 at 21:31 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Nymue? More like Nym-no with Conspiracy having a devastating wipe on Mythic Nymue, Weaver of the Cycle at pull number 34 at 0.91%...surely we'll see the kill soon!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 17, 2023 at 21:13 pm (GMT)
minor na

Meanwhile, Liquid just lowered their best percentage on Mythic Smolderon to 66% after 7 attempts!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 17, 2023 at 20:47 pm (GMT)
minor na

Echo is grouping up at the raid entrance, and should start their Mythic run soon!

Meanwhile Method is farming the last Mythic+ runs they can, while Liquid is at a best percentage of 89.3% on Mythic Smolderon after 2 pulls.

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 17, 2023 at 19:14 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Conspiracy are weaving through Mythic Nymue, Weaver of the Cycle, as they get a new best pull of 23.7% after 19 pulls!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 17, 2023 at 18:46 pm (GMT)
minor na

Keeping up pace, Liquid Flame Mythic Larodar in 7 pulls, becoming the 2nd guild to do so, after Instant Dollars. This puts them at 4/9 Mythic so far!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 17, 2023 at 17:45 pm (GMT)
minor na

The Liquid Mythic train rolls on as they fire straight through Volcoross, once again on the first try. Will they catch up with Instant Dollars today? At the speed they're going, the likelihood is that they will.

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 17, 2023 at 17:29 pm (GMT)
minor na

Igara was not Cruel to Liquid as they take her down first time in Mythic, powering through the raid so far with impressive speed!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 17, 2023 at 17:16 pm (GMT)
minor na

Liquid have started their day jumping straight into Mythic and have easily chopped down Gnarlroot on the first try! They done it so quickly, they didn't even get a second phase!

Posted by Paul on Nov 17, 2023 at 16:59 pm (GMT)

Conspiracy (43.6% with 11 pulls) and Skyline (23.7% with 14 pulls) are both making great progress on Nymue, Weaver of the Cycle.

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 17, 2023 at 15:33 pm (GMT)

Coming in hot with a kill on Mythic Council of Dreams is Conspiracy, after 7 pulls! This puts them into the top 10 leaderboard!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 17, 2023 at 14:27 pm (GMT)

Skyline stamping their authority on Mythic Council of Dreams by killing after 13 pulls! How many bosses will we see from them today?

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 17, 2023 at 14:13 pm (GMT)

Utter heartbreak for Skyline as they just had a 0.01% pull on Mythic Council of Dreams after 11 pulls, which surely means any pull now could be the kill!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 17, 2023 at 12:40 pm (GMT)

Skyline are on absolute fire as they down Mythic Volcoross after 3 pulls and progress on to Council of Dreams!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 17, 2023 at 12:14 pm (GMT)

And we have a new contender in the ring! Skyline have already started flying through Mythic bosses and have killed both Gnarlroot after 1 pull and Igira the Cruel after 3 pulls, both within a very short time! Definitely one to keep an eye on.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 17, 2023 at 09:51 am (GMT)
minor eu

And by the looks of it, maybe Echo is getting ready for the Heroic Fyrakk runs!

They currently have a few other Heroic splits finishing off their runs, and I'm assuming in the next hour or so we should see if they start farming those AOTC tokens and higher item level loot.

Meanwhile some raiders are doing Mythic+ runs to farm some of the BiS gear still in the table for their best characters.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 17, 2023 at 09:01 am (GMT)
minor eu

And the EU guilds are back online!

Method and Echo are straight back to Heroic splits!

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 17, 2023 at 07:44 am (GMT)
minor na

Liquid with only 30 minutes left in their night confirmed will be finishing out with Mythic+. They will be starting in Mythic fresh in the NA morning.

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 17, 2023 at 07:39 am (GMT)
minor na

Liquid seems to be finished with their Heroic splits and are now running Mythic+.

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 17, 2023 at 07:26 am (GMT)
minor eu

And the EU guilds are starting to wake up! The Method stream is starting back up and Echo is already back into Heroic splits.

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 17, 2023 at 06:29 am (GMT)
minor na

Instant Dollars have a called it a night after another very productive night! BDG seems to be in a guild meeting after running Mythic+. Liquid continues to run Heroic Fyrakk splits.

larodar keeper of the flame featured
Posted by Brewseph on Nov 17, 2023 at 05:45 am (GMT)
worldfirst na

Congratulations to Instant Dollars for World First Larodar, Keeper of the Flame after 24 pulls!

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 17, 2023 at 05:18 am (GMT)
minor na

BDG are running keys while Liquid continues Heroic Fyrakk splits. Instant Dollars are inching closer to another World First kill with a new best pull on Larodar of 7.12%.

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 17, 2023 at 04:37 am (GMT)
minor na

Liquid is currently still working on Heroic Fyrakk splits. Imperative have called it for the evening and are running Mythic+. Instant Dollars are still chugging away at Larodar with a new best of 19.2% in Phase 2 after 15 pulls.

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 17, 2023 at 04:26 am (GMT)
minor na

Vesper have called it a night after taking World 4th on Council of Dreams after 13 pulls. Not long after them Imperative claimed World 5th after 20 pulls.

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 17, 2023 at 03:42 am (GMT)
minor na

Vesper with a HEARTBREAKING wipe on Council of Dreams. Urctos finished it's regenerate cast with the last boss at <1%. They are very close! We should be seeing a kill tonight.

nymue weaver of the cycle featured
Posted by Brewseph on Nov 17, 2023 at 02:49 am (GMT)
worldfirst na

Congratulations to Instant Dollars for World First Nymue, Weaver of the Cycle after 17 pulls!

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 17, 2023 at 02:32 am (GMT)
minor na

And that does it for the Top 10 for Volcoross! Vulgar has claimed the last spot with their kill after 9 pulls.

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 17, 2023 at 02:21 am (GMT)

Vesper has defeated Volcoross after 4 pulls!

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 17, 2023 at 02:17 am (GMT)
minor na

Vesper coming in with a new best of 2.22%!

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 17, 2023 at 02:04 am (GMT)
minor na

Both Vesper and Vulgar are vying for the Top 10 on Volcoross! Both coming in with new best pulls of 15.2% and 4.22% respectively.

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 17, 2023 at 01:49 am (GMT)
minor na

Looks like Instant Dollars decided to change it up! They are now getting pulls in on Nymue, Weaver of the Cycle. Currently have a best of 24% after 9 pulls.

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 17, 2023 at 01:23 am (GMT)
minor na

Congratulations to Imperative on World 8th Volcoross after 2 pulls.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 16, 2023 at 23:26 pm (GMT)
minor na

What a heartbreaking wipe! BDG just pushed their best percentage to a whopping 0.01%! Sadly they haven't been able to kill the other 2 bosses in time, so the first boss finished the "Revive" cast, and came back at full health.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 16, 2023 at 22:59 pm (GMT)

I know splits are probably the most boring part of the RWF, but it's just incredible how efficient they are.

Both Honolulu and BDG are on average 2 item levels above every other guild currently progressing Mythic.

That doesn't sound that much, but when you consider that they can now stay on "progression" mode longer, since they have pretty much all the gear one can have, the power of this gearing strategy becomes obvious.

I'm super excited to see when Echo, Method and Liquid groups up their main characters so we can see how much more gear they managed to get, since they have done the most amount of runs.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 16, 2023 at 22:31 pm (GMT)
minor na

BDG is putting in some work!

They just defeated Mythic Igira after only 3 pulls and are ready to go to Mythic Volcoross. The NA squad is well on track to claim some World First kills today!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 16, 2023 at 22:01 pm (GMT)
minor eu

And the stream of EU kills keeps coming!

Congratulations to Divinum for defeating Mythic Volcoross after 8 pulls!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 16, 2023 at 21:59 pm (GMT)

Revoke have taken down Mythic Volcoross after 15 pulls, making them World 5th, EU 4th! And Myst have completed the top 10 of Mythic Igira the Cruel after 6 pulls making them World 10th, EU 9th! Congrats to both of them!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 16, 2023 at 21:54 pm (GMT)

Colour have taken down Mythic Igira the Cruel after 12 pulls, putting them in World 9th, EU 8th! These guilds are pumping right now!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 16, 2023 at 21:40 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Sadly however, it looks like its a wrap for Honolulu! The current frontrunner EU guild is probably chilling out for the rest of the night and the raiders will either get some well deserved rest of farm some Mythic+ to finish off the very strong day!

They got 4 Mythic bosses down today, as well as a bunch of Heroic splits done!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 16, 2023 at 21:29 pm (GMT)

The EU guilds are blasting tonight, with Proximity taking World 8th, EU 7th on Mythic Igira the Cruel after 9 pulls!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 16, 2023 at 21:23 pm (GMT)

Revolutionist and Divinium also coming in with kills on Mythic Igira the Cruel with World 6th and 7th!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 16, 2023 at 21:15 pm (GMT)
minor na

With all this Mythic action going on over on the EU side, lets take a look where the frontrunners from NA are currently at.

The Liquid squad is doing the last Heroic split runs they need, while some raiders are already pumping some Mythic+ keys to farm some powerful trinkets like the Balefire Branch and some other upgrades.

BDG on the other hand are with their plates full with Heroic runs! They are currently on a lunch break and will probably do some Heroic Fyrakk runs later today as well

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 16, 2023 at 21:08 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Conspiracy is calling out the day for Mythic!

They are now regrouping to do some Heroic Fyrakk farming and probably some Mythic+ before getting some well deserved rest.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 16, 2023 at 20:59 pm (GMT)
minor eu

The Honolulu squad just got a very close wipe at Mythic Council of Dreams!

The new best percentage is now 1.95% for the EU guild after 14 attempts.

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 16, 2023 at 20:40 pm (GMT)

And coming in hot on their heels are Revoke with World 5th, EU 4rd on Mythic Igira the Cruel after 7 pulls!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 16, 2023 at 20:37 pm (GMT)
minor eu

What a ducking shame!

Honolulu just wiped at Mythic Council of Dreams at 8.72% after 10 pulls.

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 16, 2023 at 20:32 pm (GMT)

Sabotage have certainly not been sabotaged as they take down Mythic Igira the Cruel to claim World 4th, EU 3rd!!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 16, 2023 at 20:19 pm (GMT)
minor eu

And Revoke is pumping!

They just lowered their best percentage to 43.6% in the Mythic Igira encounter.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 16, 2023 at 20:14 pm (GMT)
minor eu

What the duck is that damage! Mythic Council of Dreams is proving to be a very punishing encounter, having wiped the Honolulu squad for the 5th time already.

Those Urctos' AoEs are doing some crazy damage!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 16, 2023 at 20:04 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Meanwhile Honolulu got a nice pull as well, but the Mythic Council of Dreams fight is not ready to give the World 2nd away just yet, wiping the EU squad at 72%.

They only pulled the boss 3 times so far, so they have plenty of time to experiment and get used to this encounter.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 16, 2023 at 20:01 pm (GMT)
minor eu

What a pull for Conspiracy! They managed to get below the 50% mark, and are now sitting at a best percentage of 43.4% after only 2 attempts in the Mythic Volcoross encounter.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 16, 2023 at 19:57 pm (GMT)
minor eu

And what a turn of events!

We now have 4 EU guilds currently pushing for Mythic kills! Revolutionist and Revoke lowered their best percentages for Mythic Igira just now to 51.9% after 3 pulls and 60.4% after 2 pulls respectively.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 16, 2023 at 19:54 pm (GMT)
minor eu

And sadly we won't see a head-to-head just yet.

Honolulu decided to continue their Mythic clear going for the Mythic Council of Dreams while Conspiracy decided to go face the fearsome Mythic Volcoross on the other side of the instance.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 16, 2023 at 19:44 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Congratulations for Conspiracy for defeating Mythic Igira the Cruel! That got them World 2nd, EU 1st after 7 pulls!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 16, 2023 at 19:17 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Conspiracy is ready to take that World 2nd home!

They just wiped at Mythic Igira the Cruel at 11.7%! They managed to improve massively between pulls, and that is their best percentage after only 4 attempts at this crazy fun encounter.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 16, 2023 at 18:54 pm (GMT)
minor na

And while we have some Mythic activity over in EU, Liquid decided to not only do some Heroic splits.

They also have some raiders doing specific Mythic+ keys, so they can get get some specific gear pieces. That is a good sign if we want to see some Mythic kills from them today.

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 16, 2023 at 18:34 pm (GMT)

...and indeed they did have something up their sleeve! Conspiracy chop down Mythic Gnarlroot on the first try for World 10th, EU 2nd!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 16, 2023 at 18:25 pm (GMT)
minor na

With the splits continuing across the board, let's take a look at some of the stats from Heroic.

BDG managed to get Fyrakk the Blazing down and become the 21st guild to do so. We're getting closer to the 100th kill of Tindral Sageswift, Seer of the Flame with 93 kills so far. The firey wall of Smolderon is finally coming down as 172 guilds have now defeated him.

On the EU side, with Echo and Method yet to do their Fyrakk splits it's looking less likely we'll see any Mythic action from them today. Conspiracy on the other hand look like they may have something up their sleeve as they head into raid with only 20 players....

In the US Liquid and BDG are just starting their day, so we may still see some Mythic kills from them. The race is starting to heat up now!

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 16, 2023 at 16:45 pm (GMT)
minor na

As the never ending splits continue on, we can see over on US that BDG are firing ahead with their Heroic Fyrakk the Blazing splits, while Liquid are having their daily Rise and Raid programme before they head into the raid. BDG say that their splits are almost done, so will we get to see Mythic action from them today? Only time will tell.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 16, 2023 at 15:47 pm (GMT)
minor eu

And we keep on pushing for gear on splits!

It will be very interesting to see how much gear all the top guilds will be able to acquire with these extra days of Heroic farming. Keep in mind that Instant Dollars was with an average item level of 463 when they defeated Mythic Volcoross, so that's the number we should be looking out for.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 16, 2023 at 15:03 pm (GMT)
minor eu

As the dawn approaches in the NA side, the EU squads are pumping hard for gear!

Echo and Method are both in the middle of Heroic splits, probably going all the way today with those runs, so they can either start early tomorrow with Heroic Fyrakk farming, and finish off the day with some Mythic+ or go for some Mythic action at the end of tomorrow.

We had 20 Guilds so far that defeated Heroic Fyrakk and got that AOTC tier set token plus the higher item level rewards from the boss, so we can assume it will be pretty difficult just as Tindral and Smolderon have been.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 16, 2023 at 14:32 pm (GMT)

Just stopping by to remember you to drink more water!

The splits are going strong, and according to Echo's broadcast they are now up to 55% on Heroic splits.

Method is also pushing hard on Heroic clears, and should probably be close to that as well.

We still have plenty of time for them to finish off these last runs and get ready to some Heroic Fyrakk farming.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 16, 2023 at 13:35 pm (GMT)

Fun fact, we still haven't seen the 100th Guild clear Heroic Tindral. The boss is still a very big wall for guilds progressing Heroic, or just trying to farm the instance.

Heroic Smolderon is not that far behind with currently 159 Guilds having defeated the encounter.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 16, 2023 at 12:57 pm (GMT)

Friendly reminder to get up a bit and stretch your legs :D

We are still stuck in Splitsville, and it doesn't look like the EU squads are going to go into Mythic today just yet.

From what we could tell from Echo and Method we still have a solid chunk of runs to happen before they can start clearing Heroic Fyrakk.

Meanwhile, across the pond we still have a good 4 or 5 hours before the day raiding guilds from NA wake up, and I'm really interested to see if they will go straight to Fyrakk on Heroic or keep doing all the other bosses with more characters.

Posted by Llabnala on Nov 16, 2023 at 12:02 pm (GMT)

Despite their best efforts, US guild Scuffed could not get to the root of the problem and have ended their raid with a best on Mythic Gnarlroot of 42.4% after 8 pulls.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 16, 2023 at 11:41 am (GMT)
minor eu

And some good news from the EU squads!

Echo just showed on their broadcast a very helpful stat!

According to them, they are 48% through Heroic splits, but that does not include Heroic Fyrakk.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 16, 2023 at 10:57 am (GMT)

And it looks like the amazing dragonriding fight is still claiming wipes!

Heroic Tindral is still one of the least killed bosses on heroic so far, with less than a 100 guilds globally being able to defeat the encounter!

It will be for sure an interesting fight on the Mythic version.

And while I'm typing this, both Echo and Method wiped on the boss. Keep in mind that they are with 30 players in the raid, for the most amount of gear possible, so it is naturally harder than just going with an optimized composition.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 16, 2023 at 10:25 am (GMT)
minor eu

And the day is going strong for the EU squads!

I have already seen a couple of good trinket drops for both Method and Echo, and the number of splits is only getting smaller!

I'm still wondering when they will start to push for some Fyrakk kills, since a few items from the encounter are very important for gearing specific specs, and the weapons are all a very high item level.

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 16, 2023 at 06:13 am (GMT)
minor na

Nurfed has a new best pull of 10.7% on Igira the Cruel after 15 pulls! Will we get our World 2nd kill tonight?

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 16, 2023 at 06:12 am (GMT)
minor eu

And looks like Echo is up bright and early! Getting started on their Day 2 splits.

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 16, 2023 at 06:06 am (GMT)
minor na

Instant Dollars have also called it a night after an incredibly productive session. They leave Larodar tonight after 5 pulls and a 60.1% best.

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 16, 2023 at 06:04 am (GMT)
minor na

Nascent called it for the night after 7 pulls on Igira the Cruel with a best of 45.7%.

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 16, 2023 at 05:40 am (GMT)
minor na

Instant Dollars has started pulling Larodar, Keeper of the Flame with a 78.2% first pull.

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 16, 2023 at 05:35 am (GMT)
minor na

Nurfed just pulled a new best on Igira the Cruel of 14.7% after 8 pulls.

volcoross featured
Posted by Brewseph on Nov 16, 2023 at 05:32 am (GMT)
worldfirst na

And there we go! Instant Dollars have claimed World First Volcoross after a one bang!

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 16, 2023 at 05:31 am (GMT)
minor na

Instant Dollars has started pulling Volcoross! They are having a really strong pull right now. Boss is currently at 10% and falling quickly!

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 16, 2023 at 05:29 am (GMT)
minor na

And the top 10 for Gnarlroot is almost filled with Consequence and Nascent taking places 7 & 8 respectively!

council of dreams featured
Posted by Brewseph on Nov 16, 2023 at 05:27 am (GMT)
worldfirst na

Congratulations to Instant Dollars for taking World First Council of Dreams in 7 pulls.

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 16, 2023 at 05:01 am (GMT)
minor na

Busy night in NA tonight! Instant Dollars is now working on Mythic Council of Dreams. We have gotten a few more kills on Mythic Gnarlroot with Nurfed, Vulgar, and Melee Mechanics taking kills 4, 5, and 6.

Also, 15 guilds have now killed Heroic Fyrakk the Blazing. So more guilds should be stepping into Mythic as well.

igira the cruel featured
Posted by Brewseph on Nov 16, 2023 at 04:24 am (GMT)
worldfirst na

And Igira the Cruel goes down after 4 pulls! Congratulations to Instant Dollars on World First!

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 16, 2023 at 04:10 am (GMT)
minor na

And we finally have some more NA Mythic action! Instant Dollars and just sit me have killed Mythic Gnarlroot. We have another guild, Grimoire who has started pulls there as well. To round it out, we've finally seen the first pulls of Igira the Cruel as well by Instant Dollars.

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 16, 2023 at 03:12 am (GMT)
minor na

After some early kills on Gnarlroot by blue shoe and Honolulu, we've been enjoying a great night of Heroic splits by Liquid, BDG, Instant Dollars, and other guilds. We have Imperative, Nascent, and The Early Shift still progressing through Heroic. All of those three are currently on Smolderon.

Posted by Warcraftthor on Nov 15, 2023 at 23:37 pm (GMT)

Day 2 comes to an end, in the EU at least.

We have seen 2 kills of Mythic Gnarlroot, a big congratulations to blue shoe for the world first on that boss, followed by Honolulu. A huge well done all around on that. We have seen a big day of splits for our other top contenders Method, Echo, Liquid and BDG.

The day is still going, over in the NA, so I'm wondering if we will see some mythic progress from our American friends, only time will tell.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 15, 2023 at 21:33 pm (GMT)
minor na

Meanwhile, Liquid is on a lunch break, while BDG and other NA squads are still going strong on Heroic splits

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 15, 2023 at 21:08 pm (GMT)
minor na

And Heroic Smolderon and Heroic Tindral kept claiming wipes this afternoon!

Both Liquid, Method and Echo had dozens of wipes so far in these bosses. Every single time I get more and more curious to see how they will look like on Mythic!

Hopefully, after the lunch/dinner break for the raiders we will see a little bit of a change, since they are all running out of characters to do more splits, so we are getting closer and closer to some action.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 15, 2023 at 20:18 pm (GMT)
minor na

For the looks of it, all top guilds are having problems consistently clearing Heroic Smolderon and Heroic Tindral!

We have seen countless wipes so far, just showing how the bigger item level gap is taking its toll in the split groups. Even though most frontrunners are already reaching a very high item level with all that gear being funneled into those characters.

Liquid still have a long day ahead of them, and I expect them to do some back to back Heroic Fyrakk kills before the end of the day.

Meanwhile, Echo and Method are not that far behind, having done just as many Heroic runs. They are probably going further into the night, so maybe we see a little bit more of the amazing Fyrakk encounter in the Heroic version for the EU squads as well.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 15, 2023 at 20:09 pm (GMT)
minor na

Go up a little bit and stretch! It's important to stay healthy during the race, don't forget that.

Another interesting stat for you, while we watch more and more splits.

From all the Heroic kills so far, we had an impressive representation of all Healer classes, with all of them reaching the 4 digits in terms of logged kills (meaning all Healer specs have currently more than 1000 Heroic kills)!

The Tank landscape is also pretty tightly pack, with only Blood Death Knights pulling ahead, while Guardian Druids and Protection Warriors are lagging behind. I wonder if that's the case because Blood DKs are the only tanks that will be capable of using the new mysterious Fyrakk Legendary, even though we don't even know how we are going to obtain it yet.

For DPS specs, since we are doing splits still, its hard to tell, but as soon as more guilds go into Mythic and we see the most optimized composition it will be interesting to compare against the current diversity.

The same level of diversity goes for Mythic+ (for the delight of the key pushers out there). The only side that's currently looking like a bit heavy on Demon Hunters in the DPS composition, but its still too early to tell, since most big key pushing groups are currently in the RWF as well.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 15, 2023 at 19:15 pm (GMT)

Friendly reminder to drink some water! (Yes, we are doing splits and getting some sweet loot)

Speaking of loot, I wonder how many Augury of the Primal Flame from Heroic Fyrakk we are going to see, since its a very powerful trinket, but its a Very Rare loot, meaning it rolls from a separate table other than normal loot, and has smaller drop chance but an increase in item level.

Other interesting loot from Fyrakk we saw dropping relatively frequently was Vakash, the special unique weapon for Intellect users.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 15, 2023 at 18:32 pm (GMT)

As all the top guilds keep pushing for gear in the Heroic splits, here are some interesting facts so far about the race!

In terms of Heroic progression, only 2 Guilds managed to defeat Fyrakk so far, and both from the US-Illidan server. But what impressed me the most was, Heroic Nymue was defeated by 108 Guilds as of right now, while Heroic Smolderon (the next boss in the order the guilds have been doing the raid) only fell to 18 Guilds total.

It will be interesting to see how the Mythic difficulty progression turns out to be, and if Smolderon will hold as the first big wall in the raid, followed closely by Nymue and Larodar.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 15, 2023 at 17:50 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Meanwhile, in the EU side we have Method, Echo and FatSharkYes all doing the first round of Heroic runs.

Keep in mind that for both the Orange squad and Echo they have been raiding for at least 12 hours by now, having waken up super early.

They will be pushing a little harder this first few days, since all this preparation is the key to getting to Mythic faster and keep progressing for longer without having to stop to farm more gear for the harder bosses.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 15, 2023 at 17:46 pm (GMT)
minor na

And we are reaching the mid day mark of the US guilds, and pretty interesting progress!

We had so far only 2 kills on Heroic Fyrakk, and most of the top guilds are opting to not go try the encounter with the split roster.

It will be interesting to see if they chose to go with a full raider roster, or just leave it to do back to back kills.

Currently Liquid, BDG and most other guilds are back to Heroic only splits.

Posted by Paul on Nov 15, 2023 at 15:44 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Based on a really great graphic on the Echo broadcast, Echo have fully completed their Normal and Normal Fyrakk splits and are around 7.5% through their Heroic splits. After which, they will move onto the Heroic Fyrakk splits.

They appear to be setting a good pace, and should be happy with their progress by the end of today.

It won't be too long before NA guilds start to appear online, so its unlikely EU guilds will be slowing down anytime soon!

gnarlroot featured
Posted by Paul on Nov 15, 2023 at 14:08 pm (GMT)

Congratulations to the guild Blue Shoe for World First Gnarlroot!

Posted by Paul on Nov 15, 2023 at 12:53 pm (GMT)

Splits and Mythic+ continue for most of the guilds that are online, with a few more hours before NA guilds start to wake-up we should start to see (a little better at least) how long the splits are expected to continue for.

And although its unlikely any of the previously top 10 guilds will be going into Mythic today, perhaps we see some more movement from other guilds looking to take an early world first on the first bosses in Mythic. However, with the gear difference increase between this tier and the last, its unlikely that this will be easy without having farmed up a decent amount of gear from raids and Mythic+.

Posted by Paul on Nov 15, 2023 at 10:06 am (GMT)
minor na

Based on Warcraftlogs tracking, it does appear that the World First defeat of Heroic Fyrakk has been achieved by the guild Blue Shoe (US), congratulations!

Posted by Paul on Nov 15, 2023 at 09:38 am (GMT)
minor eu

EU guilds are heavily into their splits, we expect this to be the plan for today, perhaps with a few Mythic+ keys thrown into the mix to acquire specific high-value items that shine for certain specs and roles.

The biggest shift today will be when the normal splits end and the guilds start to work their way through their Heroic splits.

A major shout-out is deserved for everyone helping with the splits from the community, check out your favourite guild's channels to find out if they are looking for more help with splits!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 15, 2023 at 07:10 am (GMT)
minor na

Meanwhile in the other side of the pond, Liquid is still very strong doing Heroic splits after the first strategy meeting earlier tonight.

BDG, xD, Instant Dollars and most other US guilds are already either sleeping, or outside the raid doing some late night keys for that extra gear.

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 15, 2023 at 05:21 am (GMT)
minor na

Liquid is currently having a meeting regarding strats and loot. After the meeting they will begin their heroic splits.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 15, 2023 at 04:58 am (GMT)
minor eu

And we are off to the splits over in EU!

Echo is straight into Normal splits, while Method is preparing to start their day off, probably to Normal splits as well

Posted by Brewseph on Nov 15, 2023 at 04:22 am (GMT)
minor na

NA heroic and normal splits are still underway! You have guilds like BDG, Instant Dollars, Nascent, and others doing Heroic clears (even clearing 8/9H). We also got our first mythic pulls in of the race with The Early Shift getting two pulls in on Gnarlroot where they got a best attempt of 77%! **TES ** is currently clearing heroic for more gear. Liquid mentioned on stream today that they would be doing 36 normal splits and will being starting heroic splits tonight.

And as I write this, the EU streams are starting to spin up! Seeing Echo and Method raiders alike prepare to start their day of splits after the EU reset.

How much longer until we see more guilds step into mythic and get more pulls on the first boss?

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 15, 2023 at 01:10 am (GMT)
minor na

With dinner breaks happening across the board for all the major guilds, it will be interesting to see how the guilds who only raid at night will fare in terms of Heroic progression and splits!

Currently Liquid is pushing a few more Normals, which leads me to believe they want to be done with them to focus on Heroic tomorrow. Instant Dollars and BDG are currently on dinner break before coming back to presumably more Heroic splits.

Posted by Warcraftthor on Nov 14, 2023 at 23:36 pm (GMT)

And days 1 draws to an end - We did see Echo face off against Fyrakk and claim the world first normal kill followed closely by another 8 guilds (at the time of writing) including Liquid. On the Heroic front we have seen many splits as expected and currently Instant Dollars are in the lead in terms of progression on HC with them being the first guild to currently kill Tindral Sageswift ( T-Swift) followed closely by BDG. The Early Shift gave us a early look at Mythic Gnarlroot before deciding to jump into HC and M+. Wednesday morning we will see the raid open in the EU and we will see Echo and Method start their progress which again will more then likely contain many many splits.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 14, 2023 at 21:21 pm (GMT)
minor na

And another wipe!

Instant Dollars have enough DPS to push the boss to P3 before it actually reaches the third platform during P2, but they are struggling to deal with the last 20%ish of the boss.

They are investing quite a significant amount of time in this boss, so I wonder if they will do Fyrakk straight afterwards, or are going to keep going through splits and come back with a full raider roster to grab that AOTC Tier Token and higher item level loot.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 14, 2023 at 21:13 pm (GMT)
minor na

And it appears that Heroic is harder than we thought!

Instant Dollars are still the only ones to have defeated Heroic Smolderon during split runs, and they are having some problems defeating Tindral as well!

I'm interested to see if Liquid is going to blast through this bosses or have problems as the other top guilds.

Melee Mechanics and Imperative are also working on Heroic Smolderon, the same goes for Kitty Ascended.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 14, 2023 at 20:26 pm (GMT)
minor na

Some familiar faces are also pushing for splits!

The BDG squad is pumping hard to get that Normal tier set pieces and proceed to Heroic as soon as possible. Meanwhile Instant Dollars and Melee Mechanics are both trying to defeat Heroic Smolderon.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 14, 2023 at 20:17 pm (GMT)
minor na

I hate to be the one to say it, but I think we can officially check in the Splitsville Hotel and get cozy. We are in for a ride!

Liquid is currently in the Normal splits, same goes for The Early Shift.

Meanwhile, Vesper and poptart Corndog both decided to start with some Mythic+ runs and will probably start splits later into the day.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 14, 2023 at 19:13 pm (GMT)
minor na

Ouch, that actually hurt! After feeling a little bit of the fight, and realizing that the gear gab may be to big right now, The Early Shift squad has decided to go for a more normal strategy and went to Normal splits.

Valiant effort for sure, and it was impressive that they managed to see the intermission with so much less gear. Keep in mind that the item level gap between tiers is bigger this time around, with Mythic gear from Aberrus being only Amirdrassil LFR item level, so even Normal should be harder than usual for the gear gap alone.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 14, 2023 at 19:06 pm (GMT)
minor na

And The Early Shift is the first guild to pull Mythic Gnarlroot!

In similar fashion to previous tiers, they are going straight into Mythic and will try to power through this first boss without any splits whatsoever.

Their best pull right now is 77.3% already!

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 14, 2023 at 18:45 pm (GMT)
minor eu

And although weird to say, Echo is also inside the raid!

From what I could tell, they are using some characters in the US realms to test out and get some more information on the bosses through a normal clear, presumably also going all the way to Fyrakk in this instance.

Although they are most definitely not really progressing Mythic on these characters, I have to say, it is nice to see the guilds starting out at the same time.

Posted by Horaddrim on Nov 14, 2023 at 18:39 pm (GMT)
minor na

And off we go! The NA servers are back online, a little bit earlier than planned.

It will be interesting to see what the NA guilds will prioritize doing first, either more rep farming in the Emerald Dream for that last bit of reputation, or straight to normal splits.

Posted by Paul on Nov 14, 2023 at 17:12 pm (GMT)

Today is the day! The Race will begin shortly, very likely for most guilds going into Normal and then Heroic splits, although like most tiers, there may be a few guilds testing the first Mythic boss out early.

It feels strange to say, but both Liquid and Echo are waiting patiently for the NA servers to be available.

With maintenance due to be over soon, settle in for the day and prepare to see the race commence.

Posted by Paul on Nov 3, 2023 at 18:44 pm (GMT)

Race to World First: Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope is soon upon us, with the fierce competition starting on Tuesday the 14th of November. We look forward to providing coverage of the guilds competing to achieve the World First defeat of Fyrakk the Blazing.