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Race to World First: Emerald Nightmare

Mythic Raid Progress Coverage
World Leaderboard Powered By
  • 1 Exorsus (eu)
  • 2 Method (eu)
  • 3 Serenity (eu)
  • 4 From Scratch (eu)
  • 5 Danish Terrace (eu)
  • 6 set sail for fail (eu)
  • 7 Openness (eu)
  • 8 FatSharkYes (eu)
  • 9 ScrubBusters (eu)
  • 10 Limit (us)


# world us/oc eu asia
1 Easy Easy Exorsus YiBoLiu
2 Midwinter Midwinter From Scratch ShadowCream
3 SNF SNF Embody A Stars
4 Limit Limit Openness Alpha
5 DNOgaming DNOgaming Prestige Gaming PanGu

Elerethe Renferal

# world us/oc eu asia
1 Easy Easy From Scratch ShadowCream
2 Midwinter Midwinter Exorsus A Stars
3 SNF SNF Openness Alpha
4 Limit Limit Embody PanGu
5 Strawberry Puppy Kisses Strawberry Puppy Kisses Prestige Gaming Style War


# world us/oc eu asia
1 Midwinter Midwinter From Scratch Alpha
2 SNF SNF Exorsus A Stars
3 Limit Limit Serenity Style War
4 Easy Easy Prestige Gaming PanGu
5 Strawberry Puppy Kisses Strawberry Puppy Kisses Method ShadowCream


# world us/oc eu asia
1 Exorsus Limit Exorsus Alpha
2 From Scratch Midwinter From Scratch Allstar
3 Methid Easy Method AFK R
4 Serenity SNF Serenity PanGu
5 Danish Terrace Entropy Danish Terrace Style War

Dragons of Nightmare

# world us/oc eu asia
1 Midwinter Midwinter Exorsus A Stars
2 Limit Limit From Scratch Style War
3 SNF SNF Serenity YiBoLiu
4 Easy Easy Method ShadowCream
5 Strawberry Puppy Kisses Strawberry Puppy Kisses Prestige Gaming Alpha


# world us/oc eu asia
1 Exorsus Limit Exorsus A Stars
2 Method Midwinter Method Style War
3 Serenity Entropy Serenity Right
4 From Scratch Easy From Scratch PanGu
5 Danish Terrace Honestly Danish Terrace Alpha


# world us/oc eu asia
1 Exorsus Limit Exorsus A Stars
2 Method Midwinter Method Style War
3 Serenity Entropy Serenity Right
4 From Scratch Easy From Scratch PanGu
5 Danish Terrace Honestly Danish Terrace Alpha
Posted by starym on Nov 15, 2016 at 16:38 pm (GMT)

Trial of Valor Mythic has come and since the guilds aren't quite looking at it as a proper raid and challenge we decided to cover it in a bit les grand manner. You can check out the progress coverage in this article:

Posted by starym on Oct 4, 2016 at 06:18 am (BST)
minor na

It seems ShadowCream nabbed the World 29th (Asia 6th) Xavius just before Nihilum and Indominatum, knocking down the two guilds from the previous update by one spot (updated that as well). Meanwhile, we had three US guilds cross the finish line in a short amount of time, with DNO Gaming leading the charge ahead of loudest guild name ever WHATEVER WERE AWESOME and longest guild name ever Strawberry Puppy Kisses (US 6th, 7th and 8th, World 32nd, 33rd and 34th).

Posted by starym on Oct 4, 2016 at 01:11 am (BST)
minor eu

A relatively quiet day as we only saw two guilds finish up the raid,  my old alma mater, Nihilum, and Innominatum - also strangely connected through their latin names. World 30th and 31st!

Posted by starym on Oct 3, 2016 at 15:19 pm (BST)
minor asia

More finishers and more news from the Asia servers. Starting off with the EU though, as Millenium grabbed the World 25th, EU 18th on Xavius, closely followed by Korean guild Right who grabbed the 26th and Asia 3rd 7/7. We also saw the Asia top 5 completed soon after, as both PanGu and Alpha took that short last step from Cenarius to Xavius. Congrats to all the 28 guilds that have so far finished the Emerald Nightmare!

Posted by starym on Oct 2, 2016 at 18:17 pm (BST)
minor eu

And we have two more done! Impact and Embody claim two more spots for the EU as they down Xavius World 23rd and 24th, EU 16th adn 17th!

Posted by starym on Oct 2, 2016 at 15:54 pm (BST)
minor asia

Style War crosses the finish line as the second guild in Asia, closely after Allstar. Xavius down, 7/7 and World 22nd!

Posted by starym on Oct 2, 2016 at 15:32 pm (BST)
minor na

Honestly is the next across the finish line, downing Xavius US/OC 5th, World 21st in the process!

Posted by starym on Oct 2, 2016 at 01:55 am (BST)
minor eu

And Prime are the next to be done with the Emerald Nightmare and down Xavius as World 16th, EU 13th. 7/7 and we're almost at the top 20!

Posted by Darrie on Oct 2, 2016 at 01:34 am (BST)
minor na

We've got a kill in the US for the first time this evening; Easy has taken down Cenarius to hold on to 4US/W17. We should see a Xavius kill from them tonight, Easily (heh, sorry).

Posted by starym on Oct 1, 2016 at 22:28 pm (BST)
minor eu

It would appear that Exorsus' Xavius World First video is around an hour away, and as an added bonus we found out it was made by the same guy that did their amazing Siegemaster Blackfuse video! Countdown starting!

Posted by Darrie on Oct 1, 2016 at 21:13 pm (BST)
minor na

It's been a bit slow in the last few hours in terms of new updates or boss kills, but we do have Prime EU-Tarren Mill dropping Cenarius (EU13) and holding at the W16 position.

Set Sail For Fail (7/7M) has also made their combat logs public, you can check them out here.

US raiding is expected to start up again in the next 3-4 hours, and two positions remain in the Top 5 (US). With 7 guilds currently at 5/7M, it's really anybody's guess at who will get over the Cenarius hump. Several guilds have now posted their Cenarius kill video, whether any of the 5/7 teams choose to draw inspiration from these videos or stick to their own strategies remains to be seen. From my perspective, the most likely to move on to Xavius tonight is going to be SNF or Easy, but don't count out Strawberry Puppy Kisses or WHATEVER WERE AWESOME. Wipe statistics have consistently shown that Cenarius is by far the more difficult encounter right now, compared to Xavius - we're seeing most guilds only need 2-3 hours worth of work to down Xavius compared to 3-4x that for Cenarius in some cases.

Here's a look at the current total Boss Kill Count Updated 4:12PM EDT (US)


Posted by starym on Oct 1, 2016 at 18:27 pm (BST)
minor eu

Another Xavius bites the dust as Prestige Gaming finish off Emerald Nightmare and are the World 15th, EU 12th guild to get to 7/7!

Posted by starym on Oct 1, 2016 at 16:48 pm (BST)
minor eu

More Xavius kills seem to be happening by the hour, as Nova is the latest to join the all done crowd. They got to 7/7 World 14th, EU11th.

Posted by starym on Oct 1, 2016 at 15:41 pm (BST)
minor na

Entropy gets the US 3rd, World 13th 7/7 and Xavius dead. Gz!

Posted by Darrie on Oct 1, 2016 at 15:13 pm (BST)
minor na

Good morning from North America, if you're just waking up here's a review of what we've seen in the last few hours.

Pieces (EU-Draenor) just brought down Xavius to claim W12. Currently 3 teams are sitting at 6/7(M): Nova (EU), Prestige Gaming (EU) and Entropy (OC). Due to the current local time for those teams, it's likely we could see those Xavius kills come through in the next few hours before NA teams begin their raids tonight.

Limit and Midwinter finally got the US/NA on the 7/7(M) list with their Xavius kills last night, landing them the 10th and 11th spots, respectively. 

Catching up on statistics, here's the current kill count for Mythic Emerald Nightmare bosses; Updated 9:50AM EDT (US)

Looking at Average Item Level, the list is dominated by EU guilds. 

And breaking it down by region, we can see the top iLVLs by character as well - always interesting to note the classes that are missing from the list and compare those to how Top Guilds have been stacking classes. Despite Shadow Priests being a core part of most 7/7M raid teams, we don't see any on either the EU or NA list (the curse of Shadow Priests continues). 



Enjoy your weekend, and we will continue to be here updating the race until the Top 20 has been finalized. Happy raiding!

iLVL images courtesy of wowprogress

Posted by starym on Oct 1, 2016 at 12:12 pm (BST)
minor na

Not much happening recently, but we did get a US/OC, World 14th third on Cenarius as OC guild Entropy moved on to the final boss and 6/7, and EU guild Prestige Gaming soon followed them up there for the EU 12th, W15th.

Posted by starym on Oct 1, 2016 at 04:37 am (BST)
minor na

Midwinter cross the finish line as well, as Xavius falls an 11th time. US 2nd, 7/7

Posted by starym on Oct 1, 2016 at 02:56 am (BST)
minor na

And we have a US 2nd on Cenarius as Midwinter move to 6/7 and are very close to finishing the raid out.

Posted by starym on Oct 1, 2016 at 02:15 am (BST)
minor eu

After the top 10 finished we now have two more contenders for the next available spot: Pieces and Nova have crossed the Cenarius threshold and are now neck and neck on Xavius.

Posted by starym on Oct 1, 2016 at 00:40 am (BST)
minor eu

It's FatSharkYes! They manage to make use of their slight lead over Limit and finish off the raid World 8thXavius down and 7/7. Congrats!

Posted by starym on Sep 30, 2016 at 23:27 pm (BST)
minor eu

Our old friends ScrubBusters join the 6/7 club and may just be in contention for that World 8th Xavius with Limit and FatSharkYes. Cenarius down World 10th, EU 9th.

US First, World 10th Xavius Mythic by Limit:


Posted by starym on Sep 30, 2016 at 22:08 pm (BST)
minor eu

One of my favorite guilds based on name, FatSharkYes is the next to sign up for the Xavius easy-kill express, downing Cenarius World 8th. 

Posted by starym on Sep 30, 2016 at 18:19 pm (BST)
minor na

It seems another high ranked video slipped in, as SNF also uploaded their World 2nd Ursoc kill:

Posted by starym on Sep 30, 2016 at 18:11 pm (BST)
minor eu

And we finally get another Cenarius kill and the first guild of the now 24 strong 5/7 group breaks through to Xavius. Russian guild Openness (Открытость) grabs the World 6th on the fallen demi-god and are now the favorites to finish the race in 6th place as well!

Posted by starym on Sep 30, 2016 at 10:57 am (BST)
minor asia

5 Asian guilds now past Il'gynoth - Alpha, Allstar, AFK R, PanGu, Style War - and in direct contention for those top 10 spots, also making it a whopping 32 guilds now on Cenarius with the World 6th coming from any of them.

Posted by starym on Sep 30, 2016 at 07:18 am (BST)
minor na

Meanwhile, we also got th World third Elerethe Renferal video from SNF!

Posted by starym on Sep 30, 2016 at 07:17 am (BST)
minor asia

Well, I'm a little disappointed there were no US Cenarius kills overnight, but huge gz to Danish Terrace from myself as well. 

Not a lot of action on the Asia server either but, as expected, Alpha did clear up Dragons after their Il'gynoth Asia first, just missing out to the A5th spot to Korean guild AFK R, and are now working on Cenarius, while others are still a little stuck on the eye. As usual huge thanks to @ and the crew on the NGA BBS for keeping us up to date on the Asian scene. 

Posted by starym on Sep 29, 2016 at 21:27 pm (BST)
minor eu

And the time-honored tradition of World First nerdscream videos continues as Exorsus shared theirs:

Posted by starym on Sep 29, 2016 at 18:44 pm (BST)
minor eu

In the midst of video madness From Scratch have gone ahead and finished the Emerald Nightmare! World 4th on Xavius, 7/7 and congratulations! 

Posted by starym on Sep 29, 2016 at 18:38 pm (BST)
minor eu

Well it seems the videos aren't trickling in but rather crashing down now as Exorsus have just released their World First Il'gynoth video!

Posted by starym on Sep 29, 2016 at 18:14 pm (BST)
minor na

As the first kills vids come out of the woodwork we have SNF's World third Nythendra kill to start us off! 


We'll also be adding the highest available video for each boss (within like the top 5 or so) to the header image and updating as new vids come along.

Posted by starym on Sep 29, 2016 at 17:43 pm (BST)
minor eu

Serenity is done! They've defeated Xavius, climbed to 7/7, claimed the World third and are leaving the Nightmare behind. Again, very close to Exorsus and Method, it took them under two hours to down the final boss after Cenarius so we can comfortably say that Xav was weak. In any case, congratulations!

Posted by starym on Sep 29, 2016 at 17:20 pm (BST)
minor eu

From Scratch catch up to Serenity and down Cenarius World 4th. 6/7 and now the race to Xavius is on between the two EU guilds!

Posted by starym on Sep 29, 2016 at 16:02 pm (BST)
minor eu

Serenity are back to killing bosses as they down Cenarius World 3rd. They are now alone on 6/7 and heading for that Xavius third as well. 

Posted by starym on Sep 29, 2016 at 15:09 pm (BST)
minor eu

And Method are done! Another World second, this time on the final boss, 7/7 and Xavius down. It seems it took them around the same time for them as Exorsus aka just under 2 hours.

World second Xavius Mythic by Method:


Posted by starym on Sep 29, 2016 at 15:07 pm (BST)
minor asia

We have another Asia first, this time it's a big one, with Alpha downing Il'gynoth, but not quite joining up with the big group on 5/7 because they went ahead and skipped Dragons for now. They're at 4/7 with the other four Asian guilds and since Dragons should be easier for them than the eye we should expect a kill shortly and our first Asian 5/7.

Posted by starym on Sep 29, 2016 at 14:42 pm (BST)
minor asia

We now have four Asian guilds on 4/7, as the previously mentioned Allstar and Style War were recently joined by YiBoLiu and ShadowCream. 

Posted by Darrie on Sep 29, 2016 at 13:29 pm (BST)
minor eu

If you're just waking up in the US, here's a brief recap of what you may have missed along with the current (total) boss kill count (unfortunately excluding Chinese guilds). 

- Exorsus (EU) took the World 1st Xavius(M) kill, only 17 hours after downing Nythendra(M)

- Both US guilds and EU guilds have experienced a bug where they could not proceed to Cenarius due to bugged portals. Blizzard was able to provide assistance multiple times, however we can assume that a hotfix has not yet but applied to servers due to the issue repeating itself

- US Guilds Midwinter, Limit, SNF and Easy + Oceanic Guild Entropy progressed from 4/7(M) to 5/7(M) overnight

- Updated 16:42 CEST Method (EU) landed the W2 Xavius 7/7(M)

- AFK R from the Korean servers are on 2/7(M) and Style War got the Asia 2nd on Dragons

- Social media was buzzing after the WF kill was announced - many fans expressed excitement for Exorsus, but disappointment in the lack of longevity to this race 

Kill count updated 17:07 CEST

Boss Number of kills
Nythendra(M) 399
Elerethre Renferal(M) 115
ll'gynoth(M) 12
Ursoc(M) 43
Dragons of Nightmare(M) 26
Cenarius(M) 3
Xavius(M) 2
Posted by starym on Sep 29, 2016 at 10:01 am (BST)
minor asia

Another Asia first as Allstar down Dragons of Nightmare and move to 4/7, getting close to the top US and EU guilds now!

Posted by starym on Sep 29, 2016 at 08:50 am (BST)
minor eu

It seems US customer support is quite a bit faster than EU as both Method and From Scratch are stuck on the same Cenarius portal bug that was troubling Limit and Midwinter, but where it took 10-20 minutes to fix in the US, Method have been locked out for around an hour. The problem is fixed now, however.

Posted by starym on Sep 29, 2016 at 08:06 am (BST)
minor eu

Pieces finally got updated on Wowprog, so as promised let's put them in their rightful place. They got World and EU 6th Il'gynoth, bumping all the US guilds down a peg. 5/7.

Posted by starym on Sep 29, 2016 at 07:31 am (BST)
minor na

Entropy just grabbed a quick US/OC 5th, World 11th on Il'gynoth and are at the usual 5/7.

Posted by starym on Sep 29, 2016 at 06:47 am (BST)
minor asia

We have some updated Asian action on the early bosses, as @andyice and the NGA BBS give us the lowdown on the rankings. It's all Chinese guilds so far, and as mentioned before ShadowCream got the first kill on Elerethe, but it seems YiBoLiu managed to beat them to Nythendra.  ShadowCram then move to the no.2 spot on Nyth, followed by Allstar, Alpha, and PanGu. For Elerethe it's ShadowCream, Allstar, Alpha, PanGu and then Style War.
Ursoc was also visited by a few more friends as Allstar, Style War, PanGu and ShadowCream got the 2nd, 3rd , 4th and 5th on the bear.

Posted by starym on Sep 29, 2016 at 05:22 am (BST)
minor asia

It took the Asian guilds a while to get into the Nightmare but now that they're in they're going full speed ahead. It seems a new player has taken the first two Asia firsts, on Nythendra and Elerethe: ShadowCream from the Chinese servers. Two bosses down in around an hour and they're closely followed by Allstar, Style War, Yiboliu and KeaHoarl.
Meanwhile Alpha just raced ahead of all of them and grabbed the Asia first on Ursoc. 

We'll be getting more exact standings a little later, but a huge thanks to @andyice_77 for keeping us updated on the Asian scene! And if you're unsure of who exactly these guilds are, you can check out the pre-race intro article where Andyice explained it all.

Posted by starym on Sep 29, 2016 at 02:53 am (BST)
minor na

As my rage boils, we have another US kill on Il'gynoth. This time it's SNF grabbing the Us 4th and apparently Pieces had killed it way back, perhaps even before Limit, but Wowprog hasn't updated yet so we'll keep you posted when that pops up as well. 

Posted by starym on Sep 29, 2016 at 01:56 am (BST)
minor na

So, very soon I might rant a bit about the Emerald Nightmare Mythic's "duration", but first Easy have gotten the US third on Il'gynoth and climbed to 5/7.

Posted by starym on Sep 28, 2016 at 21:01 pm (BST)
minor eu

Two more in the now very large 4/7 group with ScrubBusters and Openness poking those Dragons in the eye. No not THAT eye. They're in 15th an 16th overall spots, respectively.

Posted by starym on Sep 28, 2016 at 19:32 pm (BST)
minor eu

Danish Terrace are the latest Dragonsslayers and move up tp 4/7 to join the large pack of 11 guilds with three to go to end the Nightmare. EU 8th.

Posted by starym on Sep 28, 2016 at 18:33 pm (BST)
minor eu

Pieces move up in the rankings, to 4/7 to be exact and are the 12th guild in the world, 6th in EU to down Dragons of Nightmare. Millenium also moved up, to 3/7 by downing Ursoc EU 8th.

Posted by starym on Sep 28, 2016 at 17:33 pm (BST)

Another lull and a breather for me, but idle hands and all that so let's find out about some lower tier action! Following Honestly's 3/7 that we already mentioned we have two new guilds with three bosses down, namely Russian guild Fusion, who we remember from the Heroic race coverage, and Pieces. 

Further down the line there are now 26 guilds that have gotten past at least two bosses, with Dawn and Danish terrace being the latest additions to the group with DNO Gaming and Exiled Legion sitting at the top of the 2/7 pile. 12 guilds that are actually ON 2/7.

The at least 1/7 crowd is 90 strong, so Nythendra is not having a good few days,  but she was dead to begin with so I'm not sure how much of a change being double dead is going to be, all she did was lay around in the foyer with bugs and oozes all around anyway. 74 guilds that are "only" on 1/7.

In any case a big congratulations to all guilds that downed any boss in the Emerald Nightmare Mythic and, hell, GZ to all of those still trying to re-deaden Nyth as well! 

Posted by starym on Sep 28, 2016 at 15:19 pm (BST)
minor eu

In all this World First crazyness another Russian guild also grabbed a kill, with Prestige Gaming joining the now second group of guilds that are on 4/7, getting the Dragons of Nightmare Eu 5th. Honestly also moved up a while ago, to 3/7 with the US 12th on Elerethe.

Posted by starym on Sep 28, 2016 at 14:03 pm (BST)
minor eu

So, it seems Prestige Gaming has been going strong and racked up three kills, including two EU 5ths on the first two bosses and a EU 4th on Ursoc, getting them into the 10th overall spot!

Also we'd like to apologize for the current slowness of the site, there are really MANY more of you than we expected, but we're working to find a solution, so thanks for coming here in such big numbers!

Posted by starym on Sep 28, 2016 at 13:46 pm (BST)
minor eu

It's getting hectic in the EU as another guild gets past Dragons of Nightmare! Serenity bump up to the top group with 4/7.

Posted by Darrie on Sep 28, 2016 at 13:17 pm (BST)
minor eu

Method takes down Ursoc, within moments of Serenity taking down Elerethre - putting both teams at 3/7. 

Posted by Rak on Sep 28, 2016 at 11:39 am (BST)
minor eu

Serenity killed Nythendra - EU 5th. 1/7.

Posted by Rak on Sep 28, 2016 at 11:24 am (BST)
minor eu

EU 4th Nythendra kill by Embody - 1/7.

Posted by Rak on Sep 28, 2016 at 10:31 am (BST)
minor eu

Exorsus catches up by killing Ursoc EU 2nd / World 7th and is now at 3/7.

Posted by Rak on Sep 28, 2016 at 09:13 am (BST)
minor eu

Nythendra has been downed by Exorsus and From Scratch in the EU, possibly by a couple of other guilds. We are still waiting to see the respective position of these kills.

Posted by Rak on Sep 28, 2016 at 08:46 am (BST)
minor na

The EU race has started and seems like most US guilds have stopped. The latest US kill was by Strawberry Puppy Kisses with a World 5th Dragons of Nightmare.

Posted by starym on Sep 28, 2016 at 05:09 am (BST)
minor na

After a bit of a lull we have a second guild on 2/7, with exiled Legion downing Elerethe World 7th and 19 guilds have now broken that first boss barrier so far.

Posted by starym on Sep 28, 2016 at 04:41 am (BST)

We've added the killshots to the image on top. When the videos start coming in we'll either replace them or add another icon, depending on if it gets a bit too spammy on the image.

Posted by starym on Sep 28, 2016 at 04:29 am (BST)
minor na

Strawberry Puppy Kisses are on a roll as they claim their second World 5h, this time on Ursoc and go 3/7! We are also up to 15 guilds with at least one boss down.

Posted by starym on Sep 28, 2016 at 03:55 am (BST)
minor na

And we have our first change in rank of the race! Armory just remembered that DNO Gaming actually got Nythendra before Strawberry Puppy kisses for the W5th AND that just downed Elerethe World 6th as well to get to 2/7. There might be more of these coming up so we'll just save those for a single bigger update, unless thery're at the very top. It also means we now have 12 guilds past the first boss, as Laid Back have also downed Nythendra.

Posted by starym on Sep 28, 2016 at 03:45 am (BST)
minor na

So it seems it was armory that flared up with many guilds now popping up in the rankings, allowing us to say that the top 10 on the first boss of Emerald Nightmare and the first raid of Legion is done! Exiled Legion, Razzia, Emphasis and Mind Games round out the coveted first ten past 1/7, but that's not all! Strawberry Puppy Kisses also moved up to 2/7 by downing the usual 2/7 suspect, Elerethe Renferal World 5th.

Posted by starym on Sep 28, 2016 at 03:13 am (BST)
minor na

Now we're getting somewhere. It seems a lot more guilds have been trying Nythendra (or armory has just started updating) as the influx of parties in the Emerald pary has grown quite a lot in the last hour or so. Joining SPK and Reckoning are Exiled Legion in their little Nythendra free corner of the Nightmare. Don't forget that techincally any of these guilds can nab the World First on Dr. Il'gynoth directly after Nythendra.

Posted by starym on Sep 28, 2016 at 02:54 am (BST)
minor na

Reckoning! We now have 6 guilds deep in the Nightmare. And by deep I mean at least with one boss down. Nythendra (NOT Nythendera as I've been writing for half the updates here) has fallen yet again and Reckoning claim the World and US/OC 6th kill, 1/7.

Posted by starym on Sep 28, 2016 at 02:06 am (BST)
minor na

Another player enters! Strawberry Puppy Kisses is the next to join the undead dragon lady slaying club and earn themselves a 1/7 in the Emerald Nightmare Mythic, grabbing the World 5th on the way. We hope to see more friends joining in soon!

Posted by starym on Sep 27, 2016 at 23:02 pm (BST)
minor na

And Limit are on a roll! 2/7 with the usual progress path of Elerethe second, World 4th again for the presumptive US favorite, after they did some Heroic split raids when the reset started. Click here for the pretty cool killshot.

Posted by starym on Sep 27, 2016 at 22:12 pm (BST)
minor na

Limit have also broken through the first boss and put a point on the scoreboard. World 4th on Nythendra, 1/7.

Posted by starym on Sep 27, 2016 at 22:02 pm (BST)
minor na

We finally have a third member of this race show up, with SNF entering the ex-Emerald Dream and downing both the undead dragon lady and the spider-bird! 2/7 and World third for SNF on Nythendra and Elerethe Renferal, gz to them.

Posted by starym on Sep 27, 2016 at 21:09 pm (BST)
minor na

Limit just poked their head out on twitter to share this, so we're going to see those tables start filling up soon and Midwinter and Easy better watch their backs!