Race to World First: Uldir leaderboards
Mythic Raid Progress CoverageTaloc the Corrupted
# | world | us/oc | eu | asia |
1 | Big Dumb Guild | Big Dumb Guild | Exorsus | Alpha |
2 | Limit | Limit | Pieces | Skyline |
3 | Wildcard Gaming | Wildcard Gaming | Method | KeaHoarl |
4 | Midwinter | Midwinter | Depthcore | |
5 | Alacrity | Alacrity | TG Gaming | Jitianhong |
# | world | us/oc | eu | asia |
1 | Big Dumb Guild | Big Dumb Guild | Method | Alpha |
2 | Limit | Limit | Pieces | KeaHoarl |
3 | Midwinter | Midwinter | Sloth | Jitianhong |
4 | Wildcard Gaming | Wildcard Gaming | Waít for it | |
5 | Vision | Vision | Exorsus | Skyline |
Fetid Devourer
# | world | us/oc | eu | asia |
1 | Limit | Limit | Method | AFK R |
2 | Wildcard Gaming | Wildcard Gaming | Memento | Jitianhong |
3 | Method | Honestly | NollTvåTre | Alpha |
4 | Honestly | Midwinter | Exorsus | Right |
5 | Memento | Alacrity | Pieces | Skyline |
Zek'voz, Herald of N'zoth
# | world | us/oc | eu | asia |
1 | Limit | Limit | Method | AFK R |
2 | Wildcard Gaming | Wildcard Gaming | Pieces | Alpha |
3 | Alacrity | Alacrity | Exorsus | Jitianhong |
4 | Vision | Vision | Waít for it | KeaHoarl |
5 | Midwinter | Midwinter | Memento | Skyline |
# | world | us/oc | eu | asia |
1 | Big Dumb Guild | Big Dumb Guild | Method | Alpha |
2 | Limit | Limit | Exorsus | AFK R |
3 | Method | Wildcard Gaming | Memento | Jitianhong |
4 | Exorsus | Blood Legion | Hope n Despair | KeaHoarl |
5 | Memento | vodkaz | Pieces | Skyline |
Zul, Reborn
# | world | us/oc | eu | asia |
1 | Method | Limit | Method | Jitianhong |
2 | Limit | Wildcard Gaming | Exorsus | AFK R |
3 | Wildcard Gaming | Honestly | Memento | Alpha |
4 | Exorsus | Alacrity | NollTvåTre | Right |
5 | Jitianhong | Vision | Pieces | Skyline |
Mythrax the Unraveler
# | world | us/oc | eu | asia |
1 | Limit | Limit | Method | Jitianhong |
2 | Method | Wildcard Gaming | Exorsus | Alpha |
3 | Exorsus | Honestly | Memento | AFK R |
4 | Memento | Big Dumb Guild | Pieces | Skyline |
5 | Pieces | WHATEVER WERE AWESOME | FatSharkYes | Chao Jie |
# | world | us/oc | eu | asia |
1 | Method | Limit | Method | Jitianhong |
2 | Limit | Wildcard Gaming | Exorsus | Alpha |
3 | Exorsus | Big Dumb Guild | Memento | AFK R |
4 | Memento | Honestly | Pieces | Skyline |
5 | Pieces | Instant Dollars | FatSharkYes | Chao Jie |