Best Builds

Important talents

Infectious Swipes on Harpies and Corrosive Breath on Chimaera greatly increase your damage output against Blazerunner and help end the fight early.

Bramble Burst on Quilboar can be used to extend the duration of Poison on Blazerunner, if your push dies too soon.


  • Send your flying minis through the middle lane.
  • As they approach Blazerunner, turn it around with Quilboar.
  • Defend your base as needed: Banshee can steal Fire Elementals and also Drakes.

Watch it in action

Important talents

Infectious Swipes on Harpies and Corrosive Breath on Chimaera greatly increase your damage output against Blazerunner and help end the fight early.

Bramble Burst on Quilboar can be used to extend the duration of Poison on Blazerunner, if your push dies too soon.


  • Send your flying minis through the middle lane.
  • As they approach Blazerunner, turn it around with Quilboar.
  • Defend your base as needed: Banshee can steal Fire Elementals and also Drakes.

Watch it in action

Important talents

Infectious Swipes on Harpies and Corrosive Breath on Chimaera greatly increase your damage output against Blazerunner and help end the fight early.

Bramble Burst on Quilboar can be used to extend the duration of Poison on Blazerunner, if your push dies too soon.


  • Send your flying minis through the middle lane.
  • As they approach Blazerunner, turn it around with Quilboar.
  • Defend your base as needed: Banshee can steal Fire Elementals and also Drakes.

Watch it in action

Important talents

Infectious Swipes on Harpies and Corrosive Breath on Chimaera greatly increase your damage output against Blazerunner and help end the fight early.

Bramble Burst on Quilboar can be used to extend the duration of Poison on Blazerunner, if your push dies too soon.


  • Send your flying minis through the middle lane.
  • As they approach Blazerunner, turn it around with Quilboar.
  • Defend your base as needed: Banshee can steal Fire Elementals and also Drakes.

Watch it in action

Important talents

Infectious Swipes on Harpies and Corrosive Breath on Chimaera greatly increase your damage output against Blazerunner and help end the fight early.

Bramble Burst on Quilboar can be used to extend the duration of Poison on Blazerunner, if your push dies too soon.


  • Send your flying minis through the middle lane.
  • As they approach Blazerunner, turn it around with Quilboar.
  • Defend your base as needed: Banshee can steal Fire Elementals and also Drakes.

Watch it in action

Boss Strategy

Heroic Blazerunner map

This guide focuses on the Heroic Blazerunner encounter in Un’Goro Crater, but also works for the normal version.

Minis in Blazerunner’s army

  • Darkspear Troll - Big Bad Voodoo
  • Drake - Engulfing Flames
  • Living Bomb - Blast Radius
  • Murloc Tidehunters - Morelocks
  • Ogre Mage - Ignite
  • Raptors - Fast Food
  • Vultures - Tendon Rip

Blazerunner has Living Bomb, so you need to avoid making large groups of minis.

Other minis and map mechanics

Blazerunner begins the fight with a Fire Elemental on the board. It will get another Fire Elemental every 20 seconds: at 3:10, 2:50, 2:30, and so on.

When Blazerunner’s Fire Elementals die, they leave behind a patch of fire. In normal, the patch lasts for 45 seconds, and in Heroic, it lasts for 90 seconds. The patch deals 80 Elemental damage per second to ground minis that touch it.

Blazerunner has a 90-degree cleave attack, so you want your damage dealers to stand behind it.

General strategy

Blazerunner’s first push - at least the Fire Elemental - will always come through the middle. Because there is a bridge in the middle lane, you can take advantage of the high ground: send flying minis through the middle lane so that they will meet Blazerunner’s minis at the bridge. The bridge will provide cover for your flying minis, who will proceed to shoot Blazerunner’s incoming push.

After this, your flying minis can proceed to the boss. Turn the boss around with an unbound tank and destroy it with your flying troops.

Defend your base as needed. Banshee can be useful for stealing Fire Elementals or Drakes, and sometimes you may want to send minis up the left lane and turn the arrow to send them across the bridge after they have defended your base.

There is no need to take the Towers in this map.