Cenarius Mission Guide
Learn how to complete the Cenarius mission in Warcraft Rumble. Follow our suggested build and strategy for Cenarius, in Moonglade.
Best Builds
Important talents
- Ready to Rumble is essential to allow Earth Elemental to Taunt Cenarius and protect Harpies
- Infectious Swipes on Harpies are needed to push enough damage on Cenarius
- Defend against Cenarius’ initial attack. Use Polymorph to win decisively.
- Take the Meeting Stone
- Send Harpies at Cenarius, use Earth Elemental to Taunt Cenarius away from them
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Important talents
- Ready to Rumble is essential to allow Earth Elemental to Taunt Cenarius and protect Harpies
- Infectious Swipes on Harpies are needed to push enough damage on Cenarius
- Defend against Cenarius’ initial attack. Use Polymorph to win decisively.
- Take the Meeting Stone
- Send Harpies at Cenarius, use Earth Elemental to Taunt Cenarius away from them
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Important talents
- Ready to Rumble is essential to allow Earth Elemental to Taunt Cenarius and protect Harpies
- Infectious Swipes on Harpies are needed to push enough damage on Cenarius
- Defend against Cenarius’ initial attack. Use Polymorph to win decisively.
- Take the Meeting Stone
- Send Harpies at Cenarius, use Earth Elemental to Taunt Cenarius away from them
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Important talents
- Ready to Rumble is essential to allow Earth Elemental to Taunt Cenarius and protect Harpies
- Infectious Swipes on Harpies are needed to push enough damage on Cenarius
- Defend against Cenarius’ initial attack. Use Polymorph to win decisively.
- Take the Meeting Stone
- Send Harpies at Cenarius, use Earth Elemental to Taunt Cenarius away from them
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Important talents
- Ready to Rumble is essential to allow Earth Elemental to Taunt Cenarius and protect Harpies
- Infectious Swipes on Harpies are needed to push enough damage on Cenarius
- Defend against Cenarius’ initial attack. Use Polymorph to win decisively.
- Take the Meeting Stone
- Send Harpies at Cenarius, use Earth Elemental to Taunt Cenarius away from them
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Important talents
- Infectious Swipes on Harpies are needed to push enough damage on Cenarius
- Defend against Cenarius’ initial attack. Send minis to capture the Meeting Stone and the Rocket Tower in the middle.
- Push at Cenarius with a strong army with multiple Healers. Cenarius prioritizes flying units, so while he shoots at Harpies, you can heal up your Footmen.
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Important talents
- Meatier Elbow on Swole Troll is needed so it can attack troops.
- Defend against Cenarius’ initial attack. Send Swole Trolls with support to capture the Meeting Stone and Towers.
- Push at Cenarius from multiple directions with Swole Trolls tanking.
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Important talents
- Explosive Shells is crucial for Anub’arak to add more damage
- Defend against Cenarius’ initial attack. Send Anub’arak far right to be out of the way and to start working on the Meeting Stone.
- Overwhelm Cenarius with Beetles
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Boss Strategy
This guide focuses on the Heroic Cenarius encounter in Moonglade, but also works for the normal version.
Minis in Cenarius’ army
- Ancient of War - Behemoth
- Bog Beast - Flourish
- Chimaera - Corrosive Breath
- Huntress - Elven Might
- Murloc Tidehunters - Morelocks
- Prowler - Predatory Instincts
- Starfall - Balance
It appears that Cenarius has specifically the Starfall portion of Earth and Moon.
Other minis and map mechanics
The main mechanic in the Cenarius fight is his tranquility healing aura, which affects all minis on Cenarius’ side, including himself. It currently heals for 1 percent of the target’s total Health per second.
The healing aura has gone through several iterations and bugs: the first version only healed Cenarius’ troops and not the boss itself, the second version healed only Cenarius itself at a very high speed, and now it finally works as intended with moderate heals on both.
Cenarius has two attack modes: he can swipe at ground troops, and hit flying troops one-by-one. He prioritizes taking down flying troops unless taunted.
Cenarius can be hit from outside his aggro range by Plague Farmer and Sylvanas with their range talent equipped and by Meat Wagon.
General strategy
Because Cenarius heals his troops wherever they are, you need to win the fights you take. If you lose a fight, the minis will heal up before the next fight, and you will fall hopelessly behind.
The two main approaches to the Cenarius fight are to build a deathball that can win the fights and heal up before the next one, or to fight a more defensive battle and make use of the Meeting Stone on the right to sneak up on Cenarius. This sneak attack can take the form of a lone Plague Farmer, or more reliably poisonous Harpies supported by a Taunt Earth Elemental to keep Cenarius from killing the Harpies.
Both approaches require you to win against Cenarius’ initial attack. At lower levels, you may need to have Polymorph available to accomplish this. From there, you can either push towards a Tower, or grab the Meeting Stone.
The Meeting Stone has a small area outside the reach of the Rocket Tower in the top-right corner of the deployment zone. When deploying at the Stone, you can choose to deploy either within the reach of the Rocket Tower, or outside of its reach, depending on your goal.