Best Builds

Important talents

Corrosive Breath adds a lot of damage to Chimaera.

Jeweled Skulls allows Necromancer’s Skeletal Mages to slow down Gargoyles.

Spirit Ward on Witch Doctor can protect your troops from some of the explosions.


  • Push up the middle lane: handle the initial Eggs and the Gargoyle, and move up to the boss.
  • Use Quilboar to distract Ogre Mages and sometimes also Spiderlings.
  • Send your Kobold Miner well behind your troops to keep it safe from explosions.

Watch it in action

Important talents

Corrosive Breath adds a lot of damage to Chimaera.

Earth Shield on Frostwolf Shaman can make your tank Armored so that it survives better against Prowlers.


  • Push up the middle lane: handle the initial Eggs and the Gargoyle, and move up to the boss.
  • Use Quilboar to distract Ogre Mages and sometimes also Spiderlings.
  • Send your Kobold Miner well behind your troops to keep it safe from explosions.

Watch it in action

Important talents

Corrosive Breath adds a lot of damage to Chimaera.

Spirit Ward on Witch Doctor can protect your troops from some of the explosions.

Earth Shield on Frostwolf Shaman can make your tank Armored so that it survives better against Prowlers.


  • Push up the middle lane: handle the initial Eggs and the Gargoyle, and move up to the boss.
  • Use Quilboar to distract Ogre Mages and sometimes also Spiderlings.
  • Send your Kobold Miner well behind your troops to keep it safe from explosions.

Watch it in action

Important talents

Corrosive Breath adds a lot of damage to Chimaera.

Spirit Ward on Witch Doctor can protect your troops from some of the explosions.

Earth Shield on Frostwolf Shaman can make your tank Armored so that it survives better against Prowlers.


  • Push up the middle lane: handle the initial Eggs and the Gargoyle, and move up to the boss.
  • Use Quilboar to distract Ogre Mages and sometimes also Spiderlings.
  • Send your Kobold Miner well behind your troops to keep it safe from explosions.

Watch it in action

Important talents

Corrosive Breath adds a lot of damage to Chimaera.


  • Push up the middle lane: handle the initial Eggs and the Gargoyle, and move up to the boss.
  • Use Quilboar to distract Ogre Mages and sometimes also Spiderlings.
  • Send your Kobold Miner well behind your troops to keep it safe from explosions.

Watch it in action

Boss Strategy

Heroic Darkmist Broodqueen map

This guide focuses on the Heroic Darkmist Broodqueen encounter in Dustwallow Marsh but also works for the normal version.

Minis in Darkmist Broodqueen’s army

  • Chain Lightning - No talent, -1 level
  • Execute - Bloodthirsty
  • Firehammer - Moultin’ Metal
  • Gargoyle - Wing Buffet
  • Harpies - Infectious Swipes
  • Ogre Mage - Avarice
  • Prowler - On the Prowl
  • Spiderlings - Bloated Carapace

The explosions from Bloated Carapace have hit flying units since February 2025, which makes all of Darkmist Broodqueen’s Spiderlings much more dangerous to flyers.

Other minis and map mechanics

Darkmist Broodqueen starts with a Gargoyle close to your base and lots of Spiderlings Eggs around the map. When destroyed, each Spiderling Egg spawns a Spiderling with the Bloated Carapace talent.

Darkmist Broodqueen also has a timed Worgen spawn close to her. The Worgen has the Premeditation talent, so it hits hard out of stealth. The first one spawns at 3:20, and new ones come every 60 seconds, so at 2:20, 1:20, and 0:20.

General strategy

You need to find an answer to the Gargoyle coming down the middle, and fast. That is why I prefer to make a push through the middle in response, as you need to beat the Gargoyle anyway.

You don’t necessarily need to take any Towers, it is enough to carve a path through the middle to Darkmist Broodqueen and defeat her with one or more pushes through there.

You need to be wary of the exploding Spiderlings, even more so now that their explosions also hit flying minis. Send your Kobold Miner well behind your troops so that it does not get blown up. If you use flying minis, you generally cannot use low-range ones like Harpies, and you have to be careful even with Chimaera positioning. Chimaera can still be useful as it is good at dealing damage to a large number of minis.

Ogre Mage is also a dangerous mini that you may need to distract with an unbound tank.