Devilsaur Queen Mission Guide
Learn how to complete the Devilsaur Queen mission in Warcraft Rumble. Follow our suggested build and strategy for Devilsaur Queen, in Un'Goro Crater.
Best Builds
Important talents
Corrosive Breath on Chimaera is important to stack up poison on Devilsaur Queen faster.
Flame Burst on Whelp Eggs is important to help take out Darkspear Trolls.
- Send a lone Chimaera up the right edge
- Send everything else left to distract the Queen
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Important talents
Corrosive Breath on Chimaera is important to stack up poison on Devilsaur Queen faster.
Flame Burst on Whelp Eggs is important to help take out Darkspear Trolls.
- Send a lone Chimaera up the right edge
- Send everything else left to distract the Queen
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Important talents
Corrosive Breath on Chimaera is important to stack up poison on Devilsaur Queen faster.
Flame Burst on Whelp Eggs is important to help take out Darkspear Trolls.
- Send a lone Chimaera up the right edge
- Send everything else left to distract the Queen
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Important talents
Corrosive Breath on Chimaera is important to stack up poison on Devilsaur Queen faster.
Flame Burst on Whelp Eggs is important to help take out Darkspear Trolls.
- Send a lone Chimaera up the right edge
- Send everything else left to distract the Queen
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Important talents
Corrosive Breath on Chimaera is important to stack up poison on Devilsaur Queen faster.
Flame Burst on Whelp Eggs is important to help take out Darkspear Trolls.
- Send a lone Chimaera up the right edge
- Send everything else left to distract the Queen
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Boss Strategy
This guide focuses on the Heroic Devilsaur Queen encounter in Un’Goro Crater, but also works for the normal version.
Minis in Devilsaur Queen’s army
- Darkspear Troll - Headhunting
- Gnoll Brute - Thick Hide
- Goblin Sappers - Crude Gunpowder
- Living Bomb - Blast Radius
- Ogre Mage - Ignite
- Raptors - Motivation
- Warsong Grunts - Command
Warsong Grunts increase the damage dealt by nearby Beasts, so you may be in for some surprises with the damage coming in. Also, Gnoll Brute is Armored, so it can take more punishment from physical damage than usual.
Other minis and map mechanics
The Devilsaur Queen will eventually destroy everything on the map:
- The first roar at 2:10 spawns 8 Raptors, takes all Towers, and the Devilsaur Queen moves forward to destroy the top Tower and Meeting Stone
- The second roar at 0:50 spawns 4 Raptors, takes the Tower, and the Devilsaur Queen moves forward to destroy the bottom Tower and Meeting Stone
- The third roar happens at 0:30 in overtime, and after that the Devilsaur Queen walks to your base and destroys it in a single hit
If there are your minis immediately behind the Devilsaur Queen after she has moved, she will swipe them to instant death with her tail.
Four Raptors, two on each lane, spawn every 20 seconds starting at 3:20 (so, at 3:00, 2:40, 2:20, 2:00, and so on).
Devilsaur Queen’s attack range is only 6, which means that most ranged units will be able to shoot at her from outside her range. Only her minis can contest them when the Queen is not moving forwards.
General strategy
Because Devilsaur Queen can be outranged by many units and she spams a lot of Raptors that make ground minis impractical, the main strategy is to defeat her with long-range Flying minis. Bat Rider and Gryphon Rider were the main early options, but they have since been surpassed by Chimaera.
Send a lone Chimaera up the right edge and send all of your other minis up left. This will often keep Devilsaur Queen busy on the left lane and she will not summon an Ogre Mage or Darkspear Troll - her only minis that can take down a Chimaera - on the right. From there, the Chimaera will solo the boss.
Things don’t always go as smoothly, of course.
You may not be able to send out the Chimaera immediately, either because it is deep in your deck, because of early pressure from the left, or because of an early Ogre Mage on the right. This is fine. Defend as needed and try to find an opening to send the Chimaera. Try to defend without sending any minis to the right side.
Sometimes, the Devilsaur Queen will summon a mini that can kill your Chimaera. This can be fine, too. If the fight on the left is going well, you may even send an Unbound mini to grab a Meeting Stone on the right and play your next Chimaera from the Stone so that it will not have to travel as far. If this is not possible, wait until the threat on the right is gone and send a new Chimaera from your base.