Emberstrife Mission Guide
Learn how to complete the Emberstrife mission in Warcraft Rumble. Follow our suggested build and strategy for Emberstrife, in Dustwallow Marsh.
Best Builds
Important talents
Corrosive Breath on Chimaera helps to take Emberstrife down faster.
- Use unbound minis, especially the S.A.F.E. Pilot, to take out the Defias Bandits at the start and to open chests for you later.
- Send the Witch Doctor to take out the incoming Drake from the left at the start.
- Steal any Molten Giants with Banshees.
- Distract Emberstrife with a tank and get a Chimaera to attack it from behind.
- Note that your minis move clockwise and Emberstrife moves counterclockwise.
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Important talents
Corrosive Breath on Chimaera helps to take Emberstrife down faster.
- Use unbound minis, especially the S.A.F.E. Pilot, to take out the Defias Bandits at the start and to open chests for you later.
- Send the Witch Doctor to take out the incoming Drake from the left at the start.
- Steal any Molten Giants with Banshees.
- Distract Emberstrife with a tank and get a Chimaera to attack it from behind.
- Note that your minis move clockwise and Emberstrife moves counterclockwise.
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Important talents
Corrosive Breath on Chimaera helps to take Emberstrife down faster.
- Use unbound minis, especially the S.A.F.E. Pilot, to take out the Defias Bandits at the start and to open chests for you later.
- Send the Pyromancer to take out the incoming Drake from the left at the start.
- Steal any Molten Giants with Banshees.
- Distract Emberstrife with a tank and get a Chimaera to attack it from behind.
- Note that your minis move clockwise and Emberstrife moves counterclockwise.
Watch it in action
Important talents
Corrosive Breath on Chimaera helps to take Emberstrife down faster.
- Use unbound minis, especially the S.A.F.E. Pilot, to take out the Defias Bandits at the start and to open chests for you later.
- Send the Witch Doctor or Darkspear Troll to take out the incoming Drake from the left at the start.
- Steal any Molten Giants with Banshees.
- Distract Emberstrife with a tank and get a Chimaera to attack it from behind.
- Note that your minis move clockwise and Emberstrife moves counterclockwise.
Watch it in action
Important talents
Corrosive Breath on Chimaera helps to take Emberstrife down faster.
- Use unbound minis, especially the S.A.F.E. Pilot, to take out the Defias Bandits at the start and to open chests for you later.
- Send the Pyromancer to take out the incoming Drake from the left at the start.
- Steal any Molten Giants with Banshees.
- Distract Emberstrife with a tank and get a Chimaera to attack it from behind.
- Note that your minis move clockwise and Emberstrife moves counterclockwise.
Watch it in action
Boss Strategy
This guide focuses on the Heroic Emberstrife encounter in Dustwallow Marsh but also works for the normal version.
Minis in Emberstrife’s army
- Angry Chickens - Furious Fowl
- Drake - Engulfing Flames
- Firehammer - Heightened Rage
- Living Bomb - Blast Radius
- Molten Giant - Blood of the Mountain
- Ogre Mage - Ignite
- Warsong Raider - Saboteur
Emberstrife has Living Bomb, so you want to avoid sending out large groups of minis. Notable talents in its army include Molten Giants that explode on death.
Other minis and map mechanics
Emberstrife starts the fight with two Drakes and (in Heroic) a pair of Defias Bandits with the Pick Lock talent. The Bandits will head towards the chests at the top. The Bandits will respawn 45 seconds after they have been killed.
Emberstrife and its minis will circle the map counter-clockwise, while your minis move clockwise.
General strategy
The first thing you need to do is to stop Emberstrife’s Defias Bandits from opening any chests. Thanks to Pick Lock, any chests they manage to snatch gives Emberstrife 4 gold, and you do not want to let it have that. S.A.F.E. Pilot is an excellent option to stop the Bandits.
You also need to attend to the Drakes at the start. You can let the base handle one of them and send your own minis to take down the other. I like to send my minis to the left, and let the base handle the right one.
Because Emberstrife’s Molten Giants explode on death, steal them with a Banshee whenever possible. Note that Firehammer is fast enough to kill a Banshee, so watch out for them.
After you have survived the start, try to open some chests. Note that your minis move clockwise and Emberstrife moves counterclockwise.
As you get into a stable position, distract Emberstrife and hit it in the back with your damage dealers. As you use tanks to distract Emberstrife, note that ground tanks do not stop at Emberstrife and they move in the opposite direction compared to it: eventually, they will move out of Emberstrife’s aggro range, and it will turn towards your damage dealers.