Best Builds

Important talents

Infectious Swipes on Harpies add a lot of damage and help take the bosses down faster.

Bloodthirsty on Execute adds even more damage and poison stacks by giving Harpies Bloodlust.


  • Chase down the first Omnotron with Angry Chickens and Harpies as it heads towards the top-right corner
  • Send a Dark Iron Miner to claim the Meeting Stone and mine from the gold vein there
  • Try to kill Omnotrons starting from the top-right corner and then closer and closer to your base and the gold veins: if an Omnotron dies close to a gold vein, your miners cannot mine from there anymore
  • Steal Molten Giants and use them as tanks

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Important talents

Infectious Swipes on Harpies add a lot of damage and help take the bosses down faster.

Bloodthirsty on Execute adds even more damage and poison stacks by giving Harpies Bloodlust.


  • Chase down the first Omnotron with Angry Chickens and Harpies as it heads towards the top-right corner
  • Send a Dark Iron Miner to claim the Meeting Stone and mine from the gold vein there
  • Try to kill Omnotrons starting from the top-right corner and then closer and closer to your base and the gold veins: if an Omnotron dies close to a gold vein, your miners cannot mine from there anymore
  • Steal Molten Giants and use them as tanks

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Important talents

Infectious Swipes on Harpies add a lot of damage and help take the bosses down faster.


  • Chase down the first Omnotron with Angry Chickens and Harpies as it heads towards the top-right corner
  • Send a Dark Iron Miner to claim the Meeting Stone and mine from the gold vein there
  • Try to kill Omnotrons starting from the top-right corner and then closer and closer to your base and the gold veins: if an Omnotron dies close to a gold vein, your miners cannot mine from there anymore
  • Steal Molten Giants and use them as tanks

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Important talents

Infectious Swipes on Harpies add a lot of damage and help take the bosses down faster.


  • Chase down the first Omnotron with Angry Chickens and Harpies as it heads towards the top-right corner
  • Send a Dark Iron Miner to claim the Meeting Stone and mine from the gold vein there
  • Try to kill Omnotrons starting from the top-right corner and then closer and closer to your base and the gold veins: if an Omnotron dies close to a gold vein, your miners cannot mine from there anymore
  • Steal Molten Giants and use them as tanks

Watch it in action

Important talents

Infectious Swipes on Harpies add a lot of damage and help take the bosses down faster.

Bloodthirsty on Execute adds even more damage and poison stacks by giving Harpies Bloodlust.


  • Chase down the first Omnotron with Angry Chickens and Harpies as it heads towards the top-right corner
  • Send a Dark Iron Miner to claim the Meeting Stone and mine from the gold vein there
  • Try to kill Omnotrons starting from the top-right corner and then closer and closer to your base and the gold veins: if an Omnotron dies close to a gold vein, your miners cannot mine from there anymore
  • Steal Molten Giants and use them as tanks

Watch it in action

Boss Strategy

Heroic Omnotron map


This guide focuses on the Heroic Omnotron encounter in Blackrock Mountain, but also works for the normal version.

Minis in Omnotron’s army

  • Chain Lightning - Storm’s Reach
  • Drake
  • Fire Elemental
  • Firehammer
  • Molten Giant
  • Skeletons

Even Heroic Omnotron only has a talent on one mini, Chain Lightning.

Other minis and map mechanics

There are two Omnotron units on the map at the start. As you kill Omnotrons, they will leave behind a permanent electrified area that deals damage to ground units staying in the area. A new Omnotron unit will also activate whenever you kill one. In normal, there are four Omnotron units overall, and in Heroic, there are six.

Omnotron can attack both ground and flying units, and it hits very hard, but it can only attack one target at a time and it attacks slowly. Its attack speed against ground units is 2.7 seconds and against flying units a full 3.0 seconds.

The first Omnotron unit closest to your base is special: it is Toxitron, and it applies four stacks of poison when it hits a ground mini in addition to its regular damage.

General strategy

Because you need to kill a lot of Omnotrons, and they leave behind a permanent damage zone, you want to start taking them down as far away from your base as possible. Chase the first one as it heads towards the top-right corner, and take it down there.

While you can avoid damage from the damage zones by using flying units, your miners will be exposed if Omnotrons die close to the gold veins. Enemy miners, unfortunately, are unaffected. Therefore, you want to kill the first ones far away and progress closer to your base from there. The last Omnotron activates right next to the Meeting Stone, so if you control the Stone at that point, you can drop your minis right on top of it.

Molten Giants are big and sturdy, and often best handled by stealing them. They have enough Health to tank Omnotron for a while, too.

Squad minis are generally the best against Omnotron: Harpies, Angry Chickens, Dire Batlings. Omnotrons’ slow attack speed means that Squad minis can keep them engaged for a long time. Omnotron does have Chain Lightning and Drake that are strong against Squads, but if you can counter those, Squads will take Omnotrons down in no time.