Rend Blackhand Mission Guide
Learn how to complete the Rend Blackhand mission in Warcraft Rumble. Follow our suggested build and strategy for Rend Blackhand, in Blackrock Mountain.
Best Builds
Important talents
Infectious Swipes on Harpies are essential for taking Rend down.
- Send Darkspear Troll to clear the Eggs from the bottom right approach to your base.
- Send Harpies through the cleared path.
- Turn Rend around with Quilboar.
- Use Cheat Death when Rend is dismounted and casts Living Bomb to save your Harpies.
- Defend as needed: in particular, use Banshee to steal any Molten Giants.
- Remember to mine the gold near your base.
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Important talents
Infectious Swipes on Harpies are essential for taking Rend down.
- Send Darkspear Troll to clear the Eggs from the bottom right approach to your base.
- Send Harpies through the cleared path.
- Turn Rend around with Quilboar.
- Send a new batch of Harpies after Rend is dismounted.
- Defend as needed: in particular, use Banshee to steal any Molten Giants.
- Remember to mine the gold near your base.
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Important talents
Infectious Swipes on Harpies are essential for taking Rend down.
- Send Darkspear Troll to clear the Eggs from the bottom right approach to your base.
- Send Harpies through the cleared path.
- Turn Rend around with Quilboar.
- Use Cheat Death when Rend is dismounted and casts Living Bomb to save your Harpies.
- Defend as needed: in particular, use Banshee to steal any Molten Giants.
- Remember to mine the gold near your base.
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Important talents
Infectious Swipes on Harpies are essential for taking Rend down.
- Send Darkspear Troll to clear the Eggs from the bottom right approach to your base.
- Send Harpies through the cleared path.
- Turn Rend around with Quilboar.
- Send a new batch of Harpies after Rend is dismounted.
- Defend as needed: in particular, use Banshee to steal any Molten Giants.
- Remember to mine the gold near your base.
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Important talents
Infectious Swipes on Harpies are essential for taking Rend down.
- Send Darkspear Troll to clear the Eggs from the bottom right approach to your base.
- Send Harpies through the cleared path.
- Turn Rend around with Quilboar.
- Use Cheat Death when Rend is dismounted and casts Living Bomb to save your Harpies.
- Defend as needed: in particular, use Banshee to steal any Molten Giants.
- Remember to mine the gold near your base.
Watch it in action
Important talents
Infectious Swipes on Harpies are essential for taking Rend down.
- Send Darkspear Troll to clear the Eggs from the bottom right approach to your base.
- Send Harpies through the cleared path.
- Turn Rend around with Quilboar.
- Use Cheat Death when Rend is dismounted and casts Living Bomb to save your Harpies.
- Defend as needed: in particular, use Banshee to steal any Molten Giants.
- Remember to mine the gold near your base.
Watch it in action
Boss Strategy
This guide focuses on the Heroic Rend Blackhand encounter in Blackrock Mountain, but also works for the normal version.
Minis in Rend Blackhand’s army
- Defias Bandits - Last Resort
- Drake - Engulfing Flames
- Firehammer - Blazing Speed
- Flamewaker - Heat Stroke
- Living Bomb - Blast Radius
- Molten Giant - Blood of the Mountain
- Pyromancer - Blaze of Glory
Rend’s Molten Giants explode on death, which makes them unpleasant to handle via other means than stealing them.
Other minis and map mechanics
Rend is a patrolling boss who circles around the map clockwise. Any minis you send to the circle will move counter-clockwise.
There are four spots on the map that have groups of three Whelp Eggs in them. Every time Rend flies over one of these spots, he spawns a new group of three Eggs, if there are no Eggs there.
After you reduce Rend’s initial Health to zero, he dismounts and continues the fight on foot. Upon dismounting, Rend casts a Living Bomb on all of your minis everywhere on the map. Dismounted Rend hits like a truck - 300 damage with a 1.7 second attack speed - but can no longer hit flying minis.
General strategy
Because Rend is a patrolling boss, he can be ambushed. You want to do this in the lower-right corner: start by clearing the Eggs with Darkspear Troll, Witch Doctor, or Pyromancer. Then, send in your dps, such as Poison Harpies. Turn Rend around with an unbound tank, preferably Quilboar (resistant), and your damage dealers can hit Rend in the back, forcing him to dismount. Because Rend casts a Living Bomb on everything when dismounting, either use Cheat Death to keep your minis alive, or send in a new batch. Dismounted Rend cannot hit flying units, so they will be able to take him down easily.
You also need to defend because Rend also sends a lot of minis at your base. Molten Giants are the main threat, and you want to steal them with a Banshee. If Molten Giants come in a group with other minis, you may need to attack those minis first, or use the Banshee right when the Giant is turning the corner towards your base, so that you get to steal the Giant before the other minis are able to shoot your Banshee.
There is ample gold available right next to your base. Try to send your miner out on a side that is not getting attacked soon so that it can mine as much as possible.