Stat Priorities
Single Target: Haste > Crit > Mastery = Vers
AoE: Haste > Crit > Vers = Mastery
Single Target: Haste > Crit > Mastery = Vers
AoE: Haste > Crit > Mastery = Vers
Stat Outline
Haste: Lowers swing timer, reduces global cooldown and reduces the cooldown of certain abilities (Mortal Strike, Cleave etc).
Crit: A chance to deal double damage with an ability. This is bigger for Colossus over Slayer because Colossus has additional Crit damage as part of the hero talent tree.
Mastery: Mortal Strike, Cleave and Bladestorm apply Deep Wounds to enemies struck. Deep Wounds causes you to deal additional damage to enemies it is applied to which scales with Mastery.
Versatility: Offers a damage dealt increase and damage taken increase. Similar to Mastery but scales worse per point of the stat.
Horde: Tauren
Alliance: Dwarf
Ultimately, all races are regularly very close from a DPS perspective that you won’t notice a damage change with choosing a different race. Feel free to choose whichever race you like the look of the best (Zanadalari Troll is the only choice here).
Cloak: Chant of Winged Grace
Chest: Crystalline Radiance
Bracers: Chant of Armored Avoidance
Boots: Defender’s March
Legs: Defender’s Armor Kit
Rings: Radiant Critical Strike
Weapon: Authority of the Depths
There are new primary stat gems that have additional bonuses for each individual gem colour you have equipped in your gear. With the new socket changes, you can only have 6 sockets in your gear at once (2 neck and 2 in each ring). Due to this, you will have the primary stat gem and one of each colour in the remaining sockets which will look like this:
- Culminating Blasphemite (Primary Stat)
- Deadly Emerald (Green)
- Deadly Onyx (Purple)
- Masterful Ruby (Red)
- Deadly Sapphire (Blue)
- Deadly Amber (Orange)
Food: Feast of the Divine Day / Feast of the Midnight Masquerade
Flask: Flask of Alchemical Chaos
Potions: Tempered Potion
Health Potions: Algari Healing Potion
Weapon Oil: Ironclaw Whetstone (Swords/Axes/Polearms) or Ironclaw Weightstone (Maces/Staves)