Destruction Warlock Interface, Macros and WeakAuras Guide

Patch 11.0.7 Last Updated: 20th Dec, 2024
Spen Author Avatar


It is important you have a way to track your soul shards as well as your wither/immolate on nameplates.

Plater is good for nameplates and allows lots of customization of nameplate features.

The way I recommend to track soul shards is with Weakauras. There are many generic Destro warlock packs that are available on that will give you all the info you need to be successful.


Some useful macros for Destruction Warlocks are cursor location macros which cast the spell at the location your cursor is when you press the spell.

Summon Infernal Macro

/cast [@cursor] Summon Infernal

Shadowfury Macro

/cast [@cursor] Shadowfury

Cataclysm Cursor Macro

/cast [@cursor] Cataclysm

Rain of Fire Cursor Macro

/cast [@cursor] Rain of Fire

Also, some useful macros you can use are mouseover macros.

Havoc Mouseover Macro

#showtooltip Havoc
/cast [mouseover,harm] Havoc; [harm] Havoc

Havoc Focus Macro

#showtooltip Havoc
/cast [target=focus] Havoc

Soulstone Mouseover Macro

/use [target=mouseover] Soulstone

Spell Lock Focus Macro

/cast [target=focus] Spell Lock

Curse of Tongues Mouseover Macro

/cast [target=mouseover] Curse of Tongues

Curse of Exhaustion Mouseover Macro

/cast [target=mouseover] Curse of Exhaustion


Many generic warlock packs are available and all do basically the same thing, it will come down to personal preference on which pack you want or if you want a pack at all.

Wago WeakAuras: