Elemental Shaman Gearing Guide

Patch 11.1 Last Updated: 22nd Feb, 2025
Raime Author Avatar

Tier Sets

Tier Sets Season 2

  • (2) Set Bonus: Chance on spell cast to Summon or extend your Storm Elemental for 8seconds, this is affected by Everlasting Elements. Casting Ascendance always triggers this effect.
  • (4) Set Bonus: Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning and Lava Burst deal 20% more damage after summoning or extending your elemental.

The 2-set is fairly strong as it lets the Primal Storm Elemental recast Stormfury even if it triggers while active.

The 4-set is however extremely lackluster as it provides no damage increase to the majority of the toolkit, especially when it excludes spenders like Earth Shock or Elemental Blast.

This means that at the time of writing this the initial way to gear is to keep your 2-set from Season 1. This is likely to receive changes by Blizzard as they have historically not liked when people keep using the previous tiers gear.

elemental shaman Best in Slot Gear

You should still prioritise the gear you use by running a sim for your character, but the lists below will give you a good idea of what items are considered good for Elemental Shaman, and help you target the right content for each piece of loot.

If you’re unsure what to prioritize, running a Droptimizer sim can help you choose which dungeon to farm.

Overall Best Gear

Slot Item Source
Head Gale Sovereign’s Charged Hood One-Armed Bandit
Neck Semi-Charmed Amulet Rik Reverb
Shoulders Gale Sovereign’s Zephyrs Rik Reverb
Cloak Test Pilot’s Go-Pack Lockenstock
Chest Gale Sovereign’s Clouded Hauberk Lockenstock
Wrist Made Manacles Mug’Zee
Gloves Gravi-Gunk Handlers Lockenstock
Belt Gale Sovereign’s Ritual Belt Catalyst
Legs Gale Sovereign’s Pantaloons Stix
Boots Dubious Table-Runners One-Armed Bandit
Ring Cyrce's Circlet Siren Isle
Ring The Jastor’s Diamond Ovi’nax
Trinket House of Cards One-Armed Bandit
Trinket Eye of Kezan Gallywix
Main Hand Big Earner’s Bludgeon Mug’Zee
Off Hand Titan of Industry Gallywix
Two Hand Best-In-Slots One-Armed Bandit


The best trinket in this tier is by far the Eye of Kezan. It provides way more stats than any other trinket. It has downsides of losing stacks on death or between pulls in m+, but in raid this is a must have.

The other trinket this tier that is strong is the House of Cards that provides a large amount of mastery with a 90 second cooldown which means it can be lined up with Ascendance when used once in between.

Since this trinket provides mastery which has a cap of 100%, you’ll need to make sure that the rest of your gear has slightly less mastery to accommodate for this, taking the 14% from Elemental Blast into account. Best way to do this is by simming your character.

However Spymaster’s Web is still a very strong contender and outperforms the House of Cards at almost all item levels, so it is likely to still see a lot of use initially and might remain the best on certain encounters.


The best embellishments are not fully determined yet at the time of writing this.

Cyrce's Circlet

Cyrce's Circlet remains in a position to potentially stay best in slot at the time of writing this. The gems of choice are: