Fire Mage Interface, Macros and WeakAuras Guide

Patch 11.1 Last Updated: 1st Mar, 2025
Tamir Author Avatar


Tamir fire mage ui

A picture of my UI and just how it works for me, feel free to experiment with UI and if you like someone else ui you can also use theirs. UI is a personal preference and you need to find what works for you.


Combustion Macro

This Combustion macro uses your troll (or Orc racial), your on-use trinket on slot 14 and Combustion at the same time.

#showtooltip Combustion
/cast Berserking (or Blood Fury)
/use 14
/cast Combustion

Remove Curse Macro

Uses Remove Curse at your cursor location.

#showtooltip Remove Curse
/cast [@cursor] Remove Curse

Alter Time Macro

Removes the Alter Time buff in case you regret using it.

#showtooltip Alter Time
/cancelaura Alter Time

Scorch Focus Macro

Casts scorch at your current focus target and if you do not have one, casts at your target instead. This is useful to snipe low health mobs with scorch while maintaining your dps on your main target.

#showtooltip Scorch
/cast [target=focus,exists,harm,nodead][target=target,exists,harm,nodead] Scorch; Scorch

Flamestrike Cursor Macro

This casts flamestrike at your cursor position rather than first giving you a targeting circle that you have to click to cast

#showtooltip Flamestrike
/cast [@cursor] Flamestrike

Interrupt Mouseover Macro

This allows your interrupt to be cast on a mouseover target and defaults to your target if you do not have a mouseover at the time

#showtooltip Counterspell
/cast [target=mouseover,exists][target=target,exists] Counterspell; Counterspell

Spellsteal Mouseover or Focus Macro

This allows spellsteal to be cast on mouseover target same as interrupt with the additional step of defaulting to a focus target if a mouseover is not present. Useful for stealing buffs in M+

/cast [target=mouseover,exists][target=focus,exists][target=target,exists] Spellsteal; Spellsteal


I would definitely go to and see if there’s any Mage WeakAuras or full Mage Packs that you like better. It’s all about what works best for you!