Playstyle & Rotation
General Rotation
Slayer with Anger Management
- Recklessness
- Bladestorm (with 3 stacks of Imminent Demise)
- Rampage
- Execute (with 3 stacks of Marked for Execution OR 2 stacks of Sudden Death)
- Bloodthirst (with 4 stacks of Bloodcraze)
- Raging Blow
- Bloodthirst
- Execute
- Slam
Slayer with Reckless Abandon
- Bladestorm (with 3 stacks of Imminent Demise)
- Execute (with 3 stacks of Marked for Execution OR 2 stacks of Sudden Death)
- Crushing Blow
- Bloodbath
- Rampage
- Execute
- Raging Blow
- Bloodthirst
- Slam
Mountain Thane (only Reckless Abandon)
- Recklessness
- Ravager
- Thunder Blast
- Bloodbath
- Crushing Blow
- Raging Blow
- Bloodthirst
- Thunder Clap
- Execute
- Slam
Mountain Thane with Anger Management
- Recklessness
- Ravager
- Rampage
- Thunder Blast
- Raging Blow
- Bloodthirst
- Execute
- Slam
- Recklessness + Avatar + Charge (make sure Reck is up before charge)
- Rampage
- Bladestorm
- Champion’s Spear/Thunderous Roar
- Raging Blow as much as possible*
- Rampage
*Ignore Enrage in this moment, you are trying to build as many Slaughtering Strikes stacks as possible for the Brutal Finish buffed Rampage
Mountain Thane
- Recklessness + Avatar + Charge
- Rampage
- Ravager
Multi Target
- Recklessness + Avatar + Charge
- Whirlwind
- Rampage
- Thunderous Roar/Champion’s Spear
- Bladestorm
- Rampage
Mountain Thane
- Recklessness + Avatar + Charge
- Thunder Blast (Thunder Clap)
- Rampage
- Ravager
General Playstyle
Fury is still a relatively fast, GCD locked spec that Warrior plays have come to know over the past 8+ years. While being a “builder/spender” type spec, a great deal of emphasis is placed on the builder abilities Bloodthirst and Raging Blow compared to the spender ability Rampage. How important these abilities are is usually dictated by current tuning and tier set bonuses.
Mountain Thane specifically could take some players some time to get used to since juggling a number of different procs could be overwhelming.
Cooldown Usage
In general, Fury Warrior has employed a “CD’s on CD” type of playstyle and this is still very much the same in The War Within. As of 11.1, Fury cooldowns are no longer particularly powerful on AoE as they were on expansion launch resulting in, once again, needing to spend minimal time thinking about optimal usage and generally using as often as possible.
Typically, send cooldowns as long as what you’re fighting will live long enough to see the full value of the cooldowns and only look to hold for particularly dangerous pack (for M+) or damage amp phases in an encounter.
Spell Reflection remains as strong as ever. While it can be attractive to try and hold this ability for that big reflect for damage, generally pressing this cooldown on any kind of magic damage you take will see bigger benefit for your group/raid across the content you’re doing.
Enraged Regen is a very foolproof defensive as it can be used as a panic defensive, even after damage has already happened, in order to heal yourself with the increased healing received from Bloodthirst for the duration. Ideally you should look to use this spell to mitigate incoming damage but if your healer(s) are struggling, you can assist them with your own self healing through this and Impending Victory.
Impending Victory is also still a very strong defensive. While it does cost 10 rage it is a 30% HP self heal on a mere 25 second cooldown. Abuse this often, especially in periods of high ticking damage.
Defensive Stance often goes underutilised a lot of the time. While initially off-putting due to the damage you deal being reduced, a well timed Defensive Stance on a single high damage hit will only have you in the stance for the 3 second cooldown it gives you. At the end of the day, your damage will be much lower if you are dead.