List of Dragonflight Season 2 Class Tier Set Items and their Stats

List of Dragonflight Season 2 Class Tier Set Items and their Stats

Written by Horaddrim - 13th June 2023

With the weekly reset on June 13th in North America and June 14th in Europe, the Revival Catalyst has returned and is available for use again.

The Season 2 version of the catalyst has some changes from last season, with the removal of the weekly quest, meaning charges are gained weekly without any requirements (up to a cap of 8). For more info on the Revival Catalyst, you can read our Revival Catalyst Guide for Dragonflight, updated for Patch 10.1.

With the catalyst unlocked, this means that as well as finishing off your 2 or 4 set bonus, you can convert non tier set bonus slot items into tier items (Back, Wrists, Waist and Feet). These tier set items may have better stats than your current gear or items that are available to drop for your class/spec from dungeons and raids.

Below is a full breakdown list of each Class Tier Set items and their respective stats. You can use this to determine which tier items you want to target for the best stat combinations.

Class Navigation:

Note: The item levels shown here are baseline. The stats on the gear won't change based on the item level of the gear you use, only the amount of those stats will change with item level.

Death Knight Tier Set

Table of Season 2 Tier Set item stats for Unholy, Frost and Blood Death Knights.

Slot Name Stats
Head Lingering Phantom's Dreadhorns Haste / Mastery
Shoulder Lingering Phantom’s Shoulderplates Vers / Crit
Cloak Lingering Phantom’s Drape Mastery / Haste
Chest Lingering Phantom’s Plackart Haste / Vers
Wrist Lingering Phantom’s Vambraces Vers / Crit
Hands Lingering Phantom’s Gauntlets Mastery / Crit
Waist Lingering Phantom’s Deathlink Crit / Mastery
Legs Lingering Phantom’s Schynbalds Crit / Haste
Feet Lingering Phantom’s Stompers Haste / Vers

Demon Hunter Tier Set

Table of Season 2 Tier Set item stats for Vengeance and Havoc Demon Hunters.

Slot Name Stats
Head Kinslayer's Hood Crit / Vers
Shoulder Kinslayer's Tainted Spaulders Haste / Mastery
Cloak Kinslayer's Shawl Mastery / Haste
Chest Kinslayer's Vest Mastery / Haste
Wrist Kinslayer's Bindings Haste / Vers
Hands Kinslayer's Bloodstained Grips Crit / Haste
Waist Kinslayer's Sash Vers / Crit
Legs Kinslayer's Legguards Haste / Vers
Feet Kinslayer's Gaiters Crit / Haste

Druid Tier Set

Table of Season 2 Tier Set item stats for Restoration, Balance, Feral and Guardian Druid.

Slot Name Stats
Head Bough of the Autumn Blaze Crit / Haste
Shoulder Mantle of the Autumn Blaze Vers / Mastery
Cloak Foliage of the Autumn Blaze Haste / Vers
Chest Chestroots of the Autumn Blaze Haste / Mastery
Wrist Bands of the Autumn Blaze Haste / Mastery
Hands Handguards of the Autumn Blaze Mastery / Crit
Waist Garland of the Autumn Blaze Vers / Mastery
Legs Pants of the Autumn Blaze Vers / Haste
Feet Hooves of the Autumn Blaze Crit / Haste

Evoker Tier Set

Table of Season 2 Tier Set item stats for Preservation, Devastation and Augmentation Evokers

Slot Name Stats
Head Crown of Obsidian Secrets Mastery / Haste
Shoulder Wingspan of Obsidian Secrets Crit / Mastery
Cloak Crest of Obsidian Secrets Crit / Haste
Chest Hauberk of Obsidian Secrets Vers / Haste
Wrist Scalebands of Obsidian Secrets Mastery / Haste
Hands Claws of Obsidian Secrets Mastery / Vers
Waist Lasso of Obsidian Secrets Haste / Vers
Legs Chausses of Obsidian Secrets Haste / Mastery
Feet Greatboots of Obsidian Secrets Vers / Mastery

Hunter Tier Set

Table of Season 2 Tier Set item stats for Marksmanship, Beast Mastery and Survival Hunters.

Slot Name Stats
Head Ashen Predator’s Faceguard Crit / Haste
Shoulder Ashen Predator’s Trophy Haste / Vers
Cloak Ashen Predator's Cloak Vers / Mastery
Chest Ashen Predator’s Sling Vest Mastery / Crit
Wrist Ashen Predator’s Skinwraps Mastery / Crit
Hands Ashen Predator’s Skinners Haste / Crit
Waist Ashen Predator’s Strap Haste / Vers
Legs Ashen Predator’s Poleyns Vers / Mastery
Feet Ashen Predator’s Chasers Haste / Crit

Mage Tier Set

Table of Season 2 Tier Set item stats for Arcane, Fire and Frost Mages.

Slot Name Stats
Head Underlight Conjurer’s Arcanocowl Crit / Mastery
Shoulder Underlight Conjurer’s Aurora Haste / Vers
Cloak Underlight Conjurer’s Cape Crit / Haste
Chest Underlight Conjurer’s Vestment Mastery / Crit
Wrist Underlight Conjurer’s Bracelets Haste / Vers
Hands Underlight Conjurer’s Gloves Crit / Haste
Waist Underlight Conjurer’s Charmbelt Vers / Mastery
Legs Underlight Conjurer’s Trousers Mastery / Haste
Feet Underlight Conjurer’s Treads Mastery / Crit

Monk Tier Set

Table of Season 2 Tier Set item stats for Mistweaver, Windwalker and Brewmaster Monks.

Slot Name Stats
Head Cover of the Vermillion Forge Mastery / Crit
Shoulder Spines of the Vermillion Forge Vers / Crit
Cloak Drape of the Vermillion Forge Crit / Haste
Chest Cuirass of the Vermillion Forge Haste / Mastery
Wrist Coils of the Vermillion Forge Haste / Mastery
Hands Fists of the Vermillion Forge Vers / Mastery
Waist Blackbelt of the Vermillion Forge Vers / Crit
Legs Pantaloons of the Vermillion Forge Crit / Haste
Feet Footpads of the Vermillion Forge Vers / Mastery

Paladin Tier Set

Table of Season 2 Tier Set item stats for Protection, Holy and Retribution Paladins.

Slot Name Stats
Head Heartfire Sentinel's Forgehelm Vers / Haste
Shoulder Heartfire Sentinel's Steelwings Vers / Crit
Cloak Heartfire Sentinel's Pelerine Mastery / Vers
Chest Heartfire Sentinel's Brigandine Mastery / Crit
Wrist Heartfire Sentinel's Blessed Bindings Vers / Crit
Hands Heartfire Sentinel's Protectors Haste / Crit
Waist Heartfire Sentinel's Waistguard Haste / Crit
Legs Heartfire Sentinel's Faulds Haste / Mastery
Feet Heartfire Sentinel's Greatboots Haste / Crit

Priest Tier Set

Table of Season 2 Tier Set item stats for Holy, Discipline and Shadow Priests.

Slot Name Stats
Head Mask of the Furnace Seraph Haste / Crit
Shoulder Devotion of the Furnace Seraph Haste / Mastery
Cloak Shroud of the Furnace Seraph Mastery / Vers
Chest Command of the Furnace Seraph Crit / Vers
Wrist Cuffs of the Furnace Seraph Crit / Vers
Hands Grasp of the Furnace Seraph Vers / Haste
Waist Sash of the Furnace Seraph Haste / Mastery
Legs Breeches of the Furnace Seraph Mastery / Crit
Feet Sabatons of the Furnace Seraph Haste / Crit

Rogue Tier Set

Table of Season 2 Tier Set item stats for Subtlety, Outlaw and Assassination Rogues.

Slot Name Stats
Head Lurking Specter's Visage Haste / Vers
Shoulder Lurking Specter's Shoulderblades Crit / Haste
Cloak Lurking Specter's Capelet Vers / Mastery
Chest Lurking Specter's Brigandine Vers / Mastery
Wrist Lurking Specter's Armwraps Mastery / Haste
Hands Lurking Specter's Handgrips Crit / Vers
Waist Lurking Specter's Edgeband Haste / Crit
Legs Lurking Specter's Tights Mastery / Crit
Feet Lurking Specter's Tabi Crit / Vers

Shaman Tier Set

Table of Season 2 Tier Set item stats for Restoration, Elemental and Enhancement Shamans.

Slot Name Stats
Head Spangenhelm of the Cinderwolf Vers / Haste
Shoulder Thunderpads of the Cinderwolf Haste / Crit
Cloak Pelisse of the Cinderwolf Crit / Vers
Chest Adornments of the Cinderwolf Crit / Vers
Wrist Runebraces of the Cinderwolf Haste / Crit
Hands Knuckles of the Cinderwolf Crit / Vers
Waist Faulds of the Cinderwolf Mastery / Haste
Legs Braies of the Cinderwolf Haste / Mastery
Feet Sollerets of the Cinderwolf Vers / Mastery

Warlock Tier Set

Table of Season 2 Tier Set item stats for Demonology, Affliction and Destruction Warlocks.

Slot Name Stats
Head Grimhorns of the Sinister Savant Haste / Vers
Shoulder Amice of the Sinister Savant Crit / Vers
Cloak Shawl of the Sinister Savant Mastery / Crit
Chest Cursed Robes of the Sinister Savant Mastery / Crit
Wrist Wristwraps of the Sinister Savant Haste / Crit
Hands Grips of the Sinister Savant Haste / Mastery
Waist Skullstrap of the Sinister Savant Vers / Mastery
Legs Leggings of the Sinister Savant Haste / Crit
Feet Sandals of the Sinister Savant Vers / Haste

Warrior Tier Set

Table of Season 2 Tier Set item stats for Arms, Fury and Protection Warriors.

Slot Name Stats
Head Thraexhelm of the Onyx Crucible Crit / Haste
Shoulder Pauldrons of the Onyx Crucible Mastery / Haste
Cloak Manteau of the Onyx Crucible Mastery / Vers
Chest Battlechest of the Onyx Crucible Vers / Haste
Wrist Warbands of the Onyx Crucible Mastery / Haste
Hands Handguards of the Onyx Crucible Haste / Vers
Waist Insignia of the Onyx Crucible Crit / Vers
Legs Legplates of the Onyx Crucible Crit / Vers
Feet Ironstriders of the Onyx Crucible Haste / Vers

We hope that the breakdown helps you with the choices of how to use your Revival Catalyst charges!

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