Ivory Trader's Ottuk
No adult knows why some ottuks are white, but any tuskarr child can tell you: it's because they eat too much snow.

How to get the Ivory Trader's Ottuk Mount
Ivory Trader’s Ottuk is a mount sold to players by Tattukiaka in the tuskarr village of Iskaara in the Azure Span zone. For this mount you will need to collect 3 different ring items from various dungeons in dragonflight, and trade them in for the mount.
With the addition of patch 10.2.5, the new follower dungeons make this mount fairly trivial to obtain, allowing you to queue for the dungeon alone, with the added help from NPC’s.
Where to Get the Rings
Each ring drops from a different dragonflight dungeon.
- Thunderous Downburst Ring drops from The Raging Tempest boss in The Nokhud Offensive dungeon.
- Unstable Arcane Loop drops from Leymor, the first boss in Azure Vault.
- Platinum Star Band drops from Vexamus in Algeth’ar Academy, and can also be chosen as a reward for completing the quest The Algeth’ar Academy.
Thunderous Downburst Ring

/way 61.66 75.43 /way 49.97 64.27 /way 31.83 80.59 /way 21.19 26.73 /way 29.83 21.20 /way 33.82 45.57 /way 45.51 45.82 /way 60.35 30.12
The Nokhud Offensive dungeon is located in the centaur village of Maruukai, under the main building where the faction’s renown vendor lives.
To get the ring, you need to make your way to The Raging Tempest boss. You do not have to kill any other bosses, just fly straight over and kill the totems around the area to activate him. Once you kill the boss, you can rinse and repeat until you get the ring to drop.
Unstable Arcane Loop

The Azure Vault dungeon is located in the Azure Archives in the Azure Span zone.
Once you enter the dungeon, take the corridor to the right and kill the trash pack in that corridor, be sure to avoid stepping in the circles surrounding the whelps as this will activate more trash mobs and slow down the run time significantly. Once you see the plant creatures on the balcony, clear that pack and jump straight off into the boss room. From here you can kill the boss and hopefully loot the item.
Platinum Star Band

The Algeth’ar Academy dungeon is located in the northern part of Thaldraszus, north east of Valdrakken.
Vexamus is located across the bridge to the left after you enter the dungeon and take the wind down to the academy. Clear the trash packs on the bridge and around the building to activate the boss. Now kill the boss and see if you got the drop.
Alternatively, you can complete the quest The Algeth’ar Academy, a quest given by Kalecgos at (61.6, 36.2) in the aspect’s tower in Valdrakken. This quest requires you to complete the entire dungeon once, and you are guaranteed the ring from it.
Collecting the Mount

/way The Azure Span:Dragon Isles 14.0, 49.6
Once you have obtained all 3 rings, you will need to go to Tattukiaka at (14.0, 49.6) in Iskaara and trade them in for your very own Ivory Trader’s Ottuk.
If you're struggling to find the NPC, he is behind the Iskaara Mammoth with an Ottuk on either side of him. You can also use "/target Tattukiaka" in the area to quickly target the NPC.