Outlaw Rogue Gearing Guide

Patch 11.0.7 Last Updated: 18th Dec, 2024
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Tier Sets

  • (2) Set Bonus: Your Sinister Strike, Pistol Shot, and Ambush have a 20% chance to Ethereal Rampage, dealing 15% increased damage as Shadow.
  • (4) Set Bonus: Ethereal Rampage additionally increases the damage of your next Between the Eyes by 6%, stacking up to 3 times.

As of writing this, this tier set bonus is worth about 3% damage and is entirely passive. There is no room to optimize this tier set. Just equip it and get a small damage boost.

outlaw rogue Best in Slot Gear

You should still prioritise the gear you use by running a sim for your character, but the lists below will give you a good idea of what items are considered good for Outlaw Rogue, and help you target the right content for each piece of loot.

Overall Best Gear

Slot Item Source
Head K’areshi Phantom’s Emptiness Silken Court - Raid
Neck Elder’s Hemolymphal Periapt City of Threads
Shoulders K’areshi Phantom’s Shoulderpads Rasha’nan - Raid
Cloak Wings of Shattered Sorrow Rasha’nan - Raid
Chest K’areshi Phantom’s Nexus Wraps Bloodtwisted Ovi’Nax - Raid
Wrist Rune-Branded Armbands - Ele Focusing Lens Crafting
Gloves K’areshi Phantom’s Grips Sikran, Captain of the Sureki - Raid
Belt Sapgorger Belt Mists of Tirna Scithe
Legs Rune-Branded Legwraps - Ele Focusing Lens Crafting
Boots Viscera-Stitched Footpads The Necrotic Wake
Ring Stitchflesh’s Misplaced Signet The Necrotic Wake
Ring Cyrce’s Circlet Siren Isle
Trinket Ara-Kara Sacbrood Ara-Kara City of Echos
Trinket Void Reaper’s Contract Nexus-Princess Ky’veza - Raid
Main Hand Void Reaper’s Warp Blade Nexus-Princess Ky’veza - Raid
Off Hand Blood-Kissed Kukri The Bloodbound Horror - Raid

Best Gear from the Raid

Slot Item Source
Head K’areshi Phantom’s Emptiness Silken Court - Raid
Neck Locket of Broken Memories Rasha’nan - Raid
Shoulders K’areshi Phantom’s Shoulderpads Rasha’nan - Raid
Cloak Wings of Shattered Sorrow Rasha’nan - Raid
Chest K’areshi Phantom’s Nexus Wraps Bloodtwisted Ovi’Nax - Raid
Wrist Rune-Branded Armbands - Ele Focusing Lens Crafting
Gloves K’areshi Phantom’s Grips Sikran, Captain of the Sureki - Raid
Belt Behemoth’s Eroded Cinch Rasha’nan - Raid
Legs Rune-Branded Legwraps - Ele Focusing Lens Crafting
Boots Chitin-Spiked Jackboots Sikran - Raid
Ring Seal of the Poisoned Pact Queen Ansurek - Raid
Ring Key of the Unseeming The Bloodbound Horror - Raid
Trinket Mad Queen’s Mandate Queen Ansurek - Raid
Trinket Void Reaper’s Contract Nexus-Princess Ky’veza - Raid
Main Hand Void Reaper’s Warp Blade Nexus-Princess Ky’veza - Raid
Off Hand Blood-Kissed Kukri The Bloodbound Horror - Raid

Best Gear from Mythic+

Slot Item Source
Head K’areshi Phantom’s Emptiness Creation Catalyst
Neck Elder’s Hemolymphal Periapt City of Threads
Shoulders K’areshi Phantom’s Shoulderpads Creation Catalyst
Cloak Swarmcaller’s Shroud Anub’zekt
Chest K’areshi Phantom’s Nexus Wraps Creation Catalyst
Wrist Rune-Branded Armbands - Ele Focusing Lens Crafting
Gloves K’areshi Phantom’s Grips Creation Catalyst
Belt Sapgorger Belt Mists of Tirna Scithe
Legs Rune-Branded Legwraps - Ele Focusing Lens Crafting
Boots Viscera-Stitched Footpads The Necrotic Wake
Ring Stitchflesh’s Misplaced Signet The Necrotic Wake
Ring Experiment 08752’s Band City of Threads
Trinket Bottled Flayedwing Toxin The Necrotic Wake
Trinket Ara-Kara Sacbrood Ara-Kara City of Echos
Main Hand Zephyrous Sail Carver The Dawnbreaker
Off Hand Splice ‘n Dice City of Threads


There are a handful of good trinkets to pick from this tier.

From raid you have Voidreapers Contract, a generic damage proc trinket with extra synergy with the Void Reaper’s Warp Blade. Mad Queens Mandate is a powerful damage on use trinket that is especially good in dungeons where you can get the execute off.

Other strong raid trinkets include Sikran’s Endless Arsenal, which is similar to Mad Queens Mandate as it’s another damage on use trinket, but this one rotates between 3 different types of procs in order. Thankfully, you don’t play around with this.

The last raid trinket worth mentioning is Ovi’nax’s Mercurial Egg. It’s a strong trinket that requires you to wiggle around a bit to maintain stacks. With Agility and Versatility being similar values this tier, this trinket is quite good. Focus on not going over 20 of either stack and the trinket is great. The on-use also ignores double on use restriction.

Dungeon trinkets are a bit of a let down this tier. The main two are the Ara-Kara Sacbrood, which is helpful for reaching the Haste breakpoints that Keep it Rolling builds struggle to reach, but outside of that the trinket isn’t that special. The other decent trinket is the Dead-eye Spyglass which is just a crit stat stick which scales well with target count.

However, there is a strong trinket from delves as well, the Scroll of Momentum. The biggest issue with the trinket is attempting to obtain it. Due to it only dropping from delves, you have to luck out from your vault, or from using a delve map to get one at a half decent ilvl. If you are a mythic raider, there are better options, but for alts this can be especially powerful to try and pick up with a full delve vault each week! Make sure to cast Sprint every time it procs to really push its damage to the next level.


Outlaw continues to be a spec that puts a high premium on damage procs, which means that the Elemental Focusing Lens will be our go-to embellishment for all content.

Cyrce's Circlet

With the most recent set of buffs increasing its item level to 568 means that it’s worth using for us as well. The best 3 to use in all content is Thunderlords Crackling Citrine, Undersea Overseer’s Citrine, and Legendary Skipper’s Citrine.

Make sure that you still reach your Haste breakpoints when equipping this ring, which may be harder for Keep it Rolling builds to maintain.