Protection Paladin Gearing Guide

Patch 10.2.7 Last Updated: 7th May, 2024
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Gearing & Tier Sets

The Protection Paladin tier set for Season 4 is loosening our chains to consecration slightly. We’re being provided buffs through our core rotation, so you’ll be able to see the sets max potential without much thought.

  • 2-piece bonus: Avenger’s Shield grants you and your closest ally “Ally of the Light”, increasing Versatility by 8% for 8 seconds.
  • 4-piece bonus: Casting Hammer of the Righteous/Blessed Hammer increases your Parry by 7% for 10 seconds and extends the duration of “Ally of the Light” by 1 second.

There is a very minor rotation change with this tier bonus, where you’ll want to Avenger’s Shield to maintain your “Ally of the Light” buff, but as the 4p extends it, it’s unlikely that you’ll ever run into the problem of having the buff drop.

There are a couple of things you can do to increase the benefit of the tier set, such as positioning on top of a desired ally to determine who gets your Versatility buff, or casting Blessed Hammer prior to pulling a boss or pack in Mythic Plus to get the parry bonus.

Antique Bullions

These are the items I recommend you buy with your Bullions in Season 4. With how many important items there are that we have access to now, with limited opportunities to get them, it can feel a little overwhelming deciding what to go for. Choosing between dps oriented items or tank specific trinkets, or Raiding vs Mythic plus, below you’ll see options for both and I’ll help guide you in the right direction.

  1. Gholak, the Final Conflagration
  2. Seal of Diurna's Chosen
  3. Cataclysmic Signet Brand / Fyrakk’s Tainted Rageheart
  4. Manic Grieftorch
  5. Elementium Pocket Anvil
  6. Seal of Filial Duty
  7. Voice of the Silent Star

Protection Paladin Best in Slot Gear

The tables below aim to give you a general list of gear that is good for Protection Paladin, these lists are not a perfect replacement for simming your character.

Protection Paladin Combined Best in Slot

The gear listed below is a mixture of Raid and Mythic+ gear from Dragonflight Season 4.

Slot Item Source
Head Heartfire Sentinel’s Forgehelm Tier Token / Creation Catalyst
Neck Kagni’s Scorching Talisman Assault of the Zaqali
Shoulders Heartfire Sentinel’s Steelwings Tier Token / Creation Catalyst
Cloak Voice of the Silent Star Sarkareth
Chest Dathea’s Cyclonic Cage Dathea, Ascended
Wrist 1 Primal Molten Vambraces (shadowflame) Crafted
Wrist 2 Allied Wristguard of Companionship Crafted
Gloves Heartfire Sentinel’s Protectors Tier Token / Creation Catalyst
Belt Unstable Frostfire Belt Crafted
Legs Heartfire Sentinel’s Faulds Tier Token / Creation Catalyst
Boots Spittle-Resistant Sollerets Magmorax
Ring 1 Seal of Diurna’s Chosen Eranog
Ring 2 Seal of Fillial Duty Broodkeeper Diurna
Trinket 1 Cataclysmic Signet Brand Smolderon
Trinket 2 Elementium Pocket Anvil The Amalgamation Chamber
Trinket 3 Fyrakk’s Tainted Rageheart Fyrakk
Weapon Gholak, the Final Conflagration Fyrakk
Shield Verdant Matrix Beacon Nymue

Protection Paladin Best Gear from Mythic+

The gear listed below are the best options exclusively from Mythic+ for Protection Paladins in Season 4.

Slot Item Source
Head Heartfire Sentinel’s Forgehelm Tier Token / Creation Catalyst
Neck Bromach’s Disentombed Locket Uldaman
Shoulders Heartfire Sentinel’s Steelwings Tier Token / Creation Catalyst
Cloak Fireproof Drape Ruby Life Pools
Chest Cuirass of Irreparable Madness The Azure Vault
Wrist 1 Primal Molten Vambraces (shadowflame) Crafted
Wrist 2 Allied Wristguard of Companionship Crafted
Gloves Heartfire Sentinel’s Protectors Tier Token / Creation Catalyst
Belt Primal Molten Greatbelt (shadowflame) Crafted
Legs Heartfire Sentinel’s Faulds Tier Token / Creation Catalyst
Boots Pristine Magma Stompers Neltharus
Ring 1 Unstable Arcane Loop The Azure Vault
Ring 2 Eternal Sentry’s Ring Uldaman
Trinket 1 Irideus Fragment Halls of Infusion
Trinket 2 Treemouth’s Splinter Brackenhide Hollow
Trinket 3 Prophetic Stonescales Dawn of the Infinite
Weapon Forgestorm Neltharus
Shield Crystalized Bulwark The Azure Vault

Protection Paladin Best Gear from Raiding

The gear listed below are the best options you can acquire exclusively from Season 4 Awakened raids for Protection Paladins.

Slot Item Source
Head Heartfire Sentinel’s Forgehelm Tier Token / Creation Catalyst
Neck Kagni’s Scorching Talisman Assault of the Zaqali
Shoulders Heartfire Sentinel’s Steelwings Tier Token / Creation Catalyst
Cloak Voice of the Silent Star Sarkareth
Chest Dathea’s Cyclonic Cage Dathea, Ascended
Wrist 1 Primal Molten Vambraces (shadowflame) Crafted
Wrist 2 Allied Wristguard of Companionship Crafted
Gloves Heartfire Sentinel’s Protectors Tier Token / Creation Catalyst
Belt Unstable Frostfire Belt Crafted
Legs Heartfire Sentinel’s Faulds Tier Token / Creation Catalyst
Boots Spittle-Resistant Sollerets Magmorax
Ring 1 Seal of Diurna’s Chosen Eranog
Ring 2 Seal of Fillial Duty Broodkeeper Diurna
Trinket 1 Cataclysmic Signet Brand Smolderon
Trinket 2 Elementium Pocket Anvil The Amalgamation Chamber
Trinket 3 Fyrakk’s Tainted Rageheart Fyrakk
Weapon Gholak, the Final Conflagration Fyrakk
Shield Verdant Matrix Beacon Nymue


Cataclysmic Signet Brand - S TIER

This trinket is your BIS. It builds in strength the longer you keep yourself in combat, stacking up to a total of 15 stacks, it applies a damage over time burn that scales exceptionally well. In Mythic plus you’ll need to formulate different ways to maintain this buff and keep yourself in combat as much as possible to fully optimize this trinket, whereas in raid it’s a no-brainer that takes roughly 2-3 minutes to reach full stacks.

Augury of the Primal Flame - S TIER

As the trinket comes with critical strikes as opposed to main stat, it creates a small feedback loop within itself since its proc is heavily weighted around your own crit. The trinket proc itself does a large amount of damage and is worth using in every situation, both single target and cleave, albeit not as strong as Signet Brand.

Elementium Pocket Anvil - S TIER

This trinket ramps in it’s damage, getting better the longer you manage to remain in combat and maintain the stacking buff after each use. The trinket stacks to 5 and once you leave combat begins a 15 second drop-off.

Manic Grieftorch - S TIER

This is a very strong, pure damage trinket. It shines on single target or priority target damage which makes it a must have! However, be careful when using it as you can’t block, dodge or parry during it’s channel.

All-Totem of the Master - S TIER

This trinket is exceptional, with four different effects that can trigger. It gets better the more you parry, meaning it scales with target count, making it very good in Mythic Plus.

Fyrakk's Tainted Rageheart - A TIER

This trinket is both good defensively and offensively. You get a large absorb shield on as 1:30 cooldown, alongside a sizable damage proc every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. It’ll be more valuable in Mythic+ but the damage it provides on damage amplification bosses such as Gnarlroot and Smolderon isn’t something to be overlooked, as well as the safety net of the absorb it’s definitely notable.

Prophetic Stonescales - A TIER

A cheat death trinket that restores a large portion of your health as well as providing a huge haste buff and 20% damage reduction. The effect can only occur once every 8 minutes. This trinket is a must have for progression raiding or high Mythic+!

Beacon to the Beyond - A TIER

This trinket is from Aberrus the Shadowed Crucible. It does a large amount of damage after a short channel, split between all nearby enemies, increased for each enemy struck (up to 5). It provides mastery as a base stat, which is great for Paladin defensively.

Storm-Eater’s Boon - A TIER

This is a purely damage trinket, that roots you during its use but provides a sizable amount of damage, particularly on multi-target scenarios. You can negate the downside of this trinket through clever timing or final stand.

Branch of the Tormented Ancient - B TIER

A drop from the first boss of the raid: Gnarlroot. This trinket deals a large amount of burst damage on a 2:30 cooldown. It debuffs you with a minor slow while you attempt to proc its effect, but it’s not bad and you can even immune the nuisance with things like freedom. It’s definitely worth having if you can get your hands on it and with its damage increasing up to 5 targets, it’s even good in Mythic+ as well as single target.

Whispering Incarnate Icon - B TIER

A pure stat trinket where most of the benefit is provided in a group setting where there are other wielders of this trinket. For tanks, you are provided with and provide Versatility, which isn’t particularly notable on its own. For the general playerbase this trinket won’t be worth it over other options, however, in a more organized setting, this trinket will shine very bright.

Pip’s Emerald Friendship Badge - B TIER

A big stat stick. Doesn’t synergise particularly well with Protection Paladin but if you manage to get it to trigger during wings you’ll output a large amount of solid damage. Every 12 seconds you have a chance to trigger the trinket, providing a massive amount of secondary stats before diminishing over 12 seconds, giving you a chance to proc it again. The chance isn’t great, but it’s not an awful option.

Dragon Games Equipment - B TIER

The damage output of this trinket is actually pretty good, although to proc it you have to run into orbs that can be both hard to see, and require you to adjust your positioning to min/max it. It’s likely using this is going to be more of a headache than just picking another option, but it’s definitely not awful.

Decoration of Flame - B TIER

This trinket has always been an odd one. The absorb shield doesn’t work particularly great, with it just refreshing the value instead of adding to it upon its second part. The damage can be decent but there are much better options.

Irideus Fragment - C TIER

This trinket isn’t great for Protection Paladin. It’s a 3 minute cooldown so it’s unlikely it’ll line up with wings the majority of the time and the strength will decay very quickly. A nice part about the trinket is that it’s passive Mastery, which gives us a nice defensive boost.

Algeth’ar Puzzle Box - C TIER

Similarly to Irdeus Fragment, it’s a 3 minute cooldown so it won’t line up with wings the majority of the time, losing value of it’s on-use.

Idol of Trampling Hooves - C TIER

It’s a random proc trinket that provides speed and damage. It adds no defensive value and the damage effect is quite low.

Mutated Magmammoth Scale - C TIER

As a pure damage trinket, it’s not great. It’s a random proc chance to do fairly low AoE damage.

Blazebinder’s Hoof - C TIER

This trinket is likely the best of the C tier options. The passive haste is very nice but the strength proc rate is too low as of current tuning so you don’t ever really achieve max stacks.

Granyth’s Enduring Scale - C TIER

After its rework, it’s a much better tank trinket than its former self. However, as it’s a purely defensive option, and much weaker than its other counterparts, it’s not something I’d recommend.

Gift of Ursine Vengeance - C TIER

This trinket isn’t great. It was a powerhouse of an option before the most recent round of nerfs, seeing its potential drop massively. It’s still an okay option if you have nothing else. It’s a stat stick that procs from any damage event every 3 seconds.

Key items/Crafted gear

Gholak, the Final Conflagration: A drop from Fyrakk, this weapon has massive value, providing a large damage proc. There is the downside of it dealing damage back to you, but the amount is negligible.

Best Embellishments for Protection Paladin