There are a few important things you’ll need to track as a Protection Paladin, and as long as your UI displays them in a way you understand, then it doesn’t really matter how it looks. To start you need to know the duration of you main forms of mitigation, Shield of the Righteous and Consecrate, as these are the most important things to be aware of when it comes to survivability.
Past mitigation, you’ll also want to have a clear display of your holy power, as ensuring you never cap and waste this resource is important for both your damage and uptime on Shield of the Righteous. From there it can be useful to track certain buffs or procs, for example Shining Light and Divine Purpose to let you know when you have some free Holy Power spenders to use.
Outside of that there’s a couple hero spec specific things you can track. For Lightsmith Sacred Weapon is important so that you can get full value out of the buff without wasting duration, and Divine Guidance stacks can also be useful to maximize the damage output of that talent node. For Templar it can be beneficial to track your Shake the Heavens buff duration as well as your stacks of Light’s Deliverance in order to help you make rotational decisions.
Note - you should place a @cursor Modifier into your macro whenever you want an ability to be placed at your cursor location as soon as you press the keybind, makes the gameplay feel smoother. Additionally, you can also do this for @mouseover an example being the macro below.
Blessing of Protection Mouseover Macro
#showtooltip Blessing of Protection
/cast [@mouseover, help, exists][@player] Blessing of Protection
Blessing of Freedom Mouseover Macro
#showtooltip Blessing of Freedom
/cast [@mouseover, help, exists][@player] Blessing of Freedom
Blessing of Sacrifice Mouseover Macro
#showtooltip Blessing of Sacrifice
/cast [@mouseover, help, exists] Blessing of Sacrifice
Blessing of Spellwarding Mouseover Macro
#showtooltip Blessing of Spellwarding
/cast [@mouseover, help, exists][@player] Blessing of Spellwarding
Lay on Hands Mouseover Macro
#showtooltip Lay on Hands
/cast [@mouseover, help, exists][@player] Lay on Hands
Word of Glory Mouseover Macro
#showtooltip Word of Glory
/cast [@mouseover, help, exists][@player] Word of Glory
Cleanse Toxins Mouseover Macro
#showtooltip Cleanse Toxins
/cast [@mouseover, help, exists][@player] Cleanse Toxins
Divine shield macro which will both cast it and cancel it
#showtooltip Divine Shield
/cast Divine Shield
/cancelaura Divine Shield
/cancelaura Blessing of Protection
Just a note, this macro will also cancel Blessing of Protection as you will have Forbearance so it will not cast Divine Shield during this time.
Mouseover Redemption
This macro will allow you to resurrect an ally on mouseover.
#showtooltip Redemption
/cast [@mouseover, help] Redemption;
Mouseover Intercession
This macro will allow you to cast your battle res on mouseover.
#showtooltip Intercession
/cast [@mouseover, help] Intercession;
Cancelaura Blessing of Protection/Divine Shield
#showtooltip Blessing of Protection
/cancelaura Blessing of Protection
/cancelaura Divine Shield
Focus Avenger’s Shield
This is a very important macro to be able to solo interrupt an important caster in the pack.
#showtooltip Avenger's Shield
/cast [@focus] Avenger's Shield;