Sidestreet Sluice Delve Guide

Sidestreet Sluice Delve Guide

Written by Roguery - 1st March 2025

Sidestreet Sluice is a Delve introduced with patch 11.1, located in the city of Undermine, a little west of the Incontinental Hotel.

Sidestreet Sluice Location MapSidestreet Sluice Location Map
/way Undermine 35.24 51.66

There are 3 versions of the Siderstreet Sluice Delve:

  1. All That Glitters
  2. Mr.Delver
  3. Teleporter Tantrums

Sidestreet Sluice Delve Overview

This section will cover things that are relevant to all versions of the delve.

Delve Mechanic

While there is no specific mechanic present in Siderstreet Sluice, there are large amounts of green slime. Swimming in these green slime pools will deal 8% of your maximum health per second.

Delve Mobs

These are the mobs that we felt were worth highlighting in Sidestree Sluice. They are a new set of Goblin mobs not seen in delves before.

Punchy Thug is a melee mob that has a short 3 yard channeled frontal called Flurry of Punches.

Drill Sergeant is a large vehicle that will cast Drill Quake, once the cast finishes it deal heavy damage to anyone inside the circle.

Aerial Support Bot is a flying vehicle it casts shoot, but stays in melee range. It will also cast Rocket barrage which summons several circles that you need to move out of.

Masked Freelancer is a caster that has two abilities you can interrupt, Black Blood Bolt which deals moderate initial damage and some damage over time. The second ability is Bathe in Blood which buffs a mobs damage by 50%.

Delve Boss

The boss for this delve changes depending on the variant so see individual sections for each delve.

All That Glitters

In the All That Glitters version of Sidestreet Sluice you need to deal with some Enchanted Gold. The first objective is to click on the 5 Enchanted Gold piles around the delve. Once you have done this you then need to kill 7 Gold Shamans. The Gold Shamans cast Molotov Cocktail which will spawn circles on the ground that you need to avoid.

Once done the boss Gold Elemental will spawn it has the following abilities: Coming Soon! (was bugged on PTR)

Teleporter Tantrums

In the Teleporter Tantrums version of Siderstreet Sluice you will need to disrupt the Darkfuse operation, to do this you simply kill enemies inside the delve to fill the progress bar. The additional objective is to find the Remote Teleporter, when found you will be able to use it as an extra action button to teleport back to where you found it. Throughout this delve you can use the teleporters to reach different platforms.

Once you have filled the progress bar the boss Geargrave will spawn he has the following abilities:

  • Carnage Cannon causes Geargrave to fire missiles in the air which deal damage and absorb healing to players caught in the impact areas. They also leave behind pools of Black Blood that deal ticking damage.
  • Juice it up causes Geargrave to gain a shield and 30% increased damage while the shield persists.


In the Mr. DELVER version of Sidestreet Sluice you need to use a robot Mr.DELVER to destroy Electricity Generators. To Activate Mr.DELVER you just need to click on the control consoles throughout the delve. The Electricity Generators will block your path and prevent you from freeing the 7 Kidnapped Mechanics.

The Mr.DELVER vehicle has several abilities:

  1. Classic Delving Phrase: Pressing this causes the robot to say something it has no use other than flavour.
  2. Electro-Magnetic Pulse: Pressing this causes a small shockwave around the robot which will destroy any nearby Electricity Generators.
  3. Flashbang: Is a targeted circle that will cause nearby enemies to be disoriented for 10 seconds and increase their damage taken.
  4. Manual Shutdown: Exits the vehicle.

Once you have rescued the 7 Kidnapped Mechanics Vindle Snapcrank spawns he has a few abilities:

  1. Clanker Bomb summons a Remote Tickock which casts Seek and Destroy causing them to fixate on a player and will explode when within 5 yards of that player
  2. Shock Maintenance revives all dead Remote Ticktocks.
  3. Sprocket Smash deals physical damage and knocks back his main target.

Sidestreet Sluice Discoveries

There are 4 Sturdy Chests located in Sidestreet Sluice for the Sidestreet Sluice Discoveries achievement. We have included a map and list of coordinates to help you locate them.

Sidestreet Sluice Discoveries Location map LowerSidestreet Sluice Discoveries Location map upper

This Sturdy Chest is located on the bottom floor on a platform in the slime.

/way 33.45 73.11

This Sturdy Chest is located on a ledge just above the spawn point of the boss.

/way 77.45 39.46

This Sturdy Chest is located to the side of the boss room behind a large tank.

/way 61.80 65.90

The final Sturdy Chest is located in the treasure room of the Delve.

/way 74.55 74.00
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