Excavation Site 9 Delve Guide

Excavation Site 9 Delve Guide

Written by Roguery - 2nd March 2025

Excavation Site 9 is a Delve introduced with patch 11.1, located in the Southeast corner of the Ringing Deeps.

Excavation Site 9 Location MapExcavation Site Location Image
/way Ringing Deeps 76.63 97.71

There are 3 versions of the Excavation Site 9 Delve:

  1. Lost Excavators
  2. Black Blood Profits
  3. Rowdy Rifts

Excavation Site 9 Delve Overview

This section will cover things that are relevant to all versions of the delve.

Delve Mechanic

The delve mechanic for Excavation Site 9 is Strange Creatures this causes additional monsters to spawn because of the Black Blood.

Delve Mobs

These are the mobs that we felt were worth highlighting in Excavation Site 9. They are a new set of Void mobs not seen in delves before.

Hideous Amalgamation are large elite abominations; they have 2 abilities Concussive Smash which deals AoE damage to everyone and a 70% slow for 10 seconds. Their 2nd Ability is Shadow Stomp which leaves a purple swirlie on the ground that you need to avoid.

Nightmare Crawler is a melee mob that casts Vicious Bite. It inflicts a small amount of shadow damage and leaves a shadow DoT debuff.

Congealed Cot is small blob that usually come in groups they explode in a 4 yard AoE when they die dealing heavy shadow damage

Silent Slitherer are snake like void creatures they have 2 abilities, the first is Shadow Blast this can and should be interrupted. Their 2nd ability is Vampiric Bite which deals Shadow damage and heals them for 100% of the amount dealt.

Delve Boss

The boss for this delve changes depending on the variant so see individual sections for each delve.

Lost Excavators

In the Lost Excavators version of Excavation Site 9, you need to rescue the excavators. This begins with waking up Assessor McGravy. Once you have done this you need to fill the progress bar and rescue the goblins located around the delve. You just need to kill the mobs nearby to rescue them.

Once this is done the boss Xel’anegth the Many will spawn. Xel’anegth is surrounded by 3 mini bosses by the same name. The main body in the center has one ability: Shadow Barrage. This spawns purple swirls on the ground that you need to side step.

The other 3 Mini bosses each have their own ability. Every time one is defeated the main body takes 100% increased damage.

  • The eyeball mini boss casts Mind Rend which deals heavy shadow damage and reduces movement speed by 30%.
  • The Tentacle mini boss casts a thin frontal cone, Tentacle Slam, additionally this tentacle will always move to melee.
  • The mouth mini boss deals physical damage from a distance.

We recommend killing the eyeball mini boss first as the slow from mind rend can make avoiding shadow barrage much more difficult.

Black Blood Profits

In the Black Blood profits version of Excavation Site 9 the you will be assisting Craggle Fritzbrains collect crates of profitable sludge, after speaking to Craggle Fritzbrains, you will need to place Extractors at one of the locations marked with an X on your map. You will need to defend these extractors, once done Crates of Profitable Sludge. Once you have filled the progress bar, regroup with Craggle Frizbrains who gets corrupted and is the boss of the Delve, he has 3 abilities:

  • Goblin Ingenuity is a cast that causes the boss to deal additional damage and increase his damage by 50%.
  • Make It Rain! Is a short cast that will cause swirls to fall on the ground players caught in the swirls take heavy shadow damage.
  • Shoot a short cast that deals physical damage to nearby players.

Rowdy Rifts

The Rowdy Rifts version of Excavation Site 9 starts with a strange portal, you click on this and will get teleported to a void dimension of the delve. In the void dimension you need to open several dark tears and kill monsters. Once this is done you need to find the Remote Teleporter, once done the boss Harbinger Ul’thul will spawn he has several abilities:

  • Unanswered Call after a long cast Harbinger Ul’thu increases his damage by 500% but reduces his movement speed by 60%. Make sure to kite the boss.
  • Hopeless Curse is a short interruptible curse that reduces attack speed, cast speed and movement speed. It also deals a small amount of damage over time.

Excavation Site 9 Discoveries

There are 4 Sturdy Chests located in Excavation Site 9. We have included a map and list of coordinates to help you locate them.

Excavation Site 9 Discoveries location map

The first Sturdy Chest is located on a platform near a statue's head.

/way 73.01 40.11

The second Sturdy Chest is located near a big root just before the check point.

/way 56.81 47.12

The third Sturdy Chest is located near the side of the large pond.

/way 33.50 58.11

The final Sturdy Chest is located in between two tents near the end of delve.

/way 50.12 61.21
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