Zekvir’s Lair is a unique delve containing only a single boss, Zekvir.
This delve is also unique in only having two difficulties “?” and “??”. The recommended item level for ? is 610 and will introduce you to the basics of the fight. The ?? difficulty has no recommended item level and is extremely difficult; expect to die A LOT as you progress this fight!
Like other delves, Zekvir’s Lair can be done either solo or as a group.
Zekvir’s Lair Location
Zekvir’s Lair is located in the North West of the City of Threads in Azj-Kahet.

/way City of Threads 6.39 33.82
Zekvir’s Mechanics
You may have already met Zekvir as he can randomly appear in any delve, at tier 8 or higher. If you have met him already you will have experienced his ? abilities. We break down all of Zekvir’s mechanics below, in both ? and ?? difficulty, and how best to deal with them. As Zekvir is using the same mechanics in both difficulties, we have only added the changes to the ?? section, so if you are dealing with ?? make sure you read both the ? and the ?? section.
Zekvir’s Lair “?” Difficulty Abilities
This is the easier difficulty. That being said, Zekvir is a very difficult boss and does very high melee damage. He also has a large amount of abilities:
- Claw Smash - A large frontal cone which deals heavy physical damage targeted at the closest unit to the boss. This can be sidestepped.
- Angler’s Web - A line attack locked onto a person, which after a short cast will fire out a hook dealing heavy Nature damage and pulling the person in. This can be sidestepped.
- Call Web Terror - Zek’vir summons an attackable cocoon near the edge of the room, which will start a 15 second cast. At the end of its cast it will summon a Web Terror which has double the max-HP of the Cocoon. The Web Terror will melee you and cast Web Blast, which hits all friendly units (Brann included) for heavy damage and stuns them for 5 seconds.
- Enfeebling Spittle - Is an interruptible cast which applies a strong damage overtime and slows all friendly units.
- Horrendous Roar - Is a circle which will deal heavy shadow damage around the boss and fear you for 5 seconds, if you are caught by it.
Zekvir’s Lair “??” Difficulty Abilities
This version of the fight becomes more intricate, with one mistake resulting in a wipe, so positioning is very important. Zekvir retains all of his abilities from “?” difficulty, but they either happen a lot faster or deal significantly more damage. He also gains the following abilities:
- Regenerating Carapace - An interruptible cast which will heal Zekvir for 10% of his maximum health.
- Black Blood - At 60 % health Zekvir will run to the center of the room and will cast Black Blood for 10 seconds. During the cast he will have 99% damage reduction. After the cast finishes Zekvir will gain a new ability and upgrade two previous abilities.
- Unending Spikes (triggered by Black Blood) - Zekvir creates small void portals, which will fire spikes which chase the player.
- Blood-Infused Carapace (triggered by Black Blood) - Is an upgraded version of Regenerating Carapace, healing for 25% of maximum health instead of 10%.
- Infinite Horror (triggered by Black Blood) - Is an upgraded version of Horrendous Roar, where the fear is now permanent. This is a problem if Brann is hit.
Zekvir’s Lair Strategy
Based on our experience with Zekvir, we recommend doing the following.
- Try to stay closer to the boss than Brann, unless you like letting Brann tank. This means you can position the Claw Smash and Angler’s Web to not cause issues with other mechanics.
- Focus the Web Terror Cocoon as soon as possible. This will make Brann switch to it and his damage is very important.
- Save movement skills for Horrendous Roar.
- Avoid tanking Zekvir close to the edge of the room as this can cause issues with dodging mechanics.
- Make sure you use defensives to keep your HP high.
Recommended Brann Build
We recommend setting Brann as Damage. Then use the Porcelain Arrowhead Idol Combat Curio and either the Amorphous Relic or Relic Sentience Utility Curio. It should give a decent amount of damage and Brann’s damage is very important in this encounter.
Zekvir’s Lair Delve Rewards
Defeating Zekvir in either difficulty will let you loot the chests, which always contains Zekvir’s Raptorial Spine cloak transmog. You will also get the Toxic Victory Toy from the Zekvir, Hand of the Harbinger quest, which puts spider webs on your shoulder pads.
By killing Zekvir in the “??” difficulty you will gain the Hunting the Hunter achievement and the Ascension Breaker Title. If you manage to do this solo you will get the Let Me Solo Him achievement, which unlocks the Void Transformation for the Delver’s Dirigible mount.
We hope this guide helped you better understand the Zekvir encounter and earn some The War Within themed delve transmog and a void appearance for your Delve mount.