Windwalker Monk Interface, Macros and WeakAuras Guide

Patch 11.0.7 Last Updated: 20th Dec, 2024
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J-Funk Windwalker Monk UI

J-Funk Windwalker Monk UI

Always design your UI to be the most comfortable to you; that’s the most important part. Some people play with the base WoW UI because it is what is comfortable for them. Others track every cooldown in the middle of the screen with action bars or weakauras. It is all personal preference.

Recommended Addons:

  • Weak Auras 2: An addon that allows you to track buffs/debuffs and cooldowns of abilities, and much more.
  • Plater: Highly customizable nameplate addon that makes it easier to keep track of debuffs. This can be especially important for Windwalker to track Mark of the Crane more easily. I’ve created a Plater script that helps tremendously:
  • Details!: The default damage meter that not only allows you to see how much damage you are doing but to analyze damage/healing/death breakdowns in real time.


Don’t Clip Things

With the change to Spinning Crane Kick to become a “real” channel, it is invaluable to incorporate macros that prevent you from interrupting that channel due to force of habit. This macro will prevent you from pressing this button while channeling Fists of Fury and Spinning Crane Kick.

#showtooltip Tiger Palm
/stopmacro [channeling:Fists of Fury]
/stopmacro [channeling:Spinning Crane Kick]
/cast Tiger Palm

In this case, you would replace Tiger Palm with whatever ability you want to prevent clipping. I’d suggest your rotational buttons (Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick, and Rising Sun Kick).

Focus Macro

Windwalker has a number of spells you may want to target using the /Focus targetting option. You can replace the sample text in the macro below with spells such as Spear Hand Strike, Paralysis, or Detox depending on your preference:

/cast [@focus,exists] Sample Text


Two very good packs for Windwalker Monk, containing several different auras that change depending on your character's setup.

Some additional WeakAuras that can help your gameplay:

If you want to use my UI, I have it and other Weakauras I’ve made on my wago page: