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Race to World First: Battle of Dazar'alor

Mythic Raid Progress Coverage
World Leaderboard Powered By
  • 1 Method (eu)
  • 2 Limit (na)
  • 3 Alpha (asia)
  • 4 Pieces (eu)
  • 5 FatSharkYes (eu)
  • 6 Exorsus (eu)
  • 7 AFK R (asia)
  • 8 NollTvåTre (eu)
  • 9 Skyline (asia)
  • 10 Jitianhong (asia)

Champion of the Light

# world us/oc eu asia
1 Big Dumb Guild Big Dumb Guild Depthcore AFK R
2 Limit Limit TG Gaming Shadow Souls
3 Vision Vision Pieces Ding Xin
4 Consequence Consequence Method Alpha
5 Wildcard Gaming Wildcard Gaming Exorsus Skyline


# world us/oc eu asia
1 Wildcard Gaming Wildcard Gaming Pieces AFK R
2 Big Dumb Guild Big Dumb Guild Method Shadow Souls
3 Limit Limit Exorsus Alpha
4 Blood Legion Blood Legion TG Gaming Skyline
5 Vision Vison Memento Ding Xin

Jadefire Masters

# world us/oc eu asia
1 Big Dumb Guild Big Dumb Guild Method AFK R
2 Limit Limit Pieces Alpha
3 Wildcard Gaming Wildcard Gaming Exorsus Skyline
4 Consequence Consequence TG Gaming Jitianhong
5 Midwinter Midwinter Depthcore Ding Xin


# world us/oc eu asia
1 Limit Limit Method Alpha
2 Wildcard Gaming Wildcard Gaming Pieces AFK R
3 Big Dumb Guild Big Dumb Guild Exorsus JiTianHong
4 Blood Legion Blood Legion Clique Skyline
5 Vision Vision Memento Ding Xin

Conclave of the Chosen

# world us/oc eu asia
1 Limit Limit Method Alpha
2 Wildcard Gaming Wildcard Gaming Pieces JiTianHong
3 Big Dumb Guild Big Dumb Guild Exorsus Skyline
4 Vision Vision Memento AFK R
5 Midwinter Midwinter TG Gaming Ding Xin

King Rastakhan

# world us/oc eu asia
1 Limit Limit Method Alpha
2 Wildcard Gaming Wildcard Gaming Pieces Skyline
3 Big Dumb Guild Big Dumb Guild Memento JiTianHong
4 Method Vision Exorsus AFK R
5 Pieces Instant Dollars Aversion Y Soul

High Tinker Mekkatorque

# world us/oc eu asia
1 Limit Limit Pieces Alpha
2 Pieces Wildcard Gaming Method Jitianhong
3 Method Big Dumb Guild Exorsus AFK R
4 Alpha Instant Dollars Prestige Gaming Skyline
5 Exorsus Vodkaz TG Gaming Y Soul

Stormwall Blockade

# world us/oc eu asia
1 Limit Limit Method Alpha
2 Method Wildcard Gaming Pieces AFK R
3 Pieces Instant Dollars Exorsus Jitianhong
4 Exorsus Club Camel Memento Skyline
5 Alpha Honestly NollTvåTre 影魂

Lady Jaina Proudmoore

# world us/oc eu asia
1 Method Limit Method Alpha
2 Limit Honestly Pieces AFK R
3 Alpha Instant Dollars FatSharkYes Skyline
4 Pieces Club Camel Exorsus Jitianhong
5 FatSharkYes Vision NollTvåTre Chao Jie
Posted by starym on Feb 21, 2019 at 02:24 am (GMT)
minor asia

One final update as we get some info from the Chinese servers, it seems Chao Jie grabbed the World 17th ahead of Big Dumb Guild and Ding Xin got the one after and landed in 19th place, with Impact moving to No. 20.

Posted by starym on Feb 17, 2019 at 06:15 am (GMT)
minor na

The US/OC third has arrived and it's Big Dumb Guild claiming the World 17th on Jaina!

Posted by starym on Feb 15, 2019 at 10:22 am (GMT)
minor na

We have two more kills, bringing the total guilds done with the race to 16!

From Scratch take the EU 10th, World 15th while Honestly take the US/OC 2nd, World 16th.

Posted by starym on Feb 13, 2019 at 21:15 pm (GMT)

A world 14th has arrived! Memento claim the spot, get to 9/9 and EU 9th!

Posted by starym on Feb 12, 2019 at 21:05 pm (GMT)
minor eu

We have a few more kills today, as P G and ScrubBusters down Jaina to claim the World 12th and 13th, EU 7th and 8th! P G are also the first Alliance guild to finish up the raid, so congrats!

Posted by Warriorsarri on Feb 11, 2019 at 10:41 am (GMT)
minor asia

Skyline has proven themselves to be the second strongest guild out of China, getting Jaina down World 9th, Asia 3rd.

Posted by Warriorsarri on Feb 10, 2019 at 20:48 pm (GMT)
minor eu

We have ourselves a top5 for the EU region, with NollTvåTre claiming it, also nabbing World #8 as well!
This means that for the first time in a very long time, a full Swedish guild have finished ahead of their rivals from Finland.

Posted by Warriorsarri on Feb 9, 2019 at 18:20 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Exorsus have become the next guild to prove themselves against Jaina today, as they get themselves rank 6 in the world, and 4 in Europe.

Posted by starym on Feb 8, 2019 at 20:56 pm (GMT)

There were some issues with Method's video, so we'll have to wait a bit more to see it.

Posted by starym on Feb 8, 2019 at 18:32 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Method GM Sco had a lot to say about both the race and streaming event, in a long series of tweets, so we'll just compile them all here:

And we'll just paste the rest in one place below:

Despite everything I was still feeling the pressure and stress of living up to the hype of the Uldir event (which was incredible), as it was just after BFA release, it was the first time something like this had ever been done and a few other reasons like game popularity. 2/7
However, looking quickly at the numbers I am blown away, we managed to surpass the Uldir event in minutes watched, engaging 6 million unique devices (unique viewers) across the method team channels and in general receiving so much positivity from the community! 3/7
so happy right now and want to thank everyone who made it possible, everyone who tuned in and supported. Together I would like to think we have all made a positive mark on the WoW competitive raiding scene once again and in general done a great thing for the game itself. 4/7
The list of who to thank for making this all possible is massive and if you are reading this you know who you are! But really I want to thank the community who share the passion/love/interest for the competitive raid race and who have really got behind the event in a big way. 5/7
The raid race has always been a community initiative and without your support none of this would be possible. Not only relating to now but over entire 14 years of wow raiding, its a dream to be able to put on an event like this and I wouldn’t have believed it a few years ago. 6/7
Thanks on behalf of everyone in method I’m excited for what we can do in the future. 7/7

Posted by starym on Feb 7, 2019 at 07:06 am (GMT)
minor eu

Here we have Method's 2nd kill as well, from Sco's PoV:

Posted by starym on Feb 6, 2019 at 19:02 pm (GMT)
minor eu

There has been a World 2nd kill, but we still don't have a World 2nd guild! Method have re-cleared after their reset and downed Jaina once again.

Posted by starym on Feb 6, 2019 at 06:00 am (GMT)

Limit have been at Jaina since around 1:40AM today, but we still haven't seen a kill. With the EU reset coming up, is there a possibility someone else might grab that World 2nd?

Posted by starym on Feb 5, 2019 at 16:49 pm (GMT)
minor na

Limit also congratulated Method on the win, with a bit of an explanation on their progress:

Posted by starym on Feb 5, 2019 at 05:25 am (GMT)
minor asia

We have another Asia Stormwall Blockade kill, with 影 魂  claiming the region 5th, World 33rd!

Posted by starym on Feb 5, 2019 at 01:42 am (GMT)

Here's a great image by @KateMakesStuff, featuring a (partially incorrect) list of the top guilds on Jaina! It was a just a quick meme-sketch featuring guilds she remembered off the top of her head but it's still a great concept nonetheless!

Posted by starym on Feb 5, 2019 at 01:03 am (GMT)

Here comes official confirmation on the reverted hotfix on Jaina and, more importantly, the devs say that it was unintended which means it will not be showing back up on the reset!

Posted by starym on Feb 5, 2019 at 01:01 am (GMT)

This raid's Method stream was a big success once more:

Posted by starym on Feb 4, 2019 at 21:57 pm (GMT)
minor eu

We have another best try by a big amount! Jaina is down to 11.9% and we have that pull clip right here. 289 pulls so far, and quite a few left to go!

Posted by starym on Feb 4, 2019 at 06:14 am (GMT)
minor eu

And here comes yet another best try of the day by Method, as they get ever closer to that 5% threshold. Only 11.8% to go. That is, of course, if there's no secret phase or Mythic Jaina holds on until 1% or something similar:

Posted by starym on Feb 4, 2019 at 04:42 am (GMT)
minor na

And we have another US top 5 as Club Camel claim the No.4 spot as well as the World 26th on Stormwall Blockade.

Posted by starym on Feb 4, 2019 at 03:15 am (GMT)
minor na

It's been a while, but we finally have some higher ranked action! Instant Dollars have taken Big Dumb Guilds No.3 US/OC spot and downed Stormwall Blockade World 25th! Since our last check in on the 8/9 crowd there's  been a lot of kills, so let's just take a look at everyone that's started progressing on Jaina today, starting with no.15: Aversion, ScrubBusters, Future, Exposed, From Scratch, Impact, Hope n Despair, Halcyon, Snafu, Wlkthrough and now Instant Dollars.

Posted by starym on Feb 4, 2019 at 00:01 am (GMT)
minor eu

Method are going at it late into the EU night, but they're taking it somewhat easy as they're running split Heroic for that extra edge. The best try so far has been 16.8%, which is only 11.8% off of a kill (or at least it is unless the encounter has some more surprises to offer).

Posted by Warriorsarri on Feb 3, 2019 at 14:14 pm (GMT)

We now have 20 guilds progressing on Jaina! Will we have one of the expected top dogs take her down World First, or will we get a surprise winner? Jaina have truly proven herself to be the true final test for Battle of Dazar'alor!

Posted by starym on Feb 3, 2019 at 09:31 am (GMT)
minor eu

And here comes the official Stormwall Blockade World 2nd multi-PoV video from Method:

Posted by starym on Feb 3, 2019 at 06:21 am (GMT)
minor eu

Let's start of the day right, as we take a look at Method's so far most successful pull, along with commentary from Cayna (as it's a replay from later in the show):

Posted by starym on Feb 2, 2019 at 23:46 pm (GMT)
minor na

Limit have recently uploaded some of their World First videos so let's take a look at Conclave and King Rastakhan! And remember, you can check out all released kill videos over on our videos progress page above!

Posted by starym on Feb 2, 2019 at 22:54 pm (GMT)
minor eu

We have a clip of one of Method's best tries for today (and overall), and they eventually finished the day with a 23.1% attempt.

Posted by Warriorsarri on Feb 2, 2019 at 16:07 pm (GMT)
minor eu

TG Gaming downs the Blockade as the 14th guild in the world.

Posted by Warriorsarri on Feb 2, 2019 at 15:21 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Prestige Gaming is the second guild to down the Stormwall Blockade, putting them at 8/9, World #13, but perhaps more important, World First Alliance.

Posted by Warriorsarri on Feb 2, 2019 at 14:25 pm (GMT)
minor eu

And now they're 12. FatSharkYes got Stormwall Blockade down a grand total of 7 minutes after the previous kill, and now also sit at 8/9.

Posted by Warriorsarri on Feb 2, 2019 at 14:20 pm (GMT)
minor eu

The Swedes of NollTvåTre have gone ahead and join the top squad at 8/9, getting down Stormwall Blockade World #11!

Posted by Warriorsarri on Feb 2, 2019 at 13:24 pm (GMT)
minor asia

Jaina now have 10 guilds doing their best to get her down. Skyline got Stormwall Blockade down World 10th, Asia 4th, and they now sit at 8/9!

Posted by starym on Feb 2, 2019 at 08:00 am (GMT)
minor eu

The ice wall fell yesterday, but just barely and with everyone iceblocked/dead, so let's see if Method can get past it properly today!

Posted by starym on Feb 1, 2019 at 23:36 pm (GMT)
minor na

9 on 8/9! Wildcard Gaming take the US 2nd on Stormwall and head on to the boat party.

Posted by starym on Feb 1, 2019 at 23:05 pm (GMT)

Here come the Jaina fixes from today's hotfix notes. We don't know exactly when these went into effect, but it's safe to say it was some time after Limit started on her and possibly only today.

Lady Jaina Proudmoore

- Adjusted Ice Shard and Grasp of Frost so that Jaina will cast while moving and be easier to maneuver around the field.
- Fixed a bug where the Ice Shard debuff on Heroic and Mythic difficulties was not increasing in damage as stated in the tooltip.
- Fixed a bug where players were unintentionally gaining additional stacks of Chilling Touch on Mythic difficulty.

Posted by starym on Feb 1, 2019 at 21:01 pm (GMT)

We've also had a bunch more High Tinker Mekkatorque kills, with FatSharkYes, NollTvåTre, Future and Exposed claiming the World16th-20th!

Posted by Warriorsarri on Feb 1, 2019 at 15:39 pm (GMT)
minor asia

AFK R keeps going real strong. They downed Stormwall Blockade World 6th, Asian 2nd!

Posted by Warriorsarri on Feb 1, 2019 at 10:52 am (GMT)
minor eu

Now this is just getting absurd. High Tinker Mekkatorque must have done something wrong in his tinkering, as he's now died 4 times in less than 30 mins. Memento claims the latest kill putting them up at World 14th.

Posted by Warriorsarri on Feb 1, 2019 at 10:45 am (GMT)
minor eu

High Tinker Mekkatorque does not seem to have a good day. TG Gaming is the latest guild to kill him in a very short amount of time, and they now sit as EU #5 and World #13.

Posted by Warriorsarri on Feb 1, 2019 at 10:38 am (GMT)
minor asia

AFK R got themselves Asia #3, World #12 as they down High Tinker Mekkatorque.

Posted by Warriorsarri on Feb 1, 2019 at 10:24 am (GMT)
minor eu

Prestige Gaming have claimed the mantle of #1 Alliance guild in the world, downing High Tinker Mekkatorque, EU 4th, World 11.

Posted by starym on Feb 1, 2019 at 03:39 am (GMT)
minor na

Vodkaz follow suit and also move on to 7/9 with their US 5th, World 9th kill on High Tinker Mekkatorque!

Posted by starym on Feb 1, 2019 at 03:32 am (GMT)
minor na

Another Tinker kill, this time a US 4th, World 8th by Instant Dollars!

Posted by starym on Feb 1, 2019 at 02:37 am (GMT)
minor na

We have another High Tinker Mekkatorque kill, this time from the US, with Big Dumb Guild claiming the World 7th, US 3rd on the seventh boss. 4 guilds are now progressing on Stormwall Blockade, with the top 3 having moved on to Jaina.

Posted by starym on Feb 1, 2019 at 00:48 am (GMT)
minor eu

As Method have gone to sleep a while ago, they leave the day with their best 46.7% try on Jaina, and Pieces Stormwall kill took them 8 hours more than Limit's and 11 hours more than Method's. Obviously no one knows what Limit's status is but as usual there are wild claims going around with various percentages, some as low as sub 10%. The truth is that no matter what the exact % is, it's irrelevant, as a boss fight can go spectacularlyand consistently wrong even around the 3-5% mark, and still be impossible to kill.

Today was a pretty impressive showing by the Asia guilds, Alpha in particular, and now we'll see just how fast the can catch up as they face Stormwall Blockade themselves.

Posted by starym on Jan 31, 2019 at 22:21 pm (GMT)
minor na

Wildcard Gaming join the group on 7/9 and claim the World 6th, US/OC 2nd on the High Tinker!

Posted by Warriorsarri on Jan 31, 2019 at 12:09 pm (GMT)
minor na

We have ourselves a new World First, world first Alliance kill that is. Honestly have downed King Rastakhan, putting them up at 6/9 as US/OC #7, but Alliance #1.

Posted by Warriorsarri on Jan 31, 2019 at 08:54 am (GMT)
minor asia

The powerhouse of Korean raiding, AFK R keeps going strong, downing King Rastakhan as #4 in Asia.

Posted by starym on Jan 31, 2019 at 07:14 am (GMT)
minor asia

We have another Rastakhan kill over on the Chinese servers as Skyline catch up with their fellow guilds, and all three Chinese guilds that have downed the king claim spots 13-15 on the World rankings, despite their very late start. 

Posted by starym on Jan 31, 2019 at 06:45 am (GMT)
minor asia

Asia guilds have started progress, but we only have info for AFK R over on the Korea servers, and they're already up to 4/9, only managing to get World 34th on the boss due to their later server start.

Posted by starym on Jan 31, 2019 at 03:16 am (GMT)
minor na

After a bit of a dry spell we have a new kill! King Rastakhan falls once more as Vision claim the last spot in the top 10 on this particular boss, as well as the US/OC 4th.

Posted by starym on Jan 30, 2019 at 21:11 pm (GMT)
minor eu

We have some more King Rastakhan kills, as Aversion and Future claim the World 8th and 9th, EU 5th and 6th and are now on 6/9, just behind Exorsus who got the kill earlier.

Posted by starym on Jan 30, 2019 at 19:34 pm (GMT)
minor eu

We have more EU kills as Memento get the World 6th, Eu 3rd on King Rastakhan and join the 4-strong pack at 6/9.

Posted by starym on Jan 30, 2019 at 18:44 pm (GMT)
minor eu

We have another video, this time Method's Opulence kill from Sco's PoV!

Posted by Warriorsarri on Jan 30, 2019 at 17:56 pm (GMT)
minor eu

We've got two new kills on Conclave of the Chosen, with Clique and Future getting to 5/9, getting World #11 and #12 in the process.

Posted by Warriorsarri on Jan 30, 2019 at 16:20 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Conclave of the Chosen have now been slain 10 times, with TG Gaming being the latest to do so, putting them at 5/9.

Posted by Warriorsarri on Jan 30, 2019 at 15:42 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Memento have Chosen to kill off the Council, putting them up at 5/9, World 9th, Eu 4th.

Posted by Warriorsarri on Jan 30, 2019 at 14:32 pm (GMT)
minor eu

Exorsus have finally managed to get past what seems to be their first big wall, killing the Conclave of the Chosen, World #8, EU #3!

Posted by Warriorsarri on Jan 30, 2019 at 14:11 pm (GMT)

TG Gaming have started to catch back up, getting Opulence down as EU 6th, making them the 13th guild in the world to get to 4/9.

Posted by Warriorsarri on Jan 30, 2019 at 13:46 pm (GMT)
minor eu

The pride of Finland has come up to the top5 in EU, collecting their gold from Opulence, getting 4/9 EU 5th, World 12th.

Posted by Warriorsarri on Jan 30, 2019 at 12:40 pm (GMT)
minor eu

We've got a new guild in the top5 EU, with Clique getting EU 4th, World 11th on Opulence.

Posted by Warriorsarri on Jan 30, 2019 at 10:27 am (GMT)
minor eu

Exorsus have gotten over their fear of the gold pile, killing Opulence EU third, World 10th.

Posted by Warriorsarri on Jan 30, 2019 at 07:10 am (GMT)
minor eu

We now have three Eu guilds who have found a way to get past the big mean Monkey Grong, with Exorsus getting 2/9 EU 3rd!

Posted by starym on Jan 30, 2019 at 07:06 am (GMT)
minor eu

It seems Sco is going next level with the kill announcements, as Grong gets his own little video!

Posted by starym on Jan 30, 2019 at 05:57 am (GMT)
minor eu

Method are about to start streaming and raiding, so it's time to see if EU guilds can catch up to Limit!

Posted by starym on Jan 30, 2019 at 05:07 am (GMT)
minor na

Midwinter down Conclave of the Chosen World 5th and leapfrog Blood Legion as the two venerable guilds duke it out for a top 5 spot.

Posted by starym on Jan 30, 2019 at 02:50 am (GMT)
minor na

We're moving on from Opulence to the Conclave of the Chosen and it's Vision who grab the World 4th on he boss and move on up to 5/9, passing Blood Legion along the way.

Posted by starym on Jan 30, 2019 at 02:41 am (GMT)
minor na

More wealth has been distributed as Opulence goes down again, this time to Midwinter, who join the 4/9 club!

Posted by starym on Jan 30, 2019 at 01:53 am (GMT)
minor na

More opulence kills and mockery of my little list, as Vision move on to the Conclave of the chosen and grab the 5th kill on the treasure elemental and are now on 4/9.

Posted by starym on Jan 30, 2019 at 01:16 am (GMT)
minor na

As if to nullify my little roundup below, Blood Legion went ahead and moved up, downing Opulence World 4th and heading to 4/9, making my entire list utterly pointless. I'm crying now.

Posted by starym on Jan 30, 2019 at 01:12 am (GMT)

Ok, so Limit are well on their way towards the very end of the raid, but what else has been going on?

Well, we have a whole lot of guilds with 1 boss down, as you'd imagine, with Shattered Oath and No Pandas being the last two to join the 40-strong group that have darkened the Champion of the Light.

The 2/9 group is smaller, and we have some relatively familiar names in the last two to have joined it, with Club Camel and Capital Vices having most recently downed both Jadefire Masters and Grong, seeing as they're Alliance and Horde, respectively. The rest of the group consists of Storm, Vigil, Overcoming, Unity, Reload and Limited Liability, with 4 of them being Alliance and 2 Horde.

3/9 finds a larger group of 11 heading to Opulence in search of treasure, with WHATEVER WERE AWESOME, Content, Alacrity, Fused, Emphasis, Consequence, Instant Dollars, Intern Made This Boss, Blood Legion, Vision and Midwinter (3 Alliance, 8 Horde) counting their gold pieces already.

4/9 is smaller still, in fact, it's the smallest group to ever exist, in that it does not exist and is registered at 0 guilds.

5/9 and 6/9 are a lonely place occupied by only Big Dumb Guild and Wildcard Gaming, respectively, each of them fairly significantly removed from the next higher guild in the rankings.

Posted by starym on Jan 30, 2019 at 01:05 am (GMT)
minor na

Wildcard Gaming have taken offense at my earlier comment and pushed straight through King Rastakhan to claim the World second on him and head on up just a little closer to Limit on 6/9!

Posted by starym on Jan 30, 2019 at 00:53 am (GMT)
minor na

No one else has so far downed King Rastakhan so it's pretty evident Limit are far and away the best guild on the US and OC servers, with Wildcard Gaming and Big Dumb Guild being the next in line over at 5/9.

Posted by starym on Jan 29, 2019 at 21:58 pm (GMT)
minor na

Big Dumb Guild are back in the second group as they down Conclave of the Chosen and join Wildcard on 5/9, lagging 1 boss behind Limit.

Posted by starym on Jan 29, 2019 at 19:42 pm (GMT)
minor na

Big Dumb Guild have broken away from the 3/9 pack and moved up one, as they claim the World 3rd on Opulence!

Posted by starym on Jan 29, 2019 at 19:05 pm (GMT)

I've tried saying the race has calmed down a little twice now and twice the WF came either minutes after that or before I've even clicked post, so let's just say nothing of the sort.

17 guilds have entered the Battle of Dazar'alor and come away with at least one boss kill, while only one guild has defeated only two bosses, with five getting exactly 3 down and then one guild getting 4 and 5 down. The clearing speed has been pretty fast up until now, with no real roadblocks so far, with the standard in the past being US guilds getting around half the bosses down before the EU join in the fun.

Posted by starym on Jan 29, 2019 at 16:42 pm (GMT)
minor na

Vision have now also cleared the Jadefire Masters roadblock and are on to Opulence! World and US/OC 5th.

Posted by starym on Jan 29, 2019 at 16:32 pm (GMT)

We have the first different order kill of the raid! Consequence have downed Jadefire Masters, which is the second boss for the Alliance side, so they are now on 2/9! Midwinter got the same boss down moment later, but they are now on 3/9, as Jadefire are the third boss for Horde.

Posted by starym on Jan 29, 2019 at 16:28 pm (GMT)

Just a small update on the Limit faction transfer, it seems the ilevel 400 quest is no longer available this week for the US Alliance, as enough people turned War Mode on and offset the balance.

Posted by starym on Jan 29, 2019 at 15:58 pm (GMT)
minor na

Another Grong kill has arrived as Blood Legion move on up to 2/9 and face the Jadefire Masters.

Posted by starym on Jan 29, 2019 at 15:53 pm (GMT)
minor na

Things seem to have calmed down just a little bit so we can do some more meaty updates. 12 guilds have crossed that first boss threshold and gotten Champions down, with 4 taking that next step with Grond and 3 having downed Jadefire Masters and now progressing on Opulence. Jadefire took the longest to get down, obviously, with it taking 45ish minutes, now let's see just how long the first Alliance story/flashback boss, Opulence can survive.

Posted by starym on Jan 29, 2019 at 15:51 pm (GMT)
minor na

Vision take the World 4th on Grong and are now on 2/9.

Posted by starym on Jan 29, 2019 at 15:36 pm (GMT)
minor na

Wildcard Gaming down Jadefire Masters as well, making it three guilds on 3/9.

Posted by starym on Jan 29, 2019 at 15:24 pm (GMT)
minor na

And Limit join BDG on 3/9!

Posted by starym on Jan 29, 2019 at 15:02 pm (GMT)
minor na

Limit join the 2/9 group making it three heading to the third boss.

Posted by starym on Jan 29, 2019 at 14:45 pm (GMT)
minor na

Big Dumb Guild have caught up and are now at 2/9 as well!

Posted by starym on Jan 29, 2019 at 14:31 pm (GMT)

7 guilds past the first boss now, with the rankings seeming to be:

Big Dumb Guild, Limit, Vision, Consequence, Wildcard Gaming, Intern Made this Boss and Blood Legion.

Posted by starym on Jan 29, 2019 at 14:22 pm (GMT)
minor na

Midwinter join the 1/9 crowd and are the fourth guild to get the first boss down!

Posted by starym on Jan 29, 2019 at 14:19 pm (GMT)
minor na

There's three guilds that got Champion down with Big Dumb Guild, Limit and Vision all getting it down around the same time so we'll have to wait a bit to see who exactly came out on top!

Posted by starym on Jan 29, 2019 at 14:10 pm (GMT)
minor na

The raid has officially opened and we have at leat Big Dumb Guild and Wildcard Gaming in there already!

You can check out some of their streams here:

Posted by starym on Jan 24, 2019 at 23:52 pm (GMT)

Here comes another first, as Glory of the Dazar'alor Raider has been completed! It wasn't any specific guild, but rather various members of the achievements discord that went ahead and grabbed their Dazar'alor Windreaver after completing the 9 challenges on the raid bosses. Check out Wowhead for more details.

Posted by starym on Jan 24, 2019 at 06:19 am (GMT)
minor na

Another update in the Limit situation, it seems they'll be heading back to the Horde side as soon as their transfer cooldown expires, so we won't be seeing that A vs. H showdown this tier (unless some new Alliance guild pops up to the top, that is!) Also, this means they won't be claiming next week's PvP ilvl 400 item reward, but they will be getting the Darkshore Warfront 400 that's up now, so their total is still two high ilvl items.

Posted by starym on Jan 22, 2019 at 20:30 pm (GMT)

We also have a guild on 8/9 in Heroic already, as Wildcard Gaming only have Jaina left!

Posted by starym on Jan 22, 2019 at 18:03 pm (GMT)

The Heroic raid is now official live on NA servers and we already have at least 2 kills. As usual updates are very slow, so there's probably even more out there, but for now we have 5 guilds on 2/9, with Perfect, Air, Mercenary Camp, Breakfast Club and Critical Mass.